Some of the criticism was no doubt grossly unfair but the twins' woeful tactics left Poland marginalised — несчастный, печальный.

Elizabeth Taylor would parade the new rocks eagerly to friends, and sit at table silently adoring them while, with her free hand, she wolfed down steak-and-kidney pie — пожирать с жадностью.

Mr Gore likes the man he has become: pundit, prophet, wonk; po­licy wonks were stunned; as broad as the Cheshire Cat's, full of slightly wonky teeth, the smile was at once confident and touchingly gauche — слабый; нетвердо стоящий на ногах (после болезни и т.п.).

But there is time for wonkery yet: the paper is the first of six which will form a new agenda for Republicans, dubbed "A Better Way" — занудство.

A rare emotional crack should appear in Hillary Clinton's steely wonkish facade just as she is fighting to dispel the notion that she is cold — фанат, зануда.

Lawmakers are whizzing around tgeir districts trying to woo sup­port — ухаживать; добиваться расположения.

Romney proved doubters wrong by progressing as far as he has, in spite of his flip-flopping, his woodenness, his wealth and his Mormon faith — топорность.

In a debate on January 30th a troglodyte Tory woofed at a woman MP as she spoke — гавкать.

Hope is four-legged and woolly — неясный, путаный, расплыв­чатый, смутный, нечеткий.

American retailers are still feeling woozy from the financial crisis and intimidated by online rivals like Amazon — чувствующий головокружение, слабость.

Maya Angelou, the symbol of white gushing, was far more impor­tant than Maya Angelou, wordsmith — акула пера.

If tomorrow's haredim are as workshy as today's, the start-up na­tion is doomed; the MPs of the past make today's look positively work- shy — ленивый, уклоняющийся от работы.

Worrywarts will complain that lifting the ban on cell phones dur­ing flights will lead to rudeness and make already stressful flights un­bearable — беспокойный, мнительный человек.

In 1904 a group of worthies met in the East End of London to dis­cuss the plight of schoolchildren too hungry to follow their lessons — достойный, уважаемый человек.

Worse off, he flew; A situation in which nobody can be made better off without making somebody else worse off... — что еще хуже.

This latest spike in food prices will hurt the world's worst-off — малоимущие.

Mr Trump said it would not apply to American citizens, Mus­lim soldiers in America's armed forces, athletes and other worthies соответствующий, подобающий.

Firms might count on the public being less than wowed by the emissions totals being reported — ошеломить, поразить.

A few wowsers yearned for a different face of Australia, such as Olivia Newton-John строгий пуританин.

Political wrangling has made cross-country projects hard to plan and harder to finance — пререкания, ссоры.

Latvia's trouble predated Greece's and was just as wrenching — причинять страдание, боль.

When Ms Ramirez explained that she was becoming a woman, she was forced to keep it under wraps and banned from the women's toilet — секретность.

The idea that an infusion of hope can make a big difference to the lives of wretchedly poor people sounds like something dreamed up by a well-meaning activist or a tub-thumping politician — жалкий, никудышный.

The savage nature of the land makes it hard for any single tribe to wrest complete control — искажать, истолковывать неправильно.

After the murder of 30 Britons on a Tunisian beach in June by an IS gunman, the government decided it should be seen to be doing more than wring its hands — заламывать руки.

He promised that the paper's values will not change, indeed de­claring himself "ready" should someone threaten to put his body-parts through a wringer — вымогатель.

A new wrinkle to an established technology should allow some of that current sunshine to be employed to get at more of the ancient stuff; Turn Greece into a dormitory for Europe's wrinklies — хитрая штука, приспособление.

According to the state news agency, "even the sky seemed to writhe in grief" at the demise of the "great saint born of Heaven" — мучиться; терзаться.

Russia is determined to wrong-foot America — доставлять не­приятности.

He was drunk, despite saying he is always teased as a wuss for sticking to beer when real men drink vodka; The president is far from being the feckless wuss portrayed by his critics — размазня, рохля, тряпка.


At Zlote Tarasy, Warsaw's Xanadu of shopping, screens usual­ly blurt out adverts for computer games — земной рай, идиллически прекрасное место.

Xeric oak species adapted to the compact soils of the loess pla­teau were also covering China with a green cover — сухоустойчивый, влагосберегающий.

With his ignorance having been exposed, brainless xoxo-haha- xooxlov now wants to divert attention by irrelevant fictional comments — целую-обнимаю, «чмоки».

Yahoos are a degraded band of humanoids kept tethered in stalls by their equine — деревенщина, невоспитанный человек.

The other was the minute's silence, when 150,000 (according to the organisers) yakking, jabbering Israelis suddenly went into a hush — болтовня, треп.

Some Turks hoped that engagement with Syria would eventually yank Mr Assad out of the orbit of Iran — дергать, рвать.

AIPAC is not a bunch of yarmulke-wearing hebrew speaking or­thodox rabbis with thick glasses and big noses — ермолка, скуфья.

Almost everyone is a sucker for a good yarn — рассказывать


Using high-speed photography they were able to quantify at­tributes like pitch, yaw, roll and oscillation frequency to determine the movements that attract different species of game fish — отклонение от направления движения.

But then a most impressive thing happened, just as the crowd of a few hundred started to yawp and cat-call — вскрикнуть; драть горло.

It is the best way to bring about the honesty for which they yearn

томиться, тосковать; очень сильно хотеть (чего-л.).

Either out of concern for national security, a yen to embarrass the president, or both, in clauses inserted into successive defence-spending bills Congress made it difficult for officials to transfer anyone anywhere — сильное желание.

In the diplomacy of yesteryear few things jolted the status quo more than the arrival of several new monarchs at roughly the same time — прошлый год.

Spain and Luxembourg have called a conference of yeasayers in Madrid in mid-January to ask why the nine refuseniks should hold eve­rybody подпевала, подхалим.

The first part of a howl resembles a wolf's (with a deep pitch), but this then turns into a higher-pitched, coyote-like yipping — скулить.

Showing the middle finger is very much part of the yobbish cul­ture. So, are you suggesting that the Ockers are traditionally yobs by na­ture? — хулиганский; молокосос, паршивец.

The new parliament, well stocked with what many educated Egyp­tians regarded as bearded yokels — деревенщина; неотесанный.

Even the blitz didn't stop London's buses, some lamented; how would today's Britons have fared in winters of yore, when the Thames froze oratory of yore былое, давным-давно.

Peso yo-yoed on fears of political tension — нестабильная си­туация.

First came the yodelling, then the pain — йодль (напев альпийских горцев в Австрии, Швейцарии, Южной Баварии).

In practice, overcoming the yuck factor might be an insuperable barrier to marketing nappy-grown fungi — ощущение отвращения.


Chances are that the average reader's response to each of these laboriously zany questions entails a veritably liturgical refrain — сума­сброд, дурак.

Curate's Egg's comment is a perfect example of everything wrong with Western pro-democracy zealotry — фанатизм.

In another sign of the new Zeitgeist, on June 15th Pierre Karl Peladeau, a media mogul, announced the launch of Sun TV News — дух времени.

The clear implication of the term "war" is that these policies are zero-sum games — с нулевой суммой.

So many of these countries now have better prospects for econom­ic growth: zestier demographics, larger foreign reserves, dramatically

reduced sovereign-debts, stabler banking systems, and superior house­hold finances and savings rates — пикантность, особенность.

As a result, whenever the internet zigged, Yahoo zagged — сбиться с курса.

Best known for swirling ziggurats of titanium, Mr Gehry seemed an odd choice to take on the modest Ike — древние храмы в Месопотамии.

Most importantly, Zilch Capital used to refer to itself as a "hedge fund" but 2008 made it embarrassingly clear we didn't know how to hedge — ничто, ноль.

The proofs will zing back and forth — проноситься (со свистом), быстро двигаться.

He scored the odd zinger, for example by calling on Mr Romney to drop "the pious baloney" — колкость.

Silicon valley has produced plenty of hot air from zippy startups in the past; ten zippiest provinces — живой, энергичный, яркий.

It was thus a zoonotic illness: one usually carried by animals, but which infects people when given the chance — зоонозный.

Кузнецов Сергей



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