Другие работы автора


Перлемутер Г. Помогите своей печени: Как сохранить здоровье важнейшего органа надолго. Азбука-Аттикус, 2021.

Perlemuter G., Perlemuter L. Guide de thérapeutique Perlemuter, Plus de 1000 maladies, plus de 3000 médicaments. Elsevier Masson, 2019.

Perlemuter G., Perlemuter L. Guide pratique infirmier, Elsevier Masson, 2020

Perlemuter G., Pitard L. Les Cahiers infirmiers, Elsevier Masson. Пособия для обучения среднего медицинского персонала.

Perlemuter G., Perlemuter L., Quevauvilliers J., Amar B., Aubert L., Pitard L. Nouveaux Cahiers de l’infirmière. 27 vol. Elsevier Masson.

Perlemuter G., Perlemuter L., Montani D. Cahiers des ECN. 18 vol. Elsevier Masson. Пособия для студентов-медиков.

Perlemuter G., Cassard A.-M. Les bactéries, des amies qui vous veulent du bien. Solar, 2016. Книга получила премию La Science se livre.

Marteau Ph., Doré J., Perlemuter G. et al. Gut Microbiota: a full-fledged organ. John Libbey Eurotext, 2017.

Научные исследования

Работа моей исследовательской группы в INSERM позволила нам опубликовать ряд научных статей в авторитетных международных журналах, в большинстве своем на английском языке. Все они доступны на сайте Национальной библиотеки медицины США. Здесь я привожу те из них, которые связаны с изучением микробиоты.


Bile acid homeostasis and intestinal dysbiosis in alcoholic hepatitis // Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 11.2018. № 48(9).

Characterization of intestinal microbiota in alcoholic patients with and without alcoholic hepatitis or chronic alcoholic pancreatitis // Sci Rep. 03.2018. № 8(1).

Transplantation of human microbiota into conventional mice durably reshapes the gut microbiota // Sci Rep. 05.2018. № 8(1).

Microbiota, Liver Diseases, and Alcohol // Microbiology Spectrum. 08.2017. № 5(4).

Circulating bugs in blood in alcoholic liver disease // Hepatology. 04.2018. № 67(4).

Fecal microbiota manipulation prevents dysbiosis and alcohol-induced liver injury in mice // Journal of Hepatology. 04.2017. № 66(4).

Recovery of ethanol-induced Akkermansia muciniphila depletion ameliorates alcoholic liver disease // Gut. 05.2017. № 67(5).

Transient elastography alone and in combination with FibroTest® for the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease // Liver International. 11.2017. № 37(11).

Liver function test abnormalities in depressed patients treated with antidepressants: A Real-World Systematic Observational Study in Psychiatric Settings // PLoS One. 05.2016. № 11(5).

Intestinal microbiota contributes to individual susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease // Gut. 05.2016. № 65(5).

Activation of Kupffer cells is associated with a specific dysbiosis induced by fructose or high fat diet in mice // PLoS One. 01.2016. № 11(1).

Decreased expression of the glucocorticoid receptor-GILZ pathway in Kupffer cells promotes liver inflammation in obese mice // Journal of Hepatology. 04.2016. № 64(4).

CXCR 4 dysfunction in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice and patients // Clinical Science. 02.2015. № 128(4).

Alcohol withdrawal alleviates adipose tissue inflammation in patients with alcoholic liver disease // Liver International. 03.2015. № 35(3)

Antidepressant-induced liver injury: a review for clinicians // American Journal of Psychiatry. 04.2014. № 171(4).

Body fat distribution and risk factors for fibrosis in patients with alcoholic liver disease // Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research. 02.2013. № 37(2).

Gut microbiota transplantation demonstrates its causal role in the development of type 2 diabetes and fatty liver // Gut. 04.2013. № 53.

Toxic lipids stored by Kupffer cells correlates with their pro-inflammatory phenotype at an early stage of steatohepatitis // Journal of Hepatology. 07.2012. № 57(1).

Готовятся к публикации

Blood microbiota and metabolomic signature of major depression before and after antidepressant treatment.

Microbiota tryptophan metabolism induces AhR activation and improves alcohol-induced liver injury.

Bile acids receptor TGR 5 deficiency worsens liver injury in alcohol fed mice through intestinal microbiota dysbiosis.

Specific microbiome profile in takayasu arteritis and giant cell arteritis.
