Sinking SUDs

Japanese Naval Task Force
300 miles away from Hawaii

Admiral Tomohisa Kawano was the Task Force Commander for the Japanese surprise attack that was heading towards the American West Coast. Two months ago, he had been a Vice Admiral and loyal supporter of the Prime Minister-after discovering the fleet admiral would not lead the navy to attack the Americans, he suddenly found himself in command of the fleet. The Prime Minister said the future of Japan was in his hands; they had to succeed or things with China might not turn out so well for Japan. Admiral Kawano was loyal to Japan and to the Prime Minister, but he had a bad feeling about attacking the Americans. He had trained for nearly two decades with the American navy, and had quite a few American friends. He had always enjoyed working with the Americans. He also feared the retaliation the Americans would unleash on Japan (especially after the nuclear holocaust they released on the Islamic Republic). That was truly barbaric what they had done.

He knew America might be down right now, but they certainly were not out of the war, despite what the Chinese may think or say. The Americans always seemed to find a way out of a tough situation and emerge stronger and meaner than ever. He just hoped that in delivering a devastating surprise attack, he might be able to help secure a quick victory and perhaps a ceasefire. Their objective was to sink the American SUDs as soon as they identified them and then turn the fleet towards Los Angeles and support the landing of the 30,000 troops he was escorting.

Because Japan was still an ally of the US, they had access to certain US Defense systems used specifically by the US Navy. Leveraging this access, Chinese and Japanese cyber experts were going to launch a new wave of cyber-attacks against the American Department of Defense. The first thing they were going to do was black out the American satellites and communications over the Pacific. They needed to blind the Americans and then trick their computers into believing that a great air battle had taken place over Hawaii and that the Japanese had lost. Then they would turn tail and rush towards the American shoreline and the “protection” of the American airpower.

The next wave of cyber-attacks would be against the communications system on the West Coast. They would shut down cell and internet service, hampering communications. This would be followed up with a fake mobilization order for the Marines at Camp Pendleton to deploy their forces to San Diego to repel a fake Chinese airborne assault. The few military computer systems that would be allowed to stay online would be tricked in to believing that somehow the Chinese had snuck in hundreds of transport aircraft and were dropping thousands upon thousands of paratroopers around the San Diego area. While the Marines would be in transit and moving away from their base, the Japanese battleships would launch a devastating cruise missile attack against them, catching most of them out in the open as they moved to engage the fake Chinese paratroopers.

The battleships would then launch a second barrage of cruise missiles at Camp Pendleton, with the aim of destroying the remaining soldiers in garrison there. The PLAN would have their amphibious assault force hit the beaches at Pendleton and move to destroy and then secure the last vestige of Marine power on the West Coast. The Japanese would land their ground force in Los Angeles and move to secure the major ports and airports before moving on to control the various valley entrances leading into the city. Their objective was to hold the area until the second wave of Chinese soldiers would be able to land. With full control of the airports, the goal for both China and Japan would be to transport thousands of soldiers quickly via commercial aircraft to bolster their force before the Americans could react.

It was believed that within three weeks they should have enough armored vehicles and infantry to push any American Forces in the area back and consolidate their gains. With an invasion force on the West Coast, the Americans would not be able to send any additional reinforcements to fight the Chinese and Russian army in Alaska. This would ultimately result in the collapse of the Alaskan front and open the entire top half of America to the invasion.

As Admiral Kawano’s task force began to get closer to the Hawaiian Islands and the PLAN task force, they made contact with the American Navy, who was still oblivious to what was about to happen to them. They began to coordinate the positions of their SUDs with the Japanese so they could “best attack the PLAN task force.”

As the SUDs began to move in to firing position against the PLAN fleet, Japanese anti-submarine helicopters (which had been following the SUDs from the air) dropped a series of torpedoes on the SUDs in an attempt to destroy them. They used Chinese torpedoes in order to mask that they had been dropped by the Japanese.

Two of the SUDs were completely destroyed, while the other two SUDs managed to evade the Chinese torpedoes. Chinese submarines, which had been lying in wait, also fired their own torpedoes at the surviving SUDs, quickly destroying them (but not before two of the Chinese submarines were destroyed by the SUDs). Unbeknownst to the Chinese and Japanese at the time, there had been a fifth SUD in the water, which had been lurking further behind the Japanese task force in hopes of identifying any Chinese submarines that might appear and try to attack the Japanese capital ships. Their surveillance caught the sheer betrayal on the part of the Japanese.

The SUD operator immediately signaled for one of his superiors to come to his station so he could report what he had just seen and recorded. As they were putting together information and reviewing it for the fourth time, the building they were operating out of in Bangor Trident Base, Washington State, was blown up before they could send their report to anyone.

As it turns out, the cleaning crew at this building (who had been cleaning the facility every night for years), were actually Chinese spies, who had been waiting patiently to carry out one specific mission. They had smuggled in a liquid explosive (not hard to do among all of the standard cleaning products) and assembled a device under the flooring panel in the center of the room, near one of the garbage cans they would frequently empty. A timer inside the device would remove the separation between the two active chemicals, creating a volatile mixture that was primed for explosion. A second timer would detonate the device. The Japanese had fed these Chinese spies all of the intelligence they would need about exactly when the attack on the SUDs would occur; their hope was to destroy the building and all of its personnel at the same time as the attack in Hawaii. The Chinese had already carried out a number of sabotage attacks in Washington State the previous week; this would help to belay any suspicion of Japanese involvement.

Once Admiral Kawano confirmed that the first wave of cyber-attacks and the sabotage against Bangor Naval Base had been completed, he immediately ordered his fleet to change course and head towards their intended targets at flank speed. All that mattered now was making sure they were in position at the right time to carry out the next phase of the attack.

He also had his operations center contact the Americans and send the following message, “May Day! May Day! We are breaking off our attack. The PLAN ambushed us and destroyed a large number of our aircraft. We are headed at full speed toward the American shore, so that you can provide friendly air support, if needed.”

The US Navy sent their reply, “Acknowledged. We are ready to provide whatever support is needed.”

Admiral Kawano smiled. He knew that it would not be long now before the American communications were taken down in the next wave of cyber-attacks. However, they were not out of the woods yet. At top speed, it was going to take them at least a day before they were in striking distance of US military installations, and closer to two days before they could begin to land their forces. He would try to position his ships as close as possible to the West Coast before revealing the true nature of their arrival.
