Plans of Betrayal

November 2041

Prime Minister Yasuhiro Hata had spent the last couple of months vetting and replacing a number of senior military leaders, ensuring that each and every one was loyal to Japan and would do as their government directed. He had to ask for the resignation of some, and the reassignment of others to get his key people in place. The final preparations were being made to ready the fleet and the JDF. They had the sealift capability to move up to 35,000 soldiers and their equipment. Currently, these soldiers and the navy were being led to believe that they would be attacking the Chinese fleet at Pearl Harbor and conducting a landing to secure the island from the Chinese.

PM Hata had also coordinated with the PLA to have twelve thousand soldiers and equipment hidden inside of several roll-on, roll-off cargo containers. Instead of bringing thousands of Toyota, Nissan and Honda vehicles to the Port of Oakland and Port of Los Angeles, they would be offloading air defense systems, light drone tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The soldier’s orders were to secure the ports and then expand the perimeter as far out as they could until reinforcements began to arrive.

As part of the surprise attack, there would be nearly sixty commercial aircraft arriving in the US from Japan. They had all been timed so they would all be on the ground at the same time; once they pulled up to the terminal, they would then unload fully armed Special Forces who would do what they could to destroy as much of the airport as possible before they changed in to civilian clothes and faded into the American population. Each aircraft would carry a total of sixty Special Forces soldiers and plenty of explosives. Their secondary mission (after causing a lot of havoc at the airport) was to begin conducting sabotage operations across the American infrastructure. This included blowing up railroad bridges, highway overpasses and tunnels. This would dramatically hurt the Americans’ logistical capabilities.

The key to making this operation succeed was complete and absolute secrecy. All of the Special Forces soldiers and JDF personnel who would be involved in the initial invasion were separated from the rest of the Japanese forces, and were conducting special training to keep them occupied and get them ready for the real deal. The JDF Task Force, which included their aircraft carriers, new battleships and 35,000 additional soldiers, would turn away from the Chinese naval task force and head right for the West Coast of America once the assault at the airports begin. Their objective would be to secure Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland. Only Los Angeles had a military contingent near them, and they would be handled by the Chinese PLAN infantry, who would be launching a full-fledged beach assault against Camp Pendleton and the various naval bases in San Diego. If things went according to plan, they would control the ports and a large chunk of Southern California by the end of the New Year.
