SNAFU. It’s an old US military expression dating back to the Second World War. Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.
Yep. That’s about the size of it.
That’s how it would look to the casual observer. Except, I’m not a casual observer; sadly I’m an interested party.
Very interested.
My life might be shit at the moment. It feels like it’s all getting out of hand. The hunter and the hunted. But I’ll come up with a plan, I always do. I’ve just got to turn the tables, create that smokescreen. Create that thing we have in the British judiciary. Beyond reasonable doubt.
Beyond reasonable doubt.
Beyond reasonable doubt.
I have the advantage here, I know the truth.
But you know, I was never this way before. I was just an ordinary, decent human being. I never wanted to be a killer. I’m still not even sure I have actually killed, but you are hunting me down like I did.
Just know one thing, Detective Superintendent, and it’s this:
I’ll do whatever it takes not to be found out and have my life destroyed.
Whatever it takes.
I need help. I really do.
But I’m not sure help would really help.
I’m a mess. It’s all a mess. Somehow I’ve got to pack it all back in the box. Stay one step ahead.
At least I’m in a position to do that.