Well, my friend, I suppose by this time you have quite given me up as the worst person in the world, and I don't see how I can blame you if you have.

But if I have pictured myself to you as a wanton, it was but to prepare you for my further adventures; adventures which quite outshine any I have yet related.

With me it has always been a quest to seek something new and startling; something to stir the blood; that would raise the temperature; something to thrill one from head to toe-and I got it in Budapest!

As you undoubtedly know, it isn't such a long run between the two cities, and we made it that night, arriving at the prison in the early hours of dawn. Nina and Anna having made all the arrangements, we were royally received. An excellent breakfast, a few hours rest, and we were ready for the busiest day and night I have ever spent.

The prison itself wasn't much-just one of the many of its type found in older cities throughout Europe. Low, grimy, filth everywhere, it was a sight for Satan himself, and I guess he presides over it with consummate, if not extravagant, infinity.

It was enough to cause one to turn away, but the gaiety of my friends and their expectations of something unusual in the manner of this orgy led me on. And I'm not sorry, in a way, that I remained. True, the things I saw, nay, even took part in, the experience I gained as to the inner workings of the human mind, to say nothing of the delightful creature I found there and who was to become my maid, all compensated me, I believe.

The fourth member of our party, the one chosen by Anna and Nina to make the quartet, was a very beautiful and talented young woman by the name of Bernice, a young lady of Spanish extraction and known, like most famous women at that time, as “Madam"-Madam Bernice.

During the journey I had had a chance to study this woman, and the longer I was in her company the more I liked her. Raven black hair, a dark, olive complexion, beautiful features, well-formed and firm breasts, a small waist, full, rounded hips, thighs as round as the most perfect spheres, tapering calves and ankles, small, well-turned feet with unusually high arches-a mark of distinction in itself. Added to that she was unusually intelligent and liberal to a fault. I found myself delighting in her drollery and wit.

She was daring, too. Like my friend, the Russian countess, she had an almost unholy delight in appearing in public in the scantiest of dress. Stranger still, she was welcomed into the most wealthy and famed homes in both Pest and Budapest; wealthy dames thought it something of an honor to be seen in her company, and many of them-thousands, if you please-frequented her spacious home and indulged in their passions to the limit. I shall tell you much more of this a little later on.

I found that she had, on several occasions, visited the famous prison and was on excellent terms with the Russian warden. Indeed, I found that some of her prettiest girls were brought from this dreadful place, as were several young and handsome men, and of this I shall also have more to say a little later.

Our reception into the warden's office was an event I shall long remember. The warden was the nearest thing to a pig in human form I have ever seen outside a circus. The man weighed close to three hundred pounds-I was to feel his great weight before I left the den-like place. Like his famous sister, he sported the high cheekbones and the slanting, Mongolian eyes so common among the lower classes of Russians, while his nose was flat and broad and appeared as though a great slice had been taken from its base, leaving the great holes of his nostrils looking like miniature caves. Not a very pretty picture, one might say.

Moving one's vision further down the broad, flat face, one came to what was supposed to be a mouth, but which resembled a cave that housed a few long, yellow teeth. The chin, or what there was of it, wasn't much, and this was covered with a two-or three-day growth of light-yellow beard. His great head of corn-yellow hair was unkempt, and his eyes were set close together. All in all, his features did not instill in me much trust.

His shoulders were unusually broad, his body was massive, as were his belly and hips. His legs were like pillars, while his feet, encased in monstrous shoes, were things of dread. Add to this a profound hatred for water and soap, and you have what might prove to be a rather unique picture of the gentleman.

Believe it or not, my friend, the mere sight of this monster sickened me-yet, I was to know him much more intimately within a short time! Startling, isn't it?

Madam Bernice, however, didn't seem to dread him. Rushing up to him in the most unorthodox manner, she sprang into his waiting arms and kissed his froglike mouth with what appeared to be a frenzy of delight. Hanging about his great shoulders and smiling into his eyes, his great hands molding and pressing her bottom-cheeks through her thin dress, she cried, “Think of it darling! I leave a thousand of the most handsome and powerful men in Pest, ride most of the night on a stuffy old train just to be with you again! Just for the pleasure of having your wonderfully big cock again! Tell me you love me, Mike!"

"Sure I love you!” he cried, holding her out at arm's length as though she were but a doll. “And you'll get it, too! Get it as you've never got it before! And you, Anna, my angel!” he cried, dropping Bernice and taking Anna in his great hands and tossing her up in the air amid a flutter of flying skirts. “So little Anna has come back to be properly fucked! Ho! Ho! Well, like Bernice, the little half-black Spanish-nigger, you'll get it too!

"And you, Nina!” he said grasping the laughing girl in his soiled hands. “The most wonderful little bedfellow in the world! The little one who knows how to cuddle one between her pretty little thighs! Ho! Ho! The hottest little cunt in all creation! Ho! Ho!"

Then, as though I had been invisible until then, his pig-like eyes fell on me. “So!” he cried, pushing the others aside and rushing upon me like a crazed bull. “So this is the new beauty you were telling me about! Ho! Ho! Well, my darling, I'm going to make your trip worthwhile! I'm going to give you a dose of sperm that will still the very beating of your heart! I'll drown it! So I will!"

You think that dreadful, my friend? You think this quite the most unusual incident you have ever heard of? Then listen to this and judge for yourself just what sort of a man I found myself confronted with. Having finished with his description as to what I might expect, he tossed me up and astride his massive shoulders and hurried toward a stone-paved room where a great plank-like table was being prepared by a half-dozen girls from the women's section of the prison.

Guards, less gigantic than my warden, though no less cruel in both looks and demeanor, followed us, each carrying a kicking, squealing bundle of laughing, shouting femininity, namely Anna, Nina, and Bernice! Nina, seemingly gone mad with the spirit of the thing, literally tore the upper part of her bodice away, baring her breasts! “Look!” she screamed, leaning close and rubbing the erect nipples across the eager lips of her guard. “Aren't they beauties! Don't you love them! Suck them, you dog!"

Anna, held in the embrace of another guard-a fat little pig of a man-was suffering his kisses, one of his hands caressing her bottom-cheeks, the other probing into the cloth of her dress! “Fool!” she cried, snatching up her skirt that he might have unhindered use of his probing, searching hand. “That's no way to feel one's lover! Feel how slippery it is! All ready for your lovely cock!"

Bernice, more daring, perhaps, than the rest of us, broke away from her escort's embrace. Jumping upon the table, kicking bottles and glasses out of her way, she tore the clothes from her body! Waist, undervest, skirts and lacy drawers, all went by the board! Naked now, save her slippers and stockings, she broke into a most obscene dance!

I had but a fleeting peek at all this. The warden, whirling like the dancing fool that he was, kept me busy holding onto his shaggy mane that I might not be dashed to pieces on the paved floor!

"Look!” he cried, stopping and holding me aloft with his powerful, ham-like hands. “Look, a blond! A beautiful blond! Fair enough for my own fair Russia, yet selfish enough to hide her crowning beauty from my gaze! Zounds! Is the woman dead?” he said, tossing me upon the table and clawing at my skirts.

"Strip! Get out of your clothes, quickly! It is the only way!” It was Bernice whispering into my ear! Somehow, though I'll never be able to explain how, I caught the spirit of the thing!

With clawing fingers, I tore at the fastenings of my dress and underthings! Not satisfied with this, the warden was clawing at my slippers and stockings, pulling them too! I tripped, fell sprawling upon the table, and here the denuding was completed! As naked as a newborn baby, I was lifted again in his powerful hands! With one hand beneath the crook of my right knee, the other under the small of my back, I was held aloft while his carnivorous mouth sought out the treasures of my nude body!

Nina and Anna were upon the table now, and a moment later they, too, were also naked and submitting to the indignities of their partners! Laughing, shouting, kicking their legs this way and that, offering their hairy cracks to probing fingers and tongues, the mad scramble went on! I knew it was useless to resist; I gave myself up to the maddening caresses of the froglike mouth.

What an orgy! Bernice, under the very eyes of the awed girls who had fallen back from the table, was being fucked by a guard! Anna, who had succeeded in freeing her partner's cock from his trousers, was astride his lap and was riding up and down upon his hard cock! Nina was kneeling before the other guard and was sucking his tool, sliding it in and out of her mouth as though it was the last she was ever to get!

Myself? Well, I was being sucked off! The warden, seeing that I had given way to his seeking mouth, laid me upon the table, while he, on his knees before me, held my thighs in his great hands and feasted his mouth on my most secret charms!

Why not resist? Why not fight them off? One might well ask all these and more questions. But to what purpose? Hadn't we gone there for an orgy? And if we refused to enter into the vile performance, would we not be forced against our will? The answer was yes. We would have been forced, so why not submit peacefully?

I expected, of course, that the brute would ravish me after the delightful service he had just rendered me, and I wasn't at all sure I didn't want him to. But he didn't; at least not just then. Instead, he rose and gazed about him, not unlike one who had just committed a great theft and was afraid he had been caught.

Bernice, in the meantime, had been freed of the weight of her partner, and coming to the warden, clasped her arms about his neck, kissed his still-wet mouth, and cried, “You old darling, I've got to have at least a dozen new girls, and you've got to furnish them for me!"

"Of course, of course! Why not! Ho! Ho! Of course I shall! And the price will be a hundred rubles and a fuck each! What say you to that, you half-nigger wench? Ho! Ho! What say you to that?"

I wondered at the strange names he called her, but I was to learn that Bernice was wise to the ways of the Russian warden.

"Of course I'll pay the price, pig! Lead me to them, oh keeper of my cunt, and you shall have your gold! Lead on!"

"What is it now?” I whispered in Bernice's ear while the great warden was mustering his guards

"We are going for an inspection of the prison, and mind you, say nothing to those who hurl insults at you. Here, put on your slippers, for we shall climb many stairs and the way is hard!"

"Like this?” I asked, referring to my nude form.

"Why not?” she said, smiling and patting my belly. “Your blond beauty will be a treat to their tired eyes."

"Fie!” I cried, rubbing amorously against her. “It's not half as pretty as yours."

"You think mine pretty?” she asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Sweet enough to eat!” I quickly answered.

"Be careful, darling,” she cooed, rubbing in turn against me, “or I'll take you literally and offer it to you!"

"Is that a promise?” I said. “Can I depend on it?"

"You may-providing I might have yours at the same time!"

The great warden had gone on ahead, and the other two girls were grouping about us, thus cutting off further promises. “Isn't it grand?” cried Anna.

"Isn't it just too lovely for words?” cried Nina.

"Wait until you've had a taste of the warden's giant cock!” cried Anna. “He'll be sure to take you to his bed! You're new to him, and he always falls hard for a new girl! Like it?"

"Wait until I've tried it, and then I'll report,” I answered. “Anyway, if it's as nice as I've heard, why shouldn't I like it?"

"You will! I've had it half a dozen times and I know! That's why he didn't diddle you here on the table; he's waiting until he gets you on his bed, and once he has you there, baby, you'll know the meaning of a good fucking!"

A few moments later we heard a whistle, and as this seemed to be the signal for us to come on, we trooped across the flagged floor and into the men's section of the great prison.

I'll never forget that experience! Think of being a prisoner in that dreadful place and having four stark-naked women stop before your cage and flirt outrageously with you! It was the most cruel thing I had ever seen-or been party to. Men, their eyes sticking almost out of their heads, stared at us as we wandered along the various corridors. Would you believe it, dear, there were men who had been incarcerated there for months, for years, without even so much as a peek at a woman? Would you believe it when I tell you that more than one of them openly masturbated right before our eyes? Would you believe it when I say that those three girls stood as close to them as was safe and allowed the scalding fluid to splash upon them as the prisoners ejaculated?

That is as true as the gospel, my friend.

Nor were the girls alone in their taunts. The guards, taking eagerly to this mode of torture, lent their lascivious aid by calling attention to our various charms, mine with the others. They were careful, however, not to let any of the caged brutes get their hands upon us.

Finally, having spent at least an hour touring the men's section of the prison, we entered a large room. This proved to be part of the women's section, though they were never allowed to enter this room unless called. The place sported a rug upon the floor and there were several easy chairs and two or three couches scattered about the place.

"Line up the women,” the warden said to one of the guards, “and march them in here in pairs!"

And so we waited for the parade of the younger girls. Since this would take several minutes, the guards and the warden made good use of their wait. Anna and Nina wasted little time in getting the two guards on the couches, while the great and handsome warden took both Bernice and myself upon his willing lap.

"Naughty old cunt-lapper!” she chided him, patting and caressing his cheeks. “Don't forget our bargain, you old pig! I'm to have a dozen girls-if your old musty jail can furnish that many-and for every one I choose, you have got to give me a fuck! Do you understand that, old Frog-Face!"

"You think I can't!” cried the warden. “Ho! Ho! You think I can't! No? Very well, half-nigger! I'll take you both! I'll ram your guts out! Ho! Ho! I'm as fresh as a newborn baby! I haven't had a woman today! Ho! Ho! You will see! Ho! Ho!"

The girls were led in and were as quickly led out again.

More were led in. Like the others, they were stark naked. Almost without stopping, they were led away. “What is it?” cried Bernice, pulling his shaggy hair. “What is this? Some kind of a new game? Where are the good-looking cunts? Bring on something with a little style! Something my clients will rave over! For a hundred rubles I should have queens, you old pig!"

And through it all, the warden laughed in uproarious gaiety. It was all very funny to him. Perhaps he was happy in the thought that he was to ravish me, a new woman to him, a blond like his dear Russians. More girls were led in. These were better, and Bernice beckoned to one; she was to remain; the others were dismissed.

Holding back, her eyes downcast, her hands trying to hide her charms, she was jerked in front of Bernice, and here she underwent a series of questions. Interested, I listened. Many of the questions were of a decidedly personal nature, but to them all, the girl nodded her head; she was willing to do anything, go anywhere, if only she could escape from that den of inequity. She was chosen as the first new inmate of Bernice's house of ill fame.

"You see!” cried the warden, pinching Bernice's nipples. “Ho! Ho! You see! One woman! One woman you choose! Gold! One hundred rubles and a fuck! Ho! Ho!"

Others were led in. They were all shapes and shades. It was a modern slave-market, where women and girls were chosen for their beauty and ability to please men-and women-for Bernice maintained a resort that was patronized by as many women as men.

Finally, after almost a hundred were led in, Bernice managed to get a full dozen; Japanese, Hungarians, Swedes, and Italians made up the quota, and only the most beautiful were chosen.

Then I made an announcement. Taking advantage of the warden's anxiety to have me, I said, “Do you suppose it would be possible for me to find a maid? I have none, you know."

"Why not? Ho! Ho! Why not? A hundred rubles apiece! Ho! Ho!"

"But,” I said, kissing his cheek and carrying his hand between my legs, “you wouldn't charge me a hundred rubles, would you? Remember, you are to have me a little later."

"Ho! Ho!” he cried, squeezing my breasts. “Ho! Ho! I have you already! You can't escape me! How can you? Ho! Ho! A hundred rubles and a fuck; that's the price! Take it or leave it!"

I saw the uselessness of trying to bargain with the brute. He must have his gold, and I was getting damn good and tired of his constant “Ho! Ho!"

"Let one of the guards take me through the women's wards,” I said. “We can save time that way, and you shall have me all the sooner."

This, strangely enough, seemed to tickle his fancy, and I was allowed to wend my way through the prison. And here, stranger still, I found a girl who instantly took my eye. Calling her to one side, I questioned her. She was young, very beautiful, and quite shapely, and I wondered why Bernice hadn't seen her. Then, upon further questioning, I discovered that she was being reserved for a future date when she was to be whipped before a company of select women guests who were expected the following week. This I wheedled out of a reluctant guard.

When I asked him if I might take the girl to one of the tiny cells to question her further, he said, “And what do I get out of it, if I do?” There was a mean leer in his evil eye.

I said, “What do you want?"

He answered, “The warden has her picked for a little party, and he'd kill me if he knew, but the price is a fuck, young lady!"

"Done,” I said. “Shall it be now or later?"

"Now,” he said, “and a promise from you that you won't tell!"

It is needless to go into the details of it. Be it enough to say that in the very cell in which I was to hold a private interview with the girl, I submitted to the guard's embrace. Nor was I so dreadfully put out over it, either, for the guard proved quite capable of performing his duty in rather a pleasing manner.

A few moments later, I had the girl alone in the cell. Her name was Rose, and she stared at my nudity in ever-increasing wonder.

"Tell me, Rose,” I said, taking her in my arms and kissing her, “how would you like to be taken away from here and become my maid?"

Her eyes filled with tears, and it was some moments before she could answer, “Oh, madam, if you will take me away from this awful place I'll be your slave for life! I'll die for you!"

"You won't have to die for me, little dear. On the other hand, I might ask you to do strange things for me, but I'll never whip or abuse you. Do you think you could obey me in everything, Rose?"

"Oh, yes,” she cried, her eyes wide. “I'll do anything!"

"Anything?” I repeated, slipping my hand beneath her ragged skirt and patting her smooth flesh.

"Oh, I wouldn't care what you asked me to do. I would do anything! You are wealthy, and I'm sure that if you ask, they will let me go with you!"

She said this with so much meaning that I believed I couldn't be mistaken. “Will you do something for me, Rose?” I asked.

Nodding her eager approval, I said, “Will you take off your dress, little dear? I want to see you naked; just like I am!"

Quickly, her eyes wide in wonder, she slipped off her dress, the only garment she wore, and stood naked before me. My eyes swept over her beautiful form, and what I saw pleased me. “And if I take you away with me will you give me your solemn promise that you will never refuse me a single request, no matter how naughty it might seem to you?"

There was an eager light in her eyes. “I'll do anything,” she answered, her voice low, pregnant with meaning. We sealed the bargain with a kiss, and I returned to the sitting room, leading Rose-again fully clothed-by the hand.

"I've made my choice,” I said, indicating the girl by my side.

"Ho! Ho!” cried Frog-Face. “Ho! Ho! You can't have Rose! You can't have Rose! Ho! Ho! Rose is being saved for other guests!"

Bernice, quick to note my plight, came to my rescue. “Then the deal is off!” she cried. “You can keep the girls I chose! I can get others, you pig! And you'll not get the thousand rubles, or the rest of our bargain! ‘Ho, Ho’ over that, you old pig!"

I expected a scene, but there was none; old Frog-Face was far too eager for the gold to allow Bernice to get away with her threat.

"All right! All right!” he cried. “Ho! Ho! But she'll cost you plenty! A thousand rubles! A thousand rubles is the price! Ho! Ho! A thousand rubles for the pretty Rose!"

"You're a fool!” cried Bernice. “A hundred it is, and that's far more than she's worth, you thieving pig!"

Crestfallen, beaten at his own game, the warden led us back to the prison proper and into the room with the table. Here we found a great spread laid out. We dined and wined. Bernice whispered to me, “Now you'll see the real show, and after that, he'll take us both to his bed, so prepare yourself for a fucking you'll never forget!"

"I fooled the old pig,” I whispered. “I had to fuck the guard before he would admit me to Rose's cell."

"For God's sake, don't let the old bastard find it out or he'll kill the poor man! I know him! He's the worst brute in all Europe!"

Bernice, with all her experience, seemed frightened, while I, strange as it may seem, was looking forward to an engagement with the monster! I wanted his monster cock! I hadn't seen it as yet, but all three girls had boasted of its great size! Then, too, he had promised to take both Bernice and myself to bed with him, and that in itself was enough for me! Just then I would have done anything to be with this black-haired beauty! Even then, perched as she was on the monster's knees, I couldn't keep my eyes from her thatch! It was thick and entirely surrounded her cunt, growing far up on her belly and ending in a little point just below her navel!

But my thoughts were cut short. Two girls were led in naked. They were larger than any Bernice chose, but they were well formed and sturdy. Quickly they were tied down and brutally whipped until the blood ran in streams down their buttocks and thighs. Finally, they lay in a dead faint.

It was brutal, but I found myself liking it! Something within me stirred at sight of the blood! I had never felt so hot in my life! One hand stole down to the front of the warden's pants! Sensing my meaning, he separated his great legs, allowing my fingers full access! A moment later, I had his great cock out! I gave a gasp! It truly was a monster! By far the largest I had ever seen! My fingers could not span it, it was so big!

Still, I was overcome with a desire to have it! Forgetting the strange scene being enacted before us, I dropped to my knees before him and kissed the purple head, trying to take it between my lips, but it was far too large! Blind, now, to everything else about me, I kissed and tickled the orifice with my tongue, squeezing and stroking the great column. I bit the head and ran my mouth up and down its entire length! Screams, cries, and shouts were mingled in the bedlam of noises! Soiled hands clutched my head, pressing it with ever-increasing force against the throbbing head of that wonder-dart, trying, it seemed, to drive it into my mouth! Somewhere I heard Bernice cry aloud like a banshee!

Pandemonium had broken loose! Other guards rushed upon the scene! I was forcefully dragged off! Clutching hands tossed me, as though I were a feather, to the stone-paved floor! Naked feet, as well as feet shod with hobnailed shoes trampled me, ground me to a pulp-or so it seemed!

Through all this maze, I saw other women rushing upon us. Women from the wards-women too far gone to mingle with those whose cells we had visited! It was as though the very beasts of hell itself had been turned loose upon us! Somewhere in the distance, a great gong clanged. It was enough to raise the dead from hell, so great was the crashing beat of its gigantic hammer; but it was dimmed by the inferno of babbling, screaming voices!

I tried to creep away, but I didn't get far. Great, hairy hands clutched me! I was tossed high in the air! A great beast of a man, far more heinous than the warden-if that were possible-was dragging me away! I screamed! Other hands clutched me, were trying to drag me away from the foul beast that seemed bent on carrying me off to his den…

I had fainted. When I opened my eyes, I was upon a bed-a very dirty bed. Startled, I tried to sit up, but I was forced gently back against the pillows. “Lie still.” It was Bernice. With her were Anna and Nina. No longer were they the beauties who had entered this hell.

"What ever has happened?” I asked, trying again to sit up.

"We seemed to have arrived at the most inopportune time,” answered Bernice. I thought her unusually calm in the face of what I decided must be the end of the world, if one were to judge by the din somewhere outside the door.

"What is it?” I repeated.

"There has been a mutiny; but it's all right now-the guards are putting it down."

"A mutiny,” I cried, fearing the worst. I had heard of such things happening. Nina was gazing through a crack in the door.

"It will be all over in a moment,” she said. “They are driving the prisoners back."

"Here. Drink this.” Anna pressed a bottle to my mouth. The wine tasted good to my parched lips. In a few moments, the warden came in and we learned what had caused the trouble.

It seemed the sight of us walking through the prison before all those men had been too much for them. They had overpowered a guard, taken his keys and liberated the others, and then they liberated the women. The combined gang had rushed upon us. A few had been killed, many had been injured, and not a few had managed to make their escape.

"It's all right!” cried the warden, brandishing his great, hairy fists above his head. “They couldn't stand up under these! Ho! Ho! I taught them what it means to cross me! Me! The new czar of all the Russians! This will be the beginning of the overthrow of a tyrant! A despot! A new czar shall rule!"

He ranted on and on. Now it was all clear to me. He, like his egotistical sister, the countess, was mad! Mad with a lust for power!

Strange, isn't it? Like Bernice, the beautiful and talented girl who rested beside me, who had her choice of the most handsome and talented men of all Europe, I found myself admiring the beast, mad though he was.

Bernice, taking advantage of the situation, managed to get him down beside us upon the filthy bed; and like the child he was, he quickly forgot the terrible battle that even then was going on in a far section of the prison.

Toying fingers worked stealthily at the buttons and fastenings of his torn clothing; nimble fingers freed his great feet and legs of their nether coverings, and soon the great, hairy beast lay naked among us.

"Now, you old pig,” cried Bernice, throwing herself into his arms, “I shall pay part of my debt! You are going to fuck me!” But the warden would have none of her. He wanted me! I was the new woman; and the great beast was forever seeking new women!

He mounted me! I thought I was being split, so huge was his rammer, but thanks to his early sucking-kiss, the wine, and my unsatiated passion, I was soon penetrated as I had never been penetrated before!

Would you believe it, my friend, when I say that that man spurted his seed three times into me before he relieved me of his great weight?

Would you think me silly when I say that as soon as he could do so he mounted Anna and rode her to a most satisfying conclusion?

After that, he mounted Nina? Then Bernice, and then me again? We spent the entire day in that filthy room, and he was the only one to share our persons? Did you, I ask, ever hear of such a man?

No, you never did, nor did anyone else. I lost track of the number of times the man mounted me. I know only that I paid a great price for Rose's freedom. Food was brought before us. Naked, we ate it. Wine was splashed about that den as so much water, and we were drenched with it-this and the great amount of sperm that beast was continually pouring over us.

Taking advantage of my temporary freedom, I went to the door and looked out just in time to prevent a tragedy. One of the guards had dragged Rose into the outer room, and even as I looked on, he was trying to mount her! I screamed. The warden-at that very moment penetrating the lovely Bernice-stopped his delightful task and rushed toward me. Seeing what was about to take place, he dashed past me and into the outer room where, with one well-directed smash of his great fist, he sent the other reeling across the stone-paved room to crash, a beaten, bloody mass, against the far wall!

If there was anything on God's green earth I didn't witness that day, then I do not know what in heaven's name it could be-and I was the happiest person on earth when at last we were allowed to depart. My education was-I believed-complete. Arson, rape, sadism, lesbianism, sodomy-nay, I had even witnessed murder! Before my very eyes I had seen men and women killed! Beaten to death!

But I had Rose! That little darling who was to mean so much to me in the near future.

I insisted that Rose be taken with us; the other prisoners were to follow with a guard. Bernice, having previously imported women to her house, knew they would arrive; the warden would never pass up a chance to get his filthy hands on such a considerable sum.

If you will remember, my friend, I had no servants of my own, so Rose was a very welcome member of my household.

I have always been glad Rose did not witness the frightful orgy which took place in that filthy bedroom. Had she, I doubt very much whether she would have become so attached to me.
