Ferry had many friends, and during our journey south, which was to take us into the Balkans where we visited several countries, we talked of them. In Vienna, I expected to head a company in a new opera, but Ferry had asked me to hold off, and because of him, I did so. In Belgrade we were hailed like incoming heroes; everybody had heard of my affairs in Pest, and everyone, or so it seemed, was anxious to greet me.
Installed in the leading hotel in the great city, I began receiving guests, and one of the first to call was a lady of the Austrian court. She bore a letter from an official high in governmental affairs, and the letter stated that my presence was wanted at court at the earliest possible moment.
"What does this mean?” I asked Ferry, handing him the letter.
"You'd better go,” he answered, “or the old boy'll be sore."
I could gain nothing by questioning the messenger, so I answered saying that I'd be happy to attend the following day.
Frightened half out of my wits, I entered the palace only to find that my presence was needed, not by the man who had written the letter, but by the emperor himself.
Now it must be remembered that I visited the Court of Austria at a time when the whole country had gone mad over some sort or other of cult, free-love cults being more in vogue than any known other.
Presiding over the court was a Duc (it is best to hide his name), who was considered by everyone as a leader in this cult craze. It was also whispered that he was, besides being a despoiler of maidenheads, a man-lover with several handsome young men he kept about the court for his special entertainment when he was so moved.
I had learned, too, that the court ladies were made up of the prettiest women in Belgrade, that their love affairs were carried on under the very eyes of the emperor who sanctioned it, and that they were maintained within the summer palace chiefly due to their unusual beauty and because of their willingness to adapt to the unusual undress worn by the ladies of the court.
At last, after a ten-minute wait, I was delivered into the hands of the famous Duc. I found him charming enough, and had it not been for the fact that I already had a lover, I could have fallen in love with him.
Finally, after leading up to the subject by degrees, he said, “Our emperor is planning a great ball at the summer palace here and desires your esteemed presence. Having heard your remarkable voice and witnessed one of your performances as Juliette some time ago, he is desirous of having you as part of his entertainment.” After a short pause, as though he were waiting for this to sink in, he continued. “You have no objection to appearing in such a scene wearing your stage costume?"
I smiled at this. “Why-I don't know,” I answered. “The costume you refer to is-well, rather, what shall we say-brief, and I'm afraid such a costume would hardly do for a private theatrical. You see…"
"That,” he interrupted me, “is the very reason our emperor desires your presence. The costume, as you refer to it, should, if you wish to please our monarch, be even more brief."
I laughed outright this time. “Then I'm afraid it will be a near thing,” I answered. “If I were to wear any less, I'm afraid the emperor would have me thrown out."
"The emperor would enjoy it if you would consent to appear in the nude."
"And where is this entertainment to be held?” I asked.
He seemed to take this question as an acceptance on my part, for he said, “The performance is to be held here in the palace. Your partner-Romeo, if you prefer-is a handsome young actor, and a great favorite of the emperor. You will like him, I'm sure."
"And his costume?” I asked, smiling.
Instead of answering this directly, he reached over and patted my hand in an affectionate manner, then: “You do not seem to understand our emperor, my dear. We have at the moment the Russian Ballet, consisting of sixty members; an act consisting of fifteen persons; a comedy act consisting of six more, and they all perform in the nude. Does that shock you, my dear?"
I laughed. “Pardon me,” I said. “I wasn't laughing at that; I was just thinking how strange I would look wearing a costume, when the others perform stark naked. I would be out of place."
"Then it's agreed?” he asked, leaning across the table.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Is one in the habit of denying your emperor?"
He seemed to take this question as acceptance.
The Duc, I mention here, was a Frenchman, his close connection with the nobility having been brought about by his willingness and eagerness to seek out and provide the most startling entertainment for the court. Knowing the vast hordes of beautiful women about the palace were nothing more or less than whores who, like the emperor and his right-hand man, the Duc, were more than willing to do their part toward assisting in the scandal forever creeping out to a suffering public, I became more bold. I said, “I would prefer not to attend alone. You have no objection to my lover escorting me to and from the palace?” This was part suggestion and part question.
He pouted, inclining his head. “Is it necessary?” he asked. “You are expected to assist in the private entertainment for our emperor, after your formal appearance, and-well, wouldn't the presence of your lover, as you prefer to refer to him, be somewhat uncomfortable?"
Such, my friend, was the state of affairs one found within the “circle” during those days.
Without going further into the details of the whole affair, let me close this part of the history by saying that I attended the “party” in honor of the emperor, and that two days afterward, Ferry and I made a timely exit from the fashionable city, to the great disappointment of the entire court.
We had intended on spending a few more days there, but, as I have said, we thought it best to leave. It wasn't that I objected to the attention paid me; it was because I knew it hurt Ferry.
And because there are other things to relate, events of far greater importance to tell you, let us skip all this and take up the thread of the story as to what happened a few days later.
We crossed the border into Serbia, and while the court here was no less impure than that of Austria, there was far less scandal and gossip.
Wishing to be alone for a change, we took a charming villa in a quiet section of the city. Close to the river Danube, we found it a delightful spot, and here we spent several weeks, and they were, I believe, the most pleasant I had ever experienced.
We journeyed into Bulgaria, stopping here and there, enjoying the country and its restful climate. But now Ferry became restless. Something was on his mind. “I'm worried,” he said in answer to my questions. “Today I saw an agent connected with the secret police of the Austrian government."
"But what shall we do?” I asked, now a little worried. We had done nothing to arouse the dislike of these people. I expressed my thoughts to Ferry. “You don't understand,” he said. “It is not what we have done; it's what you haven't done."
"Me?” I asked, surprised.
"Yes,” he answered. “Yon don't know it my dear, but our friend, the emperor, was disappointed with your sudden departure from the summer palace, and he's not one to be brooked in his desires. Tomorrow we leave for Rumania. I have friends there."
That night, lying in each other's arms, we talked of all this.
He told me of a wonderful people he had met in the mountains and how I would love them. They were Gypsies, he said, and though they were known outlaws and were almost constantly sought by the police, they were a friendly, kind, and generous people. He had met them while busily engaged in writing a book, and though he had been held somewhat apart from the group, one day he rescued the young son of one of the chiefs of the tribe, and as a result, he had been accepted as a “blood brother” and was always welcome. “Besides,” he said, holding me close and kissing passionately my lips and eyes, “you will find them the greatest lovers in the world."
I laughed. “And what would I do with lovers?” I asked. “Haven't I you? And did I not run away from wealth and royalty so that you alone would possess me?"
"And didn't you give me Rose?” he countered. “Did you not allow me to satisfy my desires between her snowy thighs, just to make me happy? Oh, no, dear, it is my turn now. Once we get into the mountain fastness of these people and are conducted to their camp, I want you to indulge yourself to your heart's content."
Then he gave me a detailed description of their mode of living; their habits and loves; how they lived and openly practiced free love; and how I would be expected to adapt to their methods of living. He told me they were the most beautiful people on earth; how, contrary to popular belief, they practiced sanitation in all its phases; and how upon entering their fastness one must sacrifice himself, or herself, to some member of the opposite sex, as this was the only manner in which they could be positive of one's loyalty to them.
Strangely enough, I began looking forward to visiting these people. There was a certain amount of hardship one must endure before entering their fastness, he said, but after that, it was the nearest approach to heaven he had ever known.
And so I found myself eager to get under way; something about the whole affair interested me. I cared nothing for the so-called hardship. He did not say what this entailed, so I paid it little mind.
Three day's travel by cart and stage brought us close to the river Danube, an area that is famous for its delightful climate. Safe in Rumania at last, we felt more secure. We had shaken off the police-forever, I hoped.
Two days travel by the most primitive carts brought us far into the mountains, and here our drivers refused to go further. They shook their heads and gazed off toward the distant hills; nothing we could offer would entice them further.
"We will leave our baggage here,” Ferry said, “and take with us only the clothing we are wearing. Come."
We made our way on foot. I had faith in Ferry; I knew he would never sanction this trip were there any possible danger connected with it, and since I had agreed to do and say everything he suggested, I followed him up the steep paths through the dense wood. We had started early that morning, and it was mid afternoon when we were suddenly confronted by what I believed to be the most bloodthirsty creature I ever had the misfortune to meet.
He came forward and I had the opportunity to study the man.
Large and slightly darker than I had expected, he had black, curly hair beneath a wide leather hat, and great gold rings in his ears. He had a wicked cast to one eye. Overall, he was the most murderous-looking person I had ever seen.
"Be not afraid,” reassured Ferry. “He is but one of the guards, and as soon as he learns our business here, we will be conducted further into the wood where we will meet an escort who will take us directly into their camp."
The brute-for that's what he looked like to me-asked many questions, and finally, having been convinced that we were not police, he conducted us along the path to a clearing in the dense forest. Directing us along, he pointed out the path we must follow. Without warning, we came to a bend in the wooded path and here, directly before us, was a stream.
Ferry saw the look of mystery in my eyes. Laughingly, he said, “This is the first hardship I referred to,” and nodded toward the water. “We have got to cross it."
I had hardly expected this. I said. “But it's deep, darling! How shall we ever cross without wetting our clothing?"
He laughed and kissed me. “One doesn't cross without wetting one's clothes, my dear,” he said. “If we were to enter the stronghold of these hospitable people wearing dry clothing, we would be laughed to scorn, and I wish to impress them with your willingness to comply with their customs."
I looked down into the water at my feet. It looked black, and I could swim but little. Ferry, I knew, was a good swimmer, so there would be no danger of anything happening to me. I recalled the delight I had had back home, and how I had often gone into the pond fully dressed. I recalled how one Sunday, returning from my singing lessons, I was overcome with the desire to go into the pond, and how, without waiting to remove my little jacket, I splashed my way in! The thought thrilled me! Why not? It was dreadfully warm, and the water would feel good on my body!
All these thoughts passed through my mind in a flash. Raising my eyes to his, I said, “Very well, my dear. I am ready when you are."
"Can you swim?” he asked. When I told him that I swam very little but was not afraid of the water, he said, “That will make it ever so much easier. I'll go first, and then I'll assist you down, and by resting your fingertips on my shoulders, I will be able to get you across. Ready?"
Nodding my answer, I watched as Ferry turned and dove in. It was all very unusual, I'll admit. We were like two wild children bent upon doing something devilish, and I, for one, was as eager as any child could have been. Coming up and shaking the water from his hair, he came back to the steep bank directly beneath my feet.
"All right, honey,” he said, smiling up into my eyes. “Lower your pretty little feet and I'll help you down."
"You won't!” I cried, a daring thought coming into my mind. “I'm going to jump! Catch me!” and without another thought I leaped down! I thought I would never come up, but at last I did, and then I found Ferry's strong arms about me. Happy, my eyes bright with the novelty of the thing, I laughed and shook the water from my hair. A moment or two later we were across and standing upon the sandy bottom near the opposite shore. Turning to look at the far side, I saw the villainous-looking creature we had first encountered staring at us. Raising my arm and waving to him, I was surprised to see him smile. I had thought him incapable of smiling, and after gazing at us for another moment, he turned and walked out of sight.
Standing tittie-deep, I unloosened my hair, letting it fall about my shoulders. “Like it?” asked Ferry, smiling and coming close by me.
"I love it!” I cried, kissing him rapturously, “I could stay right here forever and ever! Oh, Ferry!” I cried, “I'm going into every creek and pool I ever see! No matter what the occasion or what manner of dress I'm wearing."
You have heard of a person having a fetish? Well, going into the water fully dressed had become a fetish with me. Then and there, standing in that unknown stream, I had become a slave to my strange desire!
I told Ferry of it. He said, “You'll have plenty of chances, my dear. Remember, we've got to return through this same stream."
Climbing out and standing upon the sandy shore, my thin clothing clinging to me, I looked a sight, every line and curve of my standing stood out in bold relief. “You might as well be naked, my dear,” Ferry said.
"That's the way I wish to be,” I answered. “I want your friends to see me just as I am."
"I want them see you just as you are, too, my dear. I want them to see your beautiful body, and I want you to display it willingly. And above all, I want you to surrender to them; I want you to do as the others do. In a few moments, we shall come upon their camp. The chief will embrace you. I want you to return his embraces, lend yourself to him in every possible way, accept any suggestion he might make. In short, you should enter there with an open mind; give yourself to them body and soul."
"And supposing this man, whoever he is, wants to fuck me?” I asked smiling.
"You are to do that, also,” he answered.
"Then,” I said with a toss of my head, “I hope he's better looking than the brute back there,” pointing over my shoulder. Then moving along toward the sought-for camp, I said, “And you? I suppose you will flirt madly with some black-eyed damsel and fall victim to her charms?"
"You don't understand, my dear,” he said. “A man and woman entering here never violate an unwritten rule-that of fucking their own lover."
"Indeed,” I smilingly answered, “it sounds interesting. But even though I surrender to another man, my dear, I will try to think that it is you I'm clasping between my thighs!"
Happy and contented, we hurried along the path, chatting every step of the way, and soon we came into a clearing. We were instantly surrounded by a score of chattering children. One that was more handsome than the others made his way to us. Like the others, he was naked save for a cord about his neck. There was a gold piece dangling from it.
His eyes brightened at the sight of us. This, I was to learn a moment later, was the boy Ferry had rescued from a great bear, and after a most affectionate greeting, during which Ferry and the boy exchanged several kisses, he ran off shouting at the top of his voice. The other children, seeing the welcome, began dancing and shouting about us. Amid this happy, carefree mob we were led into the camp proper.
A giant of a man stepped out. He was handsome, his black hair hanging in clusters of curls about his well-formed head. About his hips he wore a great bearskin. He had it arranged in such a manner that it covered but one leg. Otherwise, he was naked.
He greeted Ferry with the greatest of respect, kissing his lips very much as the boy had done. This giant had come from a low-roofed building without sides, the roof being held by a dozen or more posts. From it, others were emerging. They were dressed very much like the large man, though not a few of them were without the slightest thread of covering, men and women alike.
Then, Ferry and the giant having completed their greeting, they turned to me. The giant smiled. “My mistress,” Ferry said by way of introduction, and instantly the other placed his great palms under my arms and lifted me off my feet. Holding me at arm's length as though I were a baby, he said, “She's dressed! You know what that means, my friend?"
Ferry smilingly nodded. “That's why I insisted upon swimming the stream fully clothed,” he said.
Still holding me aloft, the giant said: “She's beautiful! And is she a good fuck?"
This frightened me a little, but Ferry quickly answered, “She is indeed beautiful. And lying deep between her lily-white thighs you'll find a heaven of delight."
"Then,” cried the giant, setting me down on my feet, “I proclaim her my bride for the night.” And slipping the rope from about his hips, he let drop the skin, a simple operation which left him quite naked. Others now came forward. “Take her away,” said the giant, nodding in the general direction of another, smaller building close to the large one.
Ferry followed me and just as we entered the building, a beautifully formed girl stepped before him. She was stark naked.
Raising her arms about his neck and pressing amorously against him, she said, “My dear friend-you forget Nattie?"
Ferry held her close, kissed her lips. “Of course I haven't, Nattie, and since you are without your badge of servitude, I know you are engaged for tonight, but tomorrow,” he continued, “you shall be my bride."
I heard no more. The girls into whose hands I found myself, escorted me into what proved to be a sleeping-room. Many beds were arranged about the outer side, but the center was devoid of furnishings. As I looked about the room, their dexterous fingers soon freed me from my wet garments. Naked from top to toe, I stood there among them. Towels dried me. My hair was combed and dried; hands patted and caressed me. “You are tired after your journey?” asked one of them in almost perfect German. Nodding my answer, another arranged a bed for me, and a moment later I lay full length upon it. The others knelt all about me, smiling and patting my white body and thighs. One went to the lower end of the bed and massaged my feet.
"You are a very fortunate girl,” said another.
"Fortunate?” I asked, smiling. “I do not understand."
"For having been chosen by the king,” she went on. “It is a great honor to be chosen by our king. He is a wonderful man, and tonight he will make you very, very happy-here,” she said, touching my pussy hairs.
I was dreadfully tired, but as they continued to hover about, and not wishing to offend them, I said, “You speak as though you were well acquainted with his charms. Tell me-has he ever cuddled you in his arms for a whole night?"
"Once,” came the quick answer. “He spends at least one night with every girl. If he takes a fancy to some particular one, he chooses her a second time; otherwise he has her but once."
I noted among other things that one or two of them wore the usual skin affair about their hips while the others were stark naked. In answer to my question regarding this, one of them said, “Those of us who are without covering have been chosen for the night. Those of us you see wearing clothing have yet to be chosen."
"Which means,” I said, smiling “that you are going to spend tonight in some man's arms?"
She smilingly nodded. “We spend every night in some man's bed."
"And what do you do throughout the long hours of the day?” I asked.
"They are not long hours,” she answered. “They are all too short. From sunrise to dark we play and sing and dance. Sometimes we swim in the lake, or romp through the woods with our lovers. At night the men light great fires, then we sit about these and sing or dance and make love."
"And do you not ever make love in the daytime?” I asked, interested in this strange, though straightforward, girl.
"Oh, yes. That is one of the many ways we spend so many happy hours together. We are taught to please the men when we are very young."
"And supposing,” I said, looking very naughty, “you are unfortunate enough not to entice a man to your arms; then what?"
She smiled at this. “Then we flirt with them and make them go with us into the woods."
"And what do you do when you are with your lovers?"
"Anything he wishes us to do,” came the ready and innocent answer.
"And am I supposed to do anything with the man who has chosen me for tonight?” I asked.
They all laughed at this. Then my new friend said, “You will find out tonight. A great banquet will be served, and afterward you will entertain us by lying with our king."
I wondered at this. Could it be possible, I thought, that I was to be offered to that handsome giant under the very eyes of all of them? I said, “But I supposed I was to spend the night in his bed with him. I would greatly dislike to have him fuck me before everyone."
They seemed surprised at this. They exchanged startled looks, then one of them said, “Has not your friend told you of what we do? How we live?” And when I told her I knew very little about their ways, she said, “Be not afraid; we consider it a great honor when our king-what do you call it? — fucks us so everyone can see. After that, every man wants to fuck us, and that makes us very happy."
The simplicity of the girl's statement was nothing short of refreshing. Here was a tribe of people who lived for the very joy of living, giving themselves to any man who desired their favors. Nothing was hidden. A passionate, high-strung people living a life of utmost freedom and ease with no other aim in life other than to make love; a people, as near as I could understand it, who gave themselves under the very eyes of brother or sister.
It was, as I was to find out a few hours later, a sort of ritual among these people. Instead of going at the business in secret and making a mockery of the thing, it was looked upon as a high honor.
Very well, I thought, I don't understand it very clearly, but I'll show these people that I, too, can enter into the spirit of the thing with the same freedom as they do. If I'm supposed to accept the embraces of this or any other man, and I'm supposed to accept it in public, then I'll show them that I am not afraid! I shall join in the feasts, I shall sing and dance, I shall flirt with these men and, if I mistake not, I shall teach these handsome girls a thing or two they do not know!
"You had best sleep,” one of them said, handing me a glass of aromatic liquor. I drifted off into peaceful rest.
When I awakened, I found many changes. In the first place, it was dark beneath the roof, but outside, the whole place was lighted by many bonfires.
"You are rested?” asked a low voice close beside me. Turning, I saw the same well-spoken girl I had conversed with earlier in the afternoon.
"Much, thank you,” I answered, patting her hand which rested on the side of the bed.
I stretched languidly. “Have I slept long?” I asked.
"A few hours,” she said. “It is nothing."
I took it for granted that she had remained by my side, and when I asked her this, she said, “I would have stayed anyway, but it was because our king demanded it."
"Why?” I asked, smiling up into her eyes.
She shrugged her shoulders, then: “So no other man would steal what is the king's right."
"Speak plain,” I said. “What you mean is that you watched over me so no man other than your king would fuck me. Isn't that it?"
She smiled, nodding her head.
"Do you like to fuck?” I asked. Perhaps it was due to my unusual position among these people or maybe it was on account of my strangely erotic temperament and the thoughts that I was to enter into the orgy which was to follow, but whatever caused it, I felt dreadfully naughty. I believed I had never felt quite so naughty, and I awaited her answer. “Sit here,” I said before she could answer my previous question, and as she perched herself on the bed beside me I placed one hand on the smooth skin of her well-turned thigh and gently patted it. “You are very beautiful,” I continued as a surge of lust swept over me, “and if I were a man I would consider myself lucky indeed if I were allowed to fuck you."
She smiled her prettiest. “It isn't the men who are the lucky ones; it is us, we women, who are lucky, for sometimes we have to tease them before they will fuck us. But come; the feast is about ready and we must not keep our king waiting."
She led the way outside, and here I saw men with great armfuls of wood hurrying toward the various fires. Great quantities of sparks flew high into the air as heavy sticks were thrown on. Everywhere I saw girls and young men in groups talking or singing; children were gaily chasing each other about the place, and everyone was naked. The fire cast flickering shadows over their bronzed bodies; red lips and flashing eyes were in evidence everywhere.
I stopped. “Where is my partner of the night?” I asked, smiling.
"I am taking you to him now,” she answered. “He is waiting in yonder temple,” she continued, pointing to a building directly ahead.
The soft pine needles made the softest carpet beneath my feet, for it must be remembered that, like my newfound friend, I was stark naked. Entering the low-roofed structure, I saw the king at the far end reclining on what looked like a platform. He was lying on a mattress of skins, and beside him sat Ferry. A beautiful girl sat on his knees, and a half-dozen other girls were in attendance as well. All were naked and were listening to the strains of a guitar.
Suddenly the king saw me. “Come!” he cried, brushing the others off like so much chaff. I hurried to the bed, threw myself down beside him and into his waiting arms. “She's beautiful, Ferry, my good friend!” cried the king, kissing and petting me in the most brazen manner. His great hands slid all over me, patting and gently pinching the flesh of my bottom, thighs, belly, and breasts.
Everybody was happy and gay. “She's just as I told you, my king,” cried Ferry, “but wait until you get between her powerful thighs and your great prick dives deep into her belly; then you'll think her even more beautiful!” It was plain that Ferry had partaken deeply of the powerful wines they brewed, for in the flickering light I could see the flush on his handsome face.
"And that, my good friend, won't be long!” cried the king. “See! They are already erecting the great bed upon which your mistress will pay her debt to the king. Wait till she tastes this!” he cried, carrying my hand down to his great prick. I took the hint and clasped it in my fingers, though I couldn't span it.
My presence evidently had its effect on the king, for his prick was as stiff as a board, and a thrill passed through me as I worked the loose skin up and down. Though it wasn't quite as long as the Russian warden's, I wondered how I was ever to take it all! I saw Ferry making frantic motions; wondering what he could mean. It was some little time before I comprehended. I noted, too, that the others were staring at me, as though they awaited something. I looked at Ferry again; this time I could hardly miss his signal! I felt the color come into my cheeks as I said, “And you, my king, are handsome, too, and I shall consider it a great honor, indeed, to share your bed this night, that I might possess this!” Bending down I kissed the great, heart-shaped head!
I wasn't at all sure that I hadn't done a dreadful thing, but I was reassured when the others applauded, convincing me that this had quite won me a place in their hearts.
A great bell boomed out its signal that the feast was ready and we scampered like a lot of unruly children toward the banquet board.
These people may have had a certain amount of savagery in their souls, but they knew how to entertain their guests. Great tables had been brought forth and erected in the clearing. The entire place was illuminated by the soaring flames of the great fires.
At the end of the first table, a place had been reserved for the king. I, as his “bride of the night,” held the seat of honor at his right, which was elevated so that everyone could see us. The seat we sat upon was covered with the choicest skins of silver foxes, and the white-tipped hairs tickled and caressed my naked bottom and back. Great platters of roast venison, boar, and lamb were set before us. Tankards of spiced wines and liquors sat within easy reach of everyone. Bread, biscuits and rolls, nuts, figs, and grapes were piled everywhere. There was lively music and voices as clear as silver bells echoed and reechoed through the forest, lending a seductive atmosphere to the scene.
Children-boys and girls alike-were scattered through the groups or were lifted to the tabletops where they assisted the others in the selection of foods. Indeed, one would have to witness the scene before he or she could get the full significance of it all.
Everyone was laughing, playing. Kisses were exchanged, hands groped everywhere. Ferry and his “bride of the night” sat on our left and they, as though to inspire the others to greater freedom, were indulging in the wildest revelry. I was beginning to fear the result of all this, but the king reassured me; the revelry, he said, was at its height. There was nothing else to do but copy their actions.
The singing voices broke into a sort of chant-weird, eerie, and lewd. The voices continued, each stanza more and more indelicate. Now the entire assemblage took it up: bodies swayed; feminine heads rested on masculine shoulders; men's hands toyed with and fondled naked breasts, their own now-erect pricks being stroked by their partners. I saw Ferry's partner raise her cherry red lips to his, saw their tongues mingle and twine about each other's, saw one of her hands capping and uncapping the ruby head of his prick!
"It's the mating song,” whispered the king, lifting my left thigh across his right, slipping his hand into my fully exposed crotch, and toying with my aching pussy! No longer afraid, I rested my head on his shoulder and gave him my lips, my left hand falling to his great, stiff prick!
Mad with an unknown lust, I drew my mouth away. “I love you!” I cried, redoubling the motion of my hand.
"You are ready?” he asked, his voice low and kindly. “Ready to make the sacrifice to Venus? See?” he continued, pointing toward a group who were placing a great skin-decked bedlike affair in the very center of the clearing. “They are preparing the altar upon which you are expected to receive me. You are ready?"
It was a strange situation, I tell you. I had attended many strange and weird affairs; I had seen scores of men and women in every conceivable position and pose, and I had taken part in many strange and erotic affairs. Why, then, should I be afraid? Why shouldn't I, unknown to them as I was, give myself in the same free manner which was being enacted all around me? I would never see them again; they knew not that I was a prima donna sought after by royalty, indulged and petted by the elite of all Europe, looked upon as a shining light in society. All they knew was that I was their guest, and that I was to sacrifice myself on the altar placed in the firelight that they might become more and more inspired to deeds of greater lust!
"Afraid?” I asked, gazing into his large, dark eyes. “Why should I be afraid? I love you. I love this,” I said, giving his prick another shake, “and I want it as I have never wanted anything in my life!"
It was the acknowledgment of complete surrender. I thrilled anew as this handsome giant lifted me and carried me through the waiting groups assembled now about the great bed.
Though I was overcome with a lust stronger than I had ever felt, I looked about me and saw many strange things. The elder women-hags, they called them-had disappeared as though by magic, and everywhere the younger ones were forming into pairs and were selecting advantageous points from which to watch the sacrifice of my body to the cult of Venus.
Placing me upon the great bed, the king lay down beside me, and now the music struck up another, more intense beat. It was, perhaps, to inspire me, and if so, it was a huge success-for there before their very eyes and in the light of the great fires, I gave myself to him! Never shall I forget the thrill as he lay over me and drove that bone-hard tool into my vitals!
My mouth pressed to his, my arms clasped about his back, I raised my thighs and clasped them about his middle-and the battle began.
Voices seemed to float away in the great, dim distance, and in their place, there came a tinkling of silvery bells. This was my imagination, of course. The voices had never ceased the naughty chant-I only thought they had. The ringing bells had been brought about by the feel of that lovely dart sliding in and out of my warm slit, each inward thrust making the great head caress my heart-at least it seemed so-each vigorous poke rousing a new sensation within my aching womb! A shiver passed through me as I went off!
Again and again the warm balm flowed down, keeping the pathway lubricated for the piston-like rammer which glided in and out, in and out, with a steady cadence. Twice the handsome fellow spurted his love juices into the very depths of my soul before he relieved me of his weight.
Our example had been copied by the others, and everywhere couples were swaying in each other's arms. Handsome young heads were pressed between the silky thighs of the girls, whose cherry red lips paid homage to their partner's erect tools.
As I was raised from the bed and carried to the king's abode, I saw acts of the tenderest nature. Ah, my friend, these people may have been savage, they might have lacked the refinements of life, but they knew how to partake of the pleasures of sex.
In his temple, as the king called it, another bed awaited us. Alone now, I gave myself up to the maddening pleasure with greater freedom.
Mad with lust for that wonderful weapon, I covered it with kisses, took the head between my lips and sucked it! I felt myself lifted up and placed astride his upturned face. I felt his face, as smooth as that of a girl, glide between my widely parted thighs as his lips latched upon my slit! In a perfect position to carry out the delightful act of love, we abandoned ourselves to the task at hand! I let down a veritable flood of my thick creme, his greedy lips lapping up all that I offered! I felt him tremble beneath me; I felt the base of his lovely rammer grow stout and leap within my mouth-and a moment later, I received such a dose of his scalding fluid as to quite smother me.
But such deeds are only the prelude to greater and better acts. That night I was fucked in a dozen different positions, and it was long after the hour of midnight before we settled down to rest.
Such was my initiation into the mysteries of an outlaw camp. A beautiful breakfast awaited us as we emerged from his hut, and we settled down to a much-needed repast.
Here I noted another strange thing. Most of the girls and young men wore the customary skin about their hips; not over a dozen were without them. I asked what this meant.
"Those wearing them are free to choose partners for the coming night; those without have already been chosen."
It was a very pretty arrangement, I thought. I said, “But I have none. Does that signify that I have already been chosen by some man?"
"You were chosen last night,” he answered. “Such a beauty as yourself was meant only for a king."
And so I spent my first full day in the camp. I was free to go and come as I chose. Shortly after breakfast, a group of radiant girls rushed me off into the thick forest and to a beautiful, sandy-bottomed lake. It was the morning bath, they said. Those without skins rushed into the water; those with them simply dropped them about their feet before following.
Soon a happy, mad crowd was splashing about in the refreshing water. We were joined by several men, and the hilarious gathering indulged in amorous play of every sort. Men whispered naughty words in my ears, suggesting little interludes, but I refused them all.
I told them I had been chosen by the king and after that, I was left quite alone with the girls. The beautiful girl who had sat by my bed the previous afternoon seemed to be my constant companion; she drew me off to one side and out of hearing.
"You are happy?” she smilingly asked, leading me into deeper water.
"I love it,” I answered. “I wish I could stay here forever and ever. It is beautiful!"
"You like our king?” she asked, and when I told her I thought him wonderful, she said, “He must love you-it is seldom he chooses one for more than a single night."
"Perhaps it's due to my white skin?” I suggested, to which she shook her head. “I do not believe so,” she answered. “Many white girls come here so they might share his great love, but seldom does he have them a second night."
"Then I give it up,” I laughed. “I am no different than any other; there are many of you far more beautiful than I. There must be another reason."
"There is,” came the ready answer. Her eyes bored into mine, as though something was on her mind. “You like the caresses he bestowed between your legs?"
"Naughty girl,” I cooed, slipping my arms about her and drawing her into deeper water. “Of course I like them; every girl likes to be kissed like that. But how did you know he did that to me?"
She smilingly shrugged her shoulders. “That he has chosen you for another night proves it; he chooses only those he likes that way."
"Has he ever chosen you-that way?” I asked, pressing my belly against hers and holding her tightly in my arms.
She nodded her answer though the color deepened in her cheeks.
"You liked it?” I asked.
"I loved it! I adored it! The feel of a lover's tool is so much more acute after one has been kissed like that!” The girl was radiant now. Her full, well-formed breasts rested just above the surface of the clear water, their pink points arousing within me a desire to kiss and caress them! I said, “You're right, dear. With your king, I had no other choice than to accept him in any manner he chose to have me, but were I to have my choice of the most handsome men on earth, I would choose only those who would kiss and caress my cunt before allowing him to put it into me!"
This girl must have noted the strange light in my eyes; she must have fathomed my desire, for she said, “Let us walk through the forest; we'll see many pretty sights, and afterward I shall show you my secret love bower!” There was a tenseness in her voice that led me to believe I was to be let into a very special secret.
I would have kissed her right then had she not told me that kisses between like sexes were forbidden.
Through the forest, we saw many couples, but we passed them by. But still I saw enough to know that nights alone were not reserved for the pleasures of the bed, sights which in no way dimmed the desire I felt rising within me.
Slipping between the trees, my escort looked back as though desirous to hide our actions from the sight of the others. We went deeper and deeper, and soon we were alone. Suddenly she stopped and clasped me in her arms. “You will promise never to reveal my secret?” she asked, her eyes bright and shining, her breasts heaving.
I promised everything she asked, wondering all the while what she was about. I hadn't long to wait. With a final look around, she drew me beneath a vine-like density, and here I received shock number one, for cuddled on a pile of skins was Ferry and his partner of the previous night, and they were naked!
"Is this the surprise you planned for me?” I asked, staring at her, wonder showing in my eyes. The other girl, a beautiful black-haired beauty, jumped up and embraced me. “Don't be angry, dear,” she whispered, “but Ferry has told me everything!"
"Everything?” I asked, hardly knowing what he had told her.
"Everything!” she answered. “Secret kisses are forbidden, but here, in this little bower, we may indulge our desires in any manner we please!"
I was still puzzled as to why all this secrecy was necessary among a people who took their pleasure where and when they liked. I looked down at Ferry. He was smiling. “Don't be angry, my dear,” he cooed, sliding one hand up my thigh and patting my bottom. “Knowing your desire for a pretty girl now and then, we arranged this little meeting for you, and here we might give ourselves over to our desires without stint."
For a long moment, I gazed down at him. Then I turned my gaze on my friend. I said, “Naughty. Why didn't you tell me why you were bringing me here, when all the time you must have known I wanted this,” I continued, slipping my hand into the black fleece on her lower belly.
Instead of returning for the noonday meal, we remained in that tiny vine-covered, moss-decked bower. It was exactly as my friend had called it-a love bower. And there, hidden from the sight of anyone who might pass, we abandoned ourselves to our passions.
My friend had spoken the truth. She loved those secret kisses, and a hundred times, I guess, I buried my face in her tender crotch where, with lips and tongue, I sipped the sweets as they trickled from between the vermilion lips.
That night there was another banquet, and afterwards the king again took me to his bed. Three nights in all I received his maddening embrace upon that skin-decked bed, and then, on the fourth day, he left us.
I thought him the most handsome man I had ever seen as he walked off through the forest. He wore a broad leather hat and a leather coat above green velvet trousers; his legs were encased in red hose and his feet shod with low, silver-buckled shoes, the soles of which were heavily spiked against the ravages of the mountain rocks.
That day there was another, even stranger banquet, though it was a spermatic one. Our friends had prepared a lunch and had hidden it in the thick wood. Leading me to the lake where we enjoyed a refreshing bath, my friend and I slipped away into the forest. This, she said, was to be a more elaborate affair. In the little love bower we found four of the handsomest men I had ever seen-one of which was Ferry-and six women.
You recall the party we had given Ferry just before we departed from Pest? And how I got the good-looking young man for him? Well, this was another party just like it, only instead of two men, there were four.
"We are leaving in a few days,” Ferry said, drawing me down by his side and kissing me, “and this is in our honor. Today we abandon ourselves as we like. See!” and even as he explained, a handsome fellow leaned down and took the head of Ferry's cock between his lips and sucked it! The others crowded about us. One handsome fellow knelt directly behind us, his erect cock sticking up at a rakish angle between our shoulders. Ferry raised his hand and clasped it, worked it up and down. “I suppose you'll hate me,” he said, his voice shaking with emotion, but I can't help it! For years I've wanted it, and today I'll have my fill if I die for it!” and without another word he turned his head and took the head of the other's erect cock into his mouth, allowing the man to push it in!
Fascinated, I watched the strange sight. Ferry, his eyes half-closed, abandoned himself to his newfound pleasure. I heard him moan, saw him move his lips. He was pouring his hot fluid into the mouth of the sucker before him! I saw the other move his hips back and forth, saw him place his hand upon Ferry's head. I thrilled as I realized he, in turn, was filling my lover's mouth with a prolific dose of his spicy jism.
What more is there to tell, my friend? You have been a member of many such affairs-you told me so with your own lips-so you must know what goes on. Enough to say that we gave ourselves up to every possible sort of pleasure; we girls sucked each other, and then we sucked the men. The men sucked each other's cocks, and we were fucked in every conceivable position.
We were out of sight of our friends; no one knew where we were, so Ferry and I enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. A few days later, we departed. Dressed in the clothes we had worn to that bandit camp, we started the return journey. Standing, at last, on the edge of the little river, I gazed down into the cool black depths. Then I smilingly stepped in. Coming to where it was too deep to walk any further, I gave myself into Ferry's hands and he swam the short distance with me. Standing on the opposite bank, we waved farewell to our friends and then went our way. I never saw any of them again, though I have often wished that I might enjoy another week in their midst.
Ferry and I talked of the delightful times we had enjoyed with his friends and we fully intended returning to them for another and far more lengthy visit, but events that followed made it impossible for us to do so.
I now needed to turn my thoughts to my work. I joined a company of singers touring the country and bid farewell to Ferry. It wasn't supposed to be farewell forever; it was simply that he had been unexpectedly called to America where he had many interests. But, alas, I never saw him again.
Shortly after his arrival in the distant country, I received word of his demise, and with it came the news that I had inherited his vast wealth. I'm afraid I failed in my work after that; his loss was, I thought, greater than I could bear.