All these dead people under these crumbling, weather-beaten gravestones. Their sad little epitaphs. My granddad has this on his tombstone:
Gone but not forgotten.
Well, that’s bollocks. Not forgotten by who? They say you only truly die when the last person who knew you dies. After that you are totally forgotten. There’s no one left in the world to remember you. Does it matter?
It mattered to Einstein. He was actually a bit pissed off about it. He told a friend that despite all he had to offer mankind, how sad it was that one day he, like everyone else, would just be food for worms.
Yep, Albert, I’m with you on that one.
You’re not much more than one step from that when you’re banged up on a life sentence in jail. That would happen if I left matters unchecked.
But that’s just not an option.