Squaring his shoulders bravely, Jim tapped on Karen's bedroom door, and then entered the room. The door was partially open. He stepped in. Karen was lying flat on her stomach on her bed. She was peering at a magazine. She was dressed in her baby-doll nightie and was ready for bed.

"Hi, baby," he called out, stepping toward the queen-size bed and smiling fondly at his daughter.

"Oh, it's you!" Karen's face was flushed. She quickly shoved the magazine under her pillow, but not before he got a glimpse of the cover. A picture of a naked girl.

Suppressing a frown and thinking to himself that little girls shouldn't be looking at such magazines, he cut loose with a fatherly smile. Fidgeting a bit uncomfortably in the presence of the girl who was growing up too fast for him to keep up with, he murmured, "Mind if I visit with you awhile, baby?" He'd always called her his baby, or his baby doll. That is, until lately. Lately they hadn't been talking much. A sort of aloof politeness existed between them. Ever since his marriage to Alice.

Karen shrugged. She sat up on the bed. Her pretty round face wore a pout of annoyance. "What do you want?" Her voice was sharp.

He flushed and sat down on the bed beside her. "I just thought maybe you and I should have a talk, baby." He smiled paternalistically.

"Don't call me baby any more!" Her voice was sharp. She thrust out her chest. "I'm not a baby any more, or haven't you noticed?"

The flush deepened. He beat down an urge to flee, to retreat from this losing battle with his daughter. It had been like this all the time lately. Sparks between them. She was no longer the little girl he had held in his arms and cuddled from infancy until she was ten or eleven. He and Karen. used to have so much love together. Father daughter love. Many times he'd cradled her in his arms and whispered words of endearment to her. He had sung to her. He had comforted her during her young tender years.

Theirs had been a wonderful relationship. He recalled the many times she'd nestled in his embrace and had whispered in his ear, "Daddy, I love you best of all."

He gawked at her outthrust chest. A lump came to his throat. She was so right. She was no longer a baby. She was a woman, and indications were she would be quite a beautiful woman. Her breasts were small but solid when she pushed them outward and they strained against the material of her pajamas. She was still a small girl, but the curves were breaking out all over, and she was

shaping up well. In another year or two, she'd be a likely prospect for beauty contests.

"Okay, Karen. I'll not call you baby any more. You are growing up." He took one of her hands in his and pressed it. "That's what I want to talk to you about."

Her eyes widened. "About me growing up?"

"Like you said, you're getting to be a big girl. I thought maybe you and I should have a long talk about-" He broke off.

Her eyes lit up. "About the birds and the bees?" She giggled.

He nodded miserably. "Something like that. Ordinarily it's a mother's job to talk those things over with daughters."

The smile left her face. "But I don't have a mother any more! You've seen to that!"

"Ah, Karen, don't start on that again!"

"And why not!" Rage contorted her face. "Why, Daddy, why!?" Her voice was shrill. She hopped to her feet, placed hands on hips and glared. "Why did you have to marry that woman!" She pointed in the general direction of the master bedroom.

He tried reaching for her. She avoided his hands. His face was flushed. He didn't want to get into a shouting match with her again about Alice. They'd had

too many of them in the past couple of years. He couldn't quite understand Karen's hostility toward her stepmother. He realized the kid should be shook up somewhat over him marrying another woman. He reasoned it was because Alice was to young. At age twenty-two she wasn't much older than his eighteen-year-old daughter.

But should Karen really have such a deep-rooted resentment? Bob didn't have this resentment. Why should she? He sighed. He'd never understand girls. Patting the bed, he said, trying to keep his voice calm, "Sit down, Karen."

"I won't! I don't want to talk any more." Tears misted her eyes. Her hands shook. She didn't enjoy these scenes. She didn't relish the idea of defying her father. But she knew she had to impress on him her deep-rooted feelings about the girl he'd married. The girl she hated. The stepmother she'd never accept.

"I said sit down!" His voice was stem, like it had been many times in the past when he'd had to assert his authority and show her who was boss.

She subsided meekly. The rebellion died. She sat on the bed, away from him. Her eyes were still misted with tears. Her pretty mouth was etched in a pout. She stared at him.

"We'll not discuss Alice," he said flatly. "That's not what I came in here for." Acting on impulse he reached under her pillow and drew out the magazine she'd been reading. He sucked in a deep breath. It was a swinger-type magazine, the type that featured naked girls throughout, and also a few naked men thrown in for good measure. It contained stories and articles of interest to swinging men and women. A type of magazine that was usually kept under the counter at newsstands.

"Where'd you get this?" His voice was sharp.

She flushed. "Some of the kids around school were passing it around. I borrowed it from Angie."

He leafed through the book, his face getting more fluted with each turned page. "Such trash!" he said. "Get rid of it!" He tossed it on the table alongside her bed.

"Yes, Daddy." Her voice was soft.

"Maybe it's a good thing I looked at that magazine," he observed, leaning back reflectively. "I came in here to talk to you about… sex!" He stumbled over the word.

Her eyes lit up. "You did?"

"We… er, I was thinking, you're getting to be a big girl now. I was wondering how much you know about boys, and such things." He blurted out the words haltingly.

A tight smile curled on her pretty mouth. She settled back against the headboard, drawing her legs up and resting her hands on her knees. She chuckled inwardly at Daddy's discomfort. She knew how embarrassed he must be, trying to fill her in on the facts of life. Facts she was well aware of, as were most eighteen-year-old girls these days.

She had lost her cherry several months ago when she had just turned eighteen. She had been fucked several more times since by eager boys from high school. She had sampled of sex and had talked it over extensively with her friends, especially Angie, who was practically a whore, though she was only eighteen and a half. She knew for a fact that Angie accepted money from men. She, herself, had been tempted several times to go with Angie on one of her paying dates, but so far she'd resisted the temptation.

Pretending innocence, she turned her big brown eyes toward him. "What

should I know, Daddy?" "I mean… like boys are built different than


"I know that!" She picked up the magazine and impishly began turning pages.

He grabbed it from her and tossed it back on the. table. "Never mind with the pictures! What I mean is… do you know what happens when boys and girls-" Again he broke off.

"What, Daddy?" Again the big pretense of innocence.

"Aw, hell, Karen, I can't explain this kind of 'stuff. It's too embarrassing!"

She grinned. "Would it help, Daddy, if I were to mention that I've taken several courses in school?"


"About sex. You haven't been in school for so long, you don't know what's happening. They start teaching kids about the birds and the bees in the sixth grade. I'm a sophomore in high school."

"You mean they actually teach that kind of stuff? The difference between girls and boys? About babies? How they happen? How girls and boys get together?"

"Aw, Daddy, don't be such a square." Hopping from her bed, Karen zipped over to her bureau. Grabbing a book from a pile, she tossed it to him. "Here's my biology book. Glance through it."

He did. His eyes opened wide. The book was loaded with facts and illustrations. It went the entire route. It showed in clear, concise, clinical words and pictures, the entire concept of reproduction. Diagrams of the reproductive organs, male and female.

"I'll be damned." He had vaguely heard about the new concept of schooling, but this? It was mind-popping to a guy who'd been out of school for so long. He'd had a year of college after graduating from high school. But even in college long ago he hadn't been subjected to books like this.

Karen flopped back on the bed and leaned against the headboard. "You still want to talk about the birds and bees, Daddy?" She grinned impishly.

Shaking his head dumbly, he placed the book on top of the girlie magazine on the table. "Maybe you can teach me a few things, Karen. Guess maybe I missed the boat when I was growing up." He smiled wanly.

Her eyes lit up shrewdly. A calculating look crept into her eyes. "Maybe I could teach you something, Daddy. Or perhaps," she added nastily, "you'd rather learn everything from that woman!" Again the hostile reference to Alice.

"Knock it off." He frowned. A thought was tugging at his mind. Something Alice had mentioned. It clicked. "Oh, the reason I came to see you, Karen. The other night, you were parked in the rear of the house alongside the garage. In some boy's car?"

"I was with Derek. We were parked." The smile drained from her face. "Why?"

"You weren't exactly necking, were you?"

"Necking?" She frowned at the unfamiliar word.

"I mean, you and Derek weren't just kissing, and talking, were you?"

"And just what do you think we were doing, Daddy?" Her voice was sharp..

"I was thinking… I happened to be in the kitchen. I heard a noise. I looked out. I didn't turn on the kitchen lights…" He stumbled over the words.

"You were spying on me."

"No!" He hastily set the record straight. "I wouldn't spy on you. Like I

said, I heard this strange noise. I thought maybe it was a prowler. I peeked out. I saw you and the boy in the back seat of his car."

"What else did you see, Daddy?" Her voice was low, her eyes cold.

"I…er…your skirt was way up over your hips. He had his pants down…" He stumbled over the vague description he was trying to conjure of a sight he didn't actually see, but had heard about from Alice.

"And?" she asked.

"Suppose you tell me exactly what you two were doing in the back seat of that car?" he blurted defensively.

"You really want me to tell you, Daddy?"

"I do." His voice was firm.

"Derek was fucking me." She let the words slip out casually.

He hopped to his feet. "Karen! Don't talk like that! Don't say such things!" He was appalled.

Karen placed her hands behind her neck and stared tauntingly at him. "You asked, I told you. Derek was fucking me, Daddy," she repeated,

enjoying his discomfort. "He was fucking me! fucking me, do you hear?"

"Shut up! Shut up!" He leaned forward; his hand raised to slap her. "Damn you! Shut up! I don't want to hear that kind of talk!"

"Why not? You fuck Alice, don't you?" she taunted, her eyes alight with crazy glints. "Every night you fuck her, don't you, Daddy?" She was sobbing.

"Don't talk like tat!" He held his temper in check with great effort. He had never hit her in anger before. A few slaps on her fanny when she was growing up, that was all. He backed away, before he did something he'd regret. He lowered his hand. She was deliberately taunting him. Needling him. Why?

He stared dumbly at his sobbing daughter. She had vented her pent-up rage on him. ' His father-daughter talk had fizzled completely. It had been a disaster. It had only brought out what Alice had feared. His little girl had grown up. She had admitted to having been fucked. It seemed inconceivable to him that someone had taken advantage of his little baby. Some boy had actually found out she was a grown-up girl-a woman.

She glared at him. "I'll talk like I want! You came in here. You accused me of things!"

"But you did it. You admitted it!"

"How would you know what I did? You weren't even home that night. It was Wednesday. You were at your lodge meeting!" With this final reminder, she flopped onto the bed and gave way to her sobs.

He stared down at her slender form, now racked with tears and sobs.

His face was flushed.

He had goofed. Boy, how he'd goofed. What should have been a pleasant exchange of confidences between a worried father and a growing daughter had turned into a complete disaster. He had been caught in a big lie. Like she had said, he couldn't have seen her in action. He hadn't even been home that evening.

Now he was more confused than ever. Had she or hadn't she fucked Derek? He'd probably never find out now. Karen would probably never speak to him again. At least about such things as they were trying to discuss.

With head hanging low, and a thoughtful look on his face, he left the room, a thoroughly defeated father. He figured it was time for a long talk with Alice.
