I have often wondered at the strangeness of my own nature. For two years I lived with a man, the same man who had the pleasure of taking my maidenhead and initiating me into the mysteries of sex, and yet at the expiration of those two years I hadn't the slightest regrets at leaving Paul.
Some people will say that a woman cannot have two loves and have the second be as passionate as the first. That, my friend, is not true. And my case, too, was different than most women. There wasn't a spot on my body, from the tips of toes to the end of the longest hair on my head, that hadn't at some time during our two years been inundated by his prolific spend, nor was there a single method known to man that Paul hadn't tried upon my body. You may dispute that, but I can safely say that it is true.
And what is stranger still, perhaps, is the fact that I wanted it that way. Paul's moods were strange, as were mine. I had known him to literally tear the most costly garments from me and ravish me in the most unheard-of manner; he had taken me in my dressing room, just before I was about to make my entrance upon the stage. I believe this lent strength to my voice, for standing there, feeling his prolific sperm trickle down my thighs from the overdose he had so recently given me, I sang as I never had before.
I had had him in a railway carriage; in a coach; I recall how once we were riding through the park, and how I made him fuck me almost under the eyes of the driver who sat on a seat above us. Oh, I could tell you of a hundred crazy things we had done, and yet, the day I left Paul, I had not the least feeling of regret.
With Gene it was the same thing; a kiss and a well-filled purse was all that passed between us as I left her, though tears showed on her lashes. I was told later that Paul took her with him, but of this, I knew nothing-nor did I care. My mind was on but one thing, and that was my darling Arpid!
I thought the trip from Frankfurt to Pest would never end. Imagine fifty hours on a train alone and burning with desire for a man I knew little or nothing about!
I arrived in Pest about the middle of the afternoon, as I recall it, and never shall I forget the welcome that awaited me. It seemed the entire populace had turned out to greet me. Many of these people were strangers to me and many I already knew. Among others, of course, was my manager and Arpid.
As soon as possible, I shook off the others, and entering my manager's carriage, was driven off. He had arranged for me to occupy an entire suite in the city's best hotel, and we were driven directly there. A hurried tour of the place convinced me that my desires had been carried out to the letter. My suite consisted of twelve rooms and a bath. This bath was the nearest approach to the Roman ideal that it was possible to produce. The plunge itself was entirely surrounded by mirrors; even the floor was one vast mirror-including the bottom of the plunge.
The rest of the apartment consisted of three or four bedrooms, lounging rooms, and dressing rooms. My inspection over, I suggested dinner, and here again fate seemed to guide my future.
My manager, delightful old soul that he was, found it impossible to remain, even for the time necessary to dine with me. I made out as though I was dreadfully disappointed, but I wasn't; in my heart, I was overjoyed at the prospect of being alone with Arpid!
If I had thought him handsome when I first laid eyes upon him, he was a thousand times more so now, and when I found that I was to have him all to myself, my joy knew no bounds-for weeks and weeks I had thought of nothing else but him, and now that I had him, I was more determined than ever to possess his handsome body.
I might add here that Arpid was far better looking than Paul-at least I thought so-was far younger, and obviously from a better family. Indeed, his every action cried “culture."
In spite of the fact that he was Hungarian, he spoke German fluently.
He had spent all his life in schools and colleges. Indeed, he had just finished his final educational period, and at the time I met him was touring Europe and had stopped off to visit his uncle, my manager.
Dinner was an event long to be remembered. Besides the wonderful food, we consumed large quantities of wine, and though I flirted outrageously with this handsome boy, it was plain that I had a novice to contend with. During the entire dinner, my bell was kept ringing by friends and acquaintances who demanded to be received, but to all I turned a deaf ear, pleading a severe headache and making appointments for the future.
Mad with a lust that was rapidly consuming me, I began my attack on Arpid. Begging to be excused for a moment, I dashed to my room. Here I quickly stripped off my clothing and donned a tiny, transparent undervest and a pair of the briefest possible drawers, both garments of the finest linen. Over this I wore a transparent dressing gown, its only fastening being a tiny ribbon about my middle. Thrusting my bare feet into low bedroom slippers, I hurried back to Arpid! I saw him give a start as I swept back into the room, my gown flowing behind me, showing both my thighs naked to the very tops, and my breasts jutting bare out of the top of the undervest!
During the half hour that followed, I was anything but selfish with the exposure of my charms! I was getting desperate! Taking advantage of a moment when I happened to be out of my intended's line of vision, I deliberately drew out the tie cord of my gown, allowing it to flow open about me! Catching sight of myself in a mirror, I thrilled at the image, for I may as well have been stark naked, so revealing were the tiny undergarments! My gown, almost falling from my shoulders, had the desired effect; his cock, almost as large as that of a young stallion, lay along his thigh beneath his trouser leg, and the thought of possessing it-having it driven into my burning cunt-was fast driving me wild! But still he made no effort to take me.
For more than an hour I had been seeking a means to make him stay all night with me, and then, as though in answer to my prayers, a most violent thunderstorm broke through the heavens.
Here was a chance I couldn't possibly let slip by! Since Arpid was too timid to declare his love for me, then I must declare mine to him!
"Oh, Arpid,” I cried, springing into his arms and pressing myself against him, “I am so afraid! The storm frightens me! Please promise me you won't leave me alone tonight!"
"But, but-” he went on, evidently frightened half out of his wits at the thought of having to stay the night in a lady's apartment.
"Please, Arpid, my darling,” I continued, cuddling against him like an affectionate kitten, “I know what you're going to say! You're wondering what my friends will say when they find I have had a man in my rooms for a whole night! But I don't care! I'm frightened! I can't let you go! See!” I said, pointing to an open door. That shall be your room, dear! It's right next to mine, so that if I get too frightened, I may call you! Please, dear!"
How I did it I do not know, but I got his promise to stay the night in my apartment! Mad with a desire to bring about the ending I so desperately wanted, I pushed him into the room set aside for him!
Hurrying into my own room, I quickly slipped off the frail garments I had been wearing and waited for him to climb into bed! Knowing that it was quite the custom for Hungarians to sleep without night clothing, and feeling certain that he, even here in my apartment, would do so, I put out my light and waited!
I heard the bedsprings creak beneath his weight! There came a more violent crash of thunder! I darted into his room! With a single sweep of my hand, I threw the cover from him and threw myself into his arms, being careful that I landed astride his hips!
"Oh, Arpid!” I cried, “Hold me tight! I am so afraid!” and slipping my arms about his neck I nestled close, thrilling anew as I felt his darling cock pressing against my naked bottom!
Any man who couldn't be tempted after that, wasn't human!
Arpid was no exception. In an instant, his arms were about me! Our mouths met and clung! Aroused himself, he rolled me over upon my back and got between my thighs! One of his hands came down, that he might steer his mighty cock to my slit!
"Oh, Arpid,” I cried, “what are you doing to me?” But even as I said it, I was reaching down with my own hands-not to force it away but to assist in steering it to my hungry, burning cunt. At the first touch of the wide, almost flat cap of his cock to my eager slit, I let down a veritable waterfall of come, drenching both of us with my passionate juices. A moment later, my greedy cunt lips literally sucked his shaft in up to his sperm-laden balls!
Arpid might have feared me in the outer rooms, but here in bed he proved himself my master. In my short career as a fuckstress, I had never met a man like him. He rode between my thighs until I was writhing with pleasure. At almost every inward thrust, I came, and every time he pulled his magnificent machine out, I practically cried aloud with grief. Three times he shot his scalding sperm into me without even withdrawing between times, and even after that I didn't let him rest! Wild with an unsatiated desire, I bent over him, toying and playing with his half-limp cock! Then, with a little cry of happiness on my lips, I slipped it into my mouth and sucked it back to erection! It was the longest cock I had ever seen until that time, but its length did not faze me! Rising, I got astride his hips and with a single downward motion, I impaled myself! With long strokes, I slid my cunt up and down its towering length. And so, my very first night in Pest was spent in the arms of a man I had come to love at first sight.
Nothing was spared. Like myself, Arpid was made for love, and I had not the slightest trouble in teaching him the various modes of pleasure I had learned. At the very first touch of his lips and tongue to my cunny, he all but ate me alive!
He became my slave, eager to satisfy my slightest whim or desire. Later I shall tell you how, in the presence of my guests, he abandoned himself to me.
It was noon before we attempted to rise from bed. I only agreed to let him leave after he promised to come and spend the night with me again.
After he had departed, I gave my attention to the many cards and letters I had received. These had been left by my earlier callers who promised to return when it was more convenient for me to receive them. All day long, I received these guests. My rooms were banked with the choicest of cut flowers, and that night Arpid and I sprinkled our bed with the petals. Upon these, the delightful boy ravished me throughout the hours of the night.
The following day I threw open my door to my friends, both new and old. These proved to be the elite of Pest. Men and their wives rubbed shoulders with kept women and their lovers. Young and old, they trouped through my rooms, leaving tokens of endearment, some only trinkets, others of great worth.
Three hundred people in all passed through my rooms that day. Among them were two sisters named Anna and Nina. They were scarcely twenty years old and as beautiful as the most costly Dresden dolls. I remember how they seemed to hang back until the last of my guests had departed, and how, upon being presented to them, one of them handed me a letter. Upon reading it, I found it had been written by a very dear friend of mine in Frankfurt, and that it was to serve as a letter of introduction to the sisters.
I recalled the many things my former friend had told me regarding the thrilling exploits she had had during her stay in Pest, and since the letter stated in no uncertain terms that Anna and Nina might prove worthy of better acquaintance, I asked them to stay and have dinner with me. This they readily agreed to, and as most of my guests had already departed, and my door had been closed to any late stragglers, I soon found myself closeted with my two new friends.
Strangely enough, I felt like I was meeting old friends in these two girls. I also knew by the letter of introduction that I need have no fears that these two weren't quite my equal.
While dinner was being laid, I said, “This letter of introduction makes me feel as though I am but renewing old acquaintances; your friend has often told me of the delightful times she had had during her stay in Pest, but I didn't at that time, of course, know that the girls she spoke of were you two."
"I hope,” said Nina, smiling and gazing at me from beneath partly lowered lips, “she did not tell you all the things we did."
"I'm afraid she did,” I answered. “There were never any secrets between us. She told me, also, that you girls disliked the idea of wearing clothing-is that correct?"
Anna answered, “That's quite true. And since Grace has written us that the same thing is true of you, why not stop pretending?"
Nina nodded her approval of this, and I said, “Then why not make ourselves comfortable? You are staying to dinner with me, and I would love having you both for the entire evening. Besides, I have any number of chic dressing gowns we might don."
Smilingly, we three entered one of my dressing rooms, emerging a few moments later clad in hip-length gowns, the handsome sisters making not the slightest pretense of fastening them about their naked bodies. I saw their eyes sweep over me from head to foot for, like them, I allowed my gown to fall away from my shoulders.
Dinner was announced. The well-trained maid paid little or no attention to our outlandish dress-or undress-and during the repast we consumed considerable wine. Later, having finished dinner, and while we were lying about in another room, I said, “My friend hardly did you girls justice when she referred to your unusual beauty."
"Indeed,” answered Anna, rising and coming to seat herself beside me, “you are a beauty to behold yourself.” She took my face gently between her hands and kissed me full on the lips. Before she drew away, I felt Nina nudge her head between my thighs. I moaned, overtaken with the lascivious idea of being ravished by two gorgeous girls. I slid lower down on the couch, allowing Nina greater access to the damp slit she was desperately trying to reach. Her sister moved her eager lips to my aching breasts. Molding one full globe in her small hand, she sucked the nipple of the other into her mouth. Her tongue flickered over the taut cap of my breast while her sister's tongue flicked across my rigid clit. My hands sought out their own warm flesh as their lips devoured mine. I was enveloped in a veritable banquet of hips, breasts, thighs, and arms-it was hard to tell what body part belonged to whom.
I'm not going into the details of all the things we did before the return of my lover Arpid. Enough to say that we became very well acquainted before another hour passed, and I found they lived up to my every expectation.
Becoming more calm after the first outburst of passion, I said, “Your friend in Frankfurt told me something of the good times you used to indulge in here. Tell me more about them-tell me something about yourselves."
Between them I learned that they were of wealthy parents, that they lived in a mammoth house, and that they were allowed to go about as they pleased. Parties in their home seemed to have been something of an event, so I said, “What about those wonderful parties you had there? Tell me about them."
The girls exchanged glances, then Nina, shrugging her shapely shoulders, said, “Why shouldn't we tell her-she'll be wanting to attend one, and she might as well know what to expect."
"Bad as all that?” I asked, settling myself in a more comfortable position.
"Worse,” answered Anna. “Want to hear about it?"
I nodded my approval and she went on, “We meet at our home twice a week. Here new members are discussed and voted upon."
"Voted upon?” I repeated.
"Exactly,” Nina said. “Every now and then some member of our club, as we call it, has a new member she or he wishes to introduce. At the Monday night meeting, we discuss this person, and a committee is appointed to look into that individual's past history. This checked, we vote to either take in or reject. If accepted, and it's convenient for everyone concerned, we hold the initiation that Saturday night."
"Something about that word ‘initiation’ does not sound so good,” I said, laughing, though undaunted. “What's the idea of the initiation?"
"To assure strict secrecy,” she went on. “If one is called upon to do a so-called ‘dreadful’ thing, and has to do it in the presence of a mixed group, that person isn't likely to tell on someone else about something he or she has done."
"Sounds interesting,” I said. “Tell me more about it."
"First, the candidate is stripped stark naked. If it's a girl, she is led, blindfolded, into a room where the men are assembled. These men, naked of course, are assembled about the room while she, still blindfolded, points her finger to one of the men. She must go on her knees before this man and suck him off. She's never to know who the man is, except that he's one of our crowd. A man is subjected to the same performance when he is initiated, the only difference being that he is taken before the girls who, like the men, are nude, and here he must suck off some designated girl. If everything goes as expected, then we unmask the girl, or man as the case may be, and abandon ourselves to the pleasures of an out-and-out orgy. How does it sound, my dear?"
"It's all right,” I said, “but there is one thing that isn't quite clear: Why must the girl, or man, be blindfolded? Why not allow the candidate to choose his or her partner?"
"That,” said Nina, “is where the spice of the thing comes in. The candidate never knows who he or she had that first time. If it was not for that, the candidate would be sure to pick someone whom they particularly liked above someone else."
Does this seem strange to you, my friend? If it does, let me tell you that in every part of Europe people of the so-called “better class” were forever forming some sort of love cult or other, so there was nothing remarkably strange about the entire affair, as far as I could see. After all, who are we-you and I-to judge others?
This, however, was the state of affairs in Pest at that time. I could go on for hours telling you of the strange affairs that I know were taking place every night. But that is not my idea; I am not writing a history of other persons’ affairs, but rather, as I told you in the beginning, a history of the more exciting things in my own life, so I shall stick to that, digressing only when it is necessary to bring out some particular point in my story.
Anna and Nina were more than willing to spend the night with me, but I begged off. There were many other nights, I said, and I had to reserve a place for my latest lover, Arpid.
"So,” Nina said, “you already have a lover? You work fast, my dear. I was hoping to assist you in the choice of one."
After a few more minutes of conversation, the sisters dressed and bid me goodnight. Knowing Arpid was due any moment, I did not bother to dress, but lay on a broad couch. Lying there, I began going over in my mind the description of Nina's and Anna's parties, and the more I thought of them the more excited I became.
Arpid came in and, seeing me lying there in complete nakedness became quite excited. You may rest assured that I came in for considerable loving; Arpid had hardly gotten used to his new playmate as yet, and was slightly put out when I asked him to lie with me there on the couch; the darling boy was forever getting his face between my legs, a little trick I would have gladly welcomed had the two girls not taken about all I had to offer for the moment.
We spent a delightful night, however, and though the girls had done much toward abating the hunger I usually had for it, I managed to give Arpid a few wonderfully long drawn-out fucks and sent him to sleep by taking his wonderful cock into my mouth and sucking a splendid spend from it.
Never having heard of anything like that, Arpid was wild with delight at the thought of his cock between my lips and going off there; but he was dreadfully bashful. He confessed that I had been the first woman he had ever had. I then conceived the idea of teaching him something of the things I had learned to love.
The following afternoon, Nina and Anna called on me, and I told them my plan at once. There being no secrets between us, I told them of all the delightful tricks I had taught my new lover, how I had taken his “cherry,” and how I wished to initiate him into being more brazen in his methods. I had a reason for this; I really loved Arpid, and I wanted him to share the pleasures I had devoted myself to. The girls were delighted with the prospect of teaching him, and at my suggestion both stripped stark naked, hid their clothes, and then we three waited for his return.
Soon we heard him coming and the girls quickly hid in a closet. He found me, as before, lying completely naked, and once again he wanted to start in. “Please, dear,” I said, kissing him, “hurry and undress!” Never will I forget the sight of him when he reentered the room, his great cock sticking almost straight up along his belly. Again he wanted to mount me, but I held him off.
"Get astride my chest, dear,” I said. “I want to have your lovely plaything where I can kiss it!” His eyes shooting fire, he did as I directed. I had propped myself up against the pillows in such a manner that I was in a splendid position to take his noble charger, and after toying with it for a few moments, I signified my desire to have it in my mouth. Smiling, his bone-hard tool leaping in my hands, he leaned forward. I knew the girls were watching, and I was determined to put on a good show. First I licked it all over! Then, fearing it might explode, I quickly took it between my lips, and Arpid, having learned his lesson, pressed nearer, sending it far into my mouth!
But the battle was short-lived. My warm mouth was too much for the novice, and just as the first gush of his creme came from it, I gave the signal and the two nude beauties rushed in upon us!
Arpid was wild, but between us, we got him quieted, and he became quite reconciled to his fate. Indeed, he flirted so outrageously with the two girls that we finally agreed to let him have both of them. I don't really like sharing my lover with another woman, but we couldn't very well do otherwise, since it was my ambition to awaken him to the point where he would agree to joining the secret “club” the girls maintained in their home. Long before the evening passed, Arpid was willing to agree to almost anything.
I might add that Arpid got all the sucking he needed that day, but with the three passionate women operating on him, he was of little use to me that night.