Two books trace the origins of IS to America's misbegotten inva­sion to topple Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 2003 — незаконнорожденный, плохо спланированный.

The biggest falls in happiness also occurred in large emerging markets, in Indonesia, Brazil and — a perennial miseryguts — Russia — источник страданий.

Continued European miserliness might see America "moderate" its commitment to the alliance — скаредность, скупость.

Anyone who is exposed to the toxic mix of bigotry and misera- bilism on a daily basis cannot have a rational, well balanced outlook — пессимизм.

The system is a mishmash of laws and regulations that re­lies on profiteering firms and merciful doctors — мешанина, смесь, смешение.

The drug cartel is such a misnomer; Villa is a misnomer for such a large house — неправильное наименование, ошибка в названии.

Lincoln had plenty of miscues — ошибка, неправильный удар


Alabama didn't repeal its anti-miscegenation statute until 2000; Americans are chillingly scorned as miscegenated "bastards", in con­trast to pure-blooded Koreans — смешение рас; браки между белыми и неграми.

Euro zone's habitual miscreant; Nuclear miscreants like N. Ko­rea; big powers keep miscreants in check — злодей, негодяй.

That question is mischievously posed, and ingeniously answered — злонамеренно.

Intrigued by this mismatch between wants and gifts — несоот­ветствие; неудачный подбор.

Frequently scatological, often crudely misogynistic, some of Lar- kin's unpublished work makes for uneasy reading — женоненавистник.

Printer cartridges and air freight may be new, but lethal missives are not — официальное послание.

A year after the new boys entered the European Union, the mood is a mite surly, and definitely unwelcoming — слегка, немного.

Pope Benedict XVI, whose retirement home is only a mitre's toss away from Francis's own humble hostel — митра.

He was among a group of teenagers who learned a mnemo­nic version of the constitution and regurgitated it at clubby lunches — мнемонический, символический.

America is protected by two oceanic moats — ров с водой.

Baker publicly mocked hopes for "a flowering ofJeffersonain democ­racy along the banks of the Euphrates" — высмеивать, издеваться (над).

Their unregulated actions have ruined companies, made a mock­ery of competition and capitalism — осмеяние; посмешище.

If he is to succeed, America's next president needs to inherit at least a modicum of the character and talent that FDR brought to his tasks — доля, очень малое количество.

But the underlying argument is that Czechia is just a little more modish — гоняющийся за модой.

Maybe it would be better to take the advice of Sam Goldwyn, a mo­vie mogul, "Never prophesy, especially about the future" влиятельный человек, магнат.

Only a year of Democratic ascendancy, the Grand Old Party has recovered its He got his mojo back — заклинание, заговор, магическая формула.

I endured enough mollycoddling and hand-holding in high school — баловать, изнеживать.

His shrine visit won't help Japan's prime minister mollify the right — ослаблять, смягчать, успокаивать.

When Latinas disagree with something the four mommybloggers at El Mejor Nido have written, they can go to the El Mejor Nido Facebook page, and let loose — группа блоггеров, склонная к распространению слухов, сплетен и т.д.

A lonely monastic scribe, toiling in some windswept eyrie on Europe's Atlantic fringe, bravely struggles to preserve the legacy — монастырский, монашеский.

Wang Daqi, a 30-year-old from a monied family, profiled several of his peers in "Burden of Wealth" — богатый.

The moniker is more apt than its inventors could have known — кличка, кликуха.

Monkeying around with trade deals makes us nervous — но­ситься, болтаться.

Democrats threw a monkey wrench in the works — испортить все дело; вставлять палки в колеса.

He did not inform Mr Pence that he had been made a monkey of by Mr Flynn — выставлять кого-л. на посмешище.

That chilling forecast comes not from some ill-informed gloom- monger or armchair pundit, but from Robert Schainker, a leading expert on the matter — распространитель мрачных предсказаний, историй.

Such is the scenario rosily painted by Egypt's now nearly mono­chrome media — монохромный, одноцветный.

When this was done, the monoglot babies had difficulty overcom­ing their learnt response — говорящий на одном языке.

Indonesian officials often like to begin with a montag e of imag es from their fascinating country — фотомонтаж.

Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel — монтмориллонит.

Mitt Romney says that 47% of Americans are moochers — попро­шайки.

He was mooching around film sets and premieres, and the parts began rolling in — слоняться.

By night he moons over his favourite song — проводить время в задумчивости, в мечтательности.

The Harry S. Truman, an aircraft-carrier, was supposed to be well on its way to the Persian Gulf by now, instead, it is moored to a pier — пришвартовываться; вставать на якорь.

Mentioning possible Constitutional violations inherent in the bill is a moot point — дискуссионный, спорный.

The most famous mop tops were The Beatles, who popularized the style cut in the 60s — стрижка, напоминающая по своей форме чашу.

The task of pulling Brazil out of this morass falls to Michel Te- mer — болото, трясина.

But his stencils — often of rats making mordant political jokes — have come in from the cold streets to the prosperous warmth of London galleries — колкий, саркастический, язвительный.

For a long time their planet-straddling model was as hot, crisp and moreish as their fries — вкусная еда, которой хочется попросить добавку.

By the mid-ie"1 century sexual mores in England (and in much of Europe, too) had undergone a revolution — нравы, обычаи.

The moribund Republican party; Can farming save Maine's mori­bund fishing industry?; The fear is that policymakers will overdo it, spoin- ling one of the rare sources of dynamism in a moribund world econo­my — умирающий; заканчивающийся.

Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones — морена, ледниковое отложение.

He sure talks like a complete moron and the whole mess in Iraq shows what a total dumbass he is — дебил, умственно отсталый.

Morose and a grumbler, he is always praising the years gone by when he was a boy, scolding and blaming 'the youth of today — замкнутый, сердитый, мрачный.

A mason's mark chiselled on a column, a game of nine-men's- morris scratched on a stone — morris dance — танец в костюмах героев легенды о Робин Гуде.

When times came for him to get released, he left in mercedes and had lunch on the morrow in one of the best restaurant of the boule­vard Saint Germain — завтрашний день; время непосредственно после какого-л. события.

And then grab an active role? The trouble began, as often, across the Channel, when English law inherited French notions like mortgagor, and mortgagee for the other party to the transaction borrower in mort­gage agreement, somebody who borrows money under a mortgage agree­ment — должник по закладной.

But when it comes to tuna, most Japanese would go a long way for a morsel of o-toro — очень маленькое количество чего-л.; отрывочек, фрагмент.

Set in the frozen mud is a mosaic of industrial detritus, bits of brick and pipe, beer cans and a discarded condom wrapper — мозаика, пестрый, напоминающий мозаику.

Bullying has become something of the mot du jour in Whitehall recently; Four years ago "empire" was the mot du jour? временное модное явление.

More than anything else, he is captivated by Bach's vocal works: the cantatas, motets, Passions and Masses — церковное песнопение.

Sooner or later someone will file motions for their release; judges may have little choice but to comply — ходатайствовать.

Considered from inside the Hamids' mouldy garage, these argu­ments are not persuasive — обветшалый; старомодный.

You could set your watch to when the first lobsters would start moulting — линять, сбрасывать панцирь.

George Washington, who had just disbanded his victorious army and retired to Mount Vernon, complained that he was "locked up" there by snow — Маунт-Вернон (Mount Vernon) — плантация Джорджа Вашингтона близ города Александрия в округе Ферфакс, Вирджиния.

But if they're going to go feminist they should embrace it like Han- na did — with moxie, resolve and the courage to work for real change — отвага; дерзость, решимость.

You were considered subversive if you only mowed your lawn once a week — строить рожи, гримасничать.

When three of them were mown down by one evil individual, we saw the best and the worst of Britain clash in one moment — скашивать, косить (об эпидемии и т.п.).

Ida Tarbell, the greatest of the muckraking journalists, accused Standard Oil of building its empire on "fraud, deceit, special privilege, gross illegality..." публично разоблачать злоупотребления должностных лиц (часто ради самого эффекта от разоблачения).

Talk about the all-American theme of lofty American ideals and mucky American reality — противный, мерзкий, навозный.

European leaders boldly decide to carry on muddling through — путаница, неразбериха.

He faces a muddy choice; It's very much a muddy-boot kind of operation — неясный, путаный.

They promised that they would eschew personal mudsling- ing during the campaign, that the loser would accept the outcome — поливание грязью.

The town's muezzin calls for strikes and protests as well as prayers — муэдзин.

The grilles were removed in 1971; some nuns now travel to inter­national meetings in "mufti" — в штатском.

Yet in the Great Depression, when the moment arrived, America's socialists muffed it — пропустить, проворонить.

Working out a target price for gold is a mug's game — неблаго­дарное дело; работа для дураков.

Tim Martin, the mulleted owner of JD Wetherspoon, used his most prominent of pub corps — прическа (короткие волосы спереди и на висках и длинные сзади).

Some laws are made to be broken: Murder for instance. Every­one should get one free murder 'mulligan' and still be able to run for president — малиган, разрешение на дополнительный ход после не­удачного предыдущего хода.

Those who get the mulligrubs thinking about great old words dy­ing can pungle up for a subscription to DARE, helping those lexicographers keep adding words to the online edition — хандра, сплин, меланхолия.

Lukoil mulls buying BP's shares; the committee have mulled over your suggestion but have decided not to accept it because of the cost — обдумывать, размышлять.

They live in villages where multitudes share the same name —


Yet, I still prefer econometrics to the classical abstract "social science" mumbo jumbo approaches бессмысленное бормотание, бессмысленный текст.

When Mr Fo won the Nobel prize in 1997 he received it on behalf of all mummers, tumblers and clowns — актер, шут.

Must every country on the planet advertise daft balances etc just for the privelege of being left alone to munch an apple?; A new era of big data, blockchains and robots is about to munch away the fat margins of corporate America — чавкать; шамкать; «перемалывать».

The programme's contradictions — camp and sincere, profound and silly, slapstick and mundane — enable it to transcend differences of geography — земной, мирской.

Smaller, cleverer and more accurate munitions are changing warfare — военное имущество; снаряжение (оружие, боеприпасы).

Thanks to the munificence of the emir of Qatar, who is said to put at least $400m a year into its coffers — необыкновенная щедрость.

To reach this conclusion Dr Fonken split her murine subjects into three groups — мышиный; мышевидный.

To clean up the Augean murk of Russian banks — мрак, темнота, мрачность.

In Britainthere were more murmurs of discontent among Con­servative MPs — шепот.

Deng Xiaoping muscled diehard Maoists out of the leadership and took over himself — врываться силой.

The next few years may show whether Mr Harper's victory and Mr Layton's success has eliminated the mushy middle, or merely placed it in abeyance — мягкий; кашеобразной консистенции.

One of his volunteers has taken to collecting rain water in a barrel and straining it three times through muslin before drinking — муслин.

Treatments that are rarely based on science that would pass mus­ter with the authorities — пройти осмотр, проверку.

Mr Singh swiftly tried to muster support for restoring a peace process between the two rivals — собирать, организовывать.

But in the 11 days between start and finish, the mushers have to travel 450 miles (724 km) over the snow-covered spine of the Rockies — путешествовать по снегу с помощью собачьих упряжек.

Latvian collapse doesn't really cut the mustard oтвечать ожиданиям, удовлетворять требованиям, соответствовать, под­ходить.

Around Brussels, there is much muttering about German selfish­ness and even nationalism — ворчание.

China will find it hard to win friends and influence nations so long as it muzzles its best advocates — заставить молчать; надевать намордник.

If you have money — and even if you don't — you can now pay for your purchases in myriad ways — несметное число, мириады.

But the regime and its myrmidons managed eventually to crush the sedition, in marked contrast to several neighbouring Arab dictator­ships — беззаветно преданный слуга.

His break came when he recognised a popular trend and focused his imagination on how to mythologise it — придать мифический смысл.


The Greeks may be poised to nab their home-grown terrorists, at last — задержать, схватить на месте преступления.

In America, by contrast, intellectuals are mocked as "pointy- heads" and "nattering nabobs — набоб, наваб (наместник провинции в Монгольской империи).

Roosevelt led America from the nadir of economic distress to the zenith of power; The nadir of his career — упадок; деградация.

They could not say: actually Englishmen of his upbringing think it naff for men to wear visible wedding rings — безвкусный, дрянной.

It went to the heart of the nagging worry about the silver- tongued young senator from Illinois ворчливый, вечно недовольный, сердитый.

Something else is beginning to nag at investors — придираться; привязываться.

A former policeman himself, Makana is no na'if, but he rapidly finds himself in a perilous world peopled with Egypt's ultra-rich, Islamic militants and Russian organised crime. It's a heady mix, but one that Mr Bilal pulls off with verve — наивный.

The move comes at a nail-biting time for major Western oil com­panies in Kazakhstan; Embarassing nail-biter — возбужденный, нервный.

Mr Trump says a lot of things that are nakedly false — непри­крытый, явный.

Bboth whale and human societies favour a transition to sterile nannyhood — нянькаться.

Members of Congress are too nannied by staff to stride about hatching plots, one-on-one. In the real Washington — сюсюкаться.

All this might sound a bit namby-pamby to pioneers like Sister Dong — жеманство; сентиментальность.

Mexico has extradited suspected narcos in unprecedented num­bers — наркотраффиканты.

The government and Repsol insist that nary a puff of gas will reach Chile — нисколько, ничего, ни капли; ни единого nary a red cent — ни цента.

They were afraid he would inculcate ideas of true independence as well as accountability into a nascent class of patriotic Persian leaders — рождающийся, возникающий; в стадии возникновения.

And if individuals are scared about the size of the deficit, it's proba­bly because lazy journalists keep nattering on about it — привязываться, приставать.

A natty dresser; the nattily dressed politician announced that the legislative election on September 18th was beset by "massive fraud and rigging" — изящный; аккуратный, опрятный.

America is by no means the only Western democracy prone to spasms of nativism — нейтивистское движение. Протекционистское движение с конца 1820-х, в основе которого лежала борьба первых американских переселенцев (протестантов) против иммигрантов- католиков.

It is not really surprising that attempts to dig up The Economist's early web pages have come to naught — свести на нет.

As with American Christians as a whole, the politics of black churches is more nuanced than is sometimes assumed — нюанс, оттенок.

France's political elite is stuck in its old game of navel-gaz­ing and unable to bring solutions to the country's problems — долгое раздумывание; самокопание.

On September 13th 1848 a navvy called Phineas Gage was helping to build a railway in Vermont — землекоп, чернорабочий.

She wrote about it so persuasively and wittily, in novels that swarmed with nosy in-laws, grasping landlords, Bollywood nawabs and whining beggars, that readers assumed she was Indian — мусульманский правящий принц или могущественный землевладелец.

Mrs Clinton has a near-lock on a different political tribe: the state's elected Hispanic Democrats — функция, позволяющая следить за статусом в iPhone.

The play centres on Ned Weeks, a nebbishy and combative gay man — забитый; незадачливый, жалкий.

Many thus shrugged off the first set of run-off polls, showing the rivals neck and neck — по пятам, ноздря в ноздрю.

On a recent trip to America, Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president, could not resist the temptation to needle his hosts — язвить; досаждать, изводить; раздражать.

I guess this giant nefarious entity called the United States must be truly powerful — бесчестный, нечестный, низкий, гнусный.

Wily netizens will no doubt stay a step ahead of the censors, us­ing proxies and other tools, as they do in China and Myanmar частые посетители интернета.

In a bitter twist of fate, his nemesis is Park's daughter; His ne­mesis, the country's longest-serving prime minister, Mahathir Mo­hamad, who presided over his downfall, has retired — заклятый враг, мститель.

Barack Obama is a political neophyte who did not learn the ne­cessary lessons while serving in the Senate новичок.

She used a nerdy example; but nerdish parents are often just as culpable they are meeting in New Zealand, for what was supposed to be a quiet and nerdish rule-tightening session — тупой, скучный, занудный.

Juraj Kotian, one of the bank's top economists, argues that the recession stoked saving by nervy households — самоуверенный, нахальный, бесстыдный.

At any rate, surely not his netsuke — нэцке, японское украшение на кимоно.

Clearnet, the clearinghouse, rapidly netted out and liquidated Lehman's entire interest rate swap portfolio — выбраться из сетей.

Environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome — раздра­жающий.

Networking, compromise and consensus are UN's order of the day — установление (деловых) контактов, налаживание связей.

Court rulings on extradition and deportation have provoked heavy breathing in a country where both issues are increasingly neuralgic — невралгический.

Just note how Obama's Berlin speech pretty much neutered this attack — кастрированный.

It lost control of the newfangled thing — новенький новехонький; модерновый.

He failed to break the nexus between politics and business — связь; узы.

They are also carping about her New Yorkiness — she did not learn to drive a car until her late 20s — and her supposed isolation from the lives of ordinary Americans — качества типичного жителя Нью- Йорка.

As the recession bites, a gastronomic indignity is nibbling its way through the land of fine dining — прием пищи малыми порциями; равномерный прием пищи.

Has the king's promise of reform come in the nick of time — or not? — точный, критический момент.

A small British firm is working on a nifty new jet-rocket hybrid engine — модный, щегольской.

To judge from the opinion polls, only in Britain does a No seem nigh certain — приблизительно, ближний.

Bank bosses insist that, although there are niggles, all is under control — спорить по мелочам.

For years, Boswell was considered a fool, a nincompoop, a fawning sycophant who, by chance, had produced a masterpiece — простофиля, дурачок.

If your cit wants to be NIMBYist, you will pay for it with higher land taxes — not in my yard movement — моя хата с краю.

Although electric cars are nippy, stylish and as easy to drive as conventional vehicles, electric motoring has some distinct disadvantag­es — проворный, ловкий, шустрый.

Hillary Clinton felt the "Bern" again when Bernie Sanders, her ri­val, nipped her to a surprise victory in the state — победить противника лишь с незначительным отрывом.

He used his powers as proconsul to overrule local tyrants, nitwits and crooks — дурак, ничтожество, простофиля, кретин.

Let me poke some nitpicking fun: I said: "Singapore is a great coun­try alright, but it ain't China, or India"; To encounter bureaucratic nit­picking — мелочные придирки; выискивание недостатков; педантство.

They rebuffed a plea from Republican legislators in Arizona that would have nixed a fix to partisan gerrymandering — запрещать, отменять.

This was anathema to Einstein and others: it looked as if informa­tion was travelling faster than light, a no-no in the special theory of rela­tivity — нечто недозволенное, табу.

Once exposed and developed the silver particles would concen­trate at nodal points from the intersection of direct and reflected light waves центральный; опорный, основной, узловой.

Mr Putin said that unauthorised political protesters faced a "club on the noggin" — маленькая кружка, маленькая чашка.

Mr Duhalde has risen from Peronism's sometimes noisome lower depths — нездоровый, вредоносный.

Mr Agha seems nonplussed by the stupidity of the question — удивленный, смущенный.

The other, Albert Ho Chun-yan, is thus a no-hoper — лошадь, на которую заведомо не стоит ставить.

Businessmen of all stripes mingle by the pool before seeking out one of many nooks and crannies for confidential chats — укромный уголок.

Yet in Britain it has nosedived and the employment rate of young people not in full-time education is now at its highest since 2007 — резко падать, снижаться.

The shift to less salty nosh as one of the firm's most important changes since easy-open cans — еда, пища.

Nostrum of passive groupthinkyields no fruit at all, why per­sist? — панацея, лекарство от всех болезней; излюбленный прием (политической партии).

I'm starting to wonder if the political classes liked things better with the war — certainly fewer nosy questions from journalists and civil society — пронырливый; надоедливый.

Since coming to power in 2007, Poland's centrist Civic Platform (PO) party has notched up an unbroken string of victories in national elections отмечать, записывать (победу).

This time any hopes that the king might work the same magic came to nought — ничтожество, пустое место (о человеке), нуль.

Yanukovich shows no sign of having the intellectual or political nous a successful president needs; To attend film school in Seoul, and eventually to bring more of their artistic nous to South-East Asia ум; разум; интеллект, здравый смысл.

A drinks company must be able to depend on a powerful brand; but it also needs to come up with sought-after novelties — инновация, нововведение.

Geology deals with the now: the 10,000-year-old Holocene epoch, a peculiarly stable and clement part of the Quaternary period — настоя­щее время; данный момент.

Yet the noxious cloud may not prove quite so unpleasant for the Italian-American carmaker — вредный, вредоносный, нездоровый.

A more nuanced criticism is that too little has been done to reduce Portsmouth's dependence on the navy — нюанс, оттенок.

The nub of Obama's problem; the nub of Boeing's complaint was that USAF has used subjective criteria — суть, соль, мораль (дела, рассказа).

BIT has pioneered the use of psychology to help policymakers change behaviour through "nudges" rather than taxes or laws — слегка подталкивать, побуждать.

He was nudged out of his CEO's chair; After months of nudges and winks — слегка подталкивать локтем, побуждать, заставлять.

The system seems to work on a wink-wink, nudge-nudge basis — подмигивание и подталкивание локтем.

Trade between India and Pakistan, for example, is nugatory — никчемный.

His opposite number, Wu Shengli, did not miss the opportunity to miss an opportunity — представитель другой стороны.

Perhaps the scale of the atrocity numbs moral outrage — пора­жать, ошеломлять.

Mr McCain faces a tough primary battle against a dingbat who frets about man-on-horse nuptials — свадьба; венчание, бракосочетание; женитьба.

His wife Rahsan, who ran the DLP with him, was said to have him firmly under her thumb and to nurse his political grudges for him — лелеять (мысль, надежду), питать (иллюзии).

Its likely, just that the conditions allow the possibility that some nutter influenced by right wing pundits/fox/radio will kill off some mi­nor democratic politician — псих.

The government has now made the statue's removal a cause cele- bre for every nutty Russian nationalist wanting to throw a punchcвихнувшийся, ненормальный; дурацкий.

But it is an escape to Utopia: a single state of Israel/Palestine where lion and lamb nuzzle down together — нюхать, водить носом (о собаках).


If the miracles were to occur, we still would be a nation churning out ignorant oafs becuase we do not take learning seriously in this coun­try — болван, тупица, олух.

Mr Brown has duly stuck his oar in, calling the strike "deplorable" —


People who know the supreme leader of Iran are unsurprised by his obduracy — ожесточение, непреклонность.

Their position on climate has been between obdurate and ridicu­lous; With Iran so obdurate закоснелый; черствый; ожесточенный, закоснелый.

Africans paid due obeisance to Beijing, its new interloper жест подчинения.

Obfuscation which leaves the 'judicial' branch to carry the load; one side regards "sex worker" as a dangerously obfuscatory euphemism — спутанность сознания (помрачение сознания).

This led only to unemployment, as wages did not fall obliging­ly when gold (and thus money) was in scarce supply — услужливо; вежливо.

Jun Zhang of New York University came to this conclusion oblique­ly, by examining one of life's burning questions — по касательной, случайно.

Instantly, Future Islands were dragged from dive-bar obscu­rity into the powerful currents of the mainstream — неизвестность, незаметность.

To some, his survival owes more to obsequiousness — he rushed do the Obama administration's bidding on mortgage modifications, for instance — раболепие, угодничество.

Some arch-conservative clerics have been ousted from top posts and forbidden from proclaiming obscurantist fatwas — обскурантистский, ретроградский.

Bundling all electronics in today's cars has the serious drawback of quick obsolescence — устаревание.

They are forced to bear child after child, with consequences ranging from the horrors of obstetric fistula to the tragedies of infant —

акушерский, родовспомогательный.

The prince dealt with five US presidents, ten secretaries of state, 11 na­tional security advisers, 16 sessions of Congress, an obstreperous American media, and hundreds of greedy politicians; Britain's planning system hands obstreperous local residents a lot of power — шумный; беспокойный.

Lukashenka's obstinacy over the customs union was the last straw — неуступчивость; настойчивость.

There is an almost willful obtuseness about the Economist's be­lief that Obama is being held hostage by the exceedingly liberal congres­sional leadership — тупость.

The almost masochistic pleasure many took in national self- deprecation was the obverse of earlier and future exceptionalism — противоположный.

Mr Chavez's return will at least obviate the need for ministers to make frequent visits to Havana for bedside consultations — устранять; избавляться.

In the face of international sanctions occasioned by its support of the rebels in eastern Ukraine and its earlier annexation of Crimea — служить поводом.

His black face is occluded by a white mask — закрывать.

In a lecture to a high-octane, bipartisan audience at the Supreme Court on November 20th, organised by the Salzburg Global Seminar, Mr Bell­inger recalled sharp exchanges with Bush — напряженный, заряженный.

How a leading group of oddball judges changed the United Sta­tes — чудак, оригинал.

A committed member of one of the world's odder religions — чуж­дый, необычный.

Two new ways to patch the oddments together and distinguish genuine from false information are reported this week — остатки; раз­розненные предметы.

For Mr Levy's company is the odd-man-out in the global adver­tising game — человек, не принадлежащий к данной партии.

"How many good potential servants have become poor stenog­raphers because of the odium of the name 'Bridget'?" — ненависть; отвращение; неприятие.

Small wonder that oenophiles are growing more vigilant — ис­тинный ценитель вин.

A lioness may mate up to 100 times a day with different lions dur­ing oestrus — период течки (у животных).

Even without such content, 129 pages would scarcely be enough to discuss Hitchcock's oeuvre — творческое наследие.

Off, enough — прочь!

Sinclair described how offal and waste from the meatpacking industry had created a river so vile that putrid gas bubbled up from the bottom and made the Chicago river literally combustible — ливер, потроха.

Assuming that one-third attend church regularly, that would put the annual offertory income at around $13 billion — церковные пожертвования.

But he has yet to show that he has the energy to oversee a revival of the sort he pulled off with Vodafone's Japanese offshoot ответвление, отводок, боковой отросток (перен.).

Better ties between India and Pakistan may be in the offing — возможный, могущий произойти в недалеком будущем.

They received almost off-puttingly good reviews-five stars apiece from the Times — сбивающий с толку; обескураживающий.

The oft-heard argument about Hungarian fiscal policy is that Mr Gyurcsany's government will make progress in 2007 — часто повторя­ющийся.

Holidays are a concentrated chance to ogle other clans' frictions and fissure — смотреть с вожделением (на кого-л.); пожирать глазами.

North Korea has a thriving black market in everything from computers to fine cognac, oiled by corrupt Chinese customs officials — промазать взяткой.

"You're still an oinker," he told his comrade-in-arms — жирдяй, толстяк.

The toxic echo-chamber of social media, plus untreated mental ill­ness, help turn stalkers and oddballs into murderous maniacs — чудак, оригинал.

Tories hate John Bercow because they see him as an oleaginous, rather than because of his opinions — елейный.

But the raw-milk Camembert and other olfactory treats are tucked away behind rows of rice — обонятельный.

Deng said he hoped debate on major historical questions would come to an end, it was a sort of historical omerta — омерта (кодекс молчания у членов мафии).

They are culturally very different, but the political parallels are ominous — зловещий, угрожающий.

The spark for the protests was the government's omnibus budget bill — всеобъемлющий.

If there is a God, and God is a sentient being, let alone omniscient, God would be weeping — всеведущий, всезнающий.

An omnivorous reader, he described a subtle feeling of aliena­tion, as though he was perceiving the world of canonised letters with his nose — всеядный; всепоглощающий.

His book, which is a lazy, once-over-lightly non-apology of a life, does not restore it — беглый взгляд.

One-off tourists; using a one-off example from a slightly self- loathing drama queen to prove a point hardly makes for good journal­ism одноразового употребления.

Overriding the onerous and complex state regulations — обре­менительный; трудный.

TAM now belongs to Star and LAN to oneworld, but regulators will force the merged carrier to choose — взгляд на мир, в котором все люди зависимы друг от друга.

To woo Belarus, an on-off Russian ally прерывающийся; с пе­рерывами.

A welcome onslaught on corruption raises some fears of a police state — стремительная атака, нападение.

The onus of tolerating others' beliefs are on us all — бремя, от­ветственность, долг.

They may also have taken comfort from the agency's conclusion that GE's industrial businesses should continue to pump oodles of cash — огромное количество, уйма.

This lack of economic oomph is often justified by France and its friends as the price of the vaunted French "quality of life" — живой, энергичный.

This Zurich institution is so Teutonic you can almost hear the oom- pah band: long tables, dark wood, huge steins of beer and sausages — умпа, (ритмичный бас трубы в духовом оркестре).

Such countries tend to have opaque governance, and you're often left guessing what the regime is trying to communicate with its actions — непроницаемый, темный.

The young are passionate, opinionated and barely aware of the elections — самоуверенный; упрямый.

That, however, has not stopped Chinese newspapers and internet opiners from discussing avidly a case that has clearly caught the public interest — дающие профессиональное заключение.

America's role in ending Soviet hegemony as a root cause of much anti-American opprobrium; The same combination of opprobriumand realpolitic Iran didn't want more international opprobrium — позор; бесчестье.

Los Angeles also included an opt-out clause, which gave Mr Greinke the option to tear up the second half of the agreement — не при­нимать участия; устраняться.

As long as the congratulations, prizes, distinguished chairs, and opulent salaries continue, the answers will be the same — процветающий.

For a man who has orated at length on the perils of government peering eyes, Mr Paul's defiance seems short-sighted — ораторствовать, разглагольствовать.

The physicists, mathematicians, ordnance experts and others lis­tening to Mr Serber were a diverse lot — боеприпасы.

Get orf my land!; while Poland is involved and leads two already operational groups and third under construction, all specialized orf course for a heavy lifting — контагиозный пустулезный дерматит.

We've put materials on the walls, like Russians hang ornate car­pets on their walls for insulation — витиеватый, изощренный.

The likelihood that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president indicates that voters are in an ornery mood — злобный, злой.

A bit Orwellian for drugmakers to keep such intimate tabs on their customers — характерное для произведений английского писателя Дж. Орвелла; манипулирующий фактами.

But a typical one, using reverse osmosis, may cost at least $170 in a country like India — осмос (a process by which molecules of a sol­vent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less con­centrated solution into a more concentrated one).

Telecoms liberalisation is also a litmus test of the Burmese gov­ernment's ability to pursue further opening up of Myanmar's ossified — окостеневший, закостеневший.

The ostensibly noble principle hides a protectionist agenda; to stop the incessant sniping between these ostensible allies; ostensibly just wars — якобы; по видимости.

At this year's Paris show, the world's largest, which opened at Le Bourget airport on June 19th, the military types are most ostenta­tious — нарочитый; хвастливый.

Ostentation and eroticism; a charming womaniser whose only ostentation is a taste for gold-plated pistols, he is enterpreneurial — хвастовство; выставление на показ.

Yet there is still a woeful reluctance in Africa to chastise, ostra­cise or help to oust villainous leaders, such as Mr Mugabe or Sudan's Omar al-Bashir; America wanted to ostracise Kremlin — подвергать остракизму; изгонять.

Insisting that only one side is at fault is the ostrich approach — «страусовая политика» (основанная на самообмане).

But there is a particularly otherworldly feeling to the tale of the Russian government setting up an agency to galvanise tax collection — сверхъестественный; таинственный.

An unabashedly Orientalist affirmation of the otherness of the country — отличие; непохожесть.

That means travellers to the Schengen area must repeatedly prove their good intentions, leading to more otiose paperwork, and fewer vi­sit — напрасный, ненужный; бесплодный.

The inmates of the American oubliette are typically poor and none too bright — потайная подземная темница с люком.

It later emerged that four of the jurors held a seance with a ouija board to get in touch with one of the victims — a spiritual flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, the words "yes", "no", "hello" (occasionally), and "goodbye", along with various symbols and graphics — спиритическая доска Уиджа.

Pressure to oust cabinet chief Oscar Valdes mounts — выгонять, выводить.

Nobody can out-hate Mr Trump — испытывать недостаточно ненависти.

An enraged Mr Putin promised to "waste the terrorists in the out­house" — уборная.

The slippery little fish plays an outsized role in many different cultures — нестандартный, очень большой.

A clever, affable outdoorsy type given to scuba diving, hunting and hiking, he ranks high in popularity polls — увлекающийся походами, прогулками.

This week some media, presumably fed by the ISI, outed the CIA station chief in Islamabad by giving his name — обнаружиться, стать известным.

BP continues outreach within coming officials — программа помощи или поддержки, социально-ориентированная программа.

In 1983 Sheikh Mohammed outbid him, paying $10.2m for a yearling called Snaafi Dance — перебивать цену, предлагать более высокую цену.

Obama called Russia an outlier — человек, проживающий не по

месту службы, постороннее лицо, посторонний.

By the early 2000s, however, with Mr Berezovsky on the outs with the Kremlin and living abroad, it was the ascendant Mr Abramovich who wielded the upper hand — в натянутых отношениях; в ссоре.

There in the intimate heart of the house, shielded from visitors, they lay like a tiny reminder of the Ephrussis' own irreducible nub of outsid- erness — отчужденность.

The Soviet Union and its outriggers collapsed in ruins — аутригер (шлюпка с выносными уключинами).

Outnumbered and outgunned, the sailors raised their hands- иметь лучшее вооружение.

The "Dow 36,000" prediction ventured in 1999 was epically, spec­tacularly wrong, it wasn't that ridiculously outlandish given historical trends странный; нелепый.

Last year China spent more than $450m on footballers, the fifth- largest such outlay by any country — издержки, расходы.

It is one of the most outre examples of government spending in a province where public money flows like water — эксцентричный, странный, шокирующий.

When it comes to the border he outswaggers and outsnarls the chorus — перещеголять.

The Argentine government remains outwardly confident that the team now in Washington will not come back empty-handed — внешне, снаружи.

An overarching problem is that Nigeria is split between a mostly Muslim north and a predominantly Christian south, with its 180m people belonging to 250 ethnic groups and speaking more than 500 languages — всеохватывающий; всеобъемлющий.

The system needs an overhaul — тщательный осмотр, изучение; пересмотр, ревизия; overhaul of the school curriculum — тщательная проверка школьного учебного плана.

Being overtly pro-EU is no longer something to be ashamed of — открыто, публично; откровенно.

Nobody yet knows how bad the overshoot is, but the government says the outcome could be 8% or more — превышение.

Kim Jong Un may be trying to overturn part of his father's malo­dorous legacy — опровергать (теорию); отменять (решение, постанов­ление).

Pakistan's government is beset by legal threats and beholden to its overweening army — высокомерный, самонадеянный.


Erick Erickson, a prominent Republican blogger, complains that the document focuses on "mom-tested, kid-approved pabulum" — примитивные идеи, банальщина, избитый текст.

Britain, the pacemaker in university reform in Europe, is raising fees — лидер в своей области; задающий тон, тенденцию.

Nikita Khrushchev, unlike his colleagues, "did indeed have a human face, though pachydermic" — толстокожее (животное; слон, носорог, бегемот).

This is a deft, pacy and revealing account, and for the most part, admirably dispassionate — двигаться очень быстро.

Such clients no longer just take the law firm's word for how many hours its lawyers spent on a job: if the bill looks padded, they will not hesitate to demand cuts — раздувать (счет, штаты).

Stockpiles may soon become the world's primary padding in the event of a supply shock; It is also nearly 700 pages long, which means that it contains a lot of padding; Meetings behind padded doors — общие фразы в тексте; многословие.

If this isn't conveying anything to you, imagine the most ap­palling bit of paddy-whackery you've ever seen in the cinema — Tom Cruise in "Far and Away" or Julia Roberts in "Mary Reilly", say — and now imagine these films had been switched to a Brazilian location and the script translated into Portuguese — but no one told Tom or Julia — отрицательная характеристика поведения, похожего на стереотип­ное поведение ирландцев.

Mr Netanyahu's recent paean to matrimony followed days of ugly reports and swirling rumours depicting Mrs Netanyahu as a hen- pecking harridan and the prime minister as her squirming victim; the press has churned out many an unquestioning paean to her — пеан (благодарственная песнь, адресованная Аполлону).

Books on political theory are not often page-turners — увлека­тельная книга.

In fact, China has painted itself into a diplomatic corner — загнать в угол, припереть к стенке.

Most of this catch would probably not appeal to human palates


Russia Seeks to Cleanse Its Palate of U. S. Chicken — нёбо; cleft palate — расщепленное нёбо, волчья пасть.

Collins acquired an eye for painterly composition — относящийся к живописи.

The passports palaver has drawn attention to such issues — пустая, праздная болтовня.

As drinkers turn against the pallid swill pumped out by mass-mar­ket brewers, the craft brewers have almost doubled their market share — неинтересный, скучный.

Visiting the earthquake-stricken Italian city of L'Aquila in 2009, he left his pallium, the woollen band that is a symbol of the papal office, at the tomb of Celestine V — белая наплечная накидка папы римского.

So pally are the two dictatorships that Myanmar seems to have tolerated another outrageous — дружеский, приятельский.

Many German savers already see the paltry interest they earn on the savings they stash in banks — ничтожный, мелкий незначительный.

Allegations of fraud have cast a pall over the election — гнетущая, мрачная атмосфера.

Her memories, too, area palimpsest of the real and the staged — палимпсест (пергаментная рукопись, с которой стерт первоначальный текст и на его месте написан новый), что-л., имеющее скрытую сторону, невидимую на поверхности.

Beside the extraordinary American economy, now in its tenth year of expansion, all else pales — потускнеть, потерять яркость.

She had given up her birth citizenship too on that pale — в преде­лах, предусмотренных законом.

The trouble is that, as time passes, all such efforts seem palli­ative at best; Such actions are palliatives — паллиатив, лекарство, снимающее симптомы, но не излечивающее болезнь.

With an election looming and the recovery looking pallid, politicians may grasp for whatever villains are available — слабый; неинтересный, скучный.

Maybe some of the smug and sneering faces will take on a differ­ent pallor — бледность.

The rebels remember the pally relationship between Qaddafi and Berlusconi — приятельский, товарищеский.

"In the context of the requirement, this is a paltry amount of fund­ing," he says — пустяковый, мелкий.

The "paleocons" have always disliked the neocons — a term for an anti-communist and anti-authoritarianright wing movement that stresses tradition, civil society and classical federalism — антикоммунистическое, антиавторитарное правое политическое движение, основанное на классическом федерализме.

The result was considered beyond the pale even by a Dagest- ani court, which annulled the result граница, черта, пределы; рамки поведения.

The exhibition will present it not as a shrine but as a palimpsest, as full of meaning as it is of bloodshed — что-л., имеющее скрытую сторону, невидимую на поверхности.

Even in Britain, where the hospice movement beg an, access to pal­liative care is patchy — смягчающий.

Expatriate spouses living pampered lives in Moscow often think it would be nice to write a book about their time there — баловать, потакать, изнеживать.

In turn civil servant, pamphleteer, don and college bursar, edi­tor, company chairman, patron of the arts, government spokesman and adviser памфлетист.

The introductions are panning out to be a child-rearing compe­tition — преуспевать; устраиваться.

Bush with panache; His panache, his brains and energy Behind the panache of his ideas особый стиль, своеобразие.

Neither green cachet or a couple additional miles on the gallon is not worth the risk of getting pancaked in a crash — становиться плоским.

The pandemonium that ensued gave rise to the multi-billion- dollar security industry — ад, преисподняя.

That may sound Panglossian, but it is better than raising voters' expectations only to dash them later; The phlegmatic and the Panglos­sian — наивно оптимистичный (по имени одного из героев повести Вольтера «Кандид, или Оптимизм» (1759 г.), философствующего глупца, проповедника теорий оптимизма и гармонии — Панглосса).

His opponents say he is pandering to Jewish voters in Toronto and Montreal — сводничать.

Chinese officials have recently had a pang of food-safety con­science, and WalMart has offered an easy target — душевная боль, угрызения совести.

Mrs Clinton comes with a pantechnicon full of baggage — склад для хранения мебели.

I'll bet my panful of hot buttered plantains that was sarcasm; Pre­sence of goldby panful — полная кастрюля, сковорода, миска.

In emerging Asian countries, unlike the West, more consumption is not a panacea rather more investment leads to longterm economic growth — панацея, универсальное средство, спасение.

Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president's most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator; Party's top pan­jandrums — важная персона, "шишка".

A bit of tax relief, including a cut in value-added tax for hotels, which voters deemed an egregious pander to the FDP — пособник, сообщник, соучастник.

Regular contact on the full panoply of issues — масса, множе­ство, совокупность.

But Aadhaar is a poor way to build up an Orwellian panopticon, Mr Nilekani argues — собрание разнообразных необычных предметов.

This panmictic party; panmixia thus came full circle — беспо­рядочное скрещивание.

What you serve up in this piece is pure pap; Drowned in a sea of pap — каша, пюре; детское питание; протертая пища.

Yet on October 28th Mr Prodi chaired a summit of coalition bigwigs who once again papered over the cracks — замазывать, сглаживать (противоречия, различия).

But his story is also a parable of the changes — both good and bad — in the rural west иносказание, притча.

What to do with old computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, phones and other digital paraphernalia? — атрибуты, принадлежности.

The most senior person toppled by the current anti-graft cru­sade, had multiple paramours; former railways minister Liu Zhijun is rumoured to have kept 18 — любовник; любовница.

Cuba freed Ariel Sigler, a paraplegic dissident, after he had spent seven years in jail on charges of treason — страдающий параличом нижних конечностей.

Descriptions such as "his splayed shoes creping along the floor, sliding across patches of lino" or "the day is an elegant parasol tasselled with clouds" stay with you long after you have read them — балдахин, тент.

Last year's drought has parched rivers and fields, pushing rural people into the towns — сохнуть, пересыхать.

The pardons dent the credibility of the political system and will test the president's ability помилование; амнистия.

If it is to provide only a minimum standard of living, there is plenty of scope to pare back benefits — обстругивать, обрезать.

He even managed to parlay a badly-handled war in Iraq into a vote winner — использовать для получения выгоды.

The economy, although improving, remains in a parlous state — затруднительный, рискованный, тяжелый.

After parleying to agree the terms of the ceasefires, most offi­cers mingled with the enemy just as keenly as their men did — говорить (на иностранном языке); обсуждать, договариваться.

Graduates were expected by their family and peers to become employees of the state and parastatal sector — an organization or in­dustry, especially in some African countries having some political au­thority and serving the state indirectly — организация, наделенная политической властью и косвенно обслуживающая интересы государства.

At the time of the 1999 coup, the world regarded him as a usurper and shunned his country as a pariah — пария (представитель низшей касты в Индии), изгнанник, изгой, отверженный.

Here is a much larger group whose interest in politics is essen­tially parochial; Parochial nationalism that is unable to adapt to post­modern society — узкий; местнический.

«We're in a new paradigm" because of social media, says Jesse Wente, an Ojibwe from the Serpent River First Nation — система взглядов.

Twenty years from now, how many Chinese words will be common parlance in English? — язык, манера говорить/выражаться.

It caused paroxysms of guilt; It is so prone to paroxysms при­ступ (болезни), припадок, пароксизм.

Once considered a paragon of Swiss business; Slovenia is a pa­ragon of good government — образец, модель совершенства; paragon of perfect polity — образец идеального.

This week's local elections will be parsed for what they mean for Jeremy Corbyn — производить анализ.

Pre-revolutionary American paraphernalia such as Life maga­zines and Coca-Cola signs or newspapers from the Spanish-American War — атрибуты, принадлежности.

She's as comfortable "borrowing" or "renting" as her male para­mour — любовник; любовница.

The investment mania was interrupted by the financial crisis; the paronomasia seems unstoppable — каламбур, игра слов.

Conspiracy theorists now wonder if Mr Lazcano faked his own death and is living out his days under a parasol in Cancun — зонтик (от солнца).

All the same, they do offer a path away from pariahdom — пребывание в низшей касте.

The move is not quite as dramatic as it sounds: the new negative rate will apply only to new reserves that banks park with the central bank — оставлять на время.

Instead of settling into a period of calm, markets plunged into new paroxysms — спазм, судорога.

The severe drought that has parched most of the state this year shows no signs of abating — испепелять; жечь.

Instead of challenging the city's established wisdom about where to eat, the guide mainly parrots it — зубрить, механически повто рять.

Nor was the prime minister able to parry attacks on his govern­ment's health-care and economic policies — отражать (удар, нападение).

The parsimony of Italy and Greece is partly connected with their economic difficulties — скаредность, скряжничество, скупость.

This being America in 2017, pundits and elected officials instantly began parsing the partisan consequences of Mr Mueller's appointment —

разбирать; анализировать.

The food shop is Partridges, family-owned for 40 years and with a royal warrant as Grocers to the Queen — куропатка.

Lorries and river barges use diesel, a source of particulates — твердые частицы в отработавших, выхлопных газах.

Mrs Lincoln has much in common with her fellow party-bucker, Ms Snowe спонсор партии.

Despite urging s by all not to be a party-pooper at Oslo, Mr Arafat could not entirely suppress his frustration; Gorbachev, The Party Poop- er — некомпанейский человек; человек, портящий другим веселье.

Though they posed as Texans, they were Connecticut parvenus who summered in Maine; NATO's best hope is therefore to sideline him, partly by starving him, and other parvenu warlords, of some of their fat contracts — парвеню, выскочка.

Swedes found this skit tremendously funny, partly for the faux- mafia encounter at the beginning (which mocks Swedish naivety in deal­ing with Russian gangsters) but also for the glorious pastiche of Rus­sian visual and musical cliches; He has a talent for superior pastiche мешанина; всякая всячина; сборная солянка.

Skoda jokes look passe as carmakers pile into a new production hotspot — старомодный.

From Bangladesh to Subotica on the Serbian border with Hunga­ry countries play pass-the-buck with these immigrants — переложить ответственность (на другого).

If the Fed continues to stand pat, inflation may soon move above 2% — упорный, банальный.

But despite heavy spending, progress has been patchy; relations are patchy — пестрый, разношерстный.

But it may not be enough to patch up the company's problems — улаживать (ссору).

How pathetic that they cover their ignorance by blaming hedge- fund managers in London — жалостный; трогательный, умилитель­ный.

Videos capturing pat-downs have gone viral, generating indigna­tion — обыск (охлопыванием).

Uber-conformists perfectly happy with socially paternalistic poli­cies but radically opposed to fiscally paternalistic policies — отцовский, отеческий.

Instantly those men will be deprived of the patina of nobility and gallantry that they did not earn and do not deserve to have attributed to them — налет, след, отпечаток.

We thank you for your patronage — патронаж, покровитель­ственное отношение.

This represents a huge leap forward for the industry, but the show­room patter will be misleading — условный язык, арго.

The effect is bigger in developing countries than developed ones, due to the paucity of existing communications infrastructure — недостаточность, нехватка.

Last month paywalls went up around the New York Times and the Dallas Morning News — система предотвращающая доступ к интернету.

Pax Sinica — China does not aspire to run the world because it believes itself to be the centre of the world — мир (по-китайски).

Hilary Benn, the shadow foreign secretary who had dared to speak out against his peacenikery — миротворчество.

In their response to the sovereign-debt crisis, Europe's policy makers have tended to favour the peashooter — игрушечное ружье.

Tax peccadillos got him off to a bad start with lawmakers — грешок.

For the peccaries at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, it is a familiar

experience — пекари (разновидность американской дикой свиньи).

It is worth noting, for pedantry's sake, that the 1996 Comprehen­sive Test Ban Treaty bans nuclear explosions in space — педантичность.

Mr Rosi's film, "La Tregua", is a stark and austere but too pedes­trian adaptation of Primo Levi's account of returning from Auschwitz неинтересный, прозаичный.

America, while acting slightly peeved, will carry on regardless — докучать, надоедать, раздражать.

Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction — незначительный, несерьезный.

He could be superbly rude to peddlers of cliche and to plausible- sounding simplifiers — плохой работник, разносчик сплетен, сплетник.

But recent years have knocked J&J off its pedestal as one of Ame­rica's most venerated companies — пьедестал, подножие.

Routine violence there exceeds anything seen in Bangkok, but it elicits barely a peep from the news media in the Thai capital — беглый взгляд, тайный взгляд, взгляд украдкой.

But peer ahead and it is not hard to conjure up a plot worthy of the most lurid giallo-writer — вглядываться; изучать.

His name was in the Peerage — сословие пэров (в Англии, Фран­ции).

I think the American peevishness and vindictiveness is well over­done — сварливость; раздражительность.

The Germans are also peeved at having to renegotiate that hy­pothesized deal in the face of further US meddling — раздраженный.

Countries with pegs to the dollar — искусственная поддержка цены (курса).

In India today, the "Common Man" — a typically feudal pejorative; the term tends to be pejorative and murky — who 'aspires' to be an intel­ligent citizen — уничижительный, умаляющий.

Social, tax system pel-mell it destroyed any chance to be competi­tive with Czech or Poland much less Romania; Germany cannot quit nu­clear power while making a pell-mellexit from fossil fuels — путаница; неразбериха; мешанина.

The essence of his playing style was a penhold grip on the bat, index finger and thumb circling the handle — держать ракетку между большими указательными пальцами.

The panda's black-and-white pelage certainly makes for a strik­ing logo — меховой покров (у животных).

If the mainstream debate is robust, its penumbra is toxic — по­лусвет, полутень.

These were engulfed in fire and brimstone as divine punishment for the local penchant for gay sex — склонность, расположение, любовь (к чему-л., кому-л.).

But the pendulum of capital-markets regulation in America has swung in one direction for so long that when it started to reverse course — маятник, чередование.

The cause of this penance is the leaking to the media of a list of

over 100,000 people who held accounts at HSBC's Swiss arm in 2005-07 — итимья, возмездие, кара, наказание, расплата.

She was then relatively unknown, and penurious — скупой, ска­редный.

Yes, a lot of good penmanship is gone due to the lack of prac­tice стиль или манера писателя, стиль создания художественного произведения.

The penultimate step towards the creation of artificial life has just been announced — предпоследний.

Penury need not spell political death; He warmed the hearts of Ar­gentines with the comforting notion that it was the evil IMF, rather than their own mistakes, which was responsible for a once-rich country's pen­ury; though blessed with natural resources and Arab subservient elites whiled often leaving the mases in penury — нищета; нужда.

The provenance of the president's image in the portrait — that pensive expression, that upturned jaw — turned out to be an April 2006 photograph — размышляющий, задумчивый.

Police lawlessness has exhausted people's patience and that pent-up anger has finally burst into newspapers — ограниченный, сдерживаемый.

Sri Lanka's government, representing the penitent chauvinism of the country's Sinhalese majority — раскаивающийся.

The Catholic church may have to serve a harder penance покаяние.

Our justice system is an odd relic of the penitentiary, as a quiet place for penitent souls; The Haitian Penitentiary has collapsed and the inmates — tough guys most of them — are running free for the foresee­able future — исправительный дом.

The penultimate round of talks before December's climate- change summit in Copenhagen ended in Bangkok; Those taking the Bac S will have one-and-a-half hours more history a week in their penulti­mate school year than now — предпоследний.

The Secretary of State has a very droll sense of humor and a pen­chant for employing it for maximum effect — склонность, расположение, любовь.

This penny-pinching hurts all the more because it mocks the big expansions undertaken in the 1990s — скаредный, скупой.

Mrs Merkel is not embarrassed to pepper them with questions in meetings at the chancellery — забрасывать вопросами, репликами.

Testy press conference today, perhaps the most peppery we've seen Barack Obama — язвительный, едкий.

In contrast GDP in the Philippines expanded by a peppy 2.2% in the quarter, beating China's growth rate — энергичный, живой.

But what Dr Jamieson's work shows beyond peradventure is that no part of Earth's surface is safe from the activities of Man — разумеется, вне всякого сомнения.

To adapt them to thought control, a group of able-bodied people will first don the cap and perambulate in the legs around a laboratory, to refine the process — ходить взад и вперед, расхаживать.

It tops 100% for firms in the 90th percentile, compared with just over 20% 30 years ago — процентиль.

His speech to a gathering of young Israelis percolated down to the undecided centre of Israeli politics — проникать сквозь; проходить.

Its journey around its home galaxy, though, is no stately peregri­nation — путешествие, странствие.

The perennial tedium of the Oscars ceremony won't prevent mil­lions of people from watching it; The results of the latest census have di­verted blame towards a perennial culprit: overpopulation; Afghanistan is perennial — нечто неумирающее, нестареющее, неизменное.

Money flowing out of the periphery endangered peripheral bank­ing systems — второстепенный, частный.

Elite managers, who are these days often Spanish or Italian, are peripatetic experts — more management consultants than chief execu­tives — аристотелевский, перипатетический.

A pernicious "superiority complex", says a former intelligence man, has taken root in both Mossad and Shin Bet, the internal security service also known by its Hebrew acronym, Shabak; A belated attempt to curb a pernicious form of child pornography — разрушительный, разорительный, наносящий ущерб.

Alas the Serbs in the southern enclave would perforce have to move north — по необходимости.

Gone are the days of bosses in their perches and hideouts — насест, жердочка (для птиц); незанятое место.

He lamented Mr Brown's "wooden and perfunctory" delivery, li­kened him to a "Brezhnev-era apparatchik" — безразличный, неглубокий.

Commodity markets perked up a bit in response to Mr Li's speech, which gave hints of more stimulus measures in the offing to prop up growth — воспрянуть духом, оживиться.

The Arab spring has become a perma-protest against pretty much everything — prefix Informal indicating a fixed state.

My heated towel was only available in "Lemon Mist" and "Laven­der Eve", NOT the "Persimmon Holiday" I had been promised — хурма (плод).

He perused them for a minute, then offered the sales assistant $6,000 for the lot — внимательно прочитывать.

Will the perpetual "next big thing" ever be more than that? — бесконечный, вечный.

That typically tortuous peroration from John Kerry's stump speech concerns one of his most important themes: foreign policy — разглагольствование; речь.

Influenced by his impressions, as a tourist or peripatetic busi­nessman — странник; странствующий торговец.

Kenya's high level of corruption still permeats virtually all levels of business — проникать, проходить сквозь.

Schlesinger liberalism was altruistic and perfectibilian, but it was also anti-Communist, pluralistic, pragmatic and tough — способный к совершенствованию, человек, достигший совершенства.

Papandreou pere (Andreas) is not to blame for starting it используется для обозначения различия между отцом и сыном.

With international help and a less peremptory guidance from the US (on reforms) Pakistan will recover — властный, повелительный; высокомерный.

These are symptoms of a larger and more pernicious problem — наносящий ущерб; пагубный.

China's straightforward approach is an attractive alternative to the pernicketiness of the IMF and the Paris Club of creditors — при­вередливый, придирчивый, разборчивый.

Mr Gingrich delivered a peroration on the virtues of making peo­ple work that impressed his tea-party audience so much that they gave him a rapturous standing ovation — разглагольствование.

Corporate tax in America How to stop the inversion perversion

неправильный, не соответствующий стандартам, нормам.

Another clerk describes a colleague as "one of the most pert, as­suming, and forward coxcombs I ever saw" — нахальный; бойкий.

His economic liberalism was shallow and he perpetuated the old clientelism without the old parties — увековечивать; сохранять навсегда.

There now probably needs to be a fifth P: persevere — упорно добиваться, стойко, упорно продолжать.

Some good ideas take years of dogged perseverance to come to fruition — упорство, неколебимость.

At first they offered no facial protection; later the nose and jaw were covered only by a flimsy piece of perspex — вид пластика.

All the pseudo-theology about what is a heresy is so much per­siflage, nothing more or less than the PCUSA baptizing anti-Semitism — подшучивание; легкая шутка.

What happens to human cells if you douse them in a Petri dish full of public shame, official reprimands and months of intense stress — чашка Петри (используется для культивирования микро­организмов).

They were perturbed by the opening speech, in which Wen Jia- bao, China's prime minister, set a growth target of just 7.5% for 2012 — приводить в смятение; тревожить.

To create an ordinary "amending treaty" that could be bundled through national parliaments, without any more pesky voting by Europe­an citizens; They have pesky obligations — надоедливый, беспокоящий; досадный.

The perpetrators are a new faction of a home-grown group called Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh — злоумышленник; правонаруши­тель.

Okinawans are notable fish eaters, even by the standards of a pis­civorous country — рыбоядный.

Fees discourage tenants from pestering agencies or making un­necessary changes to their contracts — донимать, допекать.

At the start of the 4th century BC, when bankers were already the butt of music-hall humour ("the most pestilential of all trades") — отвратительный, мерзкий.

America's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, an arm of the Pentagon, also wants a petaflop machine for its research work — 1,000 триллион операций в секунду.

According to one of the European Commission's pettifogging regulations, cucumbers sold in the single market cannot be too curvy — крючкотворство, сутяжничество.

"We are not seeing any signs of this petering out," Richard Besser, acting CDC director, said — иссякать, истощаться; беднеть (о месторождениях).

It is a vital home for seabirds, including burrowing petrels and albatrosses as well as two endangered bird species found nowhere else — буревестник.

Russia can't Balkanise the Baltics, but it can make a nuisance of itself — petulant behaviour for when the threats don't work; Itattracted a petulant protest from the Japanese embassy in London; Mr Sarkozy, by contrast, has stuck his finger into everything, from the number of taxis on Paris streets to the petulant behaviour of the French national football team — нетерпеливый, обидчивый, раздражительный.

A man rose from his pew to deliver a mocking encomium to "your Mastership", the ascendant rood — постоянное отгороженное место в церкви.

The state controls more than half the economy including a pha­lanx of big firms; Given such complexity, sorting out who owns what requires time and a phalanx of lawyers — фаланга (тесно сомкнутое линейное построение тяжелой пехоты в Древней Греции, Македониии Древнем Риме), множество, масса, группа.

"Phew!" from Serbia, "yeah!" from Montenegro and "meh", the equivalent of shrugged shoulders, from everybody else — фу!, уф! (выражает нетерпение, дискомфорт).

In exile in the West from 1974, his gloomy philippics and in­creasingly turgid prose aroused more bafflement than appreciation — филиппика, обличительная речь.

She is aided by an array of familiar figures — a crusty editor, a trusty police reporter, a philandering but good-hearted political re­porter — флиртовать, волочиться.

Both compare a picture of someone's phizog with a reference im­age taken in a controlled environment — физиономия.

Unlike the autocue, Samsung Electronics has not gone phut — прахом; неудачно.

Karaites regard skullcaps, phylacteries, matrilineal descent and non-biblical festivals, such as the Festival of Lights, as pagan accre­tions — филактерия (одна из двух кожаных коробочек, которую иудеи подвязывают во время утренней молитвы на лбу и на левой руке).

Although it clearly drew on an earlier picaresque tradition, Dickens packed it with quite new sounds and sights — плутовской, о приключениях плута.

Against them were around 2,000 Nazi soldiers, the pick of the Wehrmacht, with plenty more behind them. — что-л. отборное, лучшая часть (чего-л.).

So many US states are in a fiscal pickle — неприятное положение; плачевное состояние; сложная ситуация.

Puns that play on Chinese pictograms and their homophones are hard to render in English — пиктограммы.

That the EU managed to fall out over such piddling sums is em­barrassing — ничтожный, пустячный.

Debunking the myth that a popular show must be as inoffensive as oatmeal, along comes "The Book of Mormon", which skewers any number of pieties, including religion — (pieties) разглагольствования (правильные, но неискренние); liberated pieties — либеральная риторика.

Germany promised a piffling $2 bin; To this piffle the best retort is: grow up — болтовня, вздор, чепуха.

Richly Australian, "Breath" is a classic coming-of-age novel, which is not to pigeonhole the work as small or pat — классифицировать, всесторонне анализировать.

The latest try, in which Dr Dunbar piggybacked on a survey or­ganised by a biscuit-maker, has overcome that — выезжать (на чьей-л.) спине, использовать (что-л.) в своих интересах.

Variations on it have been voiced here so many times that the Economist's pigheadedness about caricaturing Spain's history and eco­nomy — тупоумный, глупый; упрямый.

Don Draper, the womanising star of "Mad Men", an ad-agency TV drama, is a mere piker compared with Claude Hopkins — трус; человек, не решающийся рисковать.

Having pillaged shallower waters, the world's fishing powers are looking to the mesopelagic as a new frontier — грабить.

On May 11th he rode pillion as a motorcycle whisked him un­noticed, before dawn, to villages in Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi — заднее сиденье (мотоцикла).

US officials pilloried BP for mistakes; Congress has summoned executives from these firms for pillorying Church leaders protest it is un­fair to pillory Benedict — поставить, пригвоздить к позорному столбу, выставить на осмеяние.

It was pilfered from state armouries; Money pilfered in office — воровать, приворовывать; совершить мелкую кражу.

You do not want to cross the pimento people — яркий красный


West Bank pimpernel pops up — очный цвет (Anagallis), бед- ренец (Pimpinella).

Plenty of grown-ups are "indulging in amusements which the men of the West lay aside with their pinafores" — передник (детский); фартук.

Last year he turned heads when he accused Barack Obama at a televised town-hall meeting of "whacking" Wall Street "like a pinata" — козел отпущения, мальчик для битья.

BP seems certain to be the target of a familiar pincer movement between lawsuits brought by state attorneys-general and similar suits by private litigators — зажимной сухарь; зажимная губка, клещи.

In pinched times, motorbikes are valued more for their useful­ness than their speedy glamour; With fuel and security costs soaring, and revenues dropping, they are in penny-pinching mode — урезанный, стесненный (в чём-л.).

Sanctions on Chinese companies suspected of pinching Ameri­can secrets — красть, тырить.

They had left behind their paddy fields, pigs and buffalo, their fresh air and forests, and pined for them — тосковать (по чему-л.).

Thailand may be socially accepting, but the generals have hollowed out politics and pinioned civil society — связывать (руки).

ESPN experimented with brand extensions such as restaurants and mobile phones that pinged match results to subscribers — трезвон (колокольчиков).

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Monday that Dish Network was within its rights to pink-slip Brandon Coats, a quadriplegic and medical marijuana patient, after he tested positive for pot during a random drug tes — вручить уведомление об увольнении.

France sits at the pinnacle of the wine world — кульминационный пункт, апофеоз.

In a small fishing village on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela stands a plinth — цоколь; постамент.

It started with a pinprick; It may be just a pinprick; the series of pinprick attacks булавочный укол; pinprick raid; policy of pin­pricks — политика мелких уколов.

They had left behind their paddy fields, pigs and buffalo, their fresh air and forests, and pined for them — возлагать (ответственность, вину); пришивать (дело, преступление).

Afghanistan's usually rather effective intelligence service failed to pinpoint what was coming over the horizon — заострить внимание (на чем-л.).

Not long ago, Vietnam was one of the developing world's pin­ups — красавчик.

Secular or pious rights of citizens — набожный, благочестивый; праведный, религиозный.

His idea of a 'United States of Africa' is a pipe dream, which he hopes to somehow rule — видения курильщика опиума, несбыточная мечта, "воздушные замки".

The online retailer just pipped Apple to the number-one slot — разбивать скорлупу, вылупляться из яйца (о птенце).

The Schadenfreude set will have to have DRK TV piped in to get their fix but eventually the death penalty will go away in the US — подавать по трубам.

Japan is one of the planet's oldest societies, pipped only by tiny Monaco for the proportion of elderly in the population — побить, раз­громить.

Involvement of the Rockefeller family gives added piquancy to one of the two most significant shareholders-versus-board battles — острота, пикантность.

It is also possible to detect a sense of pique that China is willing to do things which America, at the moment, can't — злоба; уязвленная гордость.

Desperate effors to keep a piscine predator from the Great Lakes — относящийся к рыбе, рыбный.

Latvia is a financial pipsqueak — ничтожная личность, ничто­жество.

Britain's elite competitors have set post-war medal records at the last three Olympic games — pipping China to second place in Rio in terms of gold medals — побеждать с минимальным перевесом.

Mr Macron is pitching himself as the pro-globalisation revolu­tionary — продвигать, рекламировать.

Pitifully few entered the army or the police force — достойный сожаления.

In many cities people can park on the street for nothing, or a pit­tance — скудное вспомоществование; жалкие гроши.

A $5 mln prize is a pittance — скудное вспомоществование или жалованье; жалкие гроши.

The streets are pitted with potholes — изрытый, в ямах.

Pitting robots against each other shows the promise and many of the pitfalls of autonomous technology — стравливание, науськивание.

Turkey is a strategic pivot between Europe and the Middle East; a strategic pivot on the Silk Road, running through the Ancient Armenian lingdom of Ani — главный, основной, опорный пункт.

Sometimes interesting is stirring the pixelated world of digital pho­tography — объединенные в группы пиксели.

Congratulations to one Southwest Airlines employee for adding a little pizzazz to the process; it has never got back to the pizzazz of 1969; Pile on the pianissimo and postpone the pizzazz стиль, класс, шик, веселость, приподнятое настроение.

Why collecting pizzo on a low level as you can get all the tax in one time of all the citizens and companies in Italy? — итальянсий слэнг слова взятка.

India tries to placate critics in Kashmir of its huge military pres­ence there — умиротворять; унимать, успокаивать.

It was for an intensive nine-day obstacle course, which he tried to negotiate with the placatory charm and openness to dialogue — успокаивающий, умиротворяющий; примирительный.

The place is packed with placemenand women, many elected on regional list systems — чиновник (обычно использующий свой пост в корыстных целях); креатура, ставленник.

Kicking off a promotional campaign with a plagiarism scandal is not the most orthodox way to attract clients — плагиат.

As wars and religious conflicts plagued Europe, philosophers and scientists sparred with each other over whether a human's inner self was an immortal and divine essenc; If a loose dog plagues a postman, delivery to an entire neighbourhood can be suspended — свирепствовать; досаждать.

As wars and religious conflicts plagued Europe, philosophers and scientists sparred with each other over whether a human's inner self was an immortal and divine essence — свирепствовать.

The plain-clothes police are always there, watching Xu Jiehua — носящий штатскую одежду, в штатском.

Do anything to salvage its putative capital, other than plaintively cry "theft" — горестно, печально, грустно, жалобно.

What would he think of a main plank of the outgoing French socialist government's economic policy — принципиальный пункт, значимое положение.

So J Street has planted a foot in the door всаживать, втыкать; прочно ставить, устанавливать.

Unlike in France and the UK, the German birth rate has not bounced back, instead plateauing at a low level — оставаться на определенном уровне.

Decaying Protestantism "becomes a vague mist of ethical plati­tudes; cringing platitudes — банальность, избитость, плоскость, пошлость, тривиальность.

Mr Brown's approach has earned him plaudits from a num­ber of prominent American economists аплодисменты, рукоплес­кания.

The belt of what would come to be known as planetissimals that lies beyond the outer planets — кольца планет.

Mr Hammond is a grown-up in a political playpen that is stuffed with children — детский манеж.

Many scorn the internet as a plaything for plebs — плебеи, простолюдины.

None had that direct pluck of plectrum on string for which he loved the harpsichord — медиатор, плектр.

In American how would Jews feel if we had to pledge our alle­giance to the Christian nation of America? клясться в верности.

How a plethora of runners might help centrists in next spring's election — изобилие, избыток.

900 pounds of force is easily enough to kill someone especially if the strike hits the nose, the liver, or the solar plexus — сплетение.

Japan was a pliant American ally; Pliant mainstream media; will Congress be so pliant? — податливый, сговорчивый.

The old-timers plan to resurrect a statue of the Roman emper­or, Septimus Severus, who was born in what became Libya but whom Colonel Qaddafi knocked off his Tripolitanian plinth — цоколь; поста­мент.

Before her bolt-from-the-blue announcement that she was call­ing a general election, most Britons had Theresa May down as an honest plodder: a safe pair of hands who kept her promises and did her home­work — работяга, трудяга.

Little brother Wolfgang was straightforward, practical and plod­ding — старательный, усердный.

It is similar to the cheap plonk sold in France and other European winemaking countries — вино плохого качества; шум, грохот падения.

Rub your eyes: America's strongest ally in South-East Asia ap­pears to be plopping like a ripe mango into China's hands — плюхнуться, шмякнуться.

But that would require Washington to get its act together — a plot- line so implausible that it would make J. K. Rowling blush — сюжетная линия.

Democrats knew the dangers, but ploughed on for a series of reasons, some of them altruistic, and some of them more political — настойчиво продолжать, упорно продвигаться.

From lucky to plucky: an entrepreneurial prime minister calls for a culture of innovation — мужественный, решительный.

The company's stock price has plunged to lows last seen a half- century ago; A reported a 24% plunge — прыжок, ныряние, погру­жение.

Yet Ms Yellen has not really changed her plumage — оперение,

перья. 428

The campaign for November's presidential election has plumbed depths of personal abuse — отчетливо постигать.

Whether the prime minister plumps for a snap election in June or waits for the end of his term in November now hinges on the welfare- reform talks — решительно поддерживать.

With a plurality of voters undecided, "flexicon" enters the politi­cal lexicon относительное большинство голосов.

Abe's efforts did not stop Mr Trump from pulling the plug on the TPP, but Japanese officials are still pleased with their recent diplo­macy — выйти из.

We are about to pull the plug on that JV — выйти из.

Whether the prime minister plumps for a snap election in June or waits for the end of his With a plurality of voters undecided, "flexi- con" enters the political lexicon относительное большинство го­лосов.

Term in November now hinges on the welfare-reform talks — решительно поддерживать.

As prostitution has been chased from posh parts of Paris, women ply their trade elsewhere: from forests outside the capital, to the heavily immigrant Boulevard Barbes in the 18th arrondissement, where a thriv­ing business starts on the pavements in broad daylight and continues far into the night — усердно заниматься (чем-л.).

He's no longer the Ambassador there since he's been PNG'd — выдворен из страны в качестве персоны нон-грата.

An entire neighbourhood in southern St Louis, Bevo Mill, was transformed from a crime-ridden area pockmarked by abandoned build­ings into a decent quarter — испещренный.

In art as in life, both Kims are effeminate and podgy — короткий и толстый.

Nor are such creatures merely the province of the past and the poetaster — рифмоплет, графоман.

Kapka Kassabova's poignant, erudite and witty third book, "Bor­der", brings hidden history vividly to light — едкий, острый.

The book is composed, like a pointillist painting, of thou­sands of factual details — пуантиллизм (теория и техника живописи раздельными точками или прямоугольниками чистых цветов).

It is easy to poke fun at Great Wall Motor, based in Hebei Prov­ince — высмеивать кого-л. (или что-л.), подшучивать, подтрунивать, потешаться над кем-л.

Russia warts to poke Uncle Sam in the eye; US pokes its nose into the affairs of small nations совать, пихать, тыкать, толкать.

$150,000 buys you a spacious house with a garden — in the nice parts of Palo Alto, it buys you a poky flat — тесный, убогий (о месте, местонахождении).

For two decades, the Netherlands' "polder model" seemed to be working miracles — осушенный участок земли, защищенный


The NLD's landslide gives it a majority in both houses of parlia­ment, and puts it in pole position to pick the next president — одна из двух крайностей, противоположностей.

Obama was close to his fellow Chicago pol — политик.

The puzzling range of blunt, sharp and puncture wounds have their explanation in the lethal versatility of the poleaxe — шок.

His attempt to woo AstraZeneca, a British drugs firm, included politesse— appearances before Parliament, web videos on Pfizer's strat­egy — показная вежливость, учтивость; политес.

Mr King caricatures globalisation's proponents as pollyannas who see only winners and no losers from the integration of emerging economies — чрезмерные оптимисты.

Presiding over a messy but largely functioning polity has been a revered king — форма правления, строй (общественный или госу­дарственный).

Washington is filled with politicos and pundits — политикан; политический деятель.

He was right also to castigate the West's poltroonery in the years preceding the war, culminating in the Munich agreement — трусость.

Get on top of the mountain of material and do credit to such an international polymath — эрудит.

Not since the Soviet Union was in its pomp have so many power­ful Russians expressed such blood-curdling thoughts about the crisis of capitalism — великолепие, пышность.

The stereotype of a gaggle of pretty girls waving pompoms as they cheer the boys' football teams is not quite accurate — помпон из бумажных или пластиковых полосок.

"Relying on the import of money, workers, and brains," writes Mr Lind, America is "a Ponzi scheme that works" — финансовая пирамида.

America ponders the best response to Iran; That is something for politicians to ponder — обдумывать, взвешивать, размышлять.

Castro continued to pontificate; so why are Republican politicians and pontificators so angry? являться римским папой.

That is enough to make most Americans pony up — раскошелиться.

It is easy to pooh-pooh international courts — относиться не­брежно, несерьезно, не придавать значения.

The Apollo Moon programme was shut down early, and the world's astronauts have spent the past 41 years pootling around in low-Earth orbit - бессмысленное медленное движение.

A goodwill gesture that went down about as well as a soggy pop- padum — непропеченный, сырой.

You insult our intelligence with such poppy-cock — вздор, чепуха.

Turducken seems a straightforward portmante, albeit of three parts rather than two — контаминация, слово-гибрид (искусственное слово, составленное из двух слов).

The Alawites and Christians that each make up a tenth of the populace are especially nervous about change — простой народ; массы.

No lady likes to dance or dine accompanied by a porcupine дикобраз.

The poster-child for the property crash is showing signs of cut- price life — образец, пример.

It is now a sorry sight, with a green portaloo outside — переносной туалет.

In the West naturalistic portraiture began in classical times — портретная живопись.

He took the horses to a pond where they could break up the thick ice and drink. This, too, seemed a portent — предвестие, предзнаме­нование.

So lack of employment now may portend an even bleaker future — предвещать, предзнаменовать, предрекать, предсказывать.

Affable and portly, Sergey Kislyak seems nevertheless to be an eminently forgettable man — тучный.

Political hopefuls in the state's first district reacted much like a pack of hyenas would to a porterhouse steak: 18 candidates — 16 Re­publicans and two Democrats — applied — пивная; дешевый рес­торан.

Portentously, he declared that the controversy over sex abuse is now a cultural clash — высокопарный, высокий.

Posties with parcels often knock on doors, which gives the dogs an opportunity — почтальоны.

"Now that sort of a posture I'd definitely characterise as a "swag­ger" — отношение, позиция, подход.

The blogroll is an attempt by the author to place his blog in a spe­cific genre or group, and a reciprocal effort by a posse of bloggers to raise each other's visibility компания, группа; ватага.

Gordon Brown may be thought of more charitably by poster­ity than by his contemporaries — последующие поколения, по­томки.

Her former career as a high-flying web designer in Los Ange­les, her pregnancy and postpartum depression — послеродовая де­прессия.

None of this is rocket science, posturing and gesture politics needs to be consigned to the past — позирование.

Influential economists take a potshot at financial policymakers — выстрел по близкой или неподвижной цели, критический выпад (против кого-л.), критическое замечание.

Since the eastward expansion of the European Union in 2004, re­form in parts of Eastern Europe has become something of a Potemkin village — что-то сомнительного качества, имеющее пропагандист­скую направленность.

The moment was portentous — предсказывающий дурное; зло­вещий.

The performance of Geert Wilders and his far-right Freedom Par­ty (PVV), it was said, would be a portent of Marine Le Pen's chances in France's presidential election — действенный, эффективный.

He is his own man, a potentate of the north with huge wealth and carefully consolidated support — правитель, монарх.

No worse than a string of nonproducing, potty-mouthed MBA guys who promise the Moon but deliver a hunk of Limberger cheese — матерщинник.

If he can set up the Republicans for failure and get another demo­crat majority and POTUS then he will have achieved more in his view — президент Соединенных Штатов (President Of The United States).

Picasso gives his subject the confrontational pout and posture of a Parisian demimondaine — недовольная гримаса.

Can India's original economic powerhouse get its act together again? — центр власти.

A five-hour pow-wow hosted by a lame duck president - церемо­ния заклинания; сборище, совет.

Handing out pralines is an easy way to make friends — пралине (разновидность конфет).

Barack Obama is still prattling about having 1m of them on Amer­ica's roads by 2015 — лепетать.

A post-prandial snooze, Dr Walker has discovered, sets the brain up for learning — послеобеденный.

Old politicians looked uncomfortable prancing on the world stage with their publicity — скачущий, важный (о походке, манере держаться).

A minor prang or proscribed medical condition might end some­one's driving career prematurely — авария, катастрофа.

They say they thought they were taking part in a prank — шалость, проделка.

But there is no doubt that criminals and pranksters are thriving by attacking computers and networks — шутник.

Our tips below are part of a series designed to help business trav­ellers avoid pratfalls when they head abroad — нарочито неуклюжее падение на ягодицы (обычно c расчетом произвести комический эффект), осечка, оплошность, вызывающая смех.

Proxy resolutions are precatory since boards are free to ignore them — содержащий просьбу; выражающий надежду.

This created a two-tier labour market, with the lower tier popu­lated by a young precariat — социальный класс, испытывающий ма­териальные и психологические проблемы в связи с его непредска­зуемым состоянием.

So attempts to apply precepts devised by ancient Chinese philoso­phers to the modern world are in vogue — принцип; заповедь.

Opinion polls show public support for the government falling precipitously — стремительный, безудержный; precipitous current — стремительный поток.

He gave a blunt precis of Russian grievances — краткое изложе­ние, конспект, резюме.

We were laughing and dancing our way to the precipice — обрыв, пропасть, опасное положение.

A precocious student, Yardley learned poker in the saloons of Worthington, where he probably also developed his lifelong affinity for tall tales — не по годам развитой.

Although such an attack was anticipated — the first response was efficient and calm — the grim reality is that it may be the precursor to many similar ones — предтеча, предвестник.

Recent events have encapsulated his predicament — затрудни­тельное положение; затруднение.

Predictwise, which looks at polls, betting markets and bookies, puts her chance of becoming president at more than 70% — с точки зрения прогнозов.

Such public preening must be deeply depressing — чистить перья клювом, прихорашиваться.

The OPCW announced in June that all identifiable agents and pre­cursor chemicals had been removed from the country — предшествен­ник; предтеча, предвестник.

Japan has found original ways to make money out of people's sexual predilections — склонность, пристрастие.

Cancun, Mexico, is a favourite seaside destination for young gringos keen to primp, Exerciseany pre-emption rights it purports to have — преимущественное право на покупку государственной земли; использование преимущественного права покупки.

Politicians preen when they are positive — and blame their pre­decessors — гордиться собой; нравиться самому себе.

The words "We are sorry", which he said a good deal, prefatory to adverse weather conditions, leaves on the line, staff absences and signal failures, were controversial — вводный, предварительный.

The creation of Mr Tusk's job in the prelapsarian Lisbon treaty of 2007 was for some the first step towards a "president of Europe" — до грехопадения; безгреховный.

Nietzche's premonitions and insights often agree in the most amazing manner with the laborious results of psychoanalysis — предчувствие.

That changed in October last year, when a Supreme Court ruling upheld a German heiress's prenup against a challenge from her ex-hus­band добрачный договор.

Mercifully, it is not all preordained to end in a rerun of 1914предопределять.

Who has the preponderance of power in the Western Hemi­sphere — перевес, превосходство, преимущество.

The new Star Wars movie — a "prequel" to the other three, and the first of a new trilogy — "предыстория героев" кино- или телефильма с участием знакомых героев в новом сюжете, когда действие разворачивается до событий, уже знакомых зрителям.

That would seem to presage Chavez's imminent retirement from his country's politics, and perhaps from life itself — предзнаменовывать, предвещать.

But then, hey presto, after a spell as a guest of Her Majesty in the UK — вуаля!, опля! (произносится во время демонстрации фокуса).

This did not stop many Iraqis, believing that the timing and man­ner of their death is anyway preordained — предопределенный.

After months of prevarication Gordon Brown must settle the bank's fate — ссориться, скандалить, пререкаться из-за пустяков.

A twitch in the "benchmark" price can mean big shifts in the va­lue of derivatives, and profits for the prescient — наделенный даром предвидения; предвидящий, пророческий.

To grasp his prescience, it is necessary to return to an era when today's commonplaces were heresies; the joke proved prescient — наделенный даром предвидения; предвидящий, пророческий.

He also has time to exchange charming letters with the preteen daughter of an old friend — ребенок 9-12 лет.

They now find Mr Hollande's preternatural calm unnerving — необычный, неестественный.

Prevaricating and lying aren't the same thing — увиливать, го­ворить уклончиво, изворачиваться.

The priapic will have "enjoyed female company"; nymphomania is "notable vivacity" — в форме фаллоса.

Olivier is a fastidious prig and cong enital hypochondriac; only the most priggish today would argue that financial institutions are obliged to be fluffy — щеголь, франт.

Since Osama bin Laden was killed this month in Abbottabad, a prim military town in Pakistan — чопорный.

Inexorably growing Los Angeles meets another primal force — первоначальный, примитивный.

Firms that rely on primogeniture, he notes, perform poor­ly; The tradition of male primogeniture meant that, where there was no son, the inheritance moved sideways to an uncle or a nephew — правопервородства; право старшего сына на наследование.

A primordial soup of such compounds; For Mr. Barnett to dis­miss the connections between early han and Tibetans is just "mis­guided Tibetan primordialism" — самый первый, изначальный; перво бытный.

Its most celebrated act was to bring a private prosecution against a priory of Norbertine monks who kept 650 veal calves — монастырь, приорат.

The rivalry between Turkey and Iran is prising Kurdistan apart — взламывать, разрывать.

Dog-eating is a time-honoured tradition and China is not yet ready for Western-style prissiness about consuming such animals; prissyenun- ciation — жеманность, чопорность.

With their pristine rooms and green courtyard, the new psychi­atric clinic and geriatric and dermatological wards cost $19m — чистый, нетронутый; неиспорченный.

There is not much that Mr Miliband can do about his slightly pris­sy delivery and doleful, irregular features — жеманный.

In New York City where restaurants offer discounted prix-fixe menus at lunch and dinner — комплексный (об обеде, ланче); prix fixe dinner menu — меню комплексных обедов.

The SEC and the Federal Reserve "were privy to everything as it was happening" — посвященный (во что-л. секретное), осведомленный (о чем-л. тайном).

Conducted a wide-ranging tax-evasion probe тщательное рас­смотрение; расследование; зондаж.

Austerity is likely to hold sway across Europe as the region seeks to reassure investors (and German voters) about its long-term fiscal pro­bity неподкупность; кристальная честность.

If you were prepared to reveal the extent of your "prandial procli­vities" I would be very happy to adjust my own to match — склонность, наклонность.

After much procrastination, Hu Jintao, the president, attend­ed a 47-nation nuclear-security summit in Washington — отсрочка; промедление.

Evolutionary success is not just a mad dash to procreate порождать.

Twice under Mr Obama, anti-dumping tariffs of up to 88% have been slapped on imported Chinese tyres at the prodding of the United Steelworkers union — подгонять, побуждать.

They may have asked why they should rescue Dubai from the con­sequences of its own prodigality — расточительность; расточительство.

Pakistan seems to be a nation of wanton profanity where the Koran is routinely desecrated and the prophet Muhammad insulted — богохульство.

It makes it plain that for young, black men in America, racial pro­filing can be deadly — сведения из биографии.

Confucius, condemned by Mao as a peddler of feudal thought, is now being proffered as a sage with a message of harmony — предлагать.

A cool $800 billion or so, on top of the $700 billion for the TARP, looked more profligate than parsimonious than others; Bush-like prof­ligacy — неэкономный, расточительный.

Politicians would rather pretend that someone else will pay for our profligacy — расточительство.

With typical profundity, that China thought peace good and ter­rorism bad — глубина ума, сила интеллекта.

Scientists say new bloodlines are needed to avoid future inbreed­ing among his many progeny — отпрыск, потомок.

Greece, progenitor of the euro zone's drama, is back at centre- stage; The progenitor of five-year plans, the Soviet Union, had barely embarked on its 13th one when it collapsed — прародитель.

His problem is that technological prognostications sound cred­ible only if underpinned by physics known today — предсказание, прогноз; прогнозирование.

He may have won the loyalty of tech progressives, but many Americans are sympathetic to the government — прогрессивные силы.

China projected power much further afield - распространять, прогнозировать, предполагать.

He mocked Americans for their class divisions and status sym­bols: the proles for their polyester, the middle classes for their perfect lawns — рабочий, работяга.

Many join the shadow economy to escape destitution, not regula­tion or proletarianisation — стать пролетариями.

On a whirlwind tour of the town, Mr Schenk shows how the old coal mine was turned into a lake with a new marina and a promenade — прогулочное место.

Knowledge workers will be proletarianised — стать пролета­риями.

The government of this little promontory that sticks into the Gulf off the east coast of Saudi Arabia; You can also see a growing colony of birds establishing itself on Letterbox, a mainland promontory, and even nearer to hand — мыс; выступ.

Their departure is making sectarian divisions increasingly pro­nounced — резко определенный, отчетливый.

He was propelled by three big factors, not all of which will apply elsewhere — продвигать вперед, толкать.

This shows that China is and will continue to be a propeller of peace and stability in East Asia — движущая сила.

Fathers, as well as mothers, can pass on a propensity to obesity if they themselves have been starved — склонность, предрасположение.

In fact its composition was more apt, if no less uncomfort­able: hundreds of dangling prophylactics — профилактический; предохранительный, предупредительный.

The trouble is that propinquity and self-assertion are still at work today — родственность, сходство.

The timing could hardly have been less propitious — благопри­ятный; подходящий.

Opponents and proponents alike are trying to discern what John Roberts thinks about relations between church and state — сторонник, поборник.

For almost 40 years students of British politics have been debat­ing the thesis propounded by the late Richard Crossman — выступить с предложением, предложить.

Harper decided to prorogue Parliament until March — назначить перерыв в работе парламента (не распуская его).

The prospectus warns would-be investors — проспект эмиссии.

In the opening, when Lear calls on Apollo, his subjects prostrate themselves — подавлять, подчинять, покорять.

Apple has a two-pronged tax avoidance strategy, says Carl Levin, the chairman of the subcommittee — двухлучевой (о следе).

To the end, he considered himself a promulgator of the "es­sence of democracy" — объявлять, провозглашать, опубликовывать; обнародовать.

As a politician he would deliver prolix speeches without notes or hesitation — многословный, занудный.

You have to be excellent at the pronoun games — слова, заменя­ющие существительное.

Pat Brown, was one of the state's best and most popular gover­nors and a protean political identity — подобный Протею; изменчивый, многогранный, многообразный.

Long gone are the days of the Great Exhibition in London of 1851, the progenitor of all expos, when the point was to show off manufac­tured goods — прародитель; основатель рода; предок.

His prolixity is a legend, yet he emerges as an original thinker and iconoclast — нудное многословие; занудность.

Such men are also more promiscuous and do not care as much about long-term relationships — спорядочный, неразборчивый (в зна­комствах, связях и т.п.).

The prosaic reason for the dearth of private issuance — прозаи­ческий, неинтересный.

I have to say that, for me, agreeing to the proscription of the Paki­stani Taliban was a straightforward decision — объявление вне закона; изгнание; опала.

The firms advertised the affiliation heavily in their investment prospectuses — проспект (учебного заведения, компании и т.п.).

Mr Sandstrom once proselytised in Venezuela and says he even has a permanent-residency permit there; Can humanists (atheists, secularists, etc) proselytize? — обращать в свою веру; привлекать на свою сторону.

Mr Kim has reverted to type by prophesying war — предсказывать, пророчить.

And yet the network has one proven advantage: its protean abil­ity to adapt to circumstance — подобный Протею; многообразный.

Goethe was a man of protean talents, interests, appetites and achievements who lived through a particularly tempestuous period of wars and revolutions in Europe — подобный Протею; многообразный.

Yet all the bribery and vehicles of dubious provenance have not sated the demand for second-hand cars — происхождение, источник.

The answer depends on whether you consider Sunday's ballot as a proxy vote on national politics or a colourful sideshow полномочие действовать от имени другого лица, доверенность.

The army's prowess owes as much to military culture as hard­ware — искусство, мастерство, умение.

The record is held by the German city of Freiburg — in one study 74% of cars were on the prowl — в розыске.

In 1980 PR flaks and journalists prowled in around equal num­bers — рыскать в поисках добычи.

Under Mr Bronfman and his private-equity partners, Warner Mu­sic drastically pruned costs in the mid-2000s — обрезать; подрезать (деревья).

His increasingly prurient tone may have encouraged a climate that has led to the sacking of Zeynep Aksu — похотливый, сладострастный.

She grew so fat that, when a deputy tried to arrest her, she couldn't

be pried from her cabin: "She's ketchable," he reported, "but she ain't fetch- able" — поднимать при помощи рычага.

Projections by Professors Railings and Thrasher of Plymouth Uni­versity, the rock- stars of local election psephology, are a reliable bench­mark — статистическое исследование выборов.

San Francisco conjures up images of hippies and of free love, the psychedelic 60s and leftist politics — необычайно яркий, броский и т. п.

Trapped in a cafe by a violent mob in Bosnia, he psyched himself up for a breakout by asking "What would Shacks do?" — психологически готовить (к чему-л.).

Mr Nohria is more persuasive as an evangelist than as a psycho- pomp — «душепровожатель» психопомп (проводник душ в царство мертвых, например, Гермес).

"They even let pubescent girls swim in the sea," moans the cul­ture minister — достигший половой зрелости.

He appeared on The Colbert Report and played air hockey with a puck shaped like Texas — шайба (в хоккее).

Puckish White House correspondent Jake Tapper couldn't resist contrasting Barack Obama's agenda; am I the only one finding Ahmedi- nejad to be likable in a puckish kind of way? — oзорной, проказливый.

With a name like "Lafontaine" how could it be otherwise in your eyes, ma puce? — красновато-коричневый.

The female pudendum is strictly for pornographers, gynaecolo­gists and feminists trying to make a point — наружные половые органы (особенно женские).

Two giants were reduced to a few puddles of warm water — лужа,


Kim, the family man, ensured that he passed his movie set to a cho­sen heir, his pudgy third son, Kim Jong Un — пухленький.

Unfortunately this sort of puerile behaviour has become the norm especially in supposedly 'progressive' Western Democracies — незрелый, неразвитой; легкомысленный.

Any talk by the Kremlin of the rule of law or about modernisation will be puffery so long as Mr Khodorkovsky remains in jail — неуемное восхваление; рекламирование; дутая реклама.

A pug needs about one-quarter of the daily calories required by a German shepherd — мопс.

Pugilist of American letters; Stallone's ageing pugilist; Pugilists

and aesthetes — борец; спорщик.

Thailand's pugnacious prime minister, Samak Sundaravej, is an especially hard man to defend; Mr Emanuel is famous for being the pres­ident's most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media ma­nipulator — драчливый.

JPMorgan Chase's private bank saw a record $80 billion of net inflows last year as investors fled less pukka firms — первоклассный.

They do not have the social skills that those who lack pulchritude have acquired over a lifetime — красота, миловидность.

Anything published between 1933 and 1945 was tainted with the "stench of blood and shame" and should be pulped — превращаться в мягкую массу.

It provides a powerful pulpit from which to preach to — подмостки, помост, трибуна (для выступлений древних ораторов).

Brisk growth in food prices (especially for meat, fruit and vege­tables, pulses, and cereals), account for 57% of the consumer price in­dex — бобовое растение.

Russia pulverized poor Gorgia — растирать, дробить, измель­чать.

Seen as a whole, the Moon in these images resembles a pitted sphere of pumice more than a cue ball — пористый вулканический материал.

First the dollar took a battering, then the euro got pummelled and finally sterling hit the canvas; For estern leaders grimly accustomed to the months-long pummelling of presidential or parliamentary contests; Clinton is pummeling home the message — бить, избивать (особенно кулаками).

George Washington was as punctilious about his honour, as fine a horseman and as deep in debt as any of them — педантичный, скру­пулезный, щепетильный до мелочей.

And they smell, not terribly, but pungently, when squished or when they cluster — сильный, пронзительный.

In the punishing climate of Iraq — трудный, тяжелый, изнури­тельный punishing work schedule — напряженный рабочий график.

Britons interested in politics face a raucous punditocracy ea­ger to assure them that their countrymen are becoming more liberal or more conservatives — элита влиятельных экспертов и политических комментаторов.

Its passage was "remarkable and improbable" because the pundit- ry, lobbying and game-playing of Washington had made it easy to doubt America's ability to do "such a big thing" — ученые мужи.

Taxi drivers smuggle ammunition and AK-47s from Egypt beneath punnets of strawberries — квадратная или прямоугольная корзинка.

Small children, people with certain cognitive impairments and punsters may retrieve the wrong word from the mental lexicon — остряк; каламбурист.

In promising a referendum on Europe, the prime minister is taking a punt — удар по подброшенному мячу, удар с рук (в американском футболе, регби).

Why punters seem to be so good at guessing is a puzzle — жертва надувательства.

Or are euro-prices just too high for your puny dollar? — слабый, маленький.

Mr Xi and the party congress in a few months' time will have much more say over how to transform the pupa into a butterfly — куколка.

The EU itself sometimes displays a puppyish eagerness to have its military pretensions stroked — щенячий.

She exposes his scholarly purblindness and political naivety and his late realisation of the true nature of German National Socialism — непредусмотрительный; тупой.

The ultimate purveyor of luxury — поставщик; Purveyor to their Majesties — поставщик их величеств.

Marriage is in the purview of religious authiorities — часть статута, заключающая само постановление.

When George Benjamin goes into composing purdah, he al­ways loses a lot of weight because the process is so intensive — секрет, тайна.

People like you are in a sort of purgatory because no one would ever come out and tell you that he doesn't want your business any­more — чистилище, мучение, страдание, пытка.

The guardians of Chinese language purity are challenging the French in their bid to keep out dastardly English words — чистота, безукоризненность, безупречность.

But Mr Kaczynski appears to be in the grip of full-blown pyroma- nia — пиромания, импульсивное поджигательство.

The Republic could purport to have the right to pre-empt BP's en­tire interests — претендовать (на что-л.), заявлять (о чем-л.).

Customers may purr about the ease of summoning a smart town car, especially where taxis are old — урчать, мурлыкать.

If the spending plans for Britain over the next five years, set out by George Osborne this week, were an animal, they would be a pushmi- pullyu a "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body — разнонаправленное движение.

Some called Congressman Wilson a booz-head and a pussy- hound — бабник.

What harm can one unarmed man living in a pusillanimous country representing its unarmed populace can do? — малодушный, трусливый.

Withering dithering and pussyfooting in the hopes of some sort of consensus is horrendously counter-productive — сверхосторож­ность.

Russians wanted to help Georgia justify its putative NATO mem­bership; Do anything to salvage its putative capital, other than plaintively cry "theft" — мнимый, предполагаемый.

Press conference before the election had a Putinesque tone — ny- тинизм.

How on earth can such a putrid stew of vice and pestilence be expected to self-transform into a chorus of angels? — гнилой, про­гнивший.

The Olympic movement was once putrescent, too — гниющий; гнилостный.

That is not true, however, of the put-upon architects who have to design America's embassies одурачить.

The result is that India now putters on at less than half what it could achieve игрок, делающий удар клюшкой.

Of course, you don't actually need to pace the mean streets of Newcastle to purloin a copy of the Mag — совершать мелкую кражу.

The remainder, they claim, were caused by flying sparks from elec­tricity pylons or human carelessness — опора, пилон.

Britain's success in giving Zimbabwe its democratic chance would prove pyrrhic indeed — пиррова победа.


Chewing qat gives a similar high to adrenalin, making the con­sumer more talkative, alert and sociable — вечнозеленый кустарник кат.

Foot-powered breast-enlargement pumps, metal pods promising rejuvenation, and the Relaxacisor, a machine that promised to slim and tone women's bodies through electrical shocks while they lay idle, are displayed in a wing at the Science Museum of Minnesota dedicated to quackery — шарлатанство.

Unlike paraplegics, quadriplegics have lost the use of all four limbs — человек, не способный использовать свои конечности.

Britons under 30 are drinking half as much as they did in 2000, though those aged 65 and above are actually quaffing more — осушать залпом.

Many army officers are whisky- quaffers and adverts for alcohol- detox clinics are widespread — алкоголик.

Luring the Americans into the quagmire of Iraq; to emerge from the Viernam quagmire and the ignominy of Watergate; it was a public- relations quagmire — болото, трясина.

Quaint is not an obvious word to use about America — a coun­try built on revolution, restless expansion and the unabashed pursuit of profits — необычный, своеобразный, привлекательный своей оригинальностью.

Human Rights Commission (EHRC), a mega-quango which ab­sorbed various anti-discrimination outfits — комитет, назначенный правительством, но работающий независимо от него.

Many societies have no qualms with taking the life of a baby — сомнение, неуверенность, колебание.

More grudgingly, they also understand his quandary in Afghani­stan quandary — затруднительное положение; затруднение; недо­умение.

A lot of schools are jostling for position in the upper quartile — квартиль.

Geoffrey Vaki was installed as police commissioner, and the legal battle to quash the warrant began — досада; огорчение.

At the quayside thousands of yellow flags of the Maldivian Demo­cratic Party (MDP) fluttered as supplies were loaded — пристань.

The electorate is now so queasy about foreign adventures that future governments are likely to be wary of embarking on new ones — испытывающий тошноту; подверженный тошноте.

Quenching the schismatic flames depends on countries beyond Iraq's control, like Iran and Saudi Arabia — тушить, заливать (огонь, пламя).

"Vote for my Daddy," quavers Ben Lange's toddler daughter, in a spot for his candidacy in an Iowan congressional race — выводить трели (в пении), дрожать (о голосе).

The British dislike of queue-jumpers — нежелающий стоять в очереди.

Investors grow querulous and militants in the oil-rich Nig er Delta threaten to resume their rebellion; People are more anxious than queru­lous; Querulous shareholders — капризный, жалующийся, ворчливый, недовольный.

Defended by legalistic quibbling, greatly angered an itine­rant preacher in Palestine two millennia ago — препираться, спорить по мелочам, придираться.

We are not gong to get out of the created economic quicksand by cutting social programs — зыбучий песок, плывун.

The traffic on Sixth Avenue "with its rush-hour gladiators testing each other's limits" are a stark contrast to the quietude of the American Folk Art Museum where Julius first encounters Brewster's portraits — покой, спокойствие.

The revolutionary war is America's creation story, while the civil war offers a saga of sin and redemption and the second world war was a heroic quest — приключенческая игра, "квест".

"Dance as if no one can see you, campaign as if you're already on the ballot," Mr Navalny quips — насмехаться; высмеивать.

The British called him a quisling, but his martial valour still in­spires Indians — предатель; коллаборационист.

To synthesise those clues into answers and to frame those answers in a conversational way was able to beat to the draw the finest minds of American quizdom — научное сообщество.

Speaking before the House Financial Services Committee. Count me among the quivering — дрожащий.

He cuts to the quick of a problem, stripping it of clutter and en­cumbering nuance — центр чего-л., суть, сущность.

Lagos is a funny place, where sanitised modernity brushes up against quotidian brutality — банальный, избитый, неоригинальный.


Brazil once again missed the boat of modernity and chose instead to support a ragamuffin "democracy" — оборванец; оборвыш.

His national army is more a coalition of ragtag militias from the east, stretched thin by fighting in Benghazi and Derna — имеющий неопрятный вид.

The renewal of a European connection may be the best chance of keeping the country from going off the rails — под откос.

Now she has cast away that raiment of credibility — наряд, оде­яние.

Value creation is a corporation's raison d'etre, the ultimate meas­ure by which it is judged — разумное основание, смысл.

America cannot ram this idea down Arab throats — вбивать, вдалбливать.

One Toxteth mother, whose teenage son left a gang a year ago, says he was recently rammed by a rival gang in a car — таранить, врезаться (куда-л.) с силой.

The smiles will be wooden, the backs ramrod straight — словно аршин проглотил.

Police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Mr. Cho off on the deadliest shooting rampage; rampant anti-Ame­ricanism ярость; буйство.

Lax security at the ramshackle academy allowed a dozen mili­tants to rampage among 800 or more mostly unarmed police recruits — ветхий, дряхлый.

Saakashvili's high-profile rambunctiousness — шумливый, шумный.

For weeks he ate only ramen noodles and coffee ice cream, until he developed scurvy — лапша быстрого приготовления.

The federal government spends $18 billion a year manning the ramparts — бастион; защита, оплот.

In such a transition, rancor seems to be only natural — злоба, озлобленность.

America wants to keep China to ransom выкуп.

Highway bills are a notorious source of rancid pork — прогорклый.

NATO's solidarity with Turkey has rankled Russia, which could intensify bombing of Syrian rebels with ties to Turkey — озлоблять, раздражать.

Party bosses in Heilongjiang will get their knuckles rapped by leaders in Beijing — выговор, замечание.

Lula had a unique rapport with ordinary Brazilians — понимание; согласие.

Last year a UN special rapporteur criticised the government of Shinzo Abe — докладчик.

That he was a portrait photographer before he became a filmmak­er shouldn't be surprising, given the rapt stillness of his feature films — восхищенный, восторженный.

The US also doesn't give a rat's ass about gas pipelines into Ukraine for the EU — it doesn't ship our gas so what's in it for the US? — наплевать.

Or reward students who rat out their roommates with extra help­ings in the dining hall? — предавать, истреблять крыс.

As a result, he decided reluctantly to step aside in favour of his party's ravenously ambitious new leader, Matteo Renzi — жадный, алчный.

limitations of the antitrust apparatus raise the question of com­petition to the political sphere — currently, alas, a realm well supplied with blunderbusses and axes wielded haphazardly and at the wrong tar­gets — сфера, область.

Farmers rear animals and then harvest their flesh, eggs and milk for humans to eat — воспитывать, растить.

In March two students died when their small car was rear-

ended by a Mercedes travelling at top speed — врезаться в машину сзади.

But there is no getting around the fact that Kraus's work is rebar- bative today — отталкивающий, противный.

So China may feel it has to start punishing Taiwan for its recalci­trance — упрямство, упорство.

A writer's recantation highlights the intellectual failures of the Latin American left — отречение, отказ.

Well, anyone who has ever pored over a scientific research pa­per will recall its recondite jargon; Shakespeare emerges from all this more ingenious and recondite than one can quite believe — сложный для понимания.

Most Germans will resist EU risk-sharing schemes without clear commitment to fiscal rectitude among euro delinquents честность, правильность, нравственность.

Arguably that has happened already, thanks to its recision of

gun control in Washington, DC and Chicago in 2008 and 2010 — аннули­рование, отмена.

That too is a good thing, for partisanship and recrimination will not solve anything here — встречное обвинение, контробвинение.

So, in those cases, avoiding punishment allowed the recrudesce of violence — рецидивировать.

The asylum-seekers' centre in Rijswijk, a suburb of The Hague, is clean, rectilinear and well-organised — прямолинейный.

The recrudescence of Islamic fundamentalism — be it Salafism, Wahabism — is related to the 'retreat cycle' of the West — повторное воз­никновение.

Since that awful night, she has been living in the rectory attached to her local church — дом приходского священника, пастора.

Critique was Jimmy Carter redux; Berlusconi redux — вернувший­ся, возвращающийся (употребляется после определяемого слова).

It engaged in tricks redolent of mischievous charcters in Bulga­kov's "The Master and margarita" — вызывающий воспоминания.

The rebels' last big redoubt has now been cut almost in half —


He sees Sarah Palin as the "reductio ad absurdum" of the Ameri­can conservatism доведенное до абсурда.

China is keen to redress past injustices; The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances — компенсация (убытка, ущерба); сатисфакция.

They made employees redundant — излишний, избыточный.

In between prison spells, she made speeches from an ambulance stretcher, "Trembling like a reed," wrote Rebecca West — слабый, легко поддающийся влиянию человек.

Mr Monti is not asking the Germans to embark on reflation, be­cause he knows they will say no — новая, искусственная инфляция (после дефляции).

Coeval with dinosaurs, once widespread across the northern hem­isphere, but now reduced to refugia that cover a total range — зона, территория обитания.

Romney would be the richest candidate ever to win a big-party nomination and he reeks of privilege — попахивать, отдавать (чем-л. дурным).

American first ladies occupy an odd position, somewhere on the regal extremities of a presidential system that gives the country a cross between a chief executive in the Oval Office, and an elected monarch — величественный, царственный.

Has a microblog account with 38m followers — roughly the num­ber of people living in California — whom he regales with snide com­ments — угощать, потчевать.

The regicide of 1990 was an epochal moment in British politics —


The next foot prints on the lunar regolith were therefore thought likely to be Chinese — реголит (рыхлые поверхностные образования).

As yet, artificial intelligence (AI) can only regurgitate ideas people have already dreamt up — хлынуть, политься в обратном направлении.

That will require the rejigging of their liabilities; to rejig its busi­ness model — переделать, перестроить, преобразовать.

The bill gives Republicans a rejoinder should Mr Obama accuse them of toying with default, as he probably will when the time comes to raise the debt ceiling again — вторичное возражение ответчика.

Vladimir Putin's visit and a football match rekindle rows in Ser­bia — вновь зажечь, разжечь.

The programme-makers thus watch out for, and cut, anything that looks fake: the families must be relatable — родственный.

Are they relics of the past and unimportant in today's global mar­kets? — мощи, останки.

Biotechnology would relegate the ingenuity and accumulated collective wisdom — переводить в низший разряд, класс; низводить.

The bones were solemnly transported to a Sozopol church and sealed in a silver reliquary donated by the prime minister — рака, гробница, ковчег, усыпальница (для мощей).

According to the law, she had to relinquish one passport between her 18th and 23rd birthday — отказываться от права.

Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic; No­body should relish the demise of once-great titles — (приятный) вкус, привкус; запах.

Though convicted in 1987, with time spent on remand, Mr Pollard will have served 30 years in November — возвращение (арестованно­го) под стражу.

Is there something that the country can do to remedy this situa­tion? — исправлять.

Each group had an allotted ten-minute remonstrance at Japan's official doorstep выражение протеста; возражение.

Romania, Poland and the CIA are involved in extraordinary ren­dition, which means the outsourcing by the CIA of torture sessions — выступление, представление, исполнение.

Heart-rending images flashed across the world of Alan Kur- di, a three-year-old from Syria who drowned off the Turkish coast — душераздирающий; горестный.

Another trigger for a possible downgrade would be a move by the government to renege on plans to reduce the fiscal deficit — изменять своему слову.

Standard Bank, a South African lender and the continent's biggest bank by assets, now offers renminbi accounts to expatriate traders — женьминби, женьминьби (обобщенное название китайских денег; буквально: «народные деньги»).

In contrast to this easy repartee, his guest gave a rambling for­mal speech, a page of which blew away — находчивость, остроумие.

Now repo companies are the ones doing the booming — что-то уже бывшее чей-то собственностью.

Jackson-Vanik repeal will of course have to be one of the ele­ments — аннулировать, отменять (закон, резолюцию, приговор и т. п.).

Rather a reprobate than a Republican, voters in his district reck­on — негодяй, подлец.

Many in California were infuriated last year by a bill to rescind the state's ban on using race in university admissions — аннулировать, расторгать, отменять.

Barack Obama did not resile from the human-rights agenda — гибкость.

LUKOIL had hoped to resuscitate the deal — воскрешать, ожив­лять; приводить в сознание, реанимировать.

It weathered the crisis with remarkable resilience — гибкость, упругость, эластичность.

Politicians should be forced to recuse themselves from voting on any matter — отводить (судью, присяжных).

She had always hiked the mountains as a respite from order forms and insoles at the Bee Bee shoe company — короткая передышка.

The last thing the US wants to know about is Irish terror organisa­tions being resurgent, that means they got to call them "freedom fight­ers" — возрождающийся (о надеждах).

This resonates with echoes of Caroline Kennedy's abortive bid for a Senate seat from New York — to be understood or receive a sympa­thetic response — отзываться.

The OED has "respair", both as a noun and verb, meaning the re­turn of hope after a period of despair — an obvious etymological kissing- cousin — комбинация состояния упадка и подъема.

Venezuelans are especially annoyed by a video of the president, resplendent in a white tracksuit, playing catch with Diosdado Cabello, the thuggish former president of the national assembly — великолепный, ослепительный.

Her family's social models were the white bourgeoisie; her fa­ther, resplendent in a suit with a diamond stick-pin — великолепный, ослепительный.

A mix of mendacious reticence; reticence began to wane — лживый; ложный, обманчивый; сдержанность; замкнутость,.

Ret — media often reticent about reporting bad news; nor­mally reticent Chinese workers молчаливый, немногословный, неразговорчивый.

The rapid spread of Christianity is forcing an official rethink on religion — переосмысление; пересмотр.

Apologists might retort that Humboldt is still recovering from its time on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall — возражение; резкий ответ.

Some of her other proposals are retreads, and will take time to implement — переобучать; вновь давать работу (после выхода на пенсию).

Voting for someone other than Democrats certainly doesn't make one "a verifiable retard" — заторможенный человек, "тормоз".

MicroLink has worked with the American air force to retrofit its solar cells to AeroVironment's small drones — модифицировать.

When Dichter was whispering these sweet nothings in the ears of CEOs, they were revelatory — разоблачительный.

In what only a few months ago would have seemed like an act of despair but now passes for revelry — пирушка, попойка.

They were stunned to discover a revenant from this cataclysm just 50 metres from the crater — человек, вернувшийся после собственной смерти.

Many speakers, denoting piety or loyalty to political Islam, pref­aced their remarks within cantations of reverence for the Prophet Mu­hammad — почтительность; уважение.

In reverential tones Mr Schulz recalled his 20-year-old self re­ceiving a book as a prize from the great man — внушающий почтение, благоговение.

Next step is to revert to him with the revisions — переходить к прежнему владельцу.

Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic — оскорблять; поносить.

And the industry is about to rev up its efforts, as Toyota and Hon­da put the first mass-market fuel-cell cars on their dealers' forecourts — повышать, увеличивать, делать более активным.

That tale began with the cacophony of reveille for the prisoners, "sounded by the blows of a hammer on a length of rail" through windows coated in frost two fingers thick — побудка, подъем.

Simon Mezzanotte of Societe Generale, a bank, explains that if rev- par, the industry's benchmark, falls 1% - доход с комнаты.

With all due respect, you can rhapsodize the alleged "strength" of Pakistan's "institutions" — чрезмерно восхищаться (чем-л.), восхвалять (что-л.).

As a rhetorician, he is no great performer — искусный оратор или писатель, краснобай.

Mr Berlusconi might bring entrepreneurial vigour to government; his ribald comments about women were, well, part of being an Italian male — похабный; оскорбительный.

His face was set in a rictus of death — широко открытый рот, застывший в гримасе ужаса.

Upgrading London's rickety old underground network under a multi-billion-pound public-private partnership; Iran's ideological state have got no less rickety since last year's turmoil — неустойчивый; шаткий.

Riddled with waste, inefficiency and corruption — пронизывать; содержаться в большом количестве; изобиловать.

The favoured dances of his youth were waltzes and polkas. Ragtime was for riffraff подонки общества, отбросы, сброд, чернь.

Thailand's fishing industry is rife with trafficking and abuse — обыкновенный, распространенный.

All media outlet and communication cut off, votes rigged by a colossal amount! действовать нечестно; добиваться обманным путем.

Most alarming for anyone hoping that Mr Kelly can right the ship is Mr Trump's habit of disregarding advice — исправить.

Gulliver should have made a YouTube video of the whole rigma­role — долгая и муторная процедура, канитель.

Rigor mortis had set in among Arab and Muslim leaders — труп­ное окоченение.

The play is over but the actors will not leave the stage and keep try­ing to win attention for what has become a plotless rigmarole — пустая болтовня, вздор.

The three-martini lunch was de rigueur — строго.

Bail-outs rile Ford; In 1995 Hillary riled her hosts with a fiery speech at a UN women's conference in Beijing возмущать, раздражать, сердить.

Yet nothing in that riotous history is more perplexing than David Cameron's experience in America this week — шумный, бурный.

Many officials are angry because he has ripped up the compact by which they have operated and which said that they could line their pockets — распарывать, рвать.

And Mr Obama's point about no soldier dying in vain was a nice riposte — ответный удар, укол (в фехтовании).

But it will also generate less controversy among downstream ri­parian neighbours — прибрежный, относящийся к берегу.

The emirate simply fumbled as it reached for the ripcord — вытяжной трос (парашюта), разрывная веревка (аэростата).

The family feud which is rippling through the worldbanking in­dustry — колыхаться, волновать, колыхать.

Dumping rubble, known as riprap, into the water around a bridge's piers stabilises the riverbed they are sunk into — каменная отсыпь.

The most risible thing about Flanders, of course, is his bulletproof Christian faith — смешной; забавный, смехотворный.

Cambodia, like Laos, is riven with corruption — расколотый, расщепленный.

China, many Taiwanese believe the KMT to be too pro-China and are prepared to believe that their president will sell them down the river — предавать.

Most riverine accidents had nothing to do with them — прибреж­ный, речной, относящийся к реке.

In this riveting book, S. C. Gwynne turns the spotlight on his home state, Texas — захватывающий, интересный.

But attention in Israel is still rivetted on impending elections — сосредоточивать (внимание).

What could have been handled through a rivulet of compromise may now result in a river of blood — ручей; небольшая река.

It'd be interesting to see what happens when ritzy clinics are sud­denly crowded with indigent people whom they have to treat by law — модный, дорогой.

People think GM is already roadkill — животное, сбитое авто­мобилем.

Public's sense that the justices may be little more than politicians in robes — мантия.

Those robustly in favour of lifting the embargo probably include France, Spain — крепкий, здоровый; сильный; твердый.

Ms Wass kept to her initial account of Mr Adoboli as a rogue trad­er, who lied to his colleagues while working at the bank's offices in Lon­don — жулик, мерзавец.

Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which are set in motion by earth­quakes — неконтролируемый.

Corruption allegations are roiling politics as the premier sues two opposition members for libel — мутить (воду); взбалтывать; вздыматься, волноваться.

In the meantime, this is a rollicking story of hubris and the suf­fering it brings — бесшабашный; разухабистый.

Barack Obama romped to victory with 365 electoral-college votes, 192 more than Mr McCain, and almost 53% of the popular vote — легко справиться с (чем-л.).

An estimated 5,000-6,000 of them now work in the city, compared with the 12,000 in Washington, DC, the trade's romping-ground — место веселой возни, шумной игры.

In St Paul's Cathedral hung a rood, a grand figure of Christ on the

cross, the centre of the medieval churchgoer's attention and piety, which provided a political bellwether through these years — распятие.

The salaries paid to rookies closely reflect these distinctions of rank — типичный для новичков.

In the war on drugs that Mexico is waging, the root cause of the problem is not being addresed: US unstoppable demand for drugs — коренная проблема.

Pigs rootle fastidiously through the foothills of the mountain of rubbish — рыть землю рылом (о свиньях).

This is where the ugly ducklings of mainstream economics come home to roost — верховодить; задавать тон.

And the toughness of the post is all the more reason, he says, to elect somebody who knows the ropes and who has "no future" after­wards — хорошо ориентироваться.

Francois Hollande, the outgoing president, was mocked on Le Petit Journal, a news and entertainment show, for his ropey English — плохой, скверный.

She knew the ropes; the problem with steel cables (or "ropes" as they are known in the trade) is that they are heavy — хорошо ориентироваться, знать все входы и выходы.

At the time, of course, things were less clear-cut and few realised just how ropy the banks were — плохой, неудовлетворительный.

In his parents' house there was no politics discussed whatsoever, just nightly kneeling to say the rosary — розарий, розариум.

Now Korea can add resilience to its roster of achievements — перечень, реестр, список.

Parents have stepped in where the state cannot or will not help: on one classroom wall is a rota of fathers who guard the school day and night (a local nursery was recently robbed of everything from its Christmas tree to its bathroom soap) — установленный порядок, распо­рядок.

If you are young, years of rote learning in dreary state schools did not prepare you well for this new world — механическое запо­минание.

It is a simple message, but one that America's health officials have tried time and again to drill into the minds of their rotund fellow citi­zens — полный, круглый, пухлый.

His friends back home were constrained by their rote-based educa­tion, losing countless hours to courses on Ho Chi Minh Thought; the traits that made it an economic powerhouse in the 20th century — easy capi­tal, big companies, rote learning, management by mandarins and stable jobs for male breadwinners — are ill-suited to the 21st — механическое запоминание.

Pears was often on tour and had a roving eye — странствовать.

550,000 Haitians have gathered in 337 makeshift camps and tar­paulin; almost as many are sleeping rough — лишенный комфорта, суровый (об условиях жизни).

In May a mob broke into his office to rough him up — жестоко обращаться.

At his confirmation hearings for the post of secretary of state he rode roughshod over his interrogators — жестокость.

To help readers find all our China coverage in one place, each week we round-up links to the Sino-centric articles — собирать, созывать (в одном месте).

Oil prices are in a rout, with no clear sign of the bottom yet. Janu­ary 29th 2015 — беспорядочное бегство; стремительное отступление.

The conservatives have rubbished the Hartz commission's pro­posals — превращать в груду обломков.

China is exploring the global rubble — бутовый камень, бу­лыжник.

The rub is that when specialists start talking with laymen, they fre­quently appear to forget about the difference in the level of knowledge затруднение, препятствие, помеха.

To blithley subsume all laws under one rubric — the rule of law — is pointless because there can then be no agreement заглавие, заго­ловок.

A demand to make Irish an official language is causing ructions- a noisy, often violent, quarrel or fight — скандальный.

Use senior rather than ranking, rumpus rather than ruckus, and rumbustious rather than rambunctious — гвалт, гудение, гул.

Schroder's government will belatedly try to make up for the time it wasted in the rudderless beginnings of its second term — без руководства, бесконтрольный.

Very few government programs can pass even a rudimentary ROI analysis — элементарный.

People fall in love and sing about it, or they murder someone and rue the day — сожалеть, чувствовать угрызения совести по поводу (чего-л.).

The Palestinians, rueful now that they failed to nail down what was then on offer, want the new talks to resume from where the old ones left грустный, унылый, печальный.

Britain's small shopkeepers rue the day they called for a probe of retailing — раскаиваться, сожалеть.

Handled better, the move might have ruffled fewer feathers — ерошить (перья, волосы).

But for so many to write revisionist claptrap in a hotel-sponsored competition is rum indeed — странный, чудной, подозрительный.

Cracking the rumbustious market is the kind of offensive that Korea's shock-troop salesmen relish — шумный, буйный.

Carrefour's problems are a mere rumble compared with the earth­quake that is about to hit European retail; He quickly found a middle ground between the smooth music he was raised on and the hellbent early rumblings of rock — рокот.

It is a trade well chosen for a ruminating hero whose life is about to be tested; Pundits continue to ruminate over it — раздумывать; размышлять.

Mr Maliki, who leads the rump of the Dawa party, the third main Shia faction; The rump of guerillas — "охвостье", огузок; зад.

Where slicker rivals chop, change and pander, the rumpled Mr Paul hews to his principles even when they are unpopular — помятый.

Some 10,000 senior members of the former ruling party, which dominated Tunisian politics for five decades, have been banned from run­ning for office. So why the rumpus? — шум, гам; ссора.

Here is a quick rundown of my opinion on the two solutions краткое описание, краткое изложение.

The 5,000-year-old chambered tomb of Maes Howe, in Orkney, is mostly famous for the runes left behind by some 12th-century Vikings — руна (эпическая песня у карелов и финнов).

It is a ruse familiar to officials the world over: if you have embar­rassing or controversial news, release it on a Friday, the later the better — ухищрение, хитрость.

An old lady's russet wig lies in the road, lost perhaps as she took flight after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster — грубая домотканая шерстяная ткань.

Cells in the body, like workers on the job, can get stuck in a rut, doing the same old thing day after day without prospect of promotion or relocation привычная колея; рутина.


Despite all the sabre-rattling, neither Iran nor America wants confrontation just yet бряцание оружием; угрозы.

His followers were sent sachets of healing water — пакет-саше, упаковка "саше" (небольшая упаковка для жидкостей и порошко­образных продуктов).

He looks like the sacrificial lamb жертвенный, самоотвер­женный.

It enriches a few bosses but saddles the state enterprises with enor­mous debts for which, in the end, the government is liable — взваливать; обременять.

Environment degradation by 'governing innovatively and saga­ciously' — проницательно, дальновидно.

Making the most of an ancient business practice in a sagging economy — оседание; провисание.

The market sagged briefly along with the rest of the local economy, she says, but then came roaring back, especially at the top end — провисать.

Public mockery of mildly salacious passages — похотливый, сладострастный, распутный.

Whether it's called "salami tactics" or "auf Sicht fahren" makes little difference — тактика поэтапных мероприятий, изменений; по­степенное отсекание нежелательных элементов (подобно нарезанию колбасы салями тонкими ломтиками).

Companies are already salivating at the chance — вызывать слю­нотечение.

But the simple analysis here, I think, is that as with most issues, it's necessary to account for issue salience as well as simple preference — выпуклость, выступ; особенность.

In real life, her first sally abroad would be not to Berlin but to a summit in Brussels — вылазка.

Pakistani tradition requires that any politician worth his salt is seen among the people, pressing the flesh at vast gatherings — уважаемый; не зря получающий деньги.

At a gathering of Colombo's old salts, the mood is optimistic — морской волк, просоленный ветрами моряк.

A Briton doing business in London might well have to make do with something less salubrious; More salubrious countries — здоровый, полезный; целительный.

Yet a look at the euro zone's problems is salutary — благотворный; спасительный.

One potential salve, promoted by educationalists on the left and right and hinted at in Ms Morgan's plans, would be to allow local authori­ties in effect to form their own chains — смягчать; успокаивать.

Unlike many of economist or buiness books where read many so often find new ones a bit samey — однообразный.

A warmongering neocon and a sanctimonious backstabber; sanctimoniousdrivel dressed up as political philosophy — ханжеский, лицемерный.

For that matter, leaving the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin — "sit­ting together," hence "assembly" or "council") was an assembly of twenty- three judges appointed in every city in the Land of Israel.

The dark wizard himself, with admirable sangfroid, insists that little has changed — хладнокровие, самообладание.

Britain is feeling sanguine about both the new prime minister and terrorism — оптимистический; уверенный в успехе.

A new study shows that climate change is likely to sap productiv­ity in the rich worl — лишать сока; иссушать.

It revealed sartorial, as well as institutional, flaws — относящийся к одежде, моде; to have a sartorial look — выглядеть тщательно оде­вающимся человеком.

With their ceremonial sashes and g rand town halls in even the remot­est villag e, mayors occupy a special place in French life — орденская лента.

To sashay down America's catwalks; Karima el-Mahroug, which seems to be her real name (she prefers Ruby Rubacuori, or "Ruby Heartstealer"), first sashayed on to the political stage on October 26th — расхаживать.

It tries to sell China's message by being more sassy, and some­times more critical, than other state media — развязный; нахальный.

Kathy, as you may have gathered, is the voice on my satnav — по­иск по спутнику.

After sunset a bomber sauntered in and blew himself up next to the queue for the dodgem cars — прогуливаться, прохаживаться.

He called its security sacrosanct — священный; неприкосно­венный.

The writing is highly intelligent, elegant and slightly quirky with­out ever being showy or sassy — развязный; нахальный.

Yet all the bribery and vehicles of dubious provenance have not sated the demand for second-hand cars — насыщать, удовлетворять.

An Iranian satrapy; such satrapies as Iraq — сатрапия (провин­ция под руководством сатрапа; срок правления сатрапа; звание са­трапа); самодур, жестокий правитель, тиран.

Ehe sorrowful satchel was the mascot of a "citizen's" rebellion against a proposed school restructuring — ранец, сумка (обычно для книг).

Although developing markets are important, India and China are largely still off the satnav — сокращенно от "satellite navigation" (навигация no спутнику).

Economists of a saturnine disposition are used to thinking of old Europe and ageing Japan as their intellectual homelands — мрачный, угрюмый.

Mr Bentley has been humiliated by leaked recordings of saucy phone calls between him and Rebekah Maso — грубоватый, фривольный.

A saunter through the streets was evidently deemed unwise — прогулка, прогуливаться.

But his success meant that life imitated art, and Mr Hirokane emerged as a business savant — ученый; крупный специалист в ка- кой-л. области.

Argentina now imposes more trade limitations deemed "harmful" than any country save Russia — за исключением, кроме.

After his inauguration on August 5th, Mahmoud Ahmadine- jad has little to savour as he settles in for a second four-year term — наслаждаться, смаковать.

Terrorism is something which should be fought with intelligence, with disguise, with "savoir faire", not with brute force — находчивость, умение выходить из (трудного) положения.

She has rebuked Mr Lee for not getting her government's say-so on his plan — право принятия окончательного решения.

However, many small towns are reluctant to erect them, for fear they might "pick off the scab" from old wounds — корка (на ране).

Year storms prompted an outbreak of scabies — чесотка.

The string of terrorist plots and attacks that has provided Brussels, and some other Belgian cities, with a scabrous reputation as an incuba­tor ofjihadi ideology and a paragon of law-enforcement incompetence — непристойный, оскорбительный.

A decade of high oil prices has left the region's oil exporters with more than $2.5 trillion in accumulated sovereign assets along with scads of fancy toys — очень большое количество, куча.

Working for the Yankee north incidentally, which made him a scallywag, I believe, in the original meaning of the word — заморыш, «прохвост».

A greater concern should have been that they became easy prey for scammers — жулики.

They scamper from home to home; They see Poland scamper­ing after big countries such as Russia, France and Germany, rather like a teenager desperate to hang out with adults, heedless of the national in­terest — бегать, носиться, резво скакать.

His speech offered very scant hope — скудный, недостаточный; ограниченный.

How dare he bring disaster on the rest of the euro zone when it had so generously bailed out his scapegrace of a country? — шалопай, повеса.

CiU, meanwhile, proposes an ill-defined system of rewards for well-behaved immigrants while critics say this is all unnecessary scare- mongering — разжигание страха; запугивание.

Frequently scatological, often crudely misogynistic, some of Larkin's unpublished work makes for uneasy reading — грязный, непристойный, скабрезный.

He became a fearless and scathing critic of Brezhnev's senes­cence едкий, жестокий, злой.

Obama's scattershot tax increase — незапланированный, спонтанный; scattershot reply — спонтанный, неподготовленный ответ.

Yele has so far pursued a more scattergun approach — незапла­нированный, спонтанный.

In 1940, as a teenager in The Hague under Nazi occupation, he cobbled together scavenged parts to make simple radios — копаться в мусоре, отбросах.

Underlining the widely-held view that perfidious Albion continues to scheme — плести интриги.

A 18-hour schlepp via hong Kong — бросок, перелет, тащить, нести (что-л. тяжелое или громоздкое).

Low culture from salsa to schlocky soap operas are popular ex­ports — дрянной, халтурный.

Can anyone tell me what the French hope to achieve through all this schmoozing with the US; shahristani doesn't like schmoozing

сплетничать, судачить.

Не played the role of schmuck — тупица, зануда.

Obama is looking more and more like the schmendrick — при­дурок.

But then schmaltz gushed forth: "If history proves that be so, I will not shy from that hatred" — сентиментальная болтовня; сентиментальный вздор.

It used to be that an employee having problems at home would keep schtum about it in front of his boss — молчание в ситуации, когда лучше молчать, чтобы избежать неприятностей.

The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and con­servative wings — схизма, ересь, раскол; to cause, create a schism — производить раскол.

After a scintilla of regret over lost youth, to turn 50 should be to enter the prime of life, with a plenitude of projects and achievements; there is no even onescintillaof evidence — крупица, малая толика.

Top of the list was a big upward revision to the already scintillat­ing third-quarter GDP figures — забавный; искрометный.

Akio Toyoda, 53, the scion of the founding family, appear in public to bow in apology — and even then critics complained that he did not bow deeply enough; He was the scion of the family — потомок; наследник.

Economists are not known for their scintillating personalities — забавный; искрометный.

Mr Trump appears to be seeking a co-operative relationship with China after a schmooze-fest with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago — заводить полезные знакомства.

Any reader who is not thoroughly schooled in modern Western history may find Mr Makari's detailed account confusing — обучать (чему-л.).

When this idea was first mooted, people scoffed — осмеивать, под­нимать на смех.

Estonia has two more hurdles to jump before it can scotch the scoffers; Observers scoff at such notions — зубоскал; насмешник.

You have to mention those other two scofflaws to understand the politics of this — тот, кто пренебрежительно относится к правилам, законам.

America risks being seen as unwilling to play global policeman, while still being happy to play global scold — брань.

Lapses like this affect school truancy, foment social disorder and encourage a preference for margarine on one's scones — лепешка из непросеянной муки.

The staff, chivvied jovially along by an intrepid retired Scottish schoolmarm who created the restaurant a few years ago — старомодная женщина, любящая поучать других людей.

The ultimate concession is to give activists representation on the board in return for keeping schtum — молчать.

The Dutch learned better than any other country what such cha­os can mean, when scores of their countrymen were killed in 2014 — множество (большое количество).

The scourge of corruption is spreading — бич, бедствие.

The Sydney stockmarket seemed to approve of the scorched-earth tactics — выжженная земля.

Mr Obama gets off pretty much scot free платить городские налоги, местные подати.

He scotches the notion; to scotch inflation — положить конец (чему-л.), прекратить, пресечь.

But the news broke a few days early when the Observer, a Bri­tish newspaper, scooped it — опубликовать сенсационное сообщение (раньше других).

Some of them scoot around America's shale beds — бежать стрем­глав.

You visit Kisangani, every building has bullet holes, scorch marks, or is simply destroyed — обжигать; подпаливать.

It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares — очищать; избавляться.

The Supreme Court will hear a case in the autumn that puts a new spin on an old scourge: partisan gerrymandering — бедствие, беда.

A recent poll suggests that the government will scrape the refer­endum — выбивать.

The Syrian regime has spent billions trying to get them up to scratch — на должной высоте.

Relations between Mr Jibril and and Mr Tarhouni have been scratchy — раздражительный, злобный.

A military parade is held on the Champs Elysees, and fighter jets, blazing a trail of red, white and blue, screech low over Paris; In Sweden, towns like Gothenburg are partially segregated; This week the govern­ment executed a screeching U-turn on its asylum policy — визжать; скрежетать.

If you are standing next to a pothole that is supposed to be fixed by local government, your constituents could care less about partisan screeds — длинная и скучная речь, статья.

That is more easily scrawled on a banner than achieved in prac­tice — писать наспех; писать неразборчиво.

Vanessa strongly detailed, she a scribble and a nothing, as she always felt — каракули.

The urge to scrimp and splurge — урезывать, экономить; тран­жирить, тратить деньги.

After a spell in Paris, he was bought by London Zoo as a scrofu­lous, rat-chewed runt — болезненный, слабый.

Some locals say immigrants are scroungers; in fact they are less likely to claim benefits than the natives — хапуга.

Even scrounging food for the eight she had sheltered had become harder — попрошайничать, побираться.

The people trudging out of rebel territory, across a strip of scrubby ground dotted with bundles of barbed wire — поросший кустарником, низкорослыми деревьями.

Farther down the road, another scruffy settlement called Wadi al-Saial — грязный, неряшливый.

Even Harry Potter and James Bond are scruffy looking nerf-herd- ers by comparison — грязный, неряшливый.

Kingsville, an old railway town in the scrublands of south Texas, has several features that cheer Republicans — лесной район.

At fault was the scrum, the key way play is restarted in rugby union — драка, потасовка.

At the end of our meal, out came a scrumptious homemade cake, cooked in the galley right on the boat — восхитительный, изысканный (обычно о еде).
