Acronym Key

AAB — Air Assault Brigade

AFC — America First Corporation

AMRAAM — Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

AR — Armor Regiment

AWACS — Airborne Warning and Control System

BC — British Columbia

CENTCOM — Central Command

CMC — Central Military Commission

CNO — Chief of Naval Operations

CP — Command Post

CW4 — Chief Warrant Officer 4

DARPA — Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DFAC — Dining Facility

DHS — Department of Homeland Security

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

ECM — Electronic Countermeasures

EMDR — Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

EU — European Union

FDC — Fire Direction Control

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigation

FIST — Fire Support Team

FTX — Field Training Exercise

HE — High Explosive

HQ — Headquarters

HUD — Heads Up Display

HUMINT — Human Intelligence

IC — Intelligence Community

ICE — Interrogation Control Element

ID — Infantry Division

IDF — Israeli Defense Force

IFV — Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IIR — Intelligence Information Report

IR — Islamic Republic

JCTF — Joint Counterterrorism Task Force

JDF — Japanese Defense Force

KIA — Killed in Action

LAV — Light Armored Vehicle

LDT — Light Drone Tanks

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

LTC — Lieutenant Colonel

LTG — Lieutenant General

MBT — Main Battle Tank

MEF — Marine Expeditionary Force

MI — Military Intelligence

MIT — Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MNF — Multi-National Force

MG — Major General

MRE — Meals Ready to Eat

NAD — New American Dollar

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCDC — National Control Defense Center (Russian Pentagon)

NCO — Non-commissioned Officer

NORTHCOM — Northern Command (covers North American operations and nuclear defense)

NSA — National Security Agency

NSC — National Security Council

OC — Operations Center

PAA — Pan Asian Alliance

PC — Platoon Commander

PFC — Private First Class

PLA — People’s Liberation Army (Chinese Infantry)

PLAAF — People’s Liberation Army Air Force (Chinese Air Force)

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army Navy (Chinese Navy)

PM — Prime Minister

POW — Prisoner of War

PRC — People’s Republic of China

PTSD — Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

RPG — Rocket Propelled Grenade

RTR — Royal Tank Regiment

SACEUR — Supreme Allied Commander Europe

SAM — Surface to Air Missile

SAMF — South American Multinational Force

SDF — Self Defense Force

SFC — Sergeant First Class

SSG — Staff Sergeant

SUD — Swordfish Underwater Drone

TC — Tank Commander

TOC — Tactical Operations Center

UHF — Ultra-High-Frequency

USF — University of South Florida

VA — Department of Veterans Affairs

WP — white phosphorus

XO — Executive Officer

2AD — 2nd Armored Division

12AD — 12th Armored Division

66th AR — 66th Armor Regiment Commander
