Глава 7

1. Matthew Lieberman, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect (New York: Crown, 2013), 25.

2. Mihaly Czikszentmihaly, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1975).

3. Steven Cotler, The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance (Seattle: Amazon Publishing, 2014).

4. Стивен Котлер, личная беседа с автором, 2013 год.

5. Jeffrey H. Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators (Boston: Harvard Business review Press, 2011).

6. Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane, Design in Nature: How the Constructural Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization (New York: Doubleday, 2012).

7. Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane, Design in Nature: How the Constructural Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization (New York: Doubleday, 2012), 2.

8. Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane, Design in Nature: How the Constructural Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization (New York: Doubleday, 2012), 3.

9. Луи Пастера цитирует Рене Валлери-Радо в книге «Жизнь Пастера».

10. Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement (New York: Free Press, 2003).
