Jim's cup of joy was still filled to overflowing a few weeks later. The idea was working out wonderfully for all concerned. They were a perfectly matched family group. Now that the sexual bafflers had been lowered and the initial embarrassment had worn off, the group was clicking smoothly. And like Karen had indicated, it was strictly a physical thing. Jim tossed cock into his daughter quite a few times in the ensuing weeks.
In turn, Alice had been speared by Bob's prick many a time. Sometimes they did it as a group, but usually in the privacy of their bedrooms.
Jim's misgivings and doubts had been washed away when he noticed the results. Karen and Alice were hitting it off real, good. They were very friendly toward each other. They often went shopping together. They laughed,, giggled, and exchanged confidences like old buddies. It was good to see such harmony in the family again. Ii reminded him of old times when he and Linda had been first married, and the kids were growing up.
He ventured to think that his family group had solved the most pressing problem of all. The acceptance of a pretty young stepmother into the house. The question of love no longer arose. He still loved Alice with all his heart. She still loved him as much as ever. The fucking they were getting on the side was strictly incidental and had no adverse effect on their love. Alice had long ago adjusted to seeing him ram cock into his daughter. She helped him do it, often. She encouraged it.
And he had gotten over the pangs of jealousy at seeing his son shove cock into Alice. It had been somewhat embarrassing at first, watching the event, but time has a way of covering emotions. He could now look with a feeling of pride and joy at his son fucking Alice. The boy handled himself well. Many's the time he sat on an easy chair, after being pussy-whipped by Karen, and just watched while his son fucked hell out of his wife. He even taught the boy some of the tricks of the trade. Bob was a chip off the old block and had a cock to match.
Many a time, when Jim and Alice were cuddled in bed after a session, he renewed his vows of love, and convinced this marvelous girl that he really loved her.
The idea that the arrangement could offer untold opportunities for the future came to a head several weeks later. It was while he was at his lodge meeting He had noticed that his long-time friend, Paul Andrews, was moping around the place as though he'd been overburdened with a problem he couldn't cope with.
Paul was a big man, a former football player, and a man of some wealth. He wore his black hair in a mod cut and had dark, piercing eyes.
Sitting on an easy chair next to the troubled man, Jim sipped at his drink and eyed his friend shrewdly.
"Care to unburden on me, Paul?"
"Eh?" Paul was startled. He'd been glaring into his drink and his handsome face contained a look of discontent. "What d'ya mean?"
"The way you've been moping around the past few weeks, I know something's been bugging you. Care to talk about it?" He smiled.
Paul hesitated, then nodded. "You've been married, divorced, and now remarried, haven't you?"
"Yep, I went the route. Why?"
"Alice is younger than you, isn't she?" Paul had met her once, briefly.
"I'm thirty-six. She's twenty-two. So?"
Paul took a sip from his glass. "I'm in the same boat as you. I'm divorced and remarried."
"I know. So what's all this leading up to?" "Sharon's only twenty-one. Practically a kid." Jim's eyes lit up. He had met Paul's wife a few times. The girl was a knockout. Dark-brown hair. Blue eyes. A lovely girl. He was gad his old pal had latched onto such a pretty wife.
"What's your problem?" Jim asked.
"Tracy." Paul uttered the word and frowned.
"Your daughter? By your first wife?" A light began to dawn. He smiled.
"Tracy's only eighteen, but the kid's driving me up the wall." Paul spread his hands helplessly.
"Why?" Jim asked, although he figured he knew the answer.
"She hates Sharon." Paul sighed. "It's like a battleground in my home. My girl won't accept her new stepmother. She's threatening to run away. Or to go hack to her mother. She's threatening to run around with older boys and maybe get into trouble. She's-always coming up with new threats to aggravate me, unless…" He sighed.
"Unless what?"
"I divorce Sharon!" Paul blurted.
Seeing they were alone in one end of the lodge room, Paul leaned forward and confided to his long-time friend. "I'm getting desperate, Jim. I don't want Tracy to leave. To go back to her mother. Or run away. I love Sharon, and I don't want to divorce her. I'm in a bind. Tell me what I can do." He sighed. "You've been through it. You married a young girl. You have a teen-aged daughter. How do you manage to cope? Don't Karen and Alice hate each other?"
Jim regarded his troubled friend thoughtfully. A lewd plan began to form in his mind.
"Karen and Alice love each other now!"
"Oh?" Paul perked up. "What d'ya mean, now?" Jim leaned back in the easy chair. How much should he tell his friend? How shocked would the guy be? He conjured up images of Paul's wife and daughter. Lovely images. There was no reason why Paul shouldn't be able to cope with both girls. If he had the courage. If he had the will power.
The strong liquor was having its effect on Jim. It gave him false courage. It made him feel expansive. At the moment he felt a sense of superiority. He had faced the same problem, and thanks to Karen, with a big assist from Alice, he had overcome it.
Could the same solution work for his friend? Leaning forward, he outlined what had happened at his home. He left out none of the details.
When he finished his recital, Paul stared at him as though he were an ogre with two heads.
"Your own daughter?"
He gulped down his drink.
Jim flushed. The way Paul was sounding, it made it seem unclean or perverted. He explained his feelings to Paul, who was still eyeing him with distaste. He knew what his friend was going through.
He elaborated on his own personal problem, and how he had faced up to it. He mentioned that now all was beautiful in his household, that they were now a loving family group. He wound up by saying, "I think this type of solution will work for you, Paul."
Paul, whose mood had changed during the discussion, no longer eyed his friend as though he were a perverted demon. He figured there might be something to what Jim was telling him. He racked his mind and compared his situation with the other man's He shook his head.
"I don't think it would work for us," he decided.
"You mean because Sharon's a square? Yet, not too long ago you were hinting around you'd like to swap with me and Alice."
Paul fluted. "I guess I wouldn't have any problem with Sharon. She'd probably go for it. Tracy's my problem."
"The kid has scruples. Hell, for all I know, she might still be a virgin. She's only eighteen. For me to make an attempt to get into her panties…" He broke off and shook his head. "Un-unh. Our relationship has never been anything like that!" He flushed. "Sometimes I think she actually hates me almost as much as she hates Sharon. The way she acts toward me!"
"Hmm. That does present a problem." Jim crinkled his brow in thought. "If only you could get the kid over the first time. From then on out, it would be clear sailing. I didn't have that problem. My daughter was the one who forced the issue. The whole damn thing was her idea from the first' He paused, then snapped his fingers. "Got it!"
"What?" Paul asked, downing his drink.
"The answer to your problem! We'll get Karen in on it. And Bob. And Alice. And me!"
"Come again?" Paul said, staring owlishly.
"We can have a get-together at my place. Say, next weekend. You, Sharon, and Tracy come visit us for a couple days. Come Friday evening and stay over. We have plenty of room. Unless I miss my guess, we'll be able to turn your visit into a wild, swinging party. Everyone'l1 go for it, except maybe Tracy. Right?"
"And she's the one who'll throw cold water on the whole idea."
"And that's where Karen comes in!" Jim smiled impishly. "I'll clue her in on the whole thing. Explain your problem. She'll be sympathetic, I'm sure. Then when you, me, our wives, and Bob are occupying ourselves with the usual swap things, I'll tell Karen to work out on your daughter. I'll give her the task of getting Tracy in the mood for love-your love!"
Paul's jaw slackened. His eyes lit up lewdly. The whole plan was beginning to intrigue him.
"You think it'll work?" His voice was slurred.
"What've we got to lose? We can give it a try!"
Paul nodded. "Let's give it a try," he mumbled.
The Andrews family arrived about eight o'clock Friday evening. It was a pleasant spring evening, and thanks to daylight-saving time, it was still fairly light out.
Jim and his family greeted Paul's family warmly. He was pleased to notice that Paul and his wife were in a gay mood. Paul had briefed Sharon on what was to take place, and she had gone along with it. Sharon, a bubbly, pretty young brunette, was in the mood for love.
Sharon's blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she eyed Jim and his handsome son with great interest. Paul had hinted that if things went according to plan, she'd be getting a crack at both of these men. Even now, she felt her pussy twitching with the suppressed expectations. If there was one thing Sharon loved more than a fuck, it was lots of fucks.
The only jarring note to the happily assembled group was Tracy. The dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty was in a pouty mood. She was barely civil when being introduced around. Her pretty face was unsmiling It was obvious she felt no enthusiasm at being there. She had argued against coming, and had been quite hateful when Paul had insisted she come.
She was dressed in a cute mini outfit. A beige-colored short skirt, a tight-fitting white blouse, and loafers. Tracy was a small, slender girl. In the cute outfit she appeared even smaller, and very virginal.
Jim felt himself getting a hard-on just looking at the pretty kid. Then, mindful of the plot he'd cooked up, he turned to Karen, and said, "How 'bout you and Tracy going to your room and getting acquainted?"
Karen nodded eagerly. She had been thoroughly briefed about things, and knew what she had to do. She knew how her new friend must feel about having a stepmother. And like her own stepmother, this girl's was also a young and very pretty one. She had seen the way Daddy's eyes had popped out at the sight of Sharon. She sighed inwardly. Men. She'd never understand them.
Slipping an arm about Tracy's slender waist, she said, "Come on, Tracy, we'll leave these adults."
She led the way up to her bedroom.