One might consider this the second part of my story, since it is the beginning of a far different life than I had been living. It was here in Frankfurt that I was to meet the man who was to become my first real love! You remember, my friend, how I told you I believed I was born to love? Well, I am more convinced of it than ever. Think back for a moment: Even before I left home, I met a woman who opened my eyes to the joys of sex. True, it was an unnatural love to be sure, but what of that? I have never suffered from it; I acquired something of an education through it all, and though it was the wrong kind of an education-as some will try to make you believe-it had its advantages in that it was to provide me with the talents necessary in the years to follow. Such talents, I firmly believe, are necessary to a career such as mine.
I believe I have already mentioned that I intended to retain my virginity until I came of age. Even before I left Vienna, I had been taken with the desire to have a lover, but I held off, even passing my eighteenth birthday-that age when it is quite proper and fitting for a maiden to be regally and royally fucked.
Even when making the journey into Frankfurt, I was overtaken with these thoughts. I believe I had arrived at the age when it would be good for me to accept the love of a man, and as I reflected on my past life, I was suddenly overcome with the desire for a male lover!
Yes, that was it. I was in love without a lover-a most amazing state of affairs. But it never occurred to me that I was to have one so soon.
Following my arrival in Frankfurt, my manager had provided me with a housekeeper. For years she had held the position of wardrobe mistress in the various productions and was quite well versed in things both on and off the stage.
She was a motherly old soul and I was quite taken aback when she said, “I do not wish to presume, my dear, but when do you expect to be joined by your lover?"
The question amazed me. At first, I was inclined to resent this bold remark, but I thought better of it-and I have always thanked myself that I wasn't harsh with her.
"My lover?” I asked, showing surprise at the audacity of her question.
For a long moment she stared at me, then: “You have a lover, have you not?"
"No,” I answered, “I have no lover. Why do you ask?"
"I hope you will forgive me for mentioning it,” she began, “but don't you think it quite necessary-to your voice, I mean?"
Then I remembered having heard something or other about this. At the time, I had wondered what it meant. Regardless, I did not have a lover. Here I was, a total stranger in a strange city with few, if any, friends. In the late past, I had never been without a girl upon whom I could lavish my caresses, and I suddenly felt rather alone. Also, I wondered if it were possible that this elderly woman had designs on me? Feeling somewhat frisky, I decided to put her to the test. She wouldn't be so bad, and an old tongue was better than nothing.
Laughing, I said, “I am sorry, my dear, but I have no male lover. I've only had lady lovers,” and I stretched seductively, allowing one bare leg to jut out between the folds of my gown, the only article of clothing I was wearing at that moment.
She shook her head. “You are a very foolish girl,” she said. “It is all very nice to have a sympathetic girlfriend, but if you won't think me over bold, I would say that you are abusing yourself in not taking a real lover-you understand, do you not?” There was a merry twinkle in her eyes as she said this.
Becoming more daring, I said, “You mean I should take one who will caress me in the manner I like to be caressed?"
She nodded. “You will find it necessary in the developing of your throat muscles. Please do not think I am presuming too much,” she went on. “Indeed, I am quite serious. You must do this, or sooner or later you will lose your voice.” And turning, she left me alone with my thoughts. You may rest assured my thoughts were conflicting.
The rest of the day I spent between reclining on a beautiful little flower-decked porch and fussing about a well-appointed kitchen.
To give you some idea of how the thought gripped me, let me tell you how I ate my dinner that night. I had dismissed my housekeeper and set the table for two places. I fancied I was entertaining my lover, and to make the picture complete, I wore only a thin dressing gown and slippers, being careful that the gown was open down the front. It was foolish, of course, but I was having a grand time of it. Later, when “we” finished our dinner, I fancied he carried me to a broad divan in the living room, and here he kissed and kissed and kissed me. Oh, I don't know what I thought!
I found myself eager for a man! I pictured him as a strong man; one qualified to administer real, brutal-love.
Then, the following day, a strange thing occurred. It was as though my prayers were being answered. A carriage stopped at my door. From it alighted my aged manager, and with him was one of the handsomest men I had ever seen! From behind the curtains, I gazed at him alone (I had no eyes for my manager). He had handsome, black, silky hair. Ah! He was like Apollo!
They entered. To my surprise and joy, this man was to play the part of Romeo in the play in which I was to star. Never shall I forget the expression that came over his handsome face when he was introduced. For almost a full minute, perhaps, I stood staring into his eyes, and it was he who broke the spell.
"Really,” he cried, his voice low, “I had no idea I was to have an angel as my costar!” We all three laughed at this, and after a brief visit, my manager left us. He had many duties to attend to, he said, and bowing himself out, he left me to speculate on the outcome of it all. Even in those first few moments, I couldn't help but wonder how it must feel to be fucked by a man such as this one! And even then, I promised myself the pleasure of having this man in my arms! Yes! He would be my first real lover! Even then I was speculating on how best to lure him to my bed.
In the theater, one sees nudity every day, and I realized it would take more than bare flesh to bring about a union between us. I might add here that I was dressed somewhat scantily; my only garment, besides a short silken undervest, was a kimono of pale silk, and low bedroom slippers on my bare feet. I took advantage of this scant apparel to bring about a better understanding between us. “I must beg your forgiveness for allowing myself to be caught so,” I began, motioning to my dress.
"Pray forget it,” he said. “I quite understand. It is rather warm and I am delighted that you are considerate enough of your own comfort to dress accordingly."
"But,” I insisted, a wave of almost uncontrollable lust sweeping over me, “I am almost naked!” I laughed to show I wasn't frightened.
"Pray! It is no matter,” he said, smiling his sweetest. “Again let me say I think your dress is quite satisfactory. However, since my visit here was but to meet you, may I withdraw?” He kissed my fingertips and withdrew before I could ask him to stay.
I was vexed with myself and I spent a dreadful night. My thoughts were filled with nothing but that wonderful man. There was one consoling thought, however; on the morrow, he would be back, and I promised myself that I would never be so silly again. In reality, I had meant to call attention to my scant dress hoping in that way to attract him into my arms, but he was a gentleman and took my remark as a desire on my part that he withdraw. I cursed myself for a fool!
If he had but known the easy conquest I would have been, I am sure he would have stayed with me, and instead of kissing my fingertips, he would have had something far more substantial to kiss. After he departed, I slipped out of my gown and undervest and donned my nightgown. Standing before my glass and viewing my image, I patted my hairy mount, saying aloud, “Very, very soon, my dear, you shall have something far more thrilling to caress than a mere tongue tip."
The following day was a long one for me, though he arrived shortly after lunch. Taking advantage of his suggestion that I dress for comfort rather than for convention, I was wearing an outfit not unlike that of the previous day, the only difference being that my gown was of black georgette crepe, and I wore black silk stockings. The black gown accentuated the whiteness of my body and limbs. Somewhat daring, don't you think, my friend? But I can tell you I was desperate; I had been pricked with Cupid's dart-it remained but to be pricked with my lover's!
This time he complemented me on my thoughtfulness in dress.
"Do you realize that you are very beautiful?” he asked, “and that I'm afraid I shall never be able to withstand your nearness?"
I thrilled as his eyes swept over me, for while my gown covered, it did not in the least hide the outline of my body and legs! “Nonsense,” I laughed, “You have seen any number of handsome women, and you seem to have survived."
We seated ourselves upon the divan. There we went over the lines of the play. You are familiar with the playRomeo and Juliette so I won't tire you with the story. Enough to say that the balcony scene is unusually thrilling. Romeo, as you know, is supposed to climb the balcony, and here he is to meet his mistress, Juliette; Juliette is supposed to have just gotten out of bed and is wearing but a nightgown.
If you will recall, I told you earlier in this story that the whole of Europe had gone mad over exotic scenes both in and out of the theater, and I had been given to understand from the start that this particular scene in our coming production was to be enacted in a somewhat unusual setting. Instead of wearing a nightgown, I was supposed to wear a white georgette crepe dressing gown. As we sat there scanning our lines, he came to this particular situation. “You are being called upon to assume a most unusual role,” he said, without raising his eyes from the page.
"Yes?” I said. I also kept my eyes riveted to the paper.
"Yes,” he said. “I hope, however, that you will have no objection to wearing the scant attire this scene calls for."
"Why should I?” I asked, trying to answer nonchalantly. “After all, it's all in the play, and the play's the thing, isn't it?"
"I'm afraid it won't be all play on my part,” he said.
"Indeed? And why not?"
"Because,” he answered, “carrying such a beautiful lady, and having one so beautiful as yourself quite nude might prove too thrilling-I might drop you, you know."
I laughed at this. I knew we were treading on dangerous ground, but I didn't care; I was more determined than ever to win this handsome man to my arms! “Don't tell me,” I said, laughing, “that I will be the first naked woman you have held in your arms!"
This time it was he who laughed, then: “I would rather not talk of that. However, if I have ever done anything like this, the lady was far less beautiful than yourself."
"That is very beautifully said. I hope, however, that you will not be so overcome that you will drop me. That, I'm afraid, would be too dreadful for words!"
"Rest assured, I shall not,” he said.
How we ever passed through the day without any overtures on his part I shall never be able to tell, for God knows, I did everything possible to impress him. On three distinct occasions I recrossed my legs, each time giving him a full view of my naked thighs to the very tops, and each time slowly drawing the folds of my scant gown over my knees.
Yet, nothing happened.
The following day, it was the same thing, and the day after that. By this time, we had familiarized ourselves to the extent that we were ready to go over our lines together. That is, we were far enough advanced to practice our parts.
That day I had dressed very carefully. I rid myself of everything except the lacy dressing gown and slippers, and the gown was a buttonless affair. I was looking forward to practicing the balcony scene, though I was careful to hold my gown together until it came time for that thrilling moment
But nothing happened. We went over everything again and again-but for some unknown reason, he didn't think it necessary to practice the balcony scene.
Finally I came to the conclusion that if I were to get anywhere with this man I must make the advances myself. Going about practically naked seemed to make no impression on him whatsoever. True, he never failed to compliment me on my attire, but compliments did little to quell the burning within my aching cunt!
It might be mentioned here that I had managed to get a very good maid, and my housekeeper was relieved of the burden of caring for my home. This maid, however, was the worst kind of a greenhorn; I doubt very much if she knew there was more than one use for her pussy. I had given her hints enough, but she simply looked at me when I flitted about in complete nakedness.
And so, without even the comfort of my maid or my housekeeper, I found myself getting desperate. Something had to be done. I said, “Why not arrange to have dinner with me tomorrow night! There is no reason why you shouldn't, is there?"
He hesitated a moment, then said, “Why, I would be delighted! No, there is no reason why I shouldn't."
This was my first real step in paving the way to love! Real love between a man and a woman! Already I pictured myself lying naked in his arms! Already I felt his lips kissing and caressing me from head to foot.
"You are married?” I asked, hardly knowing what I was saying.
"Whatever gave you that impression?” he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know,” I said. “I should hate to be the cause of trouble between you and your wife. I am glad, however, that you have none! I shall be expecting you-early!"
I'll never forget the strange light in his eyes as he kissed my fingertips at parting!
Believe it or not, my friend, I had to take an opiate that night before I could go to sleep. I didn't really want to sleep; I took it only so that I might speed the hours until I was to see him again.
The next day everything was hustle and bustle. I am not the world's best cook, but I managed, with the help of my maid, to prepare a delightful dinner. This done, I dismissed the woman, telling her I would not need her again that night.
From the icebox, I produced several bottles of champagne and the choicest wines, placing them in a convenient place by the table. Then I took a bath. He would arrive soon and I wanted to be at my best that night! This night! The night I was to surrender my maidenhead! The night I was to be ravished for the first time!
After a highly perfumed bath, I arranged my hair. Then I began speculating as to what I should wear. It must be something unusual, of this I was sure. Already I had appeared before him in next to nothing! What, then, could I wear?
Finally I chose a black dressing gown. It was a daring thing, but I didn't care-I was desperate! Beneath this I wore a short chiffon undervest. When I stood before my glass and viewed the result, even I blushed. If this didn't do the trick, I would give up the idea of ever winning him to my arms.
The gown came to about midway between my hips and knees, and since it was cut away daringly at the top, it was necessary to wear the frail undergarment or my breasts would have strutted boldly out of the gown. While I was gazing at my reflection in the mirror, the bell rang! My intended lover had arrived! Snatching up a pin, I stuck it into my gown to hold the thing together. Slipping my bare feet into low slippers, I hurried to the door!
He looked at me strangely. Entering and kissing my hand, he said, “Your maid-she isn't here?” He couldn't seem to understand why I should have attended to the door for him.
"My maid,” I said, “has been called away on account of a sickness in the family, but fear not, my friend, I have a splendid dinner for you!"
I wondered how I could be so calm in the face of my lascivious plans.
I saw him gaze at me, and I knew he was thrilled at what he saw, for this time the gown concealed nothing; even the hairs about my aching cunt were fairly well revealed.
"I shall have to be your serving maid tonight,” I said as I flitted about him. The dinner was a huge success, and long before it was finished, we were both chatting away at a great rate. We consumed much wine, as we both seemed possessed by unusual thirsts.
"Let the table go,” I said as we went toward the living room. “My maid shall attend to it tomorrow; besides, we might feel like eating something later!"
I must have made a rather startling picture as I sat there beside him upon the divan, my scant gown open down the front, revealing both my legs naked to almost the tops. Ah, don't think I hadn't worked out a fitting campaign. I was desperate, and I was daring-and so was my plan.
I had brought a bottle of champagne into the living room, and by way of initiating the daring plan I had in mind, I said, “Now let us drink to the success of our dinner, and our friendship."
Even while saying it, I could barely control my voice, knowing that in another minute or two, I would have him in my arms. It was enough to thrill anyone, wasn't it, my friend?
Very graciously, he filled two glasses, and handing me one, we repeated the toast. As I sat there holding the glass, I realized that the moment had arrived! My well-thought-out plan was about to materialize! Leaning against him, I said, “We should seal our friendship with a kiss-isn't that the proper way?"
I saw his eyes glance quickly at the windows! Then he slipped one arm about my waist and kissed me. As his lips met mine, I deliberately spilled the contents of my glass across my thighs, at the same time giving a startled, “Oh!"
He drew out his handkerchief and attempted to dry me. “It's nothing,” I said. “I shall go and change!"
My heart was beating wildly, for now I was going to do the most daring thing of all! Quickly I slipped both garments from my shoulders, kicked the mules from my feet! Then I gave a piercing scream and threw myself down across the bed in what was supposed to be a beautiful faint!
In an instant, he was at my side! Seeing the apparent faint, he grabbed up a bottle of salts and pressed it beneath my nose. My eyes fluttered open. He placed his arms about me and kissed my lips again and again saying, “What happened? Why did you cry out?"
I smiled. “I saw a mouse,” I answered, “and I… I guess I fainted."
Remember, my dear, I am an actress, but it took every bit of my skill to act timid then, for I was stark naked and I was in the arms of the man I loved! I made a feeble effort to rise, but he held me down. “Please, dear,” he said, holding me all the tighter.
"But, darling,” I cried, laughing faintly and trying to blush, “I'm stark naked! What must you think of me!"
"I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he said, kissing me again and again, “and I want to hold you in my arms, just like this, forever and ever!"
What could I do? While saying this, one of his hands had crept down to the hairs on my lower belly! I made not the slightest move to stop him. As his hand slid further down, my thighs fell loosely apart, and his searching fingers quite took possession of my cunt!
"I love you! I love you!” he cried.
My arms slid about his neck. “And I love you, too,” I answered. Kissing his lips, I added, “I have loved you ever since I first saw you, and though I am still a virgin, I want you to make me a woman!"
Our lips met in a clinging, soul-stirring kiss! Then, raising his lips from mine, he whispered, “Will you be mine? Now? Right here on your bed? I shall never rest until I have had you-body and soul!"
"You already have my soul, my darling. You have but to take my body. It is yours to do with as you like!"
"Then lie still and let me seal our love with a kiss!"
With a bound, he was on his knees and pressing burning kisses squarely on my cunt! The wine, my mad desire for him, and the thrill of it all drove me almost mad! Grasping his head between my hands, I wound my fingers in his hair, threw my legs over his shoulders, and bucked my hips, thrusting my ravenous cunny into his face. He licked and sucked me frantically, grasping my heaving buttocks in his hands in a vain attempt to hold me still. With a triumphant cry, I heaved once more, and in a moment, I came with a force that must have shocked him! No longer did I attempt to hold back! His arms were about me! His hands clutched my naked body and his greedy mouth sucked and tongued my cunt in a frenzy of delight!
Again I came, and this time I almost fainted for real, so intense was the shock! And while I lay there, my thighs still parted to his eager gaze, he quickly stripped off his clothes. In a moment, he sprang naked into my waiting arms!
With a dexterous motion, he placed the head of his monster cock to the flushed lips of my cunt and pressed it in. Thanks to the many tongues that had delved there, to say nothing of my own fingers, he soon passed the barrier without a noticeable amount of trouble. Indeed, I felt no pain to speak of. But, oh, the other sensations that washed over me. I could feel his hard piston pushing in, opening me up, and filling me with his throbbing meat.
I was penetrated; he was in me to his balls, and from the way he drove into me, I thought he was trying to get them in, too!
At last I was being fucked! Too late now to turn back, I bucked upward against him with all my might! Mad with lust for each other, we were like two animals! My tight sheath must have been too much for him. Ramming into me frantically, he filled me with endless spurts of his hot sperm. To my undying joy, he began again almost instantly! Our lips joined, our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths, we fucked like mad! All the pent-up passion of long, virginal years was now let loose! How many times I came, I can't remember! How many times he filled my cunt with his prolific spend, I could not count!
I know only that I was supremely happy. I had never been so happy in my life! For a long time, neither of us moved; we just lay there soaking in bliss and our own passionate juices. Then he gazed into my eyes. “Do you think this was acting on my part,” he asked, “or do you believe now that I love you?"
"Of course you love me, Paul, darling. But let's reverse the question. Don't you think I am the one to ask that question now that I have given you the one thing a girl has to give?"
I will not go into the details of all the things we said to each other that night. Many of them are too sacred to repeat, even to you, my friend. Enough to say that we swore eternal love for each other, and I believe he really meant it; I know I did.
But if I refuse to tell you of the things we said, I won't refuse to tell you of the things we did. You have a perfect right to that after the thrilling letter you wrote me.
After relieving me of his weight, he went to the bathroom and returned with a basin of warm water and some towels. Bathing and drying me between my thighs, he bent and kissed my cunt with one long, clinging kiss.
Then he lay down beside me, took me in his strong arms, and kissed me repeatedly. Then we talked. But talk did little to satisfy me. I had heard from both Vera and our prima donna of the joys of toying with and kissing the male organ, not to mention the times I had seen my cousin and my mother perform that very act. One of my hands stole down to his half-flaccid tool and my fingers clasped about it. I loved the feel of the smooth skin, which covered, I knew, much harder flesh. I squeezed and pressed it. It grew larger and I continued to caress it. It grew and grew. Soon it had swelled to full erection, and I could no longer span it with my fingers. I thrilled at the thought that at last I had taken such a monster into my very womb. I wasn't very well informed regarding the sizes of men's cocks, but I knew enough to realize that this one was of unusual dimensions. It was nine inches long from base to tip. Oh, it was a beauty, I can tell you. It was fully two inches thick and set in a bed of thick, crisp hairs. His balls filled both my hands, and they, too, were thick with hair. Is it any wonder that I fell so desperately in love with it-and with its owner?
During the short time I had been toying with it, one of his hands was busy with me. From hip to titties his soft hand caressed, and then, no longer able to stand it, he said, “Oh, darling, I love you so! Please let me fuck you again!” And he made as if to roll me on my back, but I would have none of it.
"Wait, dear,” I cried. “Wait until I have proven my love for you, too! Let me kiss your lovely cock! Then you can have me whenever you choose!"
A look of incredulous joy crossed his face as I scrambled out of his arms and slid down upon the bed. God! How handsome it looked then! Standing straight up in the air, its ruby head seemed ready to burst!
Stooping, I kissed the purple and pink head! Staring at it and working my hand up and down its length, I became fascinated! I loved it! Dropping again, I kissed it once more! But I wasn't satisfied; I wanted more of it! Rising to his elbow, he stared down at me, hardly believing what his own eyes saw being enacted before them! I kissed it again, this time with open lips, and I heard him give a little gasp as I quite swallowed the head! Still I wasn't satisfied! I felt something was lacking! With a downward lunge, I plunged it far into my mouth, and then I sucked it with all my might! He was trembling; he tried to draw it from between my lips, but I wouldn't have it! I wanted to show him that I, too, could love; that I was no half-baked mistress! I wrapped my arms about him, held him in a tight embrace, and seeing that I wasn't to be done out of it, he clutched my head in his hands and delivered the contents of his massive balls deep into my mouth! Nor did I give up my position till the last drop had been given me, all of which I eagerly swallowed!
Then, and only then, did I allow it to slip from my lips, and coming up over him, I kissed him again and again! “There,” I cried. “I, too, have shown my love for you, darling! And now you can fuck me to your heart's content!” And as though to prove my word, I straddled him and placed the still-hard head to my cunt and sank down upon it, taking it in to his balls!
You may rest assured, my friend, that I left nothing lacking in my love for him that night. When he tired of the sport, I sucked him back to erection so that he could again find lodging within my ever-hungry cunt. Three more times I sucked and swallowed the sperm from his lovely crest.
What more is there to tell? How can I convey to you the wonderful things we did that night? Why try when you know all too well what happens between persons who dearly love each other?
It is enough to say that, after a most thrilling night, we slept only enough to revive our strength so that we could renew our pleasing occupation. We re-enacted these scenes until morning. Then Paul left me, promising to return as soon as he had attended to his affairs.
My maid found me still in bed when she returned after her night off, and I guess by the way I saw her staring at me that I scandalized her puritan mind, for I made not the slightest effort to hide my nudity from her gaze.
Of course, every girl suffers more or less after a night such as I had had, and I was no exception. I was happy in the fact that I had lost my useless maidenhead, however, and for the first time in my life, I realized what it meant to be without one's love. I agonized when I remembered that I had allowed him to leave without his breakfast, and I promised myself that I should never be so unthinking again.
Lying there against my pillow, thinking of all the delightful things that had happened to me the previous night and that morning, I became frightened. I recalled how Vera had told me of her few nights of love, and how she had became pregnant as a result of it. And then I brightened. Why worry about it? Besides, it was worth it! What I had done, I did for love. If I was with child, it would be a baby of love. I dismissed it from my mind; the damage-if any-was already done, and I had almost a full month to go before I would know the outcome.
Then I got to wondering about my maid. I wondered if she had discovered that I had entertained a man all night, and that he had slept with me. My thoughts were interrupted when she entered my room. In her hand, she held the bloody towel, that same towel with which Paul had removed the traces of my maidenhead, now gone forever. She seemed frightened, but I explained it away by telling her that I had had a slight accident.
After breakfast, I played the piano. I wasn't very much of a pianist; I played only for my own amusement as I sang. I tried out a piece I had been having some trouble with and found that I now had not the slightest difficulty reaching the unusually high notes.
I wondered if my ability to reach these notes was due in some way to my recent experience with Paul? I recalled what my housekeeper had told me about having a lover whose cock I could suck! Could there be a connection? If so, could there possibly be a reaction so soon? I promised myself that I would ask Paul about it as soon as he returned! If this was true, I would acquire one of the most famed voices on earth, because I intended to reward myself with activities like those I had enjoyed last night often. I adored it! I had thought that kissing a girl's cunt until she spilled her love-dew into my mouth was the height of delight, but it was as nothing compared to sucking my lover's cock and having it plumb me to my very depths!
My thoughts lent wings to my feet! I flitted about the house with an abandon which quite startled my maid! In my eagerness to do something even more startling, I dropped off my gown and danced all over the place in complete nakedness.
I saw her eyes following me, and I knew she was shocked beyond words. “Very well,” I thought, “If you are so easily shocked, then as soon as Paul returns I shall give you something to be truly shocked about!” I laughed inwardly as I pictured the expression on her face when she would see the costume I had decided to wear!
Wishing to be ready when he arrived, and hardly wanting to be disappointed in the fun I was going to have, I brought out the tiny undervest I had previously worn. As I have already said, it was the very briefest thing I had ever seen-cut low enough at the top to almost expose both my breasts, and so short that it came to but my hips in length. It was so transparent as to amount to exactly nothing as far as concealment went. It was a naughty garment, indeed. Still, it lacked something.
That was my thought, strange as it seems. I wanted to be as near naked when he arrived as it was possible to be but still wearing something! And above all, I wanted to shock this silly girl as she had never been shocked before!
He was due to arrive any minute; he had promised to have the noonday meal with me, and it lacked but a few minutes to noon. A plan of daring entered my mind! Why not make it a real naked reception? Why go about it half-way? Why, indeed?
Picking up a pair of shears, I cut the tiny garment up the front, making a gown of it, the tiny ribbons over my shoulders alone holding it on me.
Watching from my bedroom window, I saw him coming up the gravel walk! Calling to my maid to admit him, I took a final look in my glass! I heard him enter! Drawing the top of the thing well back from my titties, I quickly stepped into the room and went to Paul, my arms raised to greet him!
Even Paul gasped at the daringness I displayed, but I quickly whispered into his ear my intention to shock my silly maid, and he, great actor that he was, quickly took the hint! “You darling,” he cried, holding me off at arm's length and gazing at me. “You are a million times more beautiful than I thought! You are adorable!"
And drawing me close and slipping his arms about me beneath the garment, he hugged me close, kissing and tonguing my mouth with all the zest he could muster. All the while, my maid stood staring in awed wonder.
But Paul wasn't done yet. Falling in with my own lascivious acts, he carried it a bit further. Picking me up in his strong arms, he carried me into the living room and to the divan. Pushing me over on my back, he kissed my breasts, neck, and face like a madman. All the while from the corner of my eye, I saw the maid staring at us. I became more daring. Taking one of his hands in mine, I carried it to my cunt, patting the back of his hand as he fingered the naked lips. I threw my legs well apart and whispered into his ear.
Looking toward the door again, I noted that the chit had disappeared; the loving display had undoubtedly been too much for her sensitive nature. But our lovemaking went on until I thought I would surely lose the delightful load I had been saving for Paul.
The delightful fellow, while ardent in his attack, knew when to stop, and as we lay there cuddling each other, I told him why I had adapted such outlandish attire. How he laughed. “What you need is a more sympathetic maid,” he said. “I shall attend to it at once. I believe I know the very one for you. In fact, she's so good she can be both maid and housekeeper for you."
Rising from the divan, he called the housekeeper and the maid. “Here,” he said, handing each some money. “This will carry you over until you find new positions. You may pack your things at once."
Though I felt sorry for them, I believe they were glad to go. The maid looked especially relieved; such carrying-on as she had she witnessed that day proved too much for her puritanical nature.
He kissed me and promised to return in an hour, and after he had departed, I bid the two servants adieu. I stretched out upon the divan to await my lover's return, and I couldn't help but think how happy I was. A position in the world of Art, a splendid income from which I could prepare for the future, a splendid cottage to live in, and above all, a lover! Strong, handsome, young and animate, and armed with the most noble prick with which to fuck me!
Paul found me radiant, indeed, when he returned, informing me that he had engaged the services of a charming maid and that she would report to me the following day.
"Oh, Paul, you darling,” I cried, pulling him down beside me. “I love you so, I never want you to leave me again!"
"And I love you, too, dear,” he answered, kissing me again and again, “and I feel that I never want to leave you again-even to sleep!"
There was plenty more said that afternoon, and it all ended by him taking up residence there with me. Then I told him of my conversation with the woman who had acted as housekeeper, and how she hinted at the necessity of my having a lover, one whom I could gamahuche (I used that expression to him, then), and the great good I would derive from it. “Is that so?” I asked, looking him in the eye.
"I'm afraid it is,” he answered, smiling. “At first I didn't want you to do that to me-"
"Why?” I interrupted.
"Well,” he hesitated, looking off toward the window, “I realized, dear, that it was a dangerous thing for you to do, and…"
"Why is it dangerous?” I asked
"Well, you see what happened… you know, when I spouted into your mouth."
"And does that mean that every time I kiss you like that, the same thing will happen?"
"I'm afraid so, darling,” he answered. “It's a dreadful temptation for a man to ‘come’ when a beautiful woman holds his rampant tool in her mouth, as you did!"
"But I ‘came’ in your mouth when you did it to me, didn't I?"
"I'll say you did, darling, and that's what I want you to do every time I caress you like that."
"Is that a promise?” I asked, kissing him.
He nodded his answer-and five minutes later, we were proving our promises to each other with relish!
During the night, he told me it was necessary for him to be away for two or three days, but that before he left, he would spend his every minute with me. It seemed he owned some land in a distant part of the country, and as there were taxes and other things to take care of, he was forced to be away.
I wouldn't allow him to leave, however, until my new maid arrived. I'll never forget the radiant smile that crossed her pretty face when she noted my scant attire-not at all like the other girl who had seemed frightened at my semi nudity, this girl looked pleased. She seemed to take it for granted, and I was sure she would be everything a maid could be.