Jim knocked on Karen's bedroom door, then pushed it open and stepped in, fucking on the light. She was in bed-pretending to be asleep. The covers were tucked up around her chin.

Glaring down, he cleared his throat. "Karen!" His voice was sharp. He meant it to be.

She strained, then flipped open an eye, then the other. A big smile lit her pretty face. "Daddy!" She eased up to a sitting position, keeping the covers up under her chin. Where they fell to the side, it revealed she was naked. She tucked the covers around her.

Noticing his glare of disapproval and the sternness of his expression, she frowned. "What's wrong, Daddy?"

"You know what's wrong! Don't pretend any longer! I'm wise to you!"

"Oh?" The pleasant smile drained.

He paced before her, keeping the stern expression on his face. He drew himself up and towered over her. Jabbing a finger in her direction, he intoned, "You planned all this, didn't you?"

"All what?" She injected a note of complete innocence into her voice. She stared hard at him with her soft brown eyes.

"The whole thing.! Like getting Alice to catch me in the act with you! Now, tonight you arranged for me to catch her in the act with Bob! Don't deny it!" he rasped, seeing her mouth starting to open in order for her to lodge an automatic denial.

The smile drained completely. She nodded. "Okay, I won't deny it. So there!" She decided to brazen it out.

"You even tricked Bob into going along with your dizzy scheme, didn't you?" he thundered.

She nodded.

"Well, I've got news for you. It isn't going to work. Alice and I talked things over. We're not going to let you come between us. We're not going to let you break us up."

The stem expression became more pronounced as he outlined his position to his daughter. Having delivered the ultimatum, he sighed and shook his head sadly.

"Please, Karen, try and understand our position. Alice and I love each other. We want you to love us. We're not going to throw our lives away over you and your silly feelings."


Jim sat on the bed. He leaned toward her, a love light in his eyes. He loved his daughter. If only he could talk some sense into her. Get her to understand the truth about things. He realized how much she missed her real mother. Linda and Karen had been so close. But the kid should now realize

that that was past. She should face the future. Accept reality.

"You are acting rather silly about the whole thing," he explained. "Trying to trick me and Alice into doing things we normally wouldn't dream of doing. This sexual hang-up of yours, for instance. It'll have to stop. After all, I'm your father. Normal fathers and daughters don't have sexual relations with each other. Your trying what you did tonight, and what you did a few weeks ago, isn't going to work. You succeeded in separating me and Alice the first time, but now we're wise to you. We won't let it happen again!"

Karen, seeing that her plan had backfired, started sobbing. She eased back onto her pillow and gave way to tears. She had been hoping that by now Daddy would've tossed Alice out on her big ass, after having found Bob fucking her. Instead, Daddy had apparently figured it out and had come to her with this ultimatum.

For a eighteen-year-old girl, going on nineteen, it was a devastating blow. She took the only way out. Team. She sniffed and sobbed and stared at Daddy with her big, brown, sorrowful eyes.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she sniffed between sobs. "It's only because I love you so much!"

Jim felt his resolve melting. The sternness that had built up in him washed away under her deluge of team. He could never cope with a girl's team. Linda used to use this tearful approach on him often, especially during their early years of marriage.

Reaching for his daughter, he said, "There, there, darling! I love you too." He cradled her in his arms.

Karen swept into his embrace. The covers fell from her shapely shoulders. Naked, she flung herself into Daddy's arms. She sobbed as though her little heart were broken. She kissed him again and again.

"Daddy! Daddy! I love you! I love you!"

He stroked his naked daughter. His hands roved up and down her smooth, creamy back. He crushed her to him.

"Baby! Baby!" he whispered, returning her kisses lovingly.

It was a magic moment of love. A father and daughter in each other's arms, kissing and hugging and vowing their love for each other. A tender, loving moment.

He held her at arm's length and stared at her, his moist eyes filled with emotion. "I'm sorry I had to read the riot act to you, darling," he breathed huskily, "but I had to set things straight."

Karen, feeling his hands roving over her body, felt a warming trend overcoming her moment of sentiment. The feel of his hands on her bare body excited her. The way he stared at her. He loved her! He really loved her. At the moment it was the love of a father for a daughter, but deep inside, she felt an urge to break loose from the father daughter kind of love.

Her thoughts swept back to that moment a few weeks ago when he'd been in bed with her, fucking her with his enormous cock. These sensuous thoughts swept away the sentimental love and rekindled her thoughts to those of lust and passion. Her agile mind began clicking again while he kissed her, fondled her, and vowed his paternal love for her.

She threw herself back into his embrace. Casually, while pressing her lips to his in a daughterly kiss, she managed to ease his fingers onto her hairy little cunt.

She eased him onto his side, next to her on the bed. Moving carefully, and kissing and hugging him so as not to break the spell he was under, she managed to get a leg up over his hips. She continued to press his hand against her tiny, brown-haired snatch. Now, in a more favorable position, she reached down and ever so slowly began to unzip his fly. During all this action, she kept her lips close to his and stared lovingly into his eyes.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she breathed happily.

"Karen! Karen!"

He was still not completely aware of her actions. He was still filled with fatherly love for his daughter. The lovely little girl who was finally beginning to see things his way. Virtue had triumphed. He had made her see the light. Love and happiness would prevail. His cup of joy was filled to overflowing.

"Pm glad you see things my way," he said.

"Sure, Daddy, I understand."

Karen slid the zipper down. Reaching in, she wrapped her fingers around his soft cock. She drew it out into the open. The touch of her fingers had excited it to some stiffness. She jerked it. It grew harder. To hide her subtle actions, she drew him down for a soul kiss. He was breathing heavily.

She felt his cock getting bone hard under her gentle handling.

"I love you, Daddy," she sobbed happily. "I love you, and Bob, and even Alice!"

She maneuvered around slowly. She tugged at him while kissing him. She eased him on top. She was flat on her back. She spread her legs wide. She lifted her knees. She pulled his cock forward.

Jim frowned. It suddenly began to dawn on him that the mood had changed. The father-daughter relationship had reached a different level. He had been vaguely aware that Karen was naked. His delivering of his ultimatum and warnings to her that he would stand for no more hanky-panky in the future had been uppermost in his mind. Her apparent acceptance of his warning and her sudden burst of tears and clinging to him, had washed away all thoughts of fatherly anger.

He stared down at her, almost in a state of shock. The sudden mood change had been too much. Almost as if he were looking at someone else from a detached position, he stared in awe. His daughter was pulling him toward her cunt! Her little hand was wrapped around his big prick. She was inching down and pulling him forward!

As he stared, almost in disbelief, he saw his huge, bulbous cockhead sliding into her tiny cunt! He gulped. The magic moment ebbed completely.

"Karen! What the hell!" He tried backing out.

Karen held tightly to his asscheeks. She pulled him forward.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she whispered hoarsely. "Fuck me!"

She tried impaling his huge cock with her tiny pussy. She moved quickly up and down on as much of it as was already in her moist cunt.

"C'mon, Daddy," she encouraged. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" Her voice rose to a shrill scream.

He flopped on her, not pushing any more cock into her, but not pulling out what was already in.

"Damn it, Karen! What's wrong with you?"

He stared deep into her eyes. He shook his head. He had thought he was getting his point across to his kid. He thought he had been nearing an understanding with her. Apparently he had failed in his mission.

"Why, Karen? Why? Are you some kind of sex fiend? Can't I get through,to you? Can't you understand I don't want to do this to you?" To emphasize his point, he shoved his cock in another inch or two, then eased it almost out again.

Karen thrilled at the feel of the additional inches, then frowned when they were pulled back out. She sighed. More talking was necessary. At a time like this, who wanted to talk?

Patiently, she explained, "You're missing the point entirely, Daddy. About what happened tonight Between Bob and Alice, I mean."


"Alice liked what she was doing! Didn't you hear her squealing and moaning while Bob fucked her? Didn't she give the impression she was enjoying it very much?"

He nodded.

"So that proves the point I'm trying to get across, Daddy. The actual physical act. Obviously Bob doesn't love Alice like you do. But he does enjoy fucking her. He proved that."


"You enjoy fucking me, especially if you can forget for the moment I'm your daughter, and just think of me as another girl. Right'?" She moved her pussy up and down on his reluctant, but very stiff cock.

Dazedly, he nodded. "Since you've got some kind of kooky theory in your head, I'll go along with it for the moment. Yes, I'll admit I do enjoy shoving my prick into your tiny pussy. So what're you trying to prove?" He eased another few inches of cock into her tight curd.

"I'm trying to prove that we'll all be a lot more happy around here if we become a loving family. Let's face it, Daddy. I'm old enough and I'm big enough to take on boys, or men. I'm no longer a virgin. Bob has been screwing girls for a couple of years. In other words we're adults, me and Bob. Right?"

"I'll go along with that." He eased another inch inward and began a slow movement. "But what's this about being a loving family?"

"I was thinking we could keep this in the family. Fucking, I mean. Instead of me and Bob letting all the kids take us, and maybe giving us some kind of a disease, we could sort of keep this kind of action in the family."

"That's what all this has been leading up to? These tricks you've been pulling on us? This luring us into bed?"

The enormity of her proposal shook him. He could see it all now. It was as if she'd opened her mind and had let him peer in. A loving family? Karen's words sunk in. She had mentioned that Alice had seemed to be enjoying doing it with his son. Come to think of it, she had been enjoying it. Very much. He had heard her words and had seen her in action before he'd barged in.

Maybe the kid had something.

He recalled the night he'd fucked her. He had no illusions about love and marriage then. It had been purely physical. A stiff cock. A tight pussy. He hadn't even thought of her as his daughter when he'd been building toward a climax.

And a short time ago it had been the same for Alice and Bob. He knew now that he would never have found out what they'd done if Karen hadn't called him to witness the action.

Shaking his head in puzzlement, he withdrew his cock from his daughter's little pussy and got to his feet. He shoved his cock back into his slacks and re-zipped.

"Gee, Karen," he mumbled, "I don't know what to say."

Karen sat on the edge of the bed, her pretty face registering disappointment at removal of her daddy's cock.

"Please, Daddy. Let's give it a try. It'll work out. Bob's all for trying it, too," she added. "I already asked him."

Holding her face between his hands, he peered down. "What you're suggesting, my horny little daughter, is tat we become a fucking family group? Me crawl in bed with you, whenever we're in the mood? Bob crawls in bed with you, whenever we're in the mood? Bob crawls in bed with Alice when they're in the mood for love? that's what you're suggesting?"

"Yes, Daddy. I say we should give it a try. I Want to do it. Bob wants to. How 'bout you?" She spread her legs apart to give him a view of her pussy.

Jim stared at her snatch. His limp prick began hardening again. "And if I don't go along with your dizzy idea?"

She pouted. "I'll be unhappy. Maybe I'll let all the boys at school take a crack at my crack. They all want to, you know," she teased.

He sighed. Again he had that feeling of helplessness that fathers down through the ages must have felt when dealing with their teen-aged daughters. He shuddered at the thought of what she had said, about letting all the other boys take a crack at her. This would ruin her. He ogled her tiny cunt. He didn't want that adorable thing ruined. Deep inside his lust was building again. Despite the fact she was his daughter, he wanted to fuck her. Again and again.

He nodded. "That makes three of us that'll go along with the idea." He hoisted her onto her feet. "Let's go talk to the fourth member of the family. See if we can convince her."
