36 Friday 22 April

As Marcel Kullen drove him and Bruno from the Lipperts’ house, Grace heard the ping of an incoming text and glanced at his phone. It was a message from Guy Batchelor:

Hi Roy, tried calling but it goes to voicemail. Pls call me urgently.

He apologized to Kullen, and to Bruno on the rear seat, who appeared absorbed in something on his phone, and called Batchelor immediately. He answered on the first ring. ‘Boss, sorry to bother you at such a tough time.’

‘It’s no problem — what’s up?’

‘We have a new member of our team foisted on us by Pewe — one of these Direct Entry guys.’


The Home Secretary had introduced a controversial new scheme under which people from civilian life — the community at large — could bypass all the usual training and career ladder process of the police force, and instead of starting as probationers, then becoming constables, then moving on through the ranks, were able to come straight into the police at inspector level and higher.

Grace understood that there were advantages to having people with business experience coming into the force, but the value they could bring, in his view, was in management roles — not operational ones.

‘The ACC has dumped a civilian bean-counter on us, in the role of detective inspector.’

‘What do you know about him?’

‘Get this. He was previously a sales manager at a pharmaceutical company and you’re going to love his name. Donald Dull.’

‘You’re kidding. Sounds like a real Mickey Mouse detective!’

‘Very good, boss. He pronounces it Dool.

‘Have you met him?’

‘I’ve got that treat coming up shortly. He’s going to be just the kind of person I’d be happy to know was behind me, protecting my back as I crash through the door of an armed suspect.’

‘OK, I can’t do much right now. Just put him in a role where he’s not any danger to any of the team — or himself. I’ll do what I can when I get back.’

‘What’s the police motto?’ Batchelor said. ‘To serve and protect? I thought we were meant to protect the public, not count their sodding beans!’
