Things around the Meade house were a trifle uncomfortable for the next few days. He was angry with Alice for having suggested he have the talk with Karen. He was angry with Karen for the vile remarks she had made during their talk. In turn, Karen was angry with him because she'd caught him in a big lie. Karen's hostility toward her stepmother increased even more when she realized it was Alice who must have told him about her and Derek.
All hi all it was a tense atmosphere in the household, with most of the inhabitants barely speaking to each other.
The only one who seemed immune to the hostility was Bob. He wasn't aware of what had taken place and went about his business of living casually. Bob, at age sixteen, was a replica of his dad. He was six feet tall. He had dark-brown hair and eyes. His hair was long in the accepted style of the day, and within the allowable limits of the high school where he was a junior.
Bob was quite a guy with the girls, a very popular figure at school, where he played football and baseball. He loved to tinker with cars and girls, not necessarily in that order. His current project was restoration of an old 1938 Plymouth his dad had bought for him from a junk dealer. Bob and a few of his friends worked often on the old relic. It was beginning to shape up nicely, and before long he would have it running again.
He worked on it in the big, three-car garage attached to their large house. The house was a far cry from the dingy old homes they used to live in
before Dad had married Alice Jennings.
Their new home, which they had moved into slightly more than a year ago, had four bedrooms upstairs, each with attached bath. The downstairs was immense, with a huge living room, and a large family room with television, stereo, and built in bar. There was a sewing room, and a big kitchen and plenty of closet and storage space.
Jim was happy for his kids that he was now able to provide such nice surroundings for them.
All this was made possible because of his marriage to Alice.
His only regret at having made the decision to marry her after Linda had run off with the other guy and had divorced him, was the fact that Karen wouldn't accept Alice.
Jim was thankful that Bob wasn't like his sister. Bob and Alice seemed to hit it off pretty good.
It was early Tuesday evening. – After his unsuccessful attempt to have a long talk with his daughter a few nights ago, he had given up on all thoughts of reaching her again. Karen obviously
wasn't in the mood to become a member of the family. She was the outsider, and apparently wanted to remain aloof from them.
He respected her wishes. He didn't want another name-calling session like the last time. His ears still sizzled over the word she tossed around so recklessly during that conversation.
He was sitting in the living room, wading the evening paper, and half watching the evening news on TV when Alice stepped into the room. She was dressed to go places, with her car keys dangling in her hand.
"Hi, hon. Where you going?"
"Into the city. The shopping center. I need a few things. I'm going to stop in and see Myra for a couple hours. I won't be long. S'long." She pecked a kiss at him.
"Okay, hon. See you later." He smiled. She often went off for a few hours like this in the evenings. She had many friends in the city and in the suburbs. She liked to drop in on them for chats and to be brought up to date on the latest gossip.
When she left, he continued reading his paper. He wasn't alone in the house. Karen was upstairs in her bedroom. Bob was off somewhere on a date. He probably wouldn't be home for hours. He had borrowed one of the family cars. He had gotten his license a few months ago when he'd turned sixteen. He liked to drive. Jim didn't mind letting him. Bob was a good driver. He was a good boy. He didn't smoke. He had sense enough not to get hooked on drugs, and he was athletically inclined.
Jim's thoughts dwelled on the recent run-in with Karen. If only there were same way he could reach the kid. Get to her. Get her to try to see his
viewpoint. Things would be much happier around the household if only she weren't such a spoiled brat. If only he could turn back the clock and treat her like he'd been able to do when she was in her preteen years. Then he'd had complete control of her. She had loved him very much during those formative years. Now she was a complete stranger to him. A mysterious figure of a girl who spent a good deal of her time glaring at him, and giving with the odd looks. And it all stemmed from his marriage to Alice.
He could no longer spank her. She was too big for that. He had tried talking to her. That had proved very embarrassing. He was at a complete loss as to how to deal with his little girl.
He finished reading the paper. Turning off the TV, he went upstairs to his bedroom. He'd take a warm bath, then crawl into his pajamas and hop into bed. He could watch TV in his bedroom, and sip a few drinks while awaiting the return of the girl he loved so much. This would be a good night to make up with Alice and have a tender, loving evening. They had been actin~ cool to each other long enough. It was time to forgive and forget.
He sloshed round in the warm water and thought about it. The thought of what he would do to Alice brought stiffness to his cock. He'd really give her a fucking tonight. The works.
He dried himself with a big towel and patted his half-hard prick dry. He was thankful he had such a big cock. It satisfied Alice. It had satisfied Linda
for many years, too. Unlike Linda, however, Alice was satisfied with the man she'd married and had no intention of unloading him.
Flinging the wet towel into the hamper, he stepped into his bedroom, still naked. His pajamas were in the dresser drawer.
His eyes opened wide. He halted. His face grew red with embarrassment.
Karen was in the bedroom!
He gulped. He mumbled. He tried easing back into the bathroom. He tried hiding his big cock with his hands.
"Karen! What the hell are you doing here!"
It was the first time he could ever recall that she'd stepped into his bedroom at such a time. She must have known he was taking a bath. He had been warbling a few tunes like he usually did when immersed in the bath water.
Karen, dressed in a pink slip, stepped over and grabbed him by the hand to prevent him from going back into the bathroom. "Hi, Daddy!" She tugged him toward the bed.
"I.. uh… let me slip into my pajamas, then we'll talk!" He tried easing toward the dresser.
She blocked his way and pushed him onto the bed. "Un-unh, Daddy. You just sit there, like you are."
"But I'm naked!" he gasped.
Karen giggled. "I can see that!" Her soft brown eyes roved over her father's nudity in a thoughtful glance. She had often seen him in swim trunks, but this was the first time she'd seen him in the altogether. She nodded approval when her glance settled on his half-hard cock.
He stiffened, and his cock grew limp.
"Please, Karen, I'm in no mood for these little tricks. Will you leave the
room until I get dressed, or will you at least hand me my pajamas!" He pointed to the dresser drawer.
"Un-unh, Daddy." Her voice was low. "I want to see you this way for a special reason." Her eyes were mysterious pools.
"Oh?" The odd remark dispelled some of his embarrassment. "Why?"
"I've been thinking, Daddy, about the run-in we had the other night."
"Fm sorry.~ Really I am. I acted mean and hateful. I knew you couldn't have seen me and Derek. That was your night out. I figured Alice must've told you. Right?"
He nodded.
"And I'm sorry I was so blunt."
He smiled. "Okay, Karen. Let's forgive and forget. Now that that's settled, will you please let me get something on?"
She sat down beside him and grabbed his hand.
Squeezing it, she said, "The other night you wanted to discuss things with me. Like about the birds and the bees." She smiled knowingly.
He, grimaced. "Hah! That was a big goof! Seems like you know more about that kinda stuff than I do."
Karen shook her head. "Not really, Daddy. I just pretend I do. There's a lot of things I don't know. Let's talk about 'em. Maybe you can straighten me
out on some things. Please?" Her soft brown eyes pleaded.
"Me! Teach you something? Hell, that's a laugh!" He was unconvinced. Then he grew sober. "Exactly how much do you know?"
"I know the basic concepts," admitted Karen. "Like about male and female organs. Reproduction. Safe periods. The pill. All the technical details. That I know. Most kids eighteen know all that kinda stuff."
"Then what can I tell you?"
"About love. Personal feelings. Things that aren't covered in books. Like why did you and Mom get divorced? Why did she run off and leave you?" Karen glanced suggestively at his hidden cock. "Surely you must've satisfied her?"
The flush in his face deepened. "I think you'd better leave, Karen. This kind of personal thing is between the persons involved."
Karen hopped to her feet, pouting. "There! You see! You're turning me off. You don't want to talk things over with me. All you want to do is lecture me.
Treat me like a kid." She thrust out her titties, which strained against the slip she was wearing. Tears came to her eyes. "You don't love me any more, do you, Daddy? You only love that big fat cow you married!"
He beat down an urge to slap her. She was getting hysterical. Instead, he impulsively reached for her, drew her down onto the bed and crushed her into an embrace. He, too, was sobbing.
"My baby. My little girl. I love you so much." He pressed his lips to hers. He stroked her long brown hair. "Please don't hate me any more. I love you so much. I want things to be like they were before between us. Daddy's little girl, to have and to hold."
Karen nestled into his embrace, a smile on her pretty face. His moving her about on the bed brought his cock close to her one hand. She cautiously wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed gently. She listened to the words he was crooning into her ear. This was like old times. He loved her. He really loved her. This would make it easier for her to implement the wild plan she had in the back of her mind.
He seemed unaware tat she was playing with his cock. She eased one leg up over his hip to allow for more playing room on his dangling prick.
"I love you, Daddy," she whispered. "I love you so much." She kissed him again and again. She sobbed happily.
Again and again he kissed his little girl. His mind surged back into time. She was again his little baby. The little girl he'd watched grow from a tiny tot. The little girl who had grown so pretty.. So beautiful. The little girl of whom he was so proud.
He was so wrapped up in his memories of the past that he was unaware of what was taking place in the immediate present. His mind had traveled. backward through time. He was crooning a song to his little baby girl. His heart was filled with joy. His little girl had returned to him. He stroked her hair. He stared adoringly into her eyes. His own eyes were misty and filled with glints of happiness.
"My baby," he murmured. "My little girl. I love you. I love you."
Karen scootched around until she was under her father. Ever so slowly, she positioned herself, being very careful not to break the magic spell he was under. Now, at last, she was directly under him, staring happily up into his love-filled eyes. She spread her legs apart and lifted her knees ever so slowly. She had a good grip on his prick which was getting hard under her ministrations. Gently and carefully, she eased his hard cock toward her tiny cunt.
She teased the head of his enormous cock to the entrance of her cant. She placed her hands on his naked butt and gently eased him forward. Wordlessly she pressed her lips to his in a soul kiss. At the same moment, she humped her cunt upward. She hoped she could take his enormous cock. She had felt of its gigantic size while fondling
it. It was by far the biggest one she'd ever laid a hand on. Much bigger than Derek's, and the other boys she'd been fucking lately.
Sucking in a deep breath, ~and clenching her teeth to her lips, she gave a shove upward, trying to impale Daddy's big cock with her tiny cunt. The effort failed. The enormous cockhead wasn't about to slide into the tiny slit. It was an unequal struggle. The big cock was far too large to enter the small opening.
It had the adverse effect of snapping him out of the dream world he had entered. Reality surged through him. The song of love for his little girl died~ on his lips. He frowned. Then, realizing she was lying under him in a conventional fucking position, and trying to get his prick into her cunt, he paled. He hopped from the bed as if jabbed in the ass with a bayonet.
His face red with anger, he roared, "Karen! What the hell are you trying to do?"
Karen flushed. Her plan went down the drain. She pouted. "I was trying to get you to fuck me, Daddy." She decided to be truthful.
Visibly shaken, and knees wobbling, he staggered to the small bar in the far corner of the bedroom. He poured a drink and gulped it down. Then another, and another. Then, with filled glass in hand, he went back to the bed. He shook his head in disbelief He realized he'd been conned into almost fucking his own daughter! He knew that his being carried back in time and memory had been one-sided. On his part. Not for one moment had Karen returned to the past.
Shaking his head and staring sorrowfully at her, he moaned. The little minx was still lying on her back, legs spread wide. The light had gone from her eyes. The sobs had receded. She was again the defiant one. The rebel.
"Why, Karen?" he murmured, sipping at his drink, and staring hopelessly. "Why?"
Karen, her initial plan having been sidetracked, went into the next phase of her operation. She hopped from the bed. She shoved him back onto
"Because I hate that fat slob you married, that's why!" Her eyes blazed as she spat out the words.
Shaking his head helplessly, he sipped at his drink, then said, "You tried to get me into bed with you. To fuck you. All because you hate Alice? I don't understand?" He took a deep swallow of his drink.
"Of course you don't understand! You never did understand. You never bothered to ask me and Bob if you should remarry. No. You trotted Alice in one day and said you were going to marry hen You didn't even bother to ask if we approved, or anything like that!"
"I… I… you were just kids. Hell, you weren't even a teen-ager then." He fumbled for excuses.
"Sure, that's just the trouble, Daddy. I've always been just your little girl. You refuse to admit I've grown up. Well, I have. Take a look! Take a good look!" Karen slipped out of her slip.
He looked. He stared. He took a deep breath. She had grown up. She was no longer the skinny, tit-less little girl he'd known so well. This naked nymph standing before him was a dreamboat. A feminine beauty. Her breasts were small, but nicely formed.
His eyes roved down. A slender waist. A patch of brown hair atop her pussy. Smooth, rounded thighs. Outthrust buttocks.
He gulped. How fight she was. She no longer was Daddy's little girl. She was a woman. Practically a grown-up woman. In another year or two, she'd be a dazzling beauty.
He sighed. Sipping his drink, he mumbled, "Okay, you've proven your point.
I'm convinced. You're grown up. I'll never think of you again as my baby girl. Now, please get back into your slip and leave." He gulped down his drink and headed for the bar.
"Un-unh." She stood her ground. She faced him, a tight smile at the corners of her pouty mouth.
"What d'ya mean un-unh?" He sipped at his drink, eyeing her warily over the top of the glass. His hand still trembled. He still stared at her beauty. He marveled that such a beautiful girl could be his daughter.
"I came in here to have along talk. lo get things settled. To reach an agreement between you and me, and to figure out what to do about fatty Alice!".
"Please stop referring to her as fat! She's a trifle plump, but fat-no."
"Did you marry her just to have someone to… fuck?" She breathed the word slowly.
He flushed. "Damn it, Karen! I wish you would stop using that word! It sounds obscene coming from you.
"But it really isn't obscene, is it, Daddy? You do it. I do it. I guess Bob does it. Everyone does it. So why shouldn't we say it?"
"Because it's a dirty word."
"But it's the main reason you mated her, isn't it?"
"It did have a big bearing on things," he admitted.
"Then why didn't you talk it over with me before you married her?" Karen asked.
"Talk about such things to you then!" He was aghast. "Hell, you were only twelve years old!"
"You could've talked it over with me. I was big for my age. Even then I knew all about sex, though I hadn't experienced it. If all you needed was a place to shove your cock, I would've let you do me."
His mouth gaped. His hand trembled. He stared in awe. "My God, Karen! What's gotten into you?"
"I wish you had, Daddy."
He shook his head in dismay. "I can no longer talk to you. You're way beyond my scope. I give up. Now, will you please go! I can't stand any more of this nonsense. My head is reeling."
Karen smiled grimly. "You want me to get along with your wife, don't you, Daddy?"
"I do. I do. I'm tired of all this hatefulness on your part. I know Alice likes you. If you give her half a chance, she'll be like a real mother to you.
"I will be nice to her, Daddy-under one condition." She dealt her trump card.
"And that is?"
Karen fingered her cunt suggestively. "You fuck me, too. Just like you do with Alice!"