In the Democratic Party just picks fierier policies and more inspiring candidates, that anti-Trump majority will surely boil over — пылкий, вспыльчивый.

Waste in a company is lost profit; waste in a bureaucracy means a bigger fiefdom — феодальное владение.

Few fiff-faffs over communist tyrants aside, Mr Corbyn is asquit- ting himself quite well as party leader — не очень успешно заниматься чем-л.

The Russian media have had a field day with it — день военных парадов перед зрителями.

As Angelica grew, Virginia, who cared not a fig for fashion, un­dertook to give her a clothing allowance and sent her to the hairdress­er — просто наплевать.

Charles will one day be the largely powerless figurehead of a par­liamentary democracy that pretends to be a monarchy — номинальный глава; подставное лицо.

Filial piety comes in many forms — дочерний, сыновний.

Another concern is consumer protection: dodgy operators could filch cash — стянуть, стащить.

In the 1960s and 1970s hubris, corruption and foreign mass culture smashed through the delicate filigree of Persian society — филигрань.

Countries in the region are benefiting in terms of the huge fillip to growth and to their external balances — мотив, побуждение, стимул.

A big company will have a compliance department that can fina­gle the federal code — жульничать.

These rules are nothing more than wet fingers in the wind с лег­костью, без труда, запросто.

In 2008 Siemens, a German conglomerate, was fingered for hand­ing out bribes in emerging markets — устанавливать; признавать.

To see how the most finicky historian of the future will find the slightest reason for doubting — излишне разборчивый; педантичный.

Mikheil Saakashvili, then a youthful firebrand leader of the op­position to President Eduard Shevardnadze; Venezuelans, along with their neighbours, have become accustomed to Chavez's habit of switching from firebrand to conciliator and back again зачинщик, разжигатель; подстрекатель.

The Conservative Party is a faithful product of first-past-the- post — отдающий победу кандидату, набравшему простое боль­шинство голосов.

А chaotic affair, marked by fisticuffs in the country's Congress — драка на кулаках, кулачный бой.

North Caucasus is the Russian empire's most fissiparous area; an outpouring of national pride that is unusual in a fissiparous country of­ten seemingly racked by self-doubt — раскольнический, фракционный.

Mr Obama has dragged America's economy back from the brink of disaster, and has made a decent fist of foreign policy — почерк.

The world economy is fitfully getting back to normal — преры­висто, толчками, урывками.

Della Pietra convinced me that he could find the right fizz to part­ner each course — волнение, выказывать радость.

ABBA is a fizzy 1970s pop group модный, шипучий.

Cracking jokes and dispensing wisdom in American-accented Po­lish, Michael Schudrich, the chief rabbi, is a fixture in Polish public life — постоянный, неизменно присутствующий элемент.

That may be why subsequent efforts to transfer the same fixity of purpose to broader spheres of peacetime endeavour have fallen short — недвижимость, неподвижность, покой.

The flabby state sector needs a lot more trimming, and the private sector yearns to be unleashed — дряблый, отвислый.

American officials were flabbergasted when he failed to attend the G8 summit and a bilateral meeting with Mr Obama last month — изумлять, поражать, удивлять.

Political cynicism, unmoving opinion polls and flaccid national campaigns are partly to blame for the lack of colour in the constituen­cies — слабый, безвольный, пассивный.

He has taken flack about an alleged lack of economic nous заниматься связями с общественностью; выполнять функции пресс- агента.

The "tyranny of the flagship": the tendency for top-of-the-range phones to scoop a disproportionate share of the market — флагман, ведущий.

Short of authority and direction, India's rulers flail in the face of growing problems — цепенеть.

The Chinese record will draw flak; The government took much of the flak for the job losses — взбучка, огонь зенитной артиллерии.

The flashbulbs popped as her handcuffs were taken off — лампа- вспышка.

Taxpayers will remain destined to rescue the flakiest firms time and time again — психованный, чудной.

The Anglo-Saxon media love nothing better than a bit of self-flag­ellation — самобичевание.

Dubai's rich will have yet another way to flaunt their wealth — выставлять себя напоказ, рисоваться.

Nobody knows if a fleck of paint, a particle of frozen astronaut's urine or a fragment broken off a satellite count as an object: there is no case law — пятно.

Working side by side was the best way to train and support the fledgling forces — неопытный юнец; человек, начинающий свою карьеру.

The amount of flannel and balderdash students are taught and then regurgitate in the real world is truly frightening — абсурд, вздор, ерунда.

His Mahdi Army used to flaunt nationalist credentials in an effort not to be viewed as being in Iran's pocket — дефилировать; выставлять себя напоказ, рисоваться.

And that was a mere fleabite compared with his grander ambi­tions — маленькая неприятность; легкая боль.

A Latin American giant plans to modernise India's fleapits вшивый отель, задрипанный кинотеатр.

The Chinese government is in a muscle-flexing mood поиг- рывание мышцами.

You might think such fleecing would leave the government with cash to spare — надувательство.

Most journalists visit Chechnya fleetingly — быстро; мимолетно, скоротечно.

Where Mr Bower gets it wrong, however, is in casting Mr Blair as a feckless flibbertigibbet — сплетник; легкомысленный чело­век.

A formulaic Hollywood-style flick — внезапный легкий удар, щелчок.

The crisis of 2008-09, when oil prices fell and the world economy stagnated, revealed that the Russian economy was dependent on flighty foreign hedge funds and retail investors — капризный, взбалмош­ный.

Some of this flimflam is captured by Thomson Reuters, which distinguishes between "invention patents", which require an exam­ination to see if an idea is really novel, and "utility-model patents" — мошенничество, обман; жульническая уловка.

The killing and incarceration of people on flimsy accusations of insulting Islam has long shamed Pakistan — неосновательный, шаткий.

One of the most fascinating is its long-standing fling with Israel — удалой шотландский танец, флинг.

Wolfgang Schauble, the flinty finance minister, is under constitu­tional orders to cut the federal government's structural budget deficit — суровый; бесчувственный, черствый.

The famous flip-flopper is also — with the exception of his fellow Mormon, Jon Huntsman — the least authentic conservative in the race — перебежчик, перевертыш.

Yet while other European countries enact reforms, the main candidates for the French presidency focus on more flippant issues — легкомысленный, несерьезный.

France even flirted with demanding his resignation — относиться несерьезно; играть (с чем-л.).

He remained free, probably flitting across the porous border into Thailand — браться то за одно, то за другое.

My apparent floccinaucinihilipilification of both you and your canine companion was meant to be stupendously supercilious — привычка давать всему низкую оценку, считать бесполезным; отрицание важности, значимости (чего-л.).

Floozies are good stress-reliever — шлюха.

From flophouses to boardrooms, moods darkened further in the wake of the decision by Standard & Poor's to demote Brazil's debt — ночлежка.

His speaking style is often florid — цветистый; кричащий.

To produce all the flotsam and jetsam one could ever wish — ненужные остатки; обрывки.

The FLOTUS failed but a solution cam from the private sector is interesting — первая леди (First Lady of the United States).

At one meeting in 1996, Mr Mandelson felt so slighted by Mr Brown that he flounced out, slamming the door behind him — броситься вон.

Starved of foreign financing, Mr Rouhani's modernisation pro­gramme has floundered — быть на грани краха.

Many dismissed his proposal as an empty flourish that would soon be forgotten — показные движения, завитушка, росчерк.

Even this modest law may be widely flouted — презирать; попирать.

A result of a fluke in Russia's trading calendar; a communist-era fluke — удача, везение.

If it were just flubbed lines and dropped tambourines and rogue piano notes moving into the spotlight, it would be a dubious achieve­ment — испортить, завалить, провалить.

Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, fluffed her sums try­ing to put a price on Labour's pledge to hire an additional 10,000 police officers — произносить с запинкой.

It was because of the "separation of powers", he fluffed — произ­носить с запинкой.

The scandal flummoxes in Washing; Even the least fogeyish of politicians have been flummoxedby the internet — смущать, ставить в затруднительное положение.

The American Revolution swept away the flummery of feudal titles кашица; размазня.

Do they come out of a different pool from the ones who flunk the basic rationality tests posed by the behavioural economics? — провалиться на экзамене.

Mr Gingrich appeared flustered by this assault, and spent much of the run-up to the primary bemoaning — нервировать, тревожить, расстраивать.

The erudite world of taxonomy is all a flutter over a row about renaming the world's most famous fly — дрожание, трепетание.

Being the first one that got hit, torn up real bad, I think a flux of money came here постоянное изменение, постоянное движе­ние.

Bastillle Day on July 14th, with its shiny, military parade and pre­cision flypast over the Champs-Elysees — воздушный парад; демон­страционные полеты.

As a rock off the top left-hand corner of Europe, we are big win­ners from this rule, which turns places like Italy, Greece, Malta or Poland into flypaper for migrants — ловушка для мух.

If his foals perform well once they start racing in 2016, that amount could triple — жеребенок; осленок.

Has the world got a new bubble economy? A rising chorus of foam- spotters believes so сыщик, наблюдатель.

On January 31st, he sacked his government, a time-honoured Jor­danian device for fobbing off protest — не принимать во внимание, отмахиваться (от кого-л.).

Portrayed as warm-blooded personalities with foibles, jealousies and ambitions, notjust as purveyors of ideas — слабость, слабая струнка.

Not only is their country the dominant actor in the euro crisis, but it is also being attacked for foisting on southern Europeans reforms — навязать, всунуть.

China's Communist Party sees its sacred mission as bringing Tai­wan back into the motherland's fold — объятия, паства.

Early analysis of images of these folios suggests some may pre­cede the first big standardisation — книга высотой более 30 см.

Mr Uribe is both intense and folksy, whereas Mr Santos is cerebral and urbane — общительный, компанейский.

While the fate of the euro was resting on Mr Berlusconi's folli- cally enhanced head, the chances of success were slim — выращенные волосяные луковицы.

What people see in me is a calm, trustworthy person who can suc­cessfully carry out an agenda of integration and foment production — разжигать; подстрекать.

This footling stuff is only of any interest because it is about the queen — пустяковый, пустячный.

One consequence is that older EU countries will find themselves footing the bill for clearing it up оплатить счет, оплатить расходы.

Mr Kalam, a former government scientist with a foppish fringe, was unusually popular, mainly because he was not a politician — фатоватый, пижонский.

A lot of churches had played a footsie with New Apostolic Reforma­tion, only before it was heavilly slammed for heretic faith — кокетничать, заигрывать, касаться под столом ноги соседки своей ногой, чтобы не видели другие.

Lender forbearance is widespread, disguising the extent of bad loans — отсрочка (долга).

The main problem with forensic evidence is that it isn't science but it's usually presented to juries as if it were — судебный; команда следователей, работающая на месте преступления.

Which sounds to me like pumping water from the fore to the aft of a sinking ship — на носу и на корме; вдоль всего судна.

A buccaneering Britain would forge wonderful new partner­ships with powerful and dynamic countries outside Europe — медленно и равномерно продвигаться вперед.

Serbia would be at a fork in the road — разветвление, ответвление, развилка (дорог); распутье; at a fork in the road — на распутье.

Goldman is expected to fork out $18 billion for 2009 — раско­шелиться.

The book gives way to a forlorn litany of the events; A forlornef- fort; African hopes that the AU mandate in Mogadishu be turned over to the UN look forlorn — безнадежный (о попытке сделать что-л.).

Eventually every long-running drama, from "Downton Abbey" to "Dr Who", feels formulaic — стереотипный, трафаретный, шаб­лонный.

If one is not fortuitous by the grace of God, then at least remem­ber him, and give him the responsibility of your losses — случайный, неожиданный.

In her first foray to the Middle East as America's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton confirmed the new American administration's intention — короткий визит, набег; нападение.

A cleanly Landlord must have, forsooth, his Rooms new paint­ed and white-wash'd every now and then — без сомнения, поис­тине.

Big-country leaders will spend a lot of time trying to secure ac­cess to the very fossil fuels they are trying to forswear — отказываться, отрекаться.

Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anach­ronism and should be dropped forthwith — немедленно, тотчас, незамедлительно.

It also coincided, perhaps fortuitously for Mr Lukashenka, with an uncomfortable few weeks for Russia's Vladimir Putin — случайно.

Deep learning employs pieces of software called artificial neural networks to fossick out otherwise-abstruse patterns — шарить, рыскать.

Some cash-strapped libraries still use atlases showing fossils such as the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic — что-либо старомодное, вышедшее из употребления; атавизм.

It comes from the fact that many fossiliferous sites which formed in the shallow waters of the past contain types of animal now extinct — органические остатки.

Despite the evidence that trust responds to incentives, certain situ ations foster trust more than others — побуждать, стимулировать; одобрять.

That was the obstacle on which the conference foundered — стать хромым.

Opposition leaders are crying foul but it looks like Mr Chavez and his incompetent "Bolivarian revolution" will roll on бесчестный, грязный, предательский.

The archeological remains of the Koguryo lingdom of 37BC-68AD, the fount of Korean culture and myth — источник, ключ.

The fracas over Renault's closure of its Belgian factory is an indica­tion of the rotten state of Europe's car industry — шумная ссора; скандал.

Unfortunately, military volunteers do not frag, but at least one revealed their crimes against civilians — ранить, убивать осколочной гранатой соратника.

They are not fragrant paragons of exquisite taste — ароматный, благоухающий.

Yet this national treasure is looking frail — хилый, слабый.

With him he already had the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, actually pinched from Eden — ладан.

Bernie Madoff, a New York-based fraudster caught out in 2008 ran a scheme 20 times bigger, at $65 billion — мошенник, обманщик, плут.

An already fraught relationship has become more so with Mr Trump's election as president — удручающий, обременяющий.

The ideologies that held together the big political groupings of the 20th century are fraying — изнашиваться, вытираться.

At a time of chaos, when communications were disrupted and offic­ers were understandably frazzled; But for most equity traders, frazzled after a day of white-knuckle rides, it was an ominous sign that stockmar- kets had finally caught up довести до состояния крайней физической усталости или нервного истощения; измучить.

George Bush is a frat boy who had a serious love affair with the bottle — студент из состоятельной семьи.

Basing troops and equipment on foreign soil is fraught with dif­ficulty — подавленный, удрученный.

Embarrassing pictures on Facebook show you dancing the hula naked at a frat party — студенческое братство.

They are going to waste trillions on the fraudulent theory of "CO2 causes global warming" — жульнический, мошеннический.

If Egyptians in general are frazzled by a year of revolution, the country's Coptic Christian minority is doubly disturbed — вымотавшийся, измученный.

Now France knows how America feels in NATO when it demands more military burden-sharing from allies and chafes at free-riders — халявщик, прилипала.

By allowing a free-for-all, the baby is being thrown out with the bath water — всеобщая драка, свалка.

In capital cities the civil servants freewheel, which is called the federal family freewheeling phenomenon — ехать без использования привода.

The local freesheet tells me that "een nieuwe komedie" is appear­ing starring Charlize Theron — бесплатная газета.

The SEALs needed to get out of there again, they were far behind "frenemy" lines — друг как враг.

Frenetic, competitive, multifarious, filthy and beautiful: the flow­er business is an emblem of Manhattan — буйный, бурный, неисто­вый.

Nearly eclipsed by the international media frenzy over Sarah Pa- lin's speech бешенство; неистовство.

Cafes they frequent now sport airport-style security — часто посещать.

Two decades ago Londoners used to fret about whether their city was faring better or worse than Paris — волноваться, раздражаться.

Yet Hervey was no fribble — фривольная идея, тунеядец.

Its dramatic frieze depicting the battle between the giants and the Olympian gods makes it one of the most distinctive works from the clas­sical world — фриз; бордюр.

Southwest Airlines, the world's first successful no-frills carrier, pioneered ways of reducing operating costs that are now used all over the world — «без выкрутасов».

The eastern fringe of the Muslim world worries about Islamic State's influence — периферия, отдаленная область.

New York's police stopped nearly 700,000 people last year, ac­cording to a New York Civil Liberties Union report that uses police data. More than half of those were also frisked — быстрый обыск при за­держании.

It must send a frisson down the spine of any politician who re­members '68; There was the frisson of fear that a genetic helotry would be created, doomed by its DNA to second-class health care — дрожь; трепет.

But despite such fripperies, green parties and the environmental issues which they champion now pose a serious challenge — безделушка, брелок.

The Germans grew anxious that their tax euros were being frit­tered away, and their savings might be inflated away as their grandpar­ents' were — растрачивать по мелочам.

Yet, for now at least, they remain central to the business of flog­ging posh frocks платье, ряса.

Ministers and their apparatchiks almost Soviet in their determina­tion to frogmarch us into behaving as they think we should — четверо несут кого-л. за руки и за ноги лицом вниз.

The froideur is a reminder that, for all the inquiry's sensational revelations about the intimate relations between proprietors and politi­cians — прохладное отношение.

Palm fronds and bougainvillea rustle in the breeze — листовидный отросток у определенных видов растений.

I hope their Blackberry thumbs go numb and their Bluetooth don- gles get frostbite обморожение, отмороженное место.

The volume and value of home sales in Canada are now at re­cord highs. In some areas the market looks downright frothy — по­верхностный, не имеющий глубокого смысла.

Many countries frown on it, though others take a more relaxed at­titude — смотреть неодобрительно.

They pitch a frumpy Bill Gates lookalike against a too-cool-for- school Jobs doppelganger — старомодный; плохо одетый.

Russia's bullying of small fry such as Georgia — мелкая рыбешка.

He detested modern fashions in history, and fuddy-duddy ones too — человек с отсталыми взглядами; консерватор.

A fudge between two feuding presidential candidates may offer a political road map — чушь, выдумка, вранье.

Through a fug of cigarette smoke, her hosts found her intense, charming, stubborn and prickly — духота; спертый воздух.

Mr Abbas full-throatedly confirmed he had been "very close" to a deal with Mr Netanyahu's predecessor — очень громкий.

Kennedy kept her counsel at the time, but some months later, after she fulsomely endorsed Obama, she said it had been her kids' reactions; he thanked Sarkozy fulsomely — льстивый.

It made both gestures despite issuing fulminations at incur­sions by two American fighter jets into its air-space — изливать гнев, обрушиваться (на кого-л.).

Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region — точка опоры (рычага).

Ms McArdle fumes: the last paragraph makes these eminent pro­fessors seem, to put it charitably, not quite bright — раздражаться, кипеть от злости.

It is in the worst funk in its history; US economy is in a funk — сильный запах; зловоние.

In exchange for padded contracts Brazil's biggest construction firms paid more than a billion dollars in bribes to Petrobras directors, who in turn funnelled the money to their political masters — выходить через узкое отверстие; просачиваться, выходить наружу.

Slavery was part of the furniture of European minds until well into the 18th century — знания, багаж знаний.

And despite all the bear hugs at Latin American summits, Mr

Chavez did not further the continent's cause — содействовать, спо­собствовать.

Constitutional-reform arms race that erupted at the time of the expenses furore — фурор.

Several times in the last couple of weeks, friends and colleagues in Brussels have asked, with furrowed brows — покрывать морщинами.

When Mr Trump and his close associates are accused of furtive or illegal acts, their instinct is to obfuscate, cry "fake news" or search for scapegoats — тайный; незаметный.

Friends ofteh detected something furtive about her — скрытый, тайный; незаметный.

Instead the animals, short-sighted and short-fused, were trapped in holes in the forests of Java, Sumatra and India and killed — вспыльчивый, раздражительный, несдержанный.

But thanks to poor communication, many saw it as China's first fusillade in a global currency war — резкий критический выпад.

A monopoly long held by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, a fusty arm of the party under which all unions are presently herded — старомодный, спертый (о воздухе).

You can't futz with a molecule — Inside of every American is a scawny, twanging old futz like me — валять дурака, простофиля.

Dressed in black gabardines, its Arabic-speaking parliamentar­ians tour the villages of Galilee — габардиновое пальто, габардин.

What if the children inherited a gabby disposition straight from the parents in their cocktail of genes? — словоохотливый, болтли­вый.

The gabfest involving senior Congressional leaders from both parties lasted well over six hours, with no tangible results — треп, бол­товня.

The reporter was a constant gadfly to the government — овод, слепень.

Biden's worst verbal gaffes of the day were minor, such as when he called the Republican vice presidential nominee "Sarah McCain" — ошибка, ложный шаг, промах.

This seems pretty hard to gainsay: when things are going badly, the party in power takes the blame — возражать, противоречить.

Driving through the south-western corner of the state, the benefits of this "shale gale" are easy to see — шторм; буря; ветер от 7 до 10 бал­лов (порыв, движущийся со скоростью от 51 до 100 км/ч).

Ed Miliband and Labour sensed blood and played on ... about cracking down on tax havens has played well to the gallery — играть, подлаживаясь под вкусы галерки.

It must be galling to live next door to the world's best schools; That the party has allowed a (sort of) Chinese firm to poison the coast is particularly galling — вызывающий гнев; досаду.

Joe Walsh, the band>s equivalent of Keith Richards, kept the mood from getting too solemn, gallivanting around the stage — шататься, бродить.

Mr Amour, Zanzibar's president, was once described by Nyerere as a hippopotamus for his galumphing political tactics — идти неровным прерывистым шагом.

Bigwigs like Bill Clinton and Governor Andrew Cuomo, sena­tors and city politicos were all there, not to mention cameras galore — достаток, изобилие.

In the past week three developments have cast doubt on the usefulness of Japan's prevailing attitude of gaman — выносливость, способность переносить страдание и т.п.

It includes so many exemptions, giveaways and rebates that those who can game the system pay effective rates that are too low — играть в азартные игры.

Officials say it is unrelated to the gammy left knee that had al­ready slowed the president down in recent weeks — хромой.

She hangs a silk gamosa scarf around this correspondent's neck and invites him in for tea — ткань для обтирания.

Among the things I remember from the EMF roundtable was that the opinions seemed to run the whole gamut from absurd — гамма; диапазон, спектр.

Bosses grumble they are under constant pressure to perform, but they are being pushed down the gangplank more slowly — сходня, трап.

Today the euro has lost much of its glamour, gangsta or other­wise — чернокожий член банды.

But after roughly 2,000 years of roaring their noses were worn away, their teeth gappy — с пробелами; неполный.

These attributes bolster his claim that, in a field of Republican gargoyles, he is the likeliest to prevail in November — горгулья, человек с уродливым лицом.

Many thought the garish top lot carried an ambitious estimate, £ 8m-12m, and would be hard to sell — чрезмерно пестрый, кричаще яркий (об одежде, картине).

He left the local grammar school garlanded with prizes, and went to Oxford with an open scholarship to study classics — надевать венок, украшать гирляндами.

For more than 30 years, the conflict which has scarred their tiny province has garnered enormous amounts of attention from the world's news — копить, собирать, запасать.

More champions of Iran's theocracy are preparing to open a mu­seum in the richly restored garret where Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution, lived and lectured for 15 years — чердак; мансарда.

Red tape is garrotting business; Many of the bodies at Baghdad's main morgue had been shot in the head, in the back, or garrotted; gar­rottes and sticks — гаррота (орудие казни — род железного ошейника).

Many normally garrulous Bangladeshi commentators this week shunned requests to talk — говорливый, словоохотливый.

Strip of garish hoardings on stalks reaches into the distance — чрезмерно пестрый, кричаще яркий.

Behind the excitement is the sense that the Pacific Alliance is a hard-nosed business deal, rather than the usual gassy rhetoric of Lat­in American summitry — болтливый, многословный.

The soundest bet was to stick to one of Cormack's favourites and gatecrash the conversation — приходить незваным.

Other examples of a red-red-green coalition are the "gauche plu- rielle" of former French Prime Minister; Conservatives are trying to rule that out of bounds as too gauche to take seriously; As broad as the Chesh­ire Cat's, full of slightly wonky teeth, the smile was at once confident and touchingly gauche — неловкий; неуклюжий; нескладный.

Khodorkovsky, the jailed former head of Russia's biggest oil com­pany, has thrown down the gauntlet to Vladimir Putin — бросить вызов; рукавица; перчатка с крагами.

This made it difficult for the Conservative government to gauge its response — измерять, оценивать.

Venice's magical, shimmering, translucent quality was being dis­sipated as the city sank, literally, beneath the garbage of gaudy materi­alism — безвкусный, кричащий, яркий.

Romney's campaign finally began running gauzy biographical advertisements during the Olympics — просвечивающий, прозрачный.

When she won the gavel, many saw it as a sign that the "marble ceil­ing"; During this adjournment, a lone senator would drive to the Capitol every three days to gavel in and, seconds later, gavel out—молоток (председателя собрания, судьи или аукциониста); to rap a gavel — ударять молотком.

And a few young men looking gawky and shy, ready to smile with­out actually smiling — неловкий; застенчивый.

Hoteliers report that groups first lock themselves in their rooms, to gawp gobsmacked at politicians being insulted on television chat shows; Those left behind could g awp at the g ap between their own world and the virtual one to which many Saudis escape for hours every day — смотреть с глупым видом; таращить глаза.

More enthusiastically, it is a gazetteer of weird goings-on in re­mote corners of England — географический справочник.

Two months later, as panic consumed the markets, it gazumped Citigroup to acquire Wachovia — вымогать дополнительную плату.

Sessions will be geared toward understanding — направлять по определенному плану.

The president is trying, without much luck, to gee things up —

подбадривать, поторапливать.

Such gee-whizzery is hugely enjoyable in small doses, but it in­volves a trade-off — громкое выражение энтузиазма.

Despite Mr Biden's breezy optimism, the politics of Iraq remain as volatile as gelignite — гелигнит.

On September 5th more than a dozen of its factions gelled into a new, rival outfit — вырисовываться, становиться ясным.

After two centuries of science becoming more and more spe­cialised, the idea is to bring back the generalist — эрудит, человек с широким образованием и кругом интересов.

The intellectual gentrification of British politics even extends to the basic mechanics of running things — облагораживание района (джентрификация).

Before genuflecting at the altar of "Free Trade", let us not forget the other side of the coin — преклонять колена.

Fifty years ago Truman Capote told an interviewer about his grand hopes for a new literary genre — жанр, манера.

Regulators should put a stop to tactics that delay the introduction of generic drugs — родовой; характерный для определенного класса, вида.

Through the geopoliticking, some human-rights activists argue, the lot of normal Iranians is being ignored — геополитика.

I'dmuch rather be the sinner than the geriatric — гериатрический (относящийся к лечению людей пожилого и старческого возраста).

Special interests have hijacked the budget, and the gerryman­dered legislature is powerless — предвыборные махинации (особенно перекраивание избирательных округов для получения преимущества на выборах), избирательный округ, созданный в результате предвы­борных махинаций.

Seen from afar, Europe looks like a "gerontocracy", an American newspaper reported in 1963 — правительство или правление старейших.

Visually, Frieze saw more large-scale works and fewer gewgaws for one's pied-a-terre — безделушка, безделица, побрякушка.

Playing this role only extends the existing debilitating ghettoisa- tion of the poor in enclaves of charity — превращение в гетто.

The ghoul's latest victim appears to have been Phobos-Grunt, an ambitious Russian mission that was intended to return to Earth with a rock sample from Phobos, the larger of Mars's moons — вампир, вурдалак, упырь.

Unless the correct code is entered to unlock the phone, they are meaningless gibberish — тарабарщина; неграмотная речь.

A simple gibe spread: EU leaders had chosen non-entities who could not overshadow them — насмехаться.

In its most prosperous cities, already giddy prices continue to shoot up — вызывающий головокружение.

For all their gimcrack genesis Daleks were — and are — no joke — де шевка.

Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich et al — have been impaled by the gimlet gibes of Ted Cruz — «буравчик» (коктейль из джина или водки и сока лайма).

Pre-election gimmicks will damage the reputation of Britain's chancellor хитроумное приспособление.

The European Central Bank started buying corporate bonds, in its latest effort to gin up inflation — поймать в ловушку.

A cut in interest rates might ginger up the economy but the Reserve Bank kept its benchmark rate at 5% — оживлять, придавать живости, задору.

Yet individual Japanese investors are still only gingerly re­turning to their own stockmarket — осмотрительно, предусмотри­тельно.

Mr Gingrich will have a hard time keeping his supporters ginned up until then — поймать в ловушку.

That may have been true in the Gipper's day, but the argument is getting harder to make — лгать, обманывать.

Enryu did indeed behave like a comic-strip hero, ripping a door from a car, waving an iron girder and tossing heavy objects out of its way — перекладина; балочная ферма.

America was girding for an even more serious event — собраться с духом, с силами.

He lived for sausages and — a close second — beer, and had the girth and rosy cheeks to prove it — обхват; объем (талии, грудной клетки).

Tories hate John Bercow because they see him as an oleaginous git, rather than because of his opinions — мерзавец.

Is the legally propagated free movement of people who wish your gizzard slit in your bed something that makes you more or less secure? — глотка, горло.

On the eve of the decision to gladhand the locals — весело при­ветствовать, радушно встречать.

The Treasury's ongoing stress test for banks, with its glacial time­table — леденящий; студеный; бесстрастный.

Behind the glassy smile there was, Gore Didal assured people, yet more ice — остекленевший, безжизненный.

From what I glean out of news reports, Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo really DO see it that way — тщательно подбирать, собирать (факты, сведения; по мелочам, обрывкам).

Republicans gleefully bewailed the tax on Christmas, with much invocation of Grinches and Scrooges — весело; ликующе.

I don't find the Governor especially glib or clever on many thing s; People talk glibly; Bill Clinton is often painted as a glib kind of guy who surrounds himself with similarly smooth talkers — легкий, беззаботный, гладкий.

Word on the street is that Glitzkrieg Burlesque is looking for some new Bombshells! — молниеносное наступление.

A potent mix of glitterati and digerati, plutocrats and aristocrats have been mingling in the Swiss ski resort of Davos — избранные, элита.

Foreign journalists pounced on a series of glitches затруднение, проблема unexpected glitch — непредвиденное затруднение, неожи­данное препятствие.

Glitzy retail outlets rub shoulders with poky wooden shacks, whose elderly proprietors peddle wrinkly vegetables and ancient sand­wiches блеск.

Glinting greenly from the corners of the Beatles' album covers is an apple; there is a small glint of hope that more Gypsy children may be educated — спышка, сверкание; яркий блеск.

Only glancingly do the programmes touch on the grubbier mo­tives — косым взглядом, косвенно.

America's election campaign may provoke some Asian gloating, along with amusement, bafflement and disgust — тайно злорадствовать, торжествовать.

Go back to the era of dictators and world wars and you can find ex­actly the same addiction to globaloney — global + baloney — "глобальный вздор" (ошибочные представления, суждения; о международной политике, международных отношениях; впервые встретилось в 1943 г. в речи Клэр Льюс, члена палаты представителей Конгресса США).

President Hu Jintao, who only a few years ago had hardly set foot outside China, has become quite a globetrotter; An ambitious, globe­trotting youngster from Asia who wants a good, cheap degree from somewhere in Europe his youthful globetrotting — человек, много путешествующий по свету.

Buyers scrape out the very last glob from the jar — капля.

Apparently you've glom med onto my nom de plume — улав­ливать, усваивать.

Anita Roddick, Body Shop's never-knowingly-understated founder, who is using hemp's oil-rich seeds to make her gloppy moisturi — бурда, дрянь, дерьмо.

A local news website showed pictures of men glugging down beer in a drinking contest — пить (издавая булькающий звук).

The candidates, pictured before a television debate, are a glum bunch — угрюмый, печальный, хмурый.

Countries to the east and south tend to be poorer, glummer and worse-run; He's very glum about the company's prospects — мрачный, угрюмый, хмурый.

But with no signs of an end to the world's current oil glut, fears are mounting of a sustained trough — пресыщение; пресыщенность.

Going for a long run would seem to be a lesser — not to mention more economical — punishment for gluttony — обжорство.

Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is counter it with a splashy new announcement — неуступчивый, упрямый.

Managers of its 16 clubs have been gnashing their teeth at a change of rules — скрежетать (зубами).

He pulls off a leather shoe and starts gnawing at an ankle — бес­покоить, терзать.

Their gnomic conclusion: to maintain a "prudent monetary pol­icy" and a "proactive fiscal policy" in the face of an "extremely grim and complicated" global outlook — гномический, сжатый.

"They come over here," she says gnomically, "they take out of the system but they haven't contributed to it" — выражаться кратко, афоризмами.

International and African bodies, along with a wider variety of Af­rican governments, have come together to have another go — попытка.

Goading seagulls to crap on your opponents is fine; and by goad­ing America is he testing his nerve or America's patience? — побуждать; подстрекать.

The goalposts were already in the wrong ballpark — стойка ворот, неожиданно выдвигать новые требования.

So there is one question that really gets their goat: how do you feel about helping Donald Trump become president? — сердить, злить кого-л.

Hoteliers report that groups first lock themselves in their rooms, to gawp gobsmacked at politicians being insulted on television chat shows; the New York Times quotes a long list of gobsmacked comments — ошеломленный; потрясенный.

Instead of picturing a massive tome of gobbledygook, voters can picture a tiny "app" square on an iPhone — специальный жаргон (речь определенного узкого круга людей, часто профессиональная белиберда).

The second is investment: in the long-term, government debt gob­bles up savings — поглощать, требовать большого расхода.

Purchasing huge amounts of American debt, including gobs of mortgage debt — большой кусок, комок, шмат.

And he describes how a gifted innovator can produce entirely new products, such as cavity-filling caramels and everlasting gobstoppers большая круглая конфета.

Children's television is booming, which is a godsend to some parents and a growing worry for others — неожиданное счастливое событие; удача.

China has a Goldilocks economy героиня сказки Goldilocks and the three bears.

The book is marred by some sloppy mistakes: it is goitre, not gout, that leads to a swollen neck — зоб.

In recent years, the gong has often gone to films that grasp net- tlesome subjects, such as Cristian Mungiu's "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days" — медаль.

Broadway's producers have sunk millions into tarting up old clas­sics or adapting Disney's latest gob of sugary goo in search of the next hit — что-либо липкое, клейкое или вязкое.

Getting gooey about Britain, they say, would risk forsaking the solid ground of reason for a boggy nationalist trap — сентиментальный.

It's even more committed to goofy 'free market' liberalizations than the LDP was — бестолковый, тупой.

Most home study students will goof off all day with video games — увиливать от работы, косить.

State oppression, as carried out through the operations of China's local goons — убийца; головорез; наемный бандит.

Bond yields went down sharply, which goosed American growth and stock prices — стимулировать, подталкивать.

It reflects an equally gormless view that such firms caused the financial crisis — бестолковый, тупой.

The gory biopic relates the life, leader of a 13th-century Scottish rebellion against Edward I of England — кровопролитный, жестокий, чудовищный.

On every Fourth ofJuly he and the grown-ups would release these gossamer spirits, blue, white and red — очень тонкий.

Why do the Twin Cities produce so much literary gore? — запек­шаяся кровь.

What Robin Hanbury-Tenison, another British explorer, who is president of Survival International, calls "the gosh factor — боже!; черт возьми!

Will we see grudging praise, doubts about his sincerity, or will there have been a misplaced comma that somehow turns into a "gotcha"? выражение радости при решении проблемы, поимке.

Or they may be putting out a gotterdammerung fantasy of their own, like folks waiting for the end of the world, or the old slaver seces­sionists of old — гибель Богов.

Setting out on an ocean voyage, with water in gourds and pounded tubers tied up in leaves тыква, любое растение из рода тыквенных.

America, some ludicrous ones close to a millennium which seems to be nothing more than a headline grabber, and thank god I live in the UK — устройство захвата.

Use of reconciliation to pass health care could greatly increase the gradient of the hill — отклонение, угол наклона.

Chileans seem to have forgotten temporarily that their gradu­alist democracy has real achievements — сторонник постепенного проведения реформ.

China's past anti-graft campaigns, though admittedly less ex­tensive than the current one, hurt the economy little and may even have boosted it — взятка, подкуп; незаконные доходы.

But Serra, he argues, was a "voice of conscience" who went against the grain of his time — против шерсти.

A cluster of tumbledown villas, mosques and a synagogue con­jures up the grandeur of a port that once marked the southern tip of the Ottoman Empire — великолепие; пышность.

Britain's deficit, which Mr Osborne has made a great play of tack­ling, is granitic — гранитный.

With the exception of Ron Paul, all the serious candidates waxed grandiloquent about their aims — высокопарный, помпезный.

Grapplinig with America; Senator Robert Byrd grappled mas- rerfully with 11 presidents — брать на абордаж (корабль).

125 laboratories around America have signed up to dip their bread in the gravy, so that gravy is very thinly spread — подливка (из сока жаркого), соус, сок.

A genuine grassroots democratic movement to deny rights to same-sex families — широкие массы, простые люди.

Presiding over such a meeting of global grandees was a perfect op­portunity to show the public that he was on target — крупный чиновник; важный человек.

Western politicians like to grandstand about North Korea, call­ing its leaders "mad", "rogue" or "tinpot" — бить на эффект; пускать пыль в глаза.

Such granularity could revolutionise economic research — не­однородность; неравномерность.

Instead of reaching up to strike a vertical mark against the sky in echo of the area's medieval belfries, the five pavilions, strung-end- to-end, aim to reflect and become one with the gravid clouds — бере­менная.

He mended fences and gained gravitas; Someone with gravi- tas and integrity ready to assume leadership — aвторитет, вес; солид­ность.

Micron, an American semiconductor maker, is a relative green­horn in South Korea — новичок; неопытный человек.

It concluded that, over such a period, a gregarious person has a 50% better chance of surviving than a lonely one — коммуникабельный, общительный.

Barack Obama, Washington greybeards used to say, differs from other American presidents — старик; пожилой человек.

Most people still live in grinding poverty — тяжелый, мучи­тельный.

Even the gringos are sound enough for the Europeans — гринго, иностранец (особенно англичанин или американец в Латинской Америке).

At a grip-and-grits event on November 10th in Houma, in the southern oil-and- gaslands where bayous lap the highways — очищенное от шелухи и перемолотое зерно.

We want our country back. In agricultural towns like Boston, in Lincolnshire, immigration is voters' biggest gripe — недовольство, ворчанье, досада.

The smaller pictures are gripping, but the large altar paintings are the main attraction — поразительный, потрясающий.

Glamping, or glamorous camping, meaning camping minus the hassle and grunge, usually in preerected and well-appointed tents, is be­coming a popular pursuit for city folk at beauty spots all over China — состоит из двух слов: glorious и camping — замечательный лагерь для автотуристов.

The public news networks were also slow to pick up the story, pro­viding grist for the conspiracy mills of populists — зерно для помола.

And in the gritty north and east of the state, it has a lot of fed-up blue-collar workers and ex-workers, as Michigan does — смелый, твер­дый, выносливый.

At present, Mr Chirac feels pretty downcast, even, some friends say, "groggy" — хмельной.

But it is still far from clear which of them, if any, are being groomed by Mr Xi to replace him and Mr Li after the congress in 2022 — готовить к должности.

Like his predecessors, Mr Trump grouches that America's NATO allies are not paying their bill — брюзжать, ворчать.

Mr Clinton groused about the 1960s and the rise of the conserva­tive movement — ворчать.

Big Three CEOs grovel for bailout — пресмыкаться, унижаться, раболепствовать.

Friendship between China and Pakistan is grounded in arms sales, energy assistance — обучать основам предмета, знакомить с основами.

If the advantages of action are infinite and drinking the happy nostrum of passive groupthink yields no fruit at all, why persist? — групповое мышление, конформизм.

Mr Obama is "the groveller in chief", says Michelle Malkin, a con­servative blogger — подхалим, льстец, лизоблюд.

Not so long ago, many Muscovites lived in grotty communalki — безобразный; никуда негодный.

Yet some analysts expect productivity growth to stall soon. Hard- pressed workers are feeling grouchy — брюзгливый; ворчливый.

Obama's problem hasn't really been the hapless powerless Re­publicans, it has been a groundswell of opposition for Average working Americans волна народной поддержки.

Some grouse that Exim's loan was accepted in preference to even cheaper money offered by the Asian Development Bank — ворчать.

India's booze industry is grubbier, and Mr Kripalu wants to clean it up — неряшливый, неопрятный.

A murder, a grudge, deportations and what they say about Rus­sia's worrying political direction — недовольство; злоба; зависть.

More grudgingly, they also understand his quandary in Afghani- stana quandary неохотно, нехотя, без желания.

If life were fair, Citi's bosses would each be given a Martini and a medal for years of gruelling work — ужасный, противный.

Given that new graduates are the grunts of the professional-ser­vices industries — рядовой сотрудник, «сошка».

Our reports this week from the front-lines of both wars suggest that the answer to that question should be a guarded yes — осторожный; предусмотрительный.

The surplus of bachelors — called in China guanggun, or "bare branches" — голые ветви (китайский).

One was found in the islands' accumulated guano, which is rich in phosphates, nitrogen and potassium — помет морских птиц и летучих мышей.

Decisions are a bunch of things, from hard data to really bad data to guesstimates to cynical political calculus and to best intentions — рассчитывать, оценивать приблизительно.

The feelings of Americans are no way reflected, and this guff is not instructive — пустая болтовня.

Manly guffaws and boos rippled around the auditorium — грубый хохот; гогот.

Some attribute this silence to spinelessness, others to tactical guile — обман; хитрость, коварство; вероломство.

Evolution sceptics advance their cause under the guise of free in­quiry — вид, видимость; личина.

Decisions will stick in their gullets; the arrangement will stick in many Iraqi gullets — пищевод.

Surely this was just the usual whitewash, they warned, cosmetic changes designed to arrest the eye of gullible foreigners — доверчивый, легковерный.

One way to encourage them along the road to the financial guil­lotine would be through debt exchanges — гильотина.

Commentary published by China's official news agency to cele­brate the current sessions of that country's toothless parliament and its gumless consultative body — беспомощный.

Arab-Kurdish tension has been gumming up politics in Bagh­dad склеивать, приклеивать.

However, gummy regulations hold back commerce — клейкий; густой, тягучий.

Please do add lawyers as an assault team to eradicate would be "nubie-gumshoe-intruders" with governmental — сыщик; детектив.

He had the gumption to embrace reform — находчивость; со­образительность.

He had been forced aboard at gunpoint and sold by a broker to the captain for $900 заставлять кого-л. делать что-л. под угрозой применения оружия.

Wnen it comes to repelling gunk, Teflon and car wax are among the best materials available слизь.

Nobody can accuse the People's Bank of China (PBOC), China's central bank, of being gun-shy — пугающийся выстрелов.

Now an attempt is being made to revive the memory of a gunsling- er who genuinely deserves a raising of the hat — стрелок, славящийся своим мастерством.

Once gung-ho for military action, Britain's elite has become more cautious — полный энтузиазма.

He will be strapped on to a gurney and killed by lethal injection; he said from the gurney каталка.

The murder of six Sikhs at a gurdwara in Wisconsin by a white supremacist earlier this month brought calls to redress this balance — сикхский храм.

Put onto it by a 66 year old woman (who looked 50) who gustily downed 2 pints of the 5.5% alcoholic brew — бурно; с порывами.

You find hundreds of investors gushing about their plans to help the poor with new technology and make big profits while doing it — изливать чувства с преувеличенной экспансивностью.

Such traits would make him very different from Mr Trump, who lives by the gut — жить инстинктами.

Plenty in the Trump administration would love to gut it — разру­шать, уничтожать.

Derided not long ago, a gutsy parliament is now challenging the president — дерзкий; отчаянный, храбрый.

In recent years many big drug companies have gutted their re­search departments — потрошить; опустошать (о пожаре).

Short-term gyrations in commodity prices may do more damage than long-run trends — круговое движение.


This time it's Ukraine and the world, as usual, has turned to the United States to assume its customary role as policeman and haberdash­er — торговец предметами мужского туалета.

Three fake nuns were arrested trying to smuggle six kilos of co­caine under their habits in Colombia — облачение, одеяние (одежда для специальных случаев).

A war-time intelligence officer, brilliant prose stylist, habitue of country houses and high society — завсегдатай.

Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is counter it with a splashy new announcement — несговорчивый, неуступчивый.

This man and his brother, who run Cuba as their own hacienda, are dictators and criminals — гасиенда (имение, плантация в Испании и Латинской Америке).

Few words raise as many hackles in America as "bail-out" — шерсть животных на загривке (которую они щетинят, когда испы­тывают чувство недовольства).

He talks poetically about the five watery zones: "sunlit" means down to 200 metres; "twilit", descending to 1,000; "midnight" to 4,000; "abyssal" to 6,000; and finally "hadal", meaning the deepest trenches — пучинный (имеющий глубину более 6000 метров).

Over hadiths, sayings about Muhammad's life, there is flexibility; some can be weeded out as unsound or outdated — асар; хабар (предание о словах и действиях Пророка Мухаммеда).

Indeed, the entire private sector is haemorrhaging workers — то, что вызывает убытки, потери.

Voters in Israel give Kadima a surprise boost, but haggling over the next government must now begin — вздорить, пререкаться.

With all due respect, that seemed to be more in the vein of hagio- graphy, not biography — агиография, жизнеописания святых.

He begins with the haiku, that most economical of forms, for which "less is more, and more is better" — японская поэма из 17 слогов.

That said, how does this Hail Mary pass compare to the other big Hail Mary of the season — «Аве Мария» (католическая молитва Богородице; в православной традиции — «Радуйся, благодатная!»).

The whole barrel is spoiled and your sport has suddenly vanished in a hailstorm of disqualifications — ливень, гроза с градом.

The first Russian to inquire about political asylum in Britain may have been Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who wrote to Queen Elizabeth I in 1570 asking whether she would take him in if things got too hairy in Mos­cow — страшный, опасный.

But one constant would remain through all of this fuss about wheth­er Marmite is vegetarian, or baked beans kosher or halal - халяльный.

This is partly thanks to Alec Baldwin's parody of the president as an irascible halfwit — слабоумный.

There's no place like home!" she hallooed, in a victory speech in which she slammed the Republicans — криком привлекать внимание.

Ford is on a roll thanks to its improving product quality and the halo effect of having avoided bankruptcy — ореол святости и чуда.

These are halcyon days in Silicon Valley and other hives of en- trepreneurship around the world — безмятежный, спокойный, тихий.

The party's hallowed notion of "collective" leadership has been jettisoned — освященный, святой.

Mr Kim has been sharply criticised for his ham-fisted reforms of the institution, prompting an unprecedented rebuke from its staff asso­ciation — неуклюжий, неловкий.

The Museum of Earth History, which opens in April 2005 in the quirky hamlet of Eureka Springs, Arkansas — деревня, деревушка, село.

That is the message liberals need to hammer home — громить, наносить серьезное поражение.

Mrs Clinton's performance is so hammy as to annoy — напыщен­ный, неестественный.

Why bother to negotiate with the Palestinians, some intelligence people may feel, when they can be constantly hamstrung by such trick­ery? — хромой.

For anyone who grew up in poverty or in wartime, old clothes — cast-offs, hand-me-downs — have unpleasant overtones вещь, передаваемая по наследству.

Rick Perry, a former governor of Texas who may also run for president, dismissed the conspiracy theory out of hand — наотрез; не раздумывая.

Obama won evry income group handily — ловко, умело, про­ворно.

Mr Obama has been the most hands-on foreign-policy president since Richard Nixon — практический; связанный с жизнью.

The authoritarian leadership of Kazakhstan has long hankered after international recognition — очень хотеть, жаждать.

Now Mr Anwar has been linked to more hanky-panky — мошен­ничество, обман, надувательство, проделки.

Trump harangued Ford about plans to move production of its Lincoln sports-utility vehicles — разглагольствовать.

No one harbours fantasies about the independence of the present NPC — испытывать, питать.

Hardscrabble Baltimore finds that kindness brings its own re­wards — малоплодородный, достающийся с трудом, изматываю­щий.

An excellent opportunity for harping on American hypocrisy has gone unmarked — надоедливо твердить.

Homer's epic is not just composed of harridan wives and brave men — старая карга, ведьма.

The hark back to an even more puritanical version of Islam — напоминать.

One of this newspaper's correspondents has yet to recover from two harrowing days spent in the company of a Microsoft "brand evan­gelist" — калечить; разрывать.

Foreign and local critics who harp on about horrors are doing down a fragile country — надоедливо твердить о (чем-л.).

"It's a lot easier to be Santa than Scrooge," harrumphs Jim Coo­per; Amid the chaos, Thompson provides a solid anchor, occasionally har- rumphing her disapproval but otherwise eerily — фыркать; хмыкать.

Bengalis know that in Phalgun the dust flies like a harum-sca­rum boy down village lanes, and in Sraban the loud monsoon soaks the thatch — легкомысленный, несерьезный, опрометчивый.

But love has a way of making a hash of plans, and these days she and her husband manage two full-time jobs and the care of their 18-month-old daughter — околесица, бессмысленная болтовня.

Kenya's social media adopted the Twitter hashtag "we are one" to identify news on the crisis — сайты в социальных сетях.

Appreciation without humility smacks of the haughty cowboy mindset — заносчивый, надменный.

Plain-clothes agents of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, as the religious police are known, patrol streets, parks and shopping centres, intervening to scold offenders, strike them with switches or haul them off to be disciplined by ordinary police — выждав, действовать внезапно и резко.

The charge d'affaires at China's embassy in Jakarta was hauled in to receive a stiff protest — вызывать, заставлять ходить.

Officials have hummed and hawed over how to honour Mr Pena's campaign pledge to create a new federal gendarmerie — бормотать, произносить невнятные звуки.

Many Republicans are alarmed by Mr Trump's latest haymaker against Mr Obama — сильный удар.

A hayseed with a Midwestern twang, Carnegie arrived in New York in his 20s with the usual mix of big dreams and shallow pockets — деревенщина.

Robert Shiller is no head-in-the-sand capitalist nor a highly paid Wall Street shill — страусиное поведение.

Both take conservative stances on social issues (no to gay mar­riage and gun control, though Mr Sandoval is pro-choice on abor­tion), but neither is an intolerant headbanger — поклонник металло­рока.

Designing a sacred space that can cater to all faiths is a heads- cratcher for architects — загадка, головоломка.

A new seven-point strategy to end the bloodshed in Syria was the headline-grabber from the G8 summit — лидер заголовков.

Many of the headwinds that had held back growth for so long were abating — встречный ветер.

Yet modern campaigners for comprehensive immigration reform tend to play on heartstrings — играть на чьих-л. чувствах.

Launch them into space like human satellites, pound them flat to hearthrugs, hit them so hard they'd wonder where October and Novem­ber went — коврик перед камином.

The club is quiet and uncrowded, a rare luxury in this heaving, bustling city — прилив (эмоций, чувств).

In part because of their heckling, Mr Cameron has little to offer by way of constructive suggestions — прерывать, забрасывать вопросами.

The EU should not just hector China about universal values but encourage it to follow its own laws — дразнить; грубить.

The hedgerow removal rules do not apply within the curti­lage of a farmhouse — живая изгородь; сплошные придорожные по­садки.

The hedonistic atmosphere of the times was responsible for the introduction not only of "Ho Bryan" and the other great wines of Bor­deaux — жизнелюбивый; жаждущий наслаждений.

In such a division it might seem natural to find America and Eu­rope on the same side, even if such talk gives many Europeans the hee­bie-jeebies — мурашки по коже; нервная дрожь.

And states with economic heft, such as California and New York, are formidable climate champions — вес, масса.

Throwing the ball is considered a heinous cricketing crime — противный; ужасный.

Gifts have been coming in, such as "It" bags from the big fashion houses or treasures from individuals seeking a home for family heir­looms — фамильные вещи.

How the perfectly legal heists of a racehorse-trainer and former seminarian made him — грабеж, кража.

The treasurer, Wayne Swan, promised the surplus three years ago, "come hell or high water" — что бы то ни было.

They appear not to have agreed on how best to deal with the biggest threat to the country's domestic security: militant Islamists hellbent on toppling the state — одержимый, настойчиво стремящийся (к чему-л.).

Lapel badges of the great helmsman reeks of the bad old days — рулевой; кормчий.

It was monotheistic, but its many recognised spirits were impor­tant messengers and helpmeets for the deity — помощница, товарищ.

The enclave still feels politically and physically hemmed in — окружать.

By the time a boat has sailed halfway round the world, hemlines may have risen an inch and its cargo will be as popular as geriatric had­dock — кромка, край.

Now the problem is how to set up an embassy in a country that wants to remain hermetically sealed — герметически, плотно.

A third red herring is the notion that public confession and contrition is something that Chinese, or East Asian, culture demands — отвлекающий маневр (неприятно пахнущая копченая сельдь была эффективным средством сбивать охотничьих собак со следа).

Where slicker rivals chop, change and pander, the rumpled Mr Paul hews to his principles even when they are unpopular — строго следовать чему-л.

Mr Blair sometimes seemed to see Britain's global role as a bridge between American hard power and the more herbivorous soft power of the European Union — травоядный.

Local hams, made from peanut-fed pigs and then hickory-smoked, first earned fame in colonial times — гикори (род североамериканского орешника).

The 30-year-old unveiled a string of commitments to end the king­dom's dependence on oil by 2030 which, in themselves, would be a remark­able achievement for a hidebound country — истощенный, бедный.

The market for high-end pianos has been dominated for so long by the German- American Steinway brand — удовлетворяющий самым высоким требованиям.

India has treated the neighbours, by turns, with negligence and high-handedness — своеволие, деспотизм.

Macau's spectacular growth was due not to mass tourism, as in Las Vegas, but to its success in attracting "high-rollers" — состоятельные люди.

He came to the industry's annual convention because he was tired of "the hillbilly attitudes" of developers — деревенщина.

The biggest threat to London's future is its relationship with its hinterland — сельская глубинка.

Fine human hairs do not seem to be performing any of the functions of their counterparts in more hirsute species — косматый, лохматый.

When it comes to EU diplomacy Germany does not do histrio­nics — театральное представление, спектакль.

He was photographed histrionically throwing a tyre on a barri­cade outside a blocked oil depot — актерски; сценически.

A technical hitch stays the executioner's needle — задержка, заминка.

Hitching two mutual organisations together is even harder, and the BPCE group has other bits and pieces too — подтягивать; прихрамывать; спотыкаться.

The government is considering the possibility of hiving toxic as­sets into a bad bank — разделять, разукрупнять.

The idea that anybody would want to hoard a currency that has lost 60% of its value in the past two months is absurd — копить, накоплять.

Managers tend to make two hoary contradictory assumptions — древний; освященный веками.

There was a sense that the city was descending into a Hobbesian hell — гоббсовский, относящийся к философскому учению Т. Гоббса, в состоянии «войны всех против всех».

The airline check-in queues hobble along and the PA system is barely audible above the din — сковывать, затруднять движения.

You can often read about wealthy Hong Kong people hob-nobbing with officials in the mainland Chinese government — дружить.

Because a loan is secured by the piece in hock, risk is finite — долг, долги.

Now a hodgepodge of militias, most of them Islamist, are readying to fight him there and in cities such as Derna and Benghazi — мешанина, смесь.

An American eye-care firm, unveiled early this month, has been hogging the headlines заграбастать, прибрать к рукам.

Everywhere bad government is too slow and inflexible, hogtied by vested interests and red tape, or hijacked by ideological zealots — связанные по рукам и ногам.

Blame British imperialism, US imperialism — why not go whole hog and dire consequences for everybody else in the whole World! — делать (что-л.) основательно, доводить до конца.

Then came the question of just how high on the hog бродяж­ничать.

This offers some hope that, as they perform the hokey-cokey over the euro zone — хоуки-коуки (веселый парный танец, популярный в 1940-е годы).

The president serves up some hokum about how "the state of the union is strong" and America is a "shining city on a hill" — жульничество; ложь, неправда, обман.

Aid-bags stamped with the stars-and-stripes are tolerated when turned into use as holdalls — портплед; вещевой мешок.

The idea is to offer a "holistic system" for travel — единый, це­лостный.

He is ready to unleash the Holocaust on them — истребление; бойня; резня.

Men, women and children tore at their clothes in homage to Kim Jong Il, a man who for 17 years kept his people in a state of isolation — уважение; преклонение; благоговение.

In the homestretch of the Illnois senator's presidential race — финиш, финишная прямая.

Regulators are homing in on new rules to rein in speculators — фокусировать внимание.

Not as a grim Stalinist display but as a celebration of pure blood and homogeneity однородность; единообразие.

As a result, a lot of managerial talent emigrates. "Why be a hon- cho for Rossi and Son?" Mr Andrewasks — глава, начальник, босс (термин применяется как по отношению к мужчине, так и по от­ношению к женщине; слово происходит от японского «hancho» — лидер.

Looking to hone their moneymaking skills while sitting out a downturn; they can more efficientlyhone in on those two or three ide­as — точить, затачивать.

The salary for the largely honorific president is to be more than halved — почетный.

Honu, the hawks bill, the leatherback and the olive riddleвиды торских черепах, обитающих у побережья Гавайских островов, некоторые из них внесены в список исчезающих и охраняемых государством животных.

Some of these producers rely on Heath Robinson lash-ups of their own devising to make their motoring equivalent of hooch — крепкий алкогольный напиток (особенно низкокачественный, продаваемый нелегально).

They said the hoo-hah over his sacking of his diary secretary, al­legedly to create a job for his mistress, was overblown — суета, шумиха.

Europe is cheaper for tourists, but even there things get expensive (and require more hoop jumping) for long stay visas — "прыгать через обруч", покорно, беспрекословно выполнять все требования.

Mexican envy at the hoop-la surrounding Brazil, its Latin Amer­ican rival, has reached a pitch to which only a psychoanalyst could do full justice — кутерьма, шумиха во время избирательной компании.

Jeb Bush calls 'W' movie 'Hooey'; a government takes the country into an unpopular war and its main reason for doing so turns out to be hooey абсурд, ерунда, чушь.

Now widely enough accepted in dark-matter circles that the pu­tative particle responsible has, playfully, been dubbed the "hooperon" — бондарь, бочар.

The white class was hoodwinked — обмануть, одурачить, про­вести.

There was lots of hoopla, but there were no new, substantial rem­edies for the global slump — приемы и методы для поднятия энтузиазма во время избирательной кампании.

She didn't give two hoots what Mr Trump said about abortion — ни малейшего внимания.

20 bills are now sitting in the congressional hopper — ящик, урна, в которые опускаются предложения и т.п. для рассмотрения их законодательным органом.

The former senator was one of nine Republican hopefuls partici­pating in a televised debate — человек, подающий надежды.

A place of caramel apples and cotton candy, secret forts, and hop­scotch on the streets — классики (детская игра).

Huckabee has never locked horns with this famous Democrat — бодаться рогами.

That achievement earned him many honours for services to ho­rology, but it was only the beginning of a long slog to get his idea ac­cepted — измерение времени.

Europe's two largest low-cost carriers, Ryanair and EasyJet, were having an annus horribilis — ужасный год (латынь).

Established in 1982 With 27 years experience in Leicestershire spe­cialising in horticulture, landscaping garden design, paving, fencing, garden maintenance, ponds and water features — садовод.

The European Union's horse-trading over top jobs reflects murky coalition-building — махинация, нечестная сделка.

We sing hosanna, hosanna to our breeding and our banner and

we are cool — Осанна! (молитвенный возглас, заключающий в себе хвалу и благодарение Богу).

For a host of personal and political reasons, this newspaper con­tinues to regard the media tycoon as unfit for office — совокупность.

An ambitious overhaul of India's confusing hotch-potch of in­direct taxes could give business a boost — овощной суп или смесь, приготовленная на бараньем бульоне.

By now politicians were hotfooting it back, to get a grip on a situ­ation that had clearly spiralled out of control — идти быстро, спешить.

One feature of Mr Putin's ascent to the presidency was that even his closest backers had little idea how he would behave. Some, includ­ing Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, were hounded out of Rus­sia — выжить.

Her post-war life was devoted to housewifery, motherhood, and preserving the memory of Anne and her family for future generations домашнее хозяйство; домоводство.

The price of jet fuel has been hovering at its lowest point for six

years — зависание; висение.

Workers say that open-plan offices make it more difficult to con­centrate, because the hubbub of human and electronic noise is so dis­tracting — гам, гул.

Rising China, declining Europe: a tale of hubris — спесь; высоко­мерие, надменность.

This is hucksterism and haranguelogy at the same time — мелкий торговец овощей, фруктов.

What a hell lot of "guests" today are raising hue and cry to fence Putin off the accusation of terrorism — какафония, оглушительный шум.

Russia's huffing & puffing over the Balts has proved empty; pre­vious attempt by China and Taiwan to end their decades of official ac­rimony ended in a mutual huff — припадок; вспышка раздражения.

In a huffy response, Singapore's government noted America "al­lows... hate speech under the rubric of freedom of speech" — обиженный; раздраженный.

If things go well, you may find yourself playing huffleboard on a cruise ship with some fellow geriatrics — палубный шаффлборд (вариант той же игры на палубе с палками и деревянными дисками).

Other clients used to worry that the pair were still too hugger- mugger — беспорядок, неразбериха.

A hullabaloo erupted anyway: Indiana's House of Representatives was about to approve a "right to work" bill when the Democratic minor­ity mimicked their Wisconsin colleagues and fled the state — гам, гвалт.

Hum along, Russians! — гудящий, жужжащий.

It is archaeology that has broken up the hummocky ground — кочковатый.

Organised criminals who have long trafficked drugs are diversi­fying into humdrum areas of commerce — банальный, неинтересный, скучный, однообразный.

"Gift is humbug," proclaims Gujarat's opposition leader, Shankers- inh Vaghela — oбман, жульничество; уловка; подлог.

It takes a lot to make a humdinger of a National Enquirer expose look mundane — отличная вещь, высший класс.

Even though it is going to be a humongous bill, even though we will be in debt for years, I believe that more likely than not, I will vote for it — огромный, невероятный.

Mr Serraj and his colleagues are hunkered down at a heavily- guarded naval base while talks continue — сидеть на корточках.

Even Gerhard Schroeder, Germany's chancellor, admits that not everything is hunky-dory — первоклассный, превосходный.

The gleam of green and even the figure of Schubert's hurdy- gurdy man, playing his heartbreaking tune for someone, anyone, in the snowy waste to hear — старинный струнный музыкальный инструмент.

Obama has plainly jumped over most of the hurdles laid in front of him — барьер, препятствие.

The euro zone hurtling into uncertainty and maybe towards a nasty end — двигаться с шумом; мчаться с грохотом.

Ukrainian oligarchs want to husband what they have and to enhance its value — экономно расходовать; разумно использовать (что-л.).

Another of Mr Huang's materials is a natural bonding agent ex­tracted from discarded rice husks — шелуха, скорлупа.

You can serve federal time for interstate transport of water hyacinths, trafficking in unlincences dentures, or misappropriating the likeness of Woodsy Owl гиацинт (минерал, разновидность цир кона).

"We're the ones now under siege," says the owner of Che Che, a hubbly-bubbly cafe in Ramallah — кальян.

Critics struggled to grasp what he was up to, but he couldn't have cared about their "receptions, deceptions, hellos, goodbyes, huzzahs, hurrahs" — возгласы «Ура!».

The annual "hype cycle" chart from Gartner, a market research firm, tries to depict the degree to which certain technologies are exag­gerated активная реклама, пускание пыли в глаза.

Among the most anticipated match-ups for 2013 are the talented and hyperkinetic chief curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo — гиперкинетический.

The hyperbole is fast becoming reality; it seems absurdly hyper­bolic — преувеличенный; гиперболический.

Mr Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 lan­guages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few — сверхполиглотство.

This week 14 hyperventilating patriots from China, Hong Kong and Macau steamed to the Senkakus, where Japan's coastguard promptly arrested them — учащенно дышать.

The breadth of his friendships is testament to Lawrence's compul­sive, almost hypnotic allure — гипнотическая личность.

Forget the hypotheticals and look at the policies — предполо­жительный, гипотетический.


Companies dispense with rules and hierarchies in a bid to keep up with... they had been working late into the night, cut no ice with Mr Grove — не иметь влияния, не играть ни какой роли.

That might hit the problem from both ends: oversupply, and give the buyers that icky feeling as they wonder what they're really drink­ing — слезливый, мерзкий, противный.

Mr Koizumi, ever the iconoclast, no doubt approves of that too; His iconoclasm, going against the grain, is both his strength and weak­ness — бунтарь, возмутитель спокойствия.

His symptoms were chiefly auditory hallucination and paranoid ideation — способность к формированию и восприятию идей.

Idolatry of food was wrong: unfair both to the ingredients and to God; They have also gone out of their way to attack ancient shrines, deem­ing them to be idolatrous — культ; обожание; поклонение.

Most African slaves in Europe were not indentured for life — обусловленный договором сервитута.

Every election throws up an identikit swing vote — комплект изображений черт лица, по которым составляют фоторобот (бри­танская торговая марка).

In jail he was mentor to a generation of jihadists and acquired a reputation as the world's leading ideologue of holy war — идеолог.

Russia's political idiosyncrasies must give way to the imperative of economics; he learnt English, or at least developed an idiosyncratic version of it — отличительный, характерный, уникальный.

Iffy borrowers; the situation is far too iffy for any predictions — слишком неопределенный.

The original idea behind Igloo Vision, based in Craven Arms, Shropshire, was to project 360-degree images inside geodesic domes — иглу (куполообразное жилище канадских эскимосов, сложенное из снежных блоков).

People can now live far from the madding crowd and yet remain abreast of its ignoble strife — низкий, подлый.

The loud-mouthed ignoramus was brought fully into the main­stream by Rove's 50% + 1 politics — невежда, неуч, профан.

To emerge from the Viernam and the ignominy of Watergate; the Afghan war may yet end in an ignominious retreat — бесчестный, постыдный.

The man is a narcissistic sociopath, full of his own righteousness, and filled with the hate-America prejudgments of his ilk — и другие того же рода.

In Tokyo's illustriously educated cadre of senior civil servants — знаменитый; известный.

Peacemaking outsiders viewed the action as the illest of omens — наихудшее из всех.

What they had in common was not their incomes, but their un­willingness to be treated as imbeciles by their government — идиот; умственно отсталый.

They found someone simply holding an alcoholic drink is per­ceived as less intelligent, something the academics term the "imbibing idiot bias"; he imbibed his ideas from — пить; употреблять алкоголь.

He wasaccused of making the Israeli-Palestinian imbroglio worse; A good public imbroglio fortifies the constitution — путаница; щекотливая ситуация.

Yet he imbues his descriptions with a bleak awareness — насыщать.

Behavioural research since time immemorial shows that teen­agers are prone to doing ridiculously ill-advised things — давний, незапамятный, древний.

Hundreds of Tibetans from areas outside the Tibet Autonomous Region were expelled from the city in the wake of the two immolations — жертвоприношение.

Sihanouk, now immured in his palace under house arrest, became a symbol again — замурованный.

Traditional attitudes towards the sea, as something immuta­ble and distant to humanity, are hugely out of date — непреложный, постоянный.

The commission's opponents, its actions look like imp — бесенок, чертенок.

Relief for New York's impecunious nicotine junkies is, however, at hand — бедствующий, нуждающийся.

Much like him, Mr Lee believes politicians are impediments to his country's progress — помеха, преграда, препятствие.

This "marriage squeeze" impels women to try to marry before they turn 27 — принуждать, стимулировать.

Mr Trump's stand-off with Mr Xi could have imperilled that ap­proach — подвергать опасности.

Both men are prickly, imperious and prone to spreading conspir­acy theories — властный, повелительный.

Congress is impervious to the power of special interests — неотзывчивый; невосприимчивый, глухой (к чему-л.).

What if Israel does launch an impetuous attack, in defiance of Mr Obama's plea for time — стремительный, порывистый.

That tin ear — Obama, an impenitent president — закоренелый, неисправимый.

It was widely reported in Brazil that our impertinence had the ef­fect of making the finance minister unsackable — нахальство; неуважение.

Britain has signed some 700 international treaties that impinge on sovereignty; Mr Trump's willingness to take and abruptly abandon radical positions, like the clubhouse commander-in-chief he resembles in all ways except one will still impinge on American foreign policy — вторгаться (куда-л.); покушаться, посягать.

Britain has signed some 700 international treaties that impinge on sovereignty — вторгаться (куда-л.); покушаться, посягать.

Several conservative pundits who had been implacably opposed to anything that smacked of lenience towards illegal immigrants are suddenly declaring themselves untroubled by the idea — неумолимый, непреклонный.

Mr Saeedi has borne the brunt of the anger, but the challenge to the supreme leader is implicit — не выраженный явно, скрытый.

The plot was wildly implausible: Mr Jordan and Mr Bunny beat a team of evil aliens at basketball, thus saving everyone from having to work at an alien theme park called Moron Mountain — неверо­ятный.

Then there is the other imponderable — the Arabs have never ac­cepted a Jewish State — что-л. не поддающееся учету, точной оценке или определению.

As in 1978, it will be months or even years before the full import of the plenum becomes clear — смысл, суть, сущность.

Mr Straw said he had successfully importuned the European Com­mission and Ukrainian government — домогаться; надоедать.

Egypt, which has its own grievances with Gaza's Islamist masters, impounded the last lot — скрывать; препятствовать распространению.

A corporation's intent to commit a "heinous crime" cannot be imputed to shareholders — приписывать (что-л. кому-л), объяснять.

Belarusians who gathered in the snows of Minsk for an im­promptu rally earlier this month waved improvised flags — экспромт; импровизация.

Giving the imprimatur of the state to global companies is also fraught with risks — санкция, официальное разрешение.

Whoever it is must impress on her and her entourage that in poli­tics, the appearance of impropriety can cause as much harm as impro­priety itself — неуместность.

Allies impugn Mr. Rafsanjani'sintegrity — оспаривать, опровер­гать; ставить под сомнение.

Impunity time started a while ago with some leader of the op­position rushing to the Strasbourg in order to receive a certificate of im­munity — безнаказанность.

How Britain turned the ruins of its empire into a mighty entertain­ment imperium — абсолютная, верховная власть.

He is unaccustomed to impudent displays of mass dissent, which the election on July 28th represents, rigged or not — дерзкий; бес­стыдный.

In the competition for most inauspicious introduction to finance, Terrence Duffy, the executive chairman of CME Group, must surely be the winner — зловещий; предвещающий дурное.

Stan Lee, who inadvertently shaped contemporary film, is now trying to do so on purpose — по невнимательности, по оплошности, по неосмотрительности.

The reason for this general spread of inanity may be found in a diet composed entirely of newspapers, politics, beer and Wagner's mu­sic — пустота.

Such inbetweeners tend to find partisanship on the airwaves and in Congress repellent, strengthening their convictions further — колеблющиеся.

The only one inbred here seems to be you, if stereotypes of an inbred population in the backwoods, hating and attacking everyone — прирожденный; заложенный от природы.

When the cabinet of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, approved a bill last week to allow for the emperor's abdication — just this once, mind you — Japanese ultranationalists were incandescent — накаленный до бела.

Many speakers, denoting piety or loyalty to political Islam, pref­aced their remarks with incantations of reverence for the Prophet Mu­hammad — колдовство, волшебство; чары.

Incarceration rate for black Amerricans exceeds that in the So­viet Union at the peak of the Gulag — заключение в тюрьму.

For a country that is often cast as evil incarnate when it comes to the environment воплощенный; настоящий, истинный.

It has just allowed politicians to take advantage of the "elastic" currency to incessantly increase spending — постоянно, бесконечно.

He deplores the incestuous narrowing of the gene pool that mo­dern pedigree breeders have brought about — кровосмесительный.

Regulatory costs make it very difficult to earn much cash from exporting cheap incidentals, such as crocodile teeth — случайность; случайное обстоятельство.

Drivers spent hours inching along streets — двигаться медленно.

So incipient signs of a return to clearer policy in the past few weeks are welcome — зарождающийся; исходный, начальный.

A new fiscal incontinence is aggravating these problems — не­сдержанность; отсутствие самоконтроля.

In the 2010s hearing him stir crowds with praise for Europe and openness seems both brave and incongruous — неподходящий, неуместный.

It's incongruity and disproportionality that invoke our sense of wrongness — несовместимость, несочетаемость, несоответствие.

No one feels too sorry for these sea-green incorruptibles — не­подкупный.

Senator Ron Wyden, a bipartisan-minded Democrat, says incre- mentalism cannot work; politicians are by instinct incrementalists — градуализм (стратегия постепенности в осуществлении реформ, в достижении желаемых результатов).

They feared he would inculcate ideas of true independence — внушать.

He is incurious to the point of doltishness — безразличный, не­внимательный.

Many of the people of Zanzibar, however, sincerely believe in Popobawa, an incubus who supposedly rapes men who doubt his exist­ence — инкуб (дьявол в образе мужчины; нападает на женщин во сне и совокупляется с ними).

In the presidential election in March most south-easterners voted for the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan, who comes from their region — занимающий пост, должность.

For the first time, there is no ruling party with the advantages of in­cumbency and state resources in contention — официальная должность (обычно в церкви или политической структуре).

The rulers sound cocky as an inchoate opposition ponders its next move; Mr Pak's visit now will add to recent worries about Myan- mar's inchoate nuclear programme — только что начатый, зарожда­ющийся.

The suspect can be held incommunicado without trial for 18 months — лишенный общения с людьми, отрезанный от внешнего мира.

They were afraid he would inculcate ideas of true independence as well as accountability into a nascent class of patriotic Persian lead­ers — прививать, внушать, вселять.

Their abuser, though inculpated by the church, was never repor­ted to the police — обвинять; порицать, инкриминировать, ставить в вину.

When inclement weather strikes Washington DC, there is a paid day (or days) off for "non-essential Federal Employees" — суровый (о климате, погоде; чаще о холодной погоде, чем о сухой или жаркой).

"Bunnies" (1966) reproduces a hugely enlarged photograph of Playboy hostesses in grainy dots that blur the image almost to the point of indecipherability — недешифруемость.

Even before the instability there were worries about whether the succession would be smooth, given the often indecorous behaviour of the crown prince — неблагопристойный, предосудительный.

His indefatigable energy served as a tonic to an institution that had been in the doldrums for some time — неутомимый, упорный.

The Rugby World Cup of 2007 will be remembered as the time when the map of world rugby changed indelibly — незабываемый, неизгладимый.

Malaysia's Indians, many of whom trace their roots to inden­tured labourers shipped to the peninsula three or four generations ago — связывать договором.

A key is still, basically, a piece of metal sporting a series of grooves, teeth and indentations which, when inserted into a keyway, line up to move pins and levers to lock or unlock a mechanism — вмятина, вдавливание.

Up for possession of drugs, he was deemed indigent, and the city's public defender was appointed to represent him — нуждающийся, нищий.

The letters are frank about the indignities of getting old, from hearing aids to cataract operations — оскорбление; унижение.

Yet not just on the Korean peninsula but across Asia, America remains the indispensable power, a linchpin for regional stability — незаменимый.

Of the new inducements, trade deals called Economic Partner­ship Agreements are the ones Europe thinks will help Africa most — побуждающий мотив; стимул.

Britons like to think of themselves as gamely indomitable неукротимый; неудержимый.

He has become something of a martyr for indigenous rights ac­tivists — аборигенный, туземный.

Brazilian doctors while the managemant of public health care is indigent — бедствующий, нуждающийся, нищий.

Far from liberating employees or leading to greater 'individua­tion' at personal levels, IT appears to be shoring up family structures — индивидуация (возникновение в заимозависимых функциональных единиц при формировании колоний).

A bad defeat for David Cameron illustrates his party's indisci­pline — недисциплинированность.

If it becomes law, however, it could give indie directors, who are suffering from the general squeeze in the industry, a promising new ave­nue for getting their films made — направление в альтернативной рок- музыке.

Bill Novelli, a former boss of the AARP, America's indomitable grey-power lobby, delivered a powerful counterblast to such pessimism — несдержанный, необузданный.

Christopher Columbus has such an ineluctable presence in his­tory that — неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый.

Corruption and ineptitude are bipartisan — неспособность, неумелость, неумение to demonstrate / display ineptitude — проявлять неспособность.

The glue that underpins such faith is the principle of Biblical in­errancy — безукоризненность, безупречность.

It slipped into an inexorable process of decline неумолимый, непреклонный.

Obama is inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity — опьянять; спаивать.

The grousing turned to malicious laughter as "Governor Blanco's Road Home Programme" became a synonym for official ineptitude непригодность, неспособность.

You and your cohorts are the ones without facts or sense and pick­ing out isolated and infinitesimally meaningful examples of stupidity — инфинитезимально, бесконечно близкий.

Well, like the ingenue in a corny movie, there I was: the patient and long overlooked understudy — инженю (актерское амплуа).

This creates a porous material, titanium sponge, which is crushed and melted in a vacuum furnace to yield titanium ingots — слиток, болванка; чушка.

Sudan's rulers have been trying anew to ingratiate themselves with the West and with governments farther afield on a range of is­sues — обхаживать (кого-л.) в корыстных целях; втираться (кому-л.) в доверие.

Ms Harries lightens her account with humorous anecdotes, in- jokes, even a touch of slapstick — шутка в своем узком кругу.

This action of secrecy leads others to suspect iniquitous beha­vior — крайне несправедливый; чудовищный.

In 2007 the summer weather was particularly inimical to the per­sistence of ice — враждебный, недружелюбный.

The point of this study is to understand better how seals hunt fish in the inky depths of the ocean — цвета чернил, черный, темно-синий.

It doesn't matter if the brand on the casing says Apple, Nokia or Samsung: the innards are stuffed with Japanese wares — внутренности, внутренние органы.

Mr Everett has taken a shot across the innatists' bow, and an im­pressively modest and reasoned one given that Mr Chomsky once called him a charlatan — иннатизм (разум наделен идеями при рождении).

There's no reason to be so cynical when the innocuous explana­tion is more plausible — безвредный; безобидный.

They seem hard pressed to come up with anything tangible so far, except for mere innuendo — косвенный намек; инсинуация.

France's two-round system inoculates against extremist parties like her National Front — сделать прививку.

Regulations would not inoculate the world against crisis — сде­лать прививку.

The two main opposition parties then walked out of the Senate, leaving it inquorate — неспособность решать эффективно.

It would come before the summer inrush of migrants to Europe — прорыв; натиск.

Having a chip that instantiates the idea in hardware gets around that — иллюстрировать примером.

Europe and an inscrutable China; He developed an insatiable- hunger ненасытный; жадный, алчный.

When they demurred, he mocked them. He knew that corpses are insensate matter, nothing more — неодушевленный.

We might recall former Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew coining the phrase 'Insidious Western Media' — хитрый, коварный; действующий тайно.

The French have cast aside the insipid and the showy, the san­guine and the sombre, old-timers on the left and the right — скучный, неинтересный.

She had always hiked the mountains as a respite from order forms and insoles at the Bee Bee shoe company — стелька.

The favourite New Tory euphemism for insouciant dismissal of serious allegations — беззаботный.

Mr Powell's insouciance is probably also designed to dis­tract attention from America's lack of real options беззаботность; безмятежность.

Both lead extraordinary, well travelled lives, and they pass each other on instinctual breeding runs that end in death — интуитивный, подсознательный.

How China reacts to this meeting may be instructive — поучи­тельный.

Combinations of fissiparous diversity and fierce patriotism, in­sularity and messianic sense of destiny — островное положение, замкнутость, сдержанность.

The overall impression, however, is that this is the camaraderie of a beleaguered troop fighting a noble battle against insuperable odds — неодолимый, непреодолимый.

They are inset with ancient cameos and intaglios, precious and semi­precious stones and enamel; they are inset with ancient cameos and intag­lios, precious and semi-precious stones and enamels — глубокая печать.

Such intangibles as software, services and content — неосязае­мая собственность.

Such efforts demonstrate how to interleave careers and learn­ing — чередовать(ся); перемежать(ся).

They needn't even be ennobled, as interlopers have hitherto been — облагораживать.

Such intermingling became less common after the great mutiny of 1857 — смешиваться, перемешиваться.

One of their concerns was to prevent are currence of Europe's in­ternecine wars — междоусобный; внутренний (о конфликте внутри группы, организации).

In 1500 when a group of sailors landed and claimed the territory for their king, were coming to the conclusion that their new neighbours made unreliable allies in intertribal wars — межплеменной.

Now that the Medvedev interregnum is over, the mood has shift­ed back to a state-capitalist model — междуцарствие.

Ms Marshall intersperses chapters about Bishop with chapters of memoir — раскидывать, усеивать.

Cambodian and Thai troops have intermittently clashed over a disputed border temple; It was broadcast intermittently — периоди­чески; с перерывами, время от времени.

This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all sci­ence-fiction authors have: how to let alien species talk to one another — межзвездный.

Why network neutrality is such an intractable problem — and how to solve it — нелегко поддающийся решению.

The Athens stockmarket crashed by more than 10% in intraday trading — происшедший за один день, суточный.

These days, pragmatism has given way to dogmatic intransi­gence; One excuse for such intransigence comes from the messy tran­sition now taking place in the insurance markets — непримиримость, бескомпромиссность.

Old problems, such as Iran, can rapidly force themselves back to the top of the president's in-tray; it is easy to see why Europe's refugee problem might not be at the top of Turkey's in-tray — лоток, подставка для поступающих бумаг.

Though Angola wants to woo foreign investors, everything seems contrived to deter all but the most intrepid and patient — неустрашимый, отважный.

The most intricate ever organised came to an end in America — сложный, замысловатый.

There are few more divisive subjects in business theory than the relative merits of "intrinsic" versus "extrinsic" rewards важный, значительный, существенный.

Yet a fifth of patients who die in the country's hospitals have been intubated — вводить трубку в полый орган.

Russians became inured to terrorism; people are inured to their pleasures — приучать к (чему-л.); тренировать.

Anger rises as fast as the water across inundated northern cit­ies — затоплять, наводнять.

Nearby, in the shade of a towering neem tree, protesters with ban­ners and flags listen as a speaker inveighs against graft — поносить, оскорблять, ругать.

Hitler was not only an avid reader but also an inveterate under- liner; if Mr Trump, an inveterate conspiracy theorist, was peddling in­flammatory nonsense about his predecessor and America's intelligence agencies, that would also be serious — застарелый; закоренелый.

He found himself in this invidious position after (and indeed before) a speech he gave at the Liberal Democrat party conference — вызывающий враждебное чувство, зависть.

They encountered anti-Clinton invective all over the place — об­личительная речь; выпад; инвектива.

Council of Ministers headed by the president, who is appointed by the king but must win an investiture vote in parliament — инвеститура, формальное введение в должность.

Morocco's constitution holds the person of the king, also known as Commander of the Faithful, to be sacred and inviolate — нетронутый.

Suffocated by an irascible government, the country's newspapers are now the least informative in east Africa; Belarus irascible president — вспыльчивый, несдержанный, раздражительный.

It might be that none of them won him as many swing votes as the onslaught he endured at the hands of irate trade unions on January 17th — гневный, разгневанный, взбешенный.

Yuschenko has drawn Russia's ire — гнев, ярость.

With his heavy jowls and hooded eyelids, Mr Howe cut an iren- ic, gentle, even slightly unfortunate figure — мирный, миролюбивый.

Later he fought communism with the ironclad conservatism of the Washington Times — жесткий, твердый.

But it was the job of Roberto Azevedo, the WTO's director-general, to iron out such differences between members — улаживать.

An irredeemable mess and irreconcilable rivalry — безнадежный безысходный, неисправимый, непоправимый; irredeemable mis­take — фатальная ошибка.

The orange revolutionin 2004-05 was not just about backing de­mocracy; it was also about checking Russian irredentism — член партии ирредентистов (итальянское политическое и общественное движение конца XIX — начала XX в., ратующее за присоединение к Италии земель с итальянским населением, находящихся под контролем Австро-Венгрии).

By rushing to press in January it has missed the salient fact that BP now faces another seemingly irresolvable mess, this time in Russia — неразрешимый; не поддающийся анализу.

Irreverent social media, including Facebook and YouTube, are fizzing through the ether — непочтительный, неуважительный.

Since their irruption half a year ago, Occupy Wall Street and its ilk have created a new political slogan — набег, нашествие.

Drivers taking their attention off the road to glare at their oppo­nent and issue him (more rarely her) with a menacing five-finger salute known as a waka — издавать; пускать в обращение.

The canal intended to pierce the Isthmus of Panama is in many respects a bolder enterprise — перешеек.

This iteration is less elegiac, but it is probably too late — повто­рение, повтор.

HSBC believes its itinerance explains its survival. Countries and regimes come and go — группа должностных лиц, совершающих объезд территории.

Defended by legalistic quibbling, greatly angered an itinerant preacher in Palestine two millennia ago; Parrot is an itinerant English printer; Armies of itinerant nannies — должностное лицо, объезжающее свой округ (судья, священник); переезжающий с места на место.


The three candidates spend their days dealing sharp jabs — a re­cent low point followed a mass shooting at an abortion clinic in Colora­do, blamed on an unstable man whose hatreds reportedly include Barack Obama — толчок; пинок.

She will not win the presidency, but she has shed the j ackbooted imagery of her father, Jean-Marie, who shamed France by getting into the run-off against Jacques Chirac in 2002 — оказывать давление, оказывать грубый нажим.

Did any discernable foreign policy theory come out of President Barack Obama's European jag? — приступ неконтролируемых эмоций.

From demented jailbird to president-in-waiting: Asif Zardari's metamorphosis арестант, закоренелый преступник.

What Ronald Reagan called "that old jalopy of our tax system" — полуразвалившийся ветхий автомобиль или самолет, драндулет.

A green jamboree in Indonesia will not achieve anything tangi­ble, but it matters — веселье; пирушка, празднество.

In recent months Mr Trump has set nerves jangling among con­servative supporters — играть на нервах.

What schoolboy could resist boasting of such a j ape — злая шутка, розыгрыш.

The Economist seems increasingly to prefer actively to write in a way destined consistently to irritate and jar; presumably, so as clearly to demonstrate its commitment consistently to avoid splitting the infini­tive — спорить, ссориться.

The reference to a "bluebird" is as jarring in Japanese as it is in English — неприятный на слух.

And they provide their senior managers and leading investors with "wealth and luxury" that would have impressed even the most jaundiced Roman — завистливый.

Before a javelin has been thrown or a hurdle cleared, a govern­ment-sponsored conference for would-be investors will be completed at Lancaster House — метательное копье, дротик.

Don't anticipate anything game-changing or jaw-dropping here — поразительный, удивительный, невероятный.

A jeepney ride through the capital's snarled streets offers time to reflect on the shortage of political commitment to the public good — самые популярные средства общественного транспорта на Филлипинах.

Depending on the year and the neighbourhood, he was greeted by cheers or jeers — язвительное замечание, колкость.

It was as juvenile as the rest of the jejune copy inside — скудный, тощий.

Jeremiad rhetoric is just a righteous punishment for misdeeds — жалобы, сетования, плач.

This sort of knee-jerk behaviour is quite common during elec­tion campaigns, when ultra-quick reactions are at a premium — пред­сказуемый рефлекс.

These date back to the complex architecture of euro-zone bail­outs, jerry-built in haste in 2010 — сделанный на скорую руку, кое-как.

A former spymaster, Rafi Eitan, even suggested half in jest that a rival service may have framed the Israelis — острота, шутка; idle jest — глупая шутка, комичная ситуация; курьез.

Japan's prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, should jettison his Sven- gali выбрасывание груза за борт во время бедствия.

Mr Brown is not fond ofjetting around the world, but he is a frequent visitor to the United States — путешествовать на реактивном самолете.

To produce all the flotsam and jetsam one could ever wish — ненужные остатки; обрезки; обрывки; осколки.

A former jet-set resort is under water — элита (те, кто летает на собственных самолетах), богатые путешественники.

From the Labour ranks come tired jibes about Conservative poli­cies — an insulting or mocking remark — насмешки, издевки.

But there are millions of Americans who do not like the cut of his jib — внешность.

Speaking in the House of Lords in July 2005, he railed against "sta­tistical jiggery-pokery" and "selective surveys" — абсурд, вздор.

The jilted Germans called on GM to put up at least 50% of the mon­ey required — бросать (супруга, партнера).

He loved France to the point of jingoism ура-патриотизм, шовинизм.

The jingoistic mood may have added to the pressure on Canadian athletes — шовинистический, ура-патриотический.

Chinese flyers feared it was jinxed: sales in China, a crucial mar­ket, fell by 60% immediately after the first crash — проклятие, заклятие.

Shkval torpedoes give Western Naviesthe jitters; the dollar's jit­ters; It left the market jittery — пугливый; неспокойный.

It has dethroned them as the centre of the universe, by showing that mankind is a Johnny-come-lately новичок, опоздавший.

Politicians and right wing shock jocks raving on about how to con­duct a difficult and sensitive task, in which they have no experience at all — радиошоу, представляющие разные точки зрения в преднамеренно провокационной манере.

The young Petty showed an early interest in clockmaking and joinery but did not enter either trade — плотницкая, столярная мастер­ская.

In the optimistic view, Barack Obama has given a jolt of energy to the Copenhagen climate talks — удар.

But not even Mr McCain could resist j oshing about Mr Romney's "landslide victory" the night before — посмеиваться, подтрунивать над кем-л.

One exuberant crew let off strings of firecrackers and threw joss paper up in the air as their vessel steamed out of the harbor — китайское скульптурное изображение божества.

South Africa jostles with Nigeria for continental leadership — толкать, пихать.

That he worked at a different newspaper bothered her not a jot — йота; ничтожное количество.

The book's tone is refreshing, although its occasional passages of lazy journalese can be jarring — газетный язык, газетные штампы.

Even to many furious Republicans, who hold judgeships dear — судейская должность; обязанности судьи, функции судьи.

Then there is the question of where Spain can turn for growth, now that its construction adventure has juddered to a halt — дрожать, колебаться.

In that case, the torry Juggernaut might roar through London, too — с заглавной буквы Джаггернаут (одно из имен Кришны, восьмого воплощения бога Вишну), идея, которой слепо поклоняются, иногда с трагическими последствиями.

The white-collar executive, who spent his days juggling meetings and managing bureaucracy — делать (несколько дел) одновременно, совмещать.

SpaceX has gone for the jugular — самое уязвимое место; to have an instinct for the jugular — уметь бить по слабому месту; быть кровожадным.

With half of America's big firms experiencing shrinking profits, the urge to juice the numbers may be rising — вдохновлять, подбадривать.

Stop the Saudis from playing the jukebox and the rest of us danc­ing to the tune — музыкальный автомат (в баре, танцевальном зале).

President Hamid Karzai, the country's political elite and a jumble of Western diplomats packed a podium to review the troops путаница; сумятица.

There is no reason for them to jump the gun and bomb Israel to smithereens — начинать слишком рано.

Mr Erdogan's government encouraged tens of thousands of foreign fighters to use Turkey as a jumping-off point to enter Syria — трамплин, отправной пункт.

America is jumpy about the falling-out of its two biggest allies in the region — неспокойный, несдержанный.

At least several hundred mile-junkies discovered that a free ship­ping offer on presidential and Native American $1 coins — наркоман.

Mainland businessmen and Communist Party officials, organised by intrepid junket operators, have poured in — поездка "на халяву".

Such handouts have helped to keep the hard-up candidates in the running at crucial junctures — сложное стечение обстоятельств.

A pair of boats are anchored just past the edge of a dock that juts out from Cite Soleil, a vast slum in Haiti's capital — выпирать, выступать.


Appalled readers frequently tell Mrs Martin about conservative relations who, in lieu of a gift, explain that they have made a donation in their name, then reveal — kaboom! — that the beneficiary is the National Rifle Association — звук громкого взрыва.

Why do we call thing s "kabuki" when we mean to say that they are fake? — традиционная японская драма, в которой участвуют только актеры мужчины.

She's on her way to OSMA, realizing that her good friend who had desired a little kaffeeklatsch — From German, from Kaffee "coffee" + Klatsch "gossip" — легкая беседа за чашкой кофе.

In this Kafkaesque age everything is stood on its head — в угне­тенном и подавленном стиле Франца Кафки.

Fatwas against fellow muslims and other minorities and declaring them as kaffir and worth killing is common from sunni religious lead­ers — неверный.

The Obama administration, in a rare display of toughness, has tried to browbeat Japan's new government into submission, giving the impres­sion in a country long fearful of "karaoke diplomacy" — дипломатия караоке.

Your claim that Austria is protectionist and that foreign investors are badly treated is off keel — неуместно.

Three of its banks, with assets worth 14 times GDP, keeled over within a week — переворачиваться килем вверх.

A bit Darwinian for my tastes, but I'm here with a wild hair up my keister, so it's better than the alternatives for me — задница.

This is beyond the ken of most users — кругозор, предел позна­ний, круг знаний.

Their rush led to a flourishing kerb market on the street outside the Dhaka stock exchange — бордюр.

The family is the kernel of Saudi society," according to the king­dom's Basic Law — суть, сущность, ядро.

Marketing men reckon the kerfuffle over Barack Obama's beloved BlackBerry has been worth something like $50m; It is terribly worrying that people are using the kerfuffle over a few emails to delay action on climate change even more — суета; суматоха.

Officers try to to contain public disorder with tactics such as ket- tling, whereby demonstrators are confined to a small area — образование полицией кордонов для сдерживания толпы.

Others have noticed that religious kibbutzim in Israel are thriving, whereas secular socialist ones are in decline — сельскохозяйственная коммуна в Израиле.

The government puts the kibosh on a bid for PotashCorp; Yet de­ferring a decision on tax cuts is as good as kiboshing them — остановка, задержка.

While most physical education teachers feel comfortable oversee­ing a football kickabout, cricket requires them to impart more technical skills — валяться.

One observer likened their exchanges to the brawling of "Kilken­ny cats" — драться так, что только пух и перья летят.

The king's defiance of this view seemed to augur a break from decades of deference by the ruling Al Saud dynasty to killjoy puritans — человек, отравляющий другим удовольствие; брюзга.

Slaves, driven many of India's "modern slaves" labour in appall­ing conditions in brick kilns or breaking stones in quarries — печь для обжига и сушки.

Mr Becker argued that immigration was out of kilter because of the absence of a price that would match supply and demand — в исправности; в полном порядке.

One reason may be that firms are still trying to work around kinks in Swiss tax laws — ненормальность; заскок.

China must "resolutely resist" vulgar, cheap and kitsch forms of culture — кич (художественный стиль, повсеместно достигший расцвета в эпоху массовой культуры и оказавший заметное влияние на художественную практику и дизайн XX в.).

Most of all these guys can still smuggle out their kith and kin to west­ern luxary saying they are threaten in Sri Lanka — друзья, знакомые, соседи.

A successful piece of astronomical kit looks dead — набор, ком­плект.

While the innards of a useful CubeSat could require just a few thousand dollars to kit out — обеспечивать.

The kitty is empty, and his proposed package of emergency tax- raising measures has backfired — в банке.

All three should have set off a deafening klaxon in his cab, which would have triggered automatic braking — клаксон.

Boko Haram is, first and foremost, a product of Nigeria's broken and kleptocratic politics which now risks destabilising neighbouring states — относящийся к клептократии.

An engineer's desire to replace biology's unruly heritage — kludge built on kludge for billions of years — with something designed to be fit for a physicist's practical purpose — клудж (устройство, программа или часть программы, которые теоретически не должны работать, но почему-то работают).

She has a knack for putting herself into other people's shoes with empathy and skill — ловкость; умение.

This whole plantation's completely knackered — измотанный, выжатый как лимон.

As soon as he collapses on the job he is carted off to the knacker's yard to be turned into glue and bonemeal — живодерня.

The cowardly whelps have not the courage otherwise to defend what they get by their knavery жульничество, плутовство.

That was only the latest in a series of measures to kneecap the as­sembly after the opposition won elections in 2015 — прострелить колено с целью наказания.

It knows that to scrap that promise would be the death knell for Hong Kong as a global financial hub — дурное предзнаменование; предвестие конца.

Lace and frills on knickers were shunned to save material in war­time; drawers drooped under rubber rationing — бриджи.

When knifing his predecessor, Tony Abbott, as leader of the Li­beral Party and prime minister, Mr Turnbull has mainly himself to blame — нанести предательский удар кандидату своей партии (голосуя на выборах за его противника).

Because inflation neatly cleaves several knotty problems in cos­mology many astrophysicists (though not all) subscribe to the theory — трудный, запутанный.

A thicket of entangled benefits has sprung up, compared by some to Japanese knotweed — горец, гречишка.

One of Google's current chefs is Josef Desimone, who is admired chiefly for the kombucha tea that he ferments from scratch — пищевая добавка из дрожжей и бактерий («чайный гриб в банке»).

Across the country there aren't a few people willing to put their kookiness into action; far from being a kooky outsider — помешанный; свихнувшийся.

One of those Andy-Rooney-like kooks complaining and remi­niscing about the time when MTV used to show music videos профан, неумеха.

Such slogans would not be kosher today — правильный; раз­решенный.

India... well, it's just too proud even for a purely symbolic kowtow to China — низко кланяться, касаясь головой земли.

Each of the roughly 2,700 members of his krewe throws an aver­age of 2,500 strands of beads at the festival — команда по подготовке парада Марди Гра.

Satirists toss some kryptonite at Obama — в фантастических рассказах неземной минерал, который лишает Супермена его волшебных сил.

In Japan there is no kudos in going to jail for your art — похвала; награда.

It's not a "kumbaya" relationship — религиозный гимн Южной Каролины.

He now wore a humble kurta and lungi over his bony hips and he had been plump in the old days — бесцветная рубашка, которую носят в Индии.

So it's rather easy for an American in this case to kvetch about the pointless myopia of insisting on fairness — постоянно жаловаться.

Symptoms normally manifest themselves in one of two ways, known as marasmus and kwashiorkor — квашиоркор, детская пеллагра.

Treaties were kyboshed — Belgium Put the Kybosh on the Kaiser (end, death cap) — предотвратить что-то.


A labyrinthine legal landscape is making it harder than ever for corporate America to stay on the right side of the law — запутанный, трудный для понимания.

The Republican front-runner invited a lachrymose former Miss Wisconsin and his wife, Melania, to read out praise poem — сентиментальный, слезливый.

A terrible recession will be followed by a lacklustre recovery, but Britain is no basket-case — тусклый, без блеска.

This is a rather lackadaisical thesis that fails to connect the un­derlying problem inherent with the system — томный; жеманный.

Judging by the leaked documents, the US and its lackey Australia appear to be... In the secretive neo-liberalized trade regime подхалим, лизоблюд.

When their lacrosse team, the Iroquois Nationals, attempted to use these documents to travel to Britain — лакросс, Канадская национальная игра индейского происхождения, распространенная и на востоке США.

Lunchis a ladle of chilli with rice, cornbread, salad and a slab of chocolate cake ковш, черпак; в форме ложки.

His ideas met with guffaws from the old lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronic medical records fall flat — каторжник, заключенный.

The Republicans have tried to give the laggards extra clout by barring states with primaries in March from using a winner-takes-all voting — неповоротливый человек; увалень; копуша.

The problem is that "lah lah land" is also possibly Russian Mafia land and Failed State land and Terrorism land right on Europe's door­step — обещанный.

America's laissez-faire ideology, as practised during the sub- prime crisis, "was as simplistic as it was dangerous" — невмешательство (правительства в дела частных лиц, обычно в частный бизнес и торговлю).

The French invented laicity: getting rid of religion in public space, rationality freedom prevailing against obscurantist faiths — миряне, светские лица (не духовенство), любители, непрофессионалы.

Either way, it suggests a profound lacuna in biologists' under­standing of the world — пробел, пропуск.

In the wild east of the country which borders the lair in North Wa- ziristan of the Haqqani network — берлога, логовище.

There have been more bank runs, executives on the lam, arrests and credit panics than the country has seen in years — скрываться от полиции.

Policymakers at home lambast Mr Obama for having overlearned the lessons of Iraq — подвергать словесной критике, разносить в пух и прах.

South Koreans should rather lament economic failures — горестное стенание, причитание.

Lamentably, even after the tragedy at Rana Plaza there has been little sign of this — печально; достойно сожаления.

Saddam Hussein, Boumediene and Qaddhafi were mercilessly lampooned by samizdat literature and oral jokes — писать памфлеты, пасквили.

The case offers a glimpse into a world not often seen by landlub­bers — новичок в морском деле.

The upshot is a slew of languorous individual connections, as well as a reduction in the channel's capacity — бездеятельный, усталый.

One thing you can generally count on when the lanky figure of Barack Obama approaches a podium is that you will hear a good speech — долговязый; худой и тощий.

Business lunches are not the long, languid, liquid affairs they once were безжизненный, вялый; апатичный, бездеятельный.

Home prices languish near post-bubble lows, over 30% below peak — слабеть; чахнуть; вянуть, ослабевать.

Mr Xi said little that was new, but the audience lapped it up any­way — поглощать, впитывать.

McCain is a lapdog of the oil industry — комнатная собачка.

This is a magnificently fair, full-scale biography and its judgments are lapidary — краткий, лапидарный, сжатый (о стиле).

The result is that now, every time he lapses into a slightly earthier register, the press picks it up as further evidence упущение, оговорка; описка.

But Mr Roberts's work is less a history than a giant political pam­phlet larded with its author's prejudices — уснащать, пересыпать речь.

And now that the EZ has spent every dime it can wrangle, and the euro is a lariat coiling around the necks of its creators — веревка для привязывания лошадей и мулов.

Alone among the various forms of larceny, it has a time param­eter — воровство, кража.

No matter how likeable the larcenist, a stickup is invariably an unpleasant experience for employees — вор.

The survival of so many small settlements across the vast coun­try is made possible by the largesse of the Greenland state — щедрый дар, вознаграждение.

A Texan crow singing like a lark; when Bonobos first tried this idea, in 2011, it seemed like a lark — жаворонок; проказа; забава.

A provincial court implied last month when it convicted a lo­cal of disseminating false or illegal material online for posting a las­civious comment about her on Facebook — сладострастный, рас­путный.

Congress as a whole has met the present challenge with lassitude, not leadership — утомление; апатия.

In Argentina, "a gaucho lassoing himself with his own bolas" could be taken to mean that the gaucho lassoed himself with his own testicles — ловить арканом, лассо.

Russia's new rulers, ideologically orphaned by the collapse of So­viet communism, have increasingly latched onto the belief — осознавать выгоду.

Latrine building has been a part of Peace Corps programs since inception — отхожее место (особенно в лагере, госпитале).

The City of London quickly worked itself up into a lather — abet­ted by the British press — пена, мыло (на лошади); to get into a lather — терять голову (от переживаний).

There may be latent feelings, but the over riding truth is the need for reconciliation — латентный, непроявившийся.

When he woke up in Lilliput, bound by a lattice of slender liga­tures, to find dozens of tiny men disporting themselves on his chest, Le­muel Gulliver let out a roar "so loud that they all ran back in fright — решетка, сетка.

While the Paris accords were laudatory, we all must accept the bitter truth that the earth is too hot now — похвальный, хвалебный.

Governments want to assist broadband development, but la­vishing taxpayers' money on high-speed networks is not the answer — расточать; обильный.

Donald Trump has staged a lawyerly retreat from his executive order of January 27th — правовой.

The rules change from country to country and they get laxer and laxer all the way down the chain until you reach Liberia — распущенный, расхлябанный.

Perhaps the wariest observers are the Russian authorities, both lay and clerical — мирской, светский.

It is a common misperception that students are work-shy lay­abouts — бездельник, тунеядец.

The use of the core measure may seem opportunistic to laypeo- ple — like playing games with the numbers to get the figures — присяж­ные.

The capital's residents were urged to call a hotline should they have any leads — вести.

Demonstrators marching on America's informal embassy wearing Uncle Sam hats and leering cow masks — смотреть искоса; смотреть хитро.

Nonetheless, it still gives them broad leeway to decide when a loan is looking parlous enough to register an expected loss — свобода действий.

In sum, Lego's name is derived from leg godt, Danish for "play well" — играть хорошо (датский).

Absolutely not, replied the CDFA in a communication full of le- galese that Ms Dashtaki calls "Kafkaesque" — юридический жаргон.

When a legatee lives in a third country it is harder still — наследник.

Tales of mistreatment are legion — тьма, множество.

We are obligated to make laugh over Zapatero's legerdemain and its brand new trick; Some accuse the White House of legerdemain ловкость рук; жонглерство.

There he met Ernest Lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron, who gave him a leg-up in his career — поддержка; подмога.

The Gandhi name is the leitmotif of India's post-independence history — лейтмотив.

Indians everywhere (never "Native Americans", another colonis­ers' word) had been robbed, corralled and turned into cowed, self-loath­ing lemmings in white schools — лемминг.

He asked for leniency, as he had been influenced by Western ide­as — снисходительность, терпимость.

Many doctors think they are trying to curb a bunch of lentil- munching fanatics who ignore the dangers of something going — пережевывающих чечевицу.

Leonine great writers and radicals with Afros out to their shoul­ders — львиное мужествo.

The world will be less cheerful without his readiness to pull a sil­ly face, or don a leprechaun hat and matching pants — эльф, который всегда носит кошелек с шиллингом.

Revolutionaries are advised to die young lest they make fools of themselves — чтобы не, как бы не.

There is no let-up in the growth of the number of patents issued each year — пауза, перерыв.

Bernie Sanders wants to levy Social Security taxes, which cur­rently stop at $118,500, on incomes over $250,000 — облагать (налогом); вводить налоговые ставки.

It will be Mardi Gras, a local holiday celebrated with passion, and plenty of libations — возлияние; выпивка.

In some places, the LGBT community has spread its wings to call itself LGBTTTI: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Trans-sexual, Trans- vestite and Intersexual (having both male and female physical charac­teristics).

Ron Paul is a 76-year-old libertarian from Texas with a worldview so wacky and a programme so radical that he was recently discounted as a no-hoper — сторонник доктрины о свободе воли.

When the correspondent went on to document drunken housekeepers and licentious receptionists, the owners sued him — безнравственный, распущенный.

The origins of modern taxation can be traced to wealthy subjects paying money to their king in lieu of military service — вместо.

Lifers, executives who had spent their entire career with one com­pany, were much more present 30 years ago сотрудник, работающий долгие годы; кадровый офицер.

It lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling — отменить запрет.

When he woke up in Lilliput, bound by a lattice of slender liga­tures, to find dozens of tiny men disporting themselves on his chest, Le­muel Gulliver let out a roar "so loud that they all ran back in fright" — связывание, соединение.

There is no lightning-bolt solution — удар молнии, грома.

L'Oreal's like-for-like revenues rose by 4.7% in 2016, whereas the Body Shop's increased by just 0.6% — метод подсчета, исключающий искусственные объемы продаж.

In all likelihood, Congress will do this in time for the new year — по всей вероятности.

He replied, in his languid, ever-courteous southern lilt, "The hell you say" — мелодия, напев, песенка.

That pretty much describes the two sides limbering up for a po­litical scrap over the European Union's constitutional treaty — делать разминку.

In fact, legal limbo is not an either-or condition; there are de­grees of statelessness — лимб (у католиков: пограничная область ада, в которой пребывают души праведников, умерших до пришествия Христа и души умерших некрещеными детей).

The damage being done to its health is visible in a few liminal places — the Great Barrier Reef, say, or the oyster farms of Washington state — тонкий слой.

Mr Ford continued to limn Frank's life in "Independence Day", perhaps his most profound and moving work — изображать; описывать.

Uday's stock fell further when in 1996 he was nearly assassinated, and afterwards walked with a limp — медленно двигаться, с трудом передвигаться.

Standing out as a book writer today requires more than a bright idea and limpid prose — простой, ясный, прозрачный (о языке, стиле).

Even as protests calm down, questions linger about Turkey's po­litical future — сохраняться, не исчезать полностью.

He was the linchpin of the team — тот, на ком все держится; незаменимый человек; опора, шплинт; чека.

If prices linger at or above $100 a barrel — засиживаться, за­держиваться.

With a McDonald's on every corner, our evolved love of lipids can lead to an early grave — липиды.

A place as litigious as America — сутяжнический (о людях, их характере, высказываниях; спорный, подлежащий судебному разбирательству.

Germany's president, Christian Wulff, paid his first official visit to Turkey last week, accompanied by his lissom wife, Bettina — скорый, проворный; легкий (в движениях).

It endured listless donors and woeful budgets — апатичный, бездеятельный, безразличный, вялый.

Seamlessly, the dancers move from breakdance to something more lithe гибкий, податливый.

Charles Freeman argues that no government is without sin and that there should be no political litmus test for hosting the Games — re­action for litmus — реакция на лакмус.

The book gives way to a forlorn litany of the events — литания, длинный и скучный перечень чего-л.

It is understandable that China should want to make it riskier for the American navy to operate close to its own littoral — прибрежные воды.

These days the liveried doormen in Athens's finest hotels stare out at sleeveless drummers in a protest tent camp — носящий ливрею.

A big export-oriented economy is booming but its trading partners are livid — разозленный, в ярости.

Partisans took to their bunkers erpts from Justinian's "Digest" of Roman law suggest that 6th-century sea captains, innkeepers and livery­men could not refuse board to any cargo, man or horse — член гильдии.

Partisans took to their bunkers to lob bombs at each other, the truth of the matter be damned — зашвырнуть, бросить.

Energy and economic growth always grew in lockstep and to think otherwise was dangerously naive — шаг в ногу (в строю).

To an urban locavore, pricey fuel does not sound so terrible — тот, кто питается местной пищей.

Tom Campbell insists that this is not so: "This is not the Met in lockdown mode" — ограничивать возможности, функциональность.

Locust investors strip companies bare and then move on — саранча перелетная.

As the locus of innovation moves on to other fields, can informa­tion technology ever regain its pre-eminence? — центральная позиция, ключевая точка.

For Valdis Dombrovskis, the prime minister, the euro has been a lodestar through years of crisis — путеводная звезда, идеал.

The Tories had descended from their lofty ground of deficit-cut­ting austerity to low politics — величественный.

The two companies are at loggerheads over everything from apps to acquisitions — иметь резкие разногласия, быть в ссоре.

Allegations of log-rolling, though denied, plagued the voting last

year for 2018 — взаимная поддержка между членами Конгресса.

A new law may do little to break India's land-acquisition logj am залом, затор, завал.

The pair loll on a green hillside at Murnau south of Munich where Munter had bought a house — стоять (облокотясь) в ленивой позе.

It has managed to convert the capital ofUK into Londonistan, a nas­ty nest of all kinds of Islamic terrorists and fanatics — преобладающее население мусульман.

Using longitudinal data on college-going Americans who were aged between 12 and 17 in 1997, the authors found that student-loan deb­tors were in fact more likely than non-debtors — продольный.

Astronomers may have found their first Saturn looka- like — имитация; близкая к оригиналу копия (аппаратного или программного обеспечения).

For even as the country trumpets planned space missions, it fails to build good loos today — уборная, туалет.

The idea that modern central banks with their loosey-goosey printing presses have generated an epidemic of inflation is a little nuts — непринужденный, раскованный.

But it is the insight Sparks brings to an old subject that confirms what we have always suspected, that "The Arch" really is more lollapa- looza liturgist than he is preacher man — что-либо исключительного

качества в своем классе.

Other conspiracy theories about Mr Obama are even loopier странный, чудаковатый; с чудинкой; сумасшедший.

The Greens reckon that lopping a day off the working week would begin to redress the inequalities between men and women — урезывать.

The fate is lopsided as before; it was a lopsided fight, hastily ar­ranged, poorly refereed, and pitting a big bruiser against bantams кривобокий; наклоненный.

A kinder interpretation may be that, even for the loquacious Mr Campbell, there is not much left to say; to neutralise politically dan­gerous or excessively loquaciousoutsiders — болтливый, говорливый.

Israeli security says it recently uncovered a plot to blow up a lorry- load of explosives under a Tel Aviv skyscraper — грузовик.

They are loth to take part in it — не склонный, не желающий; де­лающий неохотно.

A backlash against extreme Puritanism, particularly among the up­per classes who observed the louche goings on at court — пользующийся дурной репутацией.

Other southern states combine conspicuous religiosity with wide­spread loucheness — плохая репутация.

A well-known loudmouth professor at Peking University was

suggesting that some in the former colony were "British running dogs" — крикун.

Britain is known for its lager louts and beer bellies — деревен­щина.

When it comes to energy, Vladimir Putin's Russia seems prone to loutish behaviour — despite constant claims that Russia is a relia­ble partner — грубый, неповоротливый, нескладный, неотесанный.

A song written for lovelorn servicemen going into battle hundreds of years ago — страдающий от безнадежной любви.

China love-bombed the Seychelles and Mauritius with presiden­tial visits — выражение любви для получения выгоды.

Soon she was to add her own knot to this Bloomsbury love- tangle — любовная путаница.

Presidents Chavez and Uribe hold a love-in — сборище хиппи.

An older relative stepped in to inform curious reporters that the youth "loves the new freedom", adding, "Lovely-jubbly, tally-ho, tally- ho" — выражение удовольствия.

He took things easy, hid throat lozenges in his handkerchief, and looked after his instrument — пастилки от боли в горле или кашля.

You know the sound of your heartbeat: lub-dub, lub-dub — сердце­биение.

The story ranges across four decades, from the courtship of Daniel's parents in the 1960s to his mildly lubricious London life in the mid-1990s вертливый, уклончивый.

Lucid dreaming is not as much entering dreams while remaining conscious — прозрачный, ясный.

Some of the lucre has gone to finance the pro-poor subsidies be­loved of the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — прибыль, барыш.

As a convenience to visitors annoyed by having to lug wads of cash, Iran's savvier carpet dealers and hoteliers have evaded the blockade by collecting credit-card charges overseas — тащить; сильно дергать.

He had a lugubrious, clever head; he heard a lugubrious rendi­tion — жорбный, траурный.

A pre-Christmas lull in political combat probably means less than meets the eye — короткое/временное затишье.

Yet the apparent assassination last month of Mr Mbai, a key man in efforts to redraft Kenya's lumpen constitution — кадровый состав, деклассированный.

The Greeks should be ready to turn to the IMF before they lumber themselves with an even worse fate — валить и пилить (лес).

She wants to do to government what lumberjacks do to trees — дровосек, лесоруб.

Even China's lunge for breakneck growth from 1992 looked set to accelerate forces the party might not control — выпад.

Does it mean that the wolves would not howl if Wall Street had a wolf/lupine culture? — волчий.

A startup called Theranos, began to lurch from one problem to another — шаткая походка; пошатывание.

Venezuela's lurgy should sharpen Cuba's eagerness for the re­medy of reform — болезнь, недомогание.

A stream of lurid stories about the party has appeared in the Hun­garian media recently — зловещий, угрожающий.

Dangers lurk in Franco-German plans for a more tightly integrat­ed euro zone — красться, подкрадываться.

A few shiny additions come into view at the foot of a lushly forest­ed hill in the country's south-east — покрытый буйной растительностью.

Business presses are publishing a series of luvvie-hugging books such as "The Fine Art of Success", by Jamie Anderson — шутливое название людей, связанных с театром и т.д. и чрезмерно склонных к любовным эмоциям.

This is a book that luxuriates in description — благоденствовать, процветать; расти буйно, пышно.

Vegetation in Borneo is luxuriant and highly diversified — буй­ный, пышный.

But the nation's enforcers started to get tough only when the bra- zenness of the lysine conspiracy became apparent in the 1990s — лизин (незаменимая аминокислота).


In contrast, the "macroprudential supervisor" would recognise that if it applied such policies to everyone, it could cause a recession — продиктованный благоразумием.

It was, said one commentator, a "danse macabre" of Croatian so­ciety — мрачный, ужасный.

The idea, hitherto untested on voters, is to show that the Lib Dems are less a makeweight — второстепенный персонаж, необходимый для завершения картины.

Mr Toruno, now 27, absorbed the codes of machismo from infan­cy — мужественность; мужское начало; мужская энергия.

Terrorism and guerrilla warfare are often intended as macabre theatre — мрачный, страшный, ужасный, жуткий, макабрический.

They were pondering a well-known tendency, called the "Macbeth effect", for people to want to clean themselves physically — безуспешные попытки смыть кровь с рук.

The MAD doctrine made Russians and Americans talk and listen to each other politely — гарантированное взаимное уничтожение (Mu­tually Assured Destruction).

The lives of 16th-century composers of unaccompanied madri­gals — мадригал.

Developing countries, even if they have the money, seem unlikely to be able to leapfrog into this new maelstrom of innovation — водоворот, вихрь.

Their regional magazine is clearly aimed at attracting disaffected citizens — склад, хранилище.

The trade-off entailed cannot be magicked away by minting a soundbite — избавиться магическим, волшебным способом.

Hitler had a magpie mind — болтун, болтунья.

Sir Lawrence Freedman's aim in his magisterial new book, "Strat­egy: A History", is to find a workable definition of what strategy is — авторитетный, влиятельный.

The Adi Vasis who are the mainstay of the Naxals would not have experienced caste; Country's mainstays were rubber and rice — главная поддержка, опора, оплот.

Will migrants make or break Europe? — решающий момент.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a long and damag­ing criticism, calling the poor fellow "maladroit and inept" — неловкий неуклюжий.

Deutsche Bank's distress is symptomatic of a wider malaise — не­домогание.

With all due respect, that's a bunch of malarkey чушь, мура.

If shareholders knew that their entire investment could be lost due to the malfeasance of the corporation; innocent of any malfeasance;

Officials give warning of a zero-tolerance approach to corporate malfea­sance — злодеяние, преступление.

Because Socrates wanted to win converts to this conversation­al culture he often chose young and malleable men покладистый, уступчивый.

Politics change quickly and malevolent policy is always plausi­ble — злобный, злой, злорадный, недоброжелательный; malevolent fate — злая судьба.

That could involve disrupting sensitive equipment such as centrifuges, he said, using malware introduced via infected memory sticks — вредоносное ПО (способное нанести ущерб или вывести из строя информационно-вычислительную систему; например, вирус).

Tactics adopted that contributed to the malodorous aura that so- called liberals acquired in the '70s — вонючий, зловонный.

We should not only limit our expectations regarding the mallea­bility of Chinese domestic consumption — покладистость, уступчивость.

Neither notion went down well with the top ranks of the mandari- nate — чиновничество.

A few mangy goats roam around, picking out scraps of food — чесоточный, шелудивый.

The Muslim Brotherhood, where many of the younger members who manned the barricades in Tahrir Square now want a greater say — организованный людьми.

There will be no welcome mat for Bulgarian and Romanian work­ers — ковер.

Exactly what does Mammon look like? мамона, богатство, деньги (рассматриваемые как источник зла).

The Soviet Union had collapsed because nobody in the party had been "man enough to stand up and resist"; he noted that Russia's corrupt security services had "left the party disarmed" — настоящий мужчина.

Slaves were manacled and marched to the ocean — заковывать, сковывать, связывать.

Don't tell me that a free-market company cannot go bankrupt if it does not mange its resources well or mitigates risks early — чесотка.

After seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand be­tween two heavy rollers — наносить увечья.

Despite its manifold and persistent problems of lousy governments and erratic climates, Africa has a chance of rising — множественный, многочисленный.

Turkey must reclaim its mantle as leader of the Islamic world — полномочия, власть.

Western observers generally tend to spout the jingoistic mantra that they "hope China will move to a democracy — to be like us" — любой священный текст.

George Washington always intended to manumit those of his slaves who were his own to free (as opposed to the "dower slaves" from his wife's estate) and he did free them in his will — отпускать на волю, освобождать.

The lessons from one campaign need not map neatly onto the next — отображать.

And, although the Fraser Valley does not yet have quite the cachet of Silicon Valley, it may be about to steal a march on its southern neigh­bor — пользоваться преимуществом.

It is with just this feeling that H.J.Jackson has written her book about marginalia — заметки на полях (книги), сноски.

Tata is also held together by a common culture that has been ma­rinating for 140 years — мариновать.

They have occupied this spot, behind a stall selling garlands of marigolds — бархатцы.

The book is marred by some sloppy mistakes: it is goitre, not gout, that leads to a swollen neck — портить, ухудшать.

Nixon understood in his marrow how middle-class Americans felt about the country's self-satisfied elites — до мозга костей.

Often by troupes of mariachi musicians in full regalia — уличный музыкант.

Nevertheless, this development could affect gold consumption on the margins — в коридорах.

Chinese organizers provided large state-run enterprises with blocks of tickets, particularly to non-marquee events, to distribute to workers — знаковый, выдающийся.

Such marques as Audi, BMW and Mercedes — A marque is the name of a famous company that makes motor vehicles, or the vehicles it produces — автопроизводители.

To bolster their case, each side has marshalled secondary argu­ments — располагать в определенном порядке.

Conservationists have fabricated evidence to the contrary in or­der to justify the use of 1080 poison against these beneficial marsupi­als — сумчатое животное.

These are called 'masala films'," says Ganesh Matkari, an In­dian cinema critic — масала (пряная смесь из нескольких специй, измельченных в порошок).

The sorrowfulsatchel was the mascot of a "citizen's" rebellion against a proposed school restructuring — талисман (человек, вещь, животное, приносящие счастье).

Harvard Business School MBAs can book a masseuse to relieve the stress of a hard day slaving over case studies — массажистка.

Unless the Chinese want to buy most of the Massif Central гор­ный массив.

The flags above the country's parliament and presidential palace were lowered to half-mast приспущенный (о флаге).

Obama's Cairo speech was masterly; Amitav Ghosh's latest nov­el — the first of a promised trilogy — sees this Indian author on master­ly — мастерский; совершенный.

He looked at the consequences for those who attempted to mas­ticate the result — мельчить, месить.

Even among those with matric, only 17% are likely to get a job within a year of leaving school — зачисление в высшее учебное заве­дение.

People are only truly equal when identity stops mattering сущность; содержание.

Latin American politics has featured a maudlin streak ever since the early death (yes, from cancer) of Eva Peron — расчувствовавшийся до слез.

Credit Suisse takes a congressional mauling for aiding tax eva­sion — подвергать жестокой критике, разносить в пух и прах.

He was also, in a nod to his Jewish ancestry, a maven, meaning "he who understands", a Hebrew-Yiddish word slipped into English in the 1960s in an ad for herring in cream sauce — "he who understands" — знаток; повернутый на чем-л. человек.

Slovakia's share vanished into the maw of a powerful new intel­ligence service — глотка, зоб (у птиц).

Despite the odd lapse into mawkishness, Mr Ronson is re­freshingly straightforward about his good fortune — слащавость, сентиментальность.

The Western authorities "maxed" out on the benefits of this in­flationary decline by pumping monetary and fiscal stimulus into their economies — воспользоваться по максимуму.

SEC and others mightn't like it, but we can have international may­hem arising from a domestic US problem — хаос, беспорядок.

Opposition backs independent candidate for Taipei mayoralty — офис мэра.

Measly as those yields may be, they are still positive in real terms; spending on culture accounted for 0.2% of public expenditure in Greece, the lowest share of any EU country, and a measly 0.6% in Italy — ничтожно маленький.

Expecting a mea culpa from a political memoir is like expect­ing modesty from Lady Gaga: it entirely misses the point — признание вины.

America decries any wording, however mealy-mouthed, that could increase governments' control over content — сладкоречивый; не высказывающийся прямо.

Good behaviour in Moldova's separatist dispute reaps meagre rewards — слабый, вялый.

One quibble: Mr Vedral often digresses from the point at hand, so the overall effect tends to be a bit meandering отклонение, уклон.

Russians meddling in Ossetia; his meddlingin Afghanistan is onthe rise — вмешательство.

Neither candidate looks a likely monetary meddler, certainly with Saint Alan still there — беспокойный, надоедливый, вмешивающийся во все человек.

Sceptics doubt that the meddlesome Bank of Korea will be able to refrain from cheapening the won — назойливость.

The FC men, representing a medley of frontier tribes, Afridis, Mohmandis, Yusufzai, bullied their way through — смесь, мешанина.

Such meekness betrays not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where Egypt's — and the West's — real interests lie — кротость, мягкость; покорность.

One senior diplomat expressed the meek hope that the ECC might be both transparent and "Afghanised" — кроткий, мягкий; покорный, послушный, смиренный.

A violent thug with a touch of megalomania — мегаломания, мания величия.

Religios melange of Shia Arabs — a 46-nation melange domi­nated by America, which will soon have 100,000 troops in Afghanistan — смешение; смесь.

This opportunism melds with determination to produce a pow­erful cocktail of self-belief; Tangible and virtual retailing may meld in all sorts of unaccustomed ways — сливаться; смешиваться.

Ms Fiorina is one of three new candidates who have jumped into the Republican melee this week; scientists have been trying to bring order, or at least predictability, to motorway melees for decades — рукопашная схватка, свалка, заторы.

The phrasing in "White Egrets" has a mellifluous, rhapsodic quality; The Mandarin here in Taiwan doesn't seem nearly as mellifluous as that spoken in some areas of mainland China; Now they are caressed for their mellifluousness — медоточивый; сладкозвучный; ласкающий слух.

Least interesting meme ever shows how bored the world really is — мем, мим (поведенческий или культурный стереотип, передающийся от поколения к поколению не генетически, а имитационно).

Bournes, a family purveyor of "Irish turnips" and Clonak- ilty pudding, stands out among the curry shops like a memsahib in a harem — мемсаиб, госпожа (обращение к европейской женщине в колониальной Индии).

But it would transform NAFTA's menage a trois into a clamor­ous throng of a dozen — соглашение о совместном сексе семейной пары и любовника.

They say that their menfolk were ordered to travel to the Katyn memorial service as a backdrop for the launch of Mr Kaczynski's re­election — мужчины (особенно члены одной семьи или социальной группы).

The business response to environmental regulation has al­ways been mendacious, homicidal and greedy — лживый; ложный, обманчивый; сдержанность.

Mendacity and misrepresentation are political tools with which Canada's Liberals and New Democrats are particularly well versed — лживость; лицемерие, фальшь.

From what I can discern of of the proceedings to date, we have a mendicant represented by two lefties — нищенствующий, нищий.

Nothing infuriates Venezuela's mercurial president, Hugo Chavez, quite so much as the suggestion that his "revolutionary" government is nothing of the sort — живой, подвижный; деятельный.

The United States likes to think of itself as the very embodiment of meritocracy: a country where people are judged on their individu­al abilities — система, при которой положение человека в обществе определяется его способностями.

The Germans have even coined a verb in her honour: "to merkel" means to delay decisions while time diminishes problems to a manageable size, and opponents make valuable mistakes — глагол, происходящий от имени канцлера Меркель, означающий откладывание решения по проблемам, пока они не уменьшатся, а оппоненты не сделают серьезных ошибок.

The region's entrepreneurs and engineers often fail to take into account how well their inventions mesh with social institutions — зацепляться; сцепляться.

Almost a half-century later these modest steps have metas- tasised into a huge, federally guaranteed student-loan industry — метастазирование.

The scene was familiar: regulators meting out vast penalties to banks, scathing statements about gross misconduct — наказывать особым утвержденным способом.

Whitehall — a metonym for the British government's administra­tive centre — has frustrated others — метоним.

But many of the most famous cases of me-too drugs are a result of a bunch of companies racing for the same target — политическая беспринципность.

Chinese-American relations are typically prone to be testy in the firstyear of a new administration, as the two countries gauge each other's mettle — пыл, рваться в бой.

Her metier was brightly coloured pictures with dark angry lines, part abstract, part-figurative — профессия, занятие, ремесло.

The only emerging pattern is one of wildly see-sawing fortunes, as coastal towns change hands with almost metronomic regularity — равномерный, регулярный.

One colleague relates the ultimate metrosexual moment — ме- тросексуал, городской модник (тратит много времени и денег на со­вершенствование своего внешнего вида и образа жизни; в противо­положность мачо).

After a long bull market, investors have got lazy again and man­agers are taking the mickey — насмешки.

However, many a mickle makes a muckle, and in total they add up to something significant — по капле и море собирается.

A giant city in the south-west is a microcosm of China's struggle to move millions from rural to urban areas — что-либо в миниатюре.

A few thousand foreigners still have middling or senior govern- mentjobs; on this measure, America did middingly well—посредственный, заурядный.

Cyprus is a Mediterranean midget, with a GDP of only $23 bil­lion — карлик, лилипут.

Georgians are miffed over Russia's broader meddling — выводить из себя, злить.

The puzzle is why big firms are so miffed when they are so mint­ed — обижаться.

With long gray hair, he has the intense, unblinking mien of a self- published science fiction writer мина, выражение лица; impassive mien — бесстрастное выражение лица.

Critics suspect Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of de­ploying mihrabs and minarets to revive his country's imperial herit­age — место для молитвы.

He had made no money while in government, a fact that seemed both irritating and eccentric to those who milked their time in office — извлекать выгоду (из чего-л.); эксплуатировать.

In America it chose to work with the Charlotte Observer and Fu­sion, a news site for millennials — относящийся к тысячелетию.

Concocting the offbeat blend of genre and milieu — окружение, окружающая среда, обстановка.

Depending on your perspective, it was either a pointless bit of ar- gy-bargy outside a milquetoast legislative council — or a soul-stirring; Voltaire was a milquetoast careerist, too concerned with his own reputa­tion and his comfortable life to say anything truly unsettling — робкий, податливый застенчивый человек (от имени комического персонажа, обладавшего соответствующими свойствами).

Many centrist Democrats now see health reform as a millstone around their necks — тяжелая ответственность; камень на шее у кого-л.

Before the mayor arrived, city officials milled about, debating how much they might lose — двигаться по кругу, кружить.

How can the country justify its massive public administration — a millefeuille of communes, departments, regions and the central state — which employs 90 civil servants per 1,000 population, compared with 50 in Germany — выпечка с жирным наполнителем.

They then sold the birds' exclusive and expensive plumes to mil­liners across America and Europe — модистка.

The people running Iran are not mystical, millenarian illumina- ti, but cold-blooded totalitarians — апокалиптический, пророческий; эсхатологический.

Otherwise the Republicans, who will control the House and possi­bly the Senate too, will make mincemeat of Obama — мелко порубленное мясо.

But poor countries often have other staples, and these have not usually been subject to such genetic ministrations — оказание мелкой помощи.

Latvia is a financial minnow мелкая рыбешка, мелюзга.

For fintechs, symbiosis need not mean minnowhood — мелочевка.

Full-sized portrayals of saints; and scenes from classical mythology, including Theseus slaying a rather handsome minotaur — Минотавр — по греческому преданию, чудовище с телом человека и головой быка.

Horace may have "rather enjoyed being pointed at, as a kind of ce­lebrity, the minstrel of the Roman lyre — менестрель (средневековый поэт).

But Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's newly minted mayor, is deter­mined to open a publicly-owned casino to help fill his empty coffers — не бывший в употреблении.

The big poll lead was a comment on the economy not on the mi­nutiae of Westminster life; such minutiae as travel expenses — мелочи.

Tea production in the US is minuscule; despite its minuscule size — очень маленький; minuscule quantity — крохотное количество.

Stephanopoulos was a loyal minion of the Clinton's; Medve- dev will remain a faithfulminion любимец, фаворит; кумир; мелкий начальник, «мелкая сошка».

China's investement in Mexiso has been minute — мелкий, мель­чайший.

For a banking industry mired in gloom — Citigroup announced 11,000 job cuts on December 5th — the debt market is the brightest spot — завязнуть в грязи, трясине.

If that were not the case, Palin the clown would only be a figure of mirth — веселье, радость, увеселение.

The Obama administration wants terrorists to be swiftly informed of their right to remain silent. "If we Mirandise these guys, we aren't go­ing to get anything out of them," hes ays — «права Миранды» (права, которыми обладает задержанный по подозрению в совершении преступления, включая право сохранять молчание во время допроса, право на помощь адвоката и присутствие адвоката при допросе).

Consider both an avid cocktail party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and a grumpy misanthrope — мизантроп, человеко­ненавистник.
