Three weeks after our little exercise with Arpid, the new show opened and was a huge success from the very start. Invitations were pressed upon me from so many different sources that I found it impossible to take care of them. Ministers, businessmen, and bankers were all turned down-and turned over to Nina and Anna. I depended upon them to choose the most worthy for my attention.

That's a strange way of putting it, isn't it? I use the word “worthy” and I mean just that. My two friends, knowing everyone in Pest, chose only those they thought I would care to see. If this one seemed a prude, his or her name was discarded. If this or that couple had children, their names were discarded.

"Here,” Nina said, holding up a letter, “is a person you should cultivate."

"Yes?” I answered, taking the letter. “Who is she?"

For a long moment, Nina looked at me, then said, “Have you ever been whipped, my dear? For love, I mean?"

"I have,” I answered. “Why?"

"Then by all means go and see her; but if you have a tender skin, then stay away."

"Sounds interesting,” I offered. “Tell me more about her."

Then followed the strangest story I had yet heard. This woman, it seemed, was a Russian. In her early twenties, very beautiful and greatly sought after not only by the wealthy men but also members of the nobility as well, she was an enigma, a paradox if there was one.

She had caused more men's hearts to flutter than any one person in all Pest by her daring dress, or lack of it. She invited the handsomest men to her villa, only to have them bodily thrown out; she had a positive fetish for appearing in public in the most bizarre dress; she had herself driven through the streets, reclining in her carriage wearing but the thinnest possible nightdress; she received her guests in plastic; never wore a thread of dress within her home, and had once entered a celebrated hotel and walked the full length of the dining room stark naked. I listened to all this from the lips of the two girls, and wondered.

"Her lover?” I asked.

"She has none,” came the startling answer.

"A girl lover, perhaps?” I offered.

"If she has one, it has never been found out,” answered Anna.

"What, then, does she do for her entertainment?” I asked, interested.

"Now we're right back where we started from,” offered Nina. “The delightful creature depends on her whip to furnish her pleasure."

I was becoming more and more interested in this woman, and made no secret of my desire to meet her. “You know her?” I asked.

"I've had the pleasure,” answered Anna, “and I do not care for her very much. Nor does Nina."

"Why?” I asked. “I can't imagine you disliking a pretty girl,” I said, looking at her in a decidedly naughty manner.

"Who's a better judge of that than you?"

"Naughty! But tell me more about this woman,” I said. “Perhaps I shall call upon her; I have her invitation, you know."

"There's very little to tell,” offered Nina. “That is, there's precious little anyone knows about her except that she maintains a dozen beautiful maids and that she goes in for active flagellation. Aside from that, little else is known."

"You intrigue me,” I said. “Please let me see her letter."

Scanning the letter, I noted the date she would expect me; it was for the following day, and I was expected to dine with her. I would have ample time before the performance that night.

"This is very unusual,” I said. “Here I am being invited to this woman's home to take dinner with her, and I have never had the pleasure of meeting her.

"But that's where you're wrong,” suggested Anna. “She has already been here; she was among your guests at your ‘at home’ day."

"Indeed. It's strange I do not recall her. However, since that is the case, I believe I shall call as she suggests."

In truth, I was all excited to meet this strange woman, but I was hardly prepared for what I was to witness the following afternoon.

The following day, at precisely two o'clock-the arranged time-I was driven to her door and ushered in by one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. This was shock number one. Shock number two came at the same moment; this latter was caused by the most unusual dress I had ever seen a domestic wear. It consisted of a little purple jacket, fit tight about her waist, and a skirt, if the thing could be called a skirt. It was actually just a stiff ruffle about her waist. It flared out straight from her, leaving her stark naked from her waist to the tops of her purple stockings. On her feet, she wore heavy shoes, like those commonly worn by Russian peasants.

I noted, as I followed this girl through the hall, that her bottom and thighs were marked with long, red weals, and I wondered if it were possible that this beautiful girl had recently been the unhappy victim of her mistress’ wrath?

A moment later, I was shown into a luxuriously furnished room where I was immediately joined by this Russian woman, whose name proved to be Rosenloff-Countess Marie Rosenloff.

Something of a name, don't you think, my dear?

But it wasn't the name, however, that bothered me; it was the most fantastic dress that went to make up her costume. It consisted of a crown of ostrich feathers. That was her entire costume; otherwise she was stark naked!

If ever in my young life I wanted to laugh outright at anyone, it was this strange woman. After looking her over, however, I became more or less used to it. She was very beautiful; her body was well formed and unusually fair, and it was evident that she had taken good care of herself.

"You do not object to my dress?” she asked, seating herself in the direct rays of the sun. When I assured her I did not object in the least, she said, “I thought you wouldn't; I have been given to understand that you, too, like to be about in the altogether."

"That is quite true,” I said, “but I do not limit myself to the indoors.” I wondered if the countess got the significance of this. Evidently she did, for she said, “We are the pioneers, my dear. Sooner or later everyone will discover the benefits of going about stark naked."

My visit to this woman's home had been brought about by curiosity alone. A woman who has no male lover, yet will walk into a hotel in a state of complete nakedness, must have some direct reason for doing so. I put her down as a conservative; and I mean by that, one who chooses her lovers, and these lovers were a select few among the girls and young men. In brief, I put her down as an out-and-out tribade-a lover of her own sex. Wishing to draw her out, so to speak, and perhaps learn for certain just what she might be, I took the bull by the horns. And I might add here, my friend, that I found it something of a delight and joy in gazing upon her nude charms.

Here I was, practically a total stranger to her, yet she greets me in complete nudity! Knowing, as you do, that I have a weakness for well-formed girls in the nude, I might be forgiven for gazing with a certain amount of longing upon this splendid young woman.

Her hair was corn yellow, there was the unmistakable slant to her eyes, her nose was rather small, and her mouth was unmistakably Russian. Like women of her race, she was big boned, though not too much so; her breasts were full and, I thought, unusually erect, while the nipples were pointed and stiff, and quite cherry in color. Her waist was small, her hips full, and her bottom-cheeks were beautifully rounded and plump. Her thighs were things of beauty! Round as apples and as smooth as ivory, they tapered down to graceful, dimpled knees; her ankles were small and her feet were dainty. But that wasn't all I found myself fascinated with; what took my interest most was the fact that there wasn't a trace of hair about or above her full-lipped cunt, which she seemed bent on my seeing in all its glory.

Thinking to get at the bottom of this mystery, I said, “I can quite understand your desire for being about in complete nakedness. You are very beautiful."

"You, too, are very beautiful,” she said.

"My face is-at least so I have been told."

"Ah, but your body, too, my dear."

"Indeed. I didn't know that you had seen enough of me to make such a judgment."

"Yes,” she said, touching a button on a stand. “I happened to have been in Frankfurt, and there I had the pleasure of seeing you in your opera. You were marvelous as Juliette-particularly in the balcony scene."

"Indeed. I seemed to have set a precedent in the art of appearing in almost complete nakedness-in the opera at least."

"Enough,” she said, “to convince me that you are beautiful. There is one thing, however, that I don't understand: Why have you never removed your pubic hair?"

"That's strange,” I said, smiling. “I was just wondering where yours was. I have so much and you have none; I'll admit, however, that it makes your cunt more beautiful.” I thought this would surely open up the conversation a little, but she merely said, “That is very complimentary, but I did not remove it for beauty's sake; it was purely for sanitary reasons. Not only am I without the useless hair, but my maids are compelled to remove theirs also."

Wishing to be a little more daring, I said, “I once suggested having mine removed, but my lover at that time said it would be a shame to remove it; he said the hair just shaded it enough to make my pussy beautiful.” Allowing this to sink in for a moment, I added, “And what does your lover say about yours? He likes ‘bare facts’ I presume?"

Before the countess had a chance to answer this, a maid entered in answer to her summons. Here again I was the least bit shocked, for the maid, another very beautiful and shapely girl, entered, her only covering being unusually high-heeled slippers and the tiniest apron I had ever seen. While I was busily engaged in summing up the girl's fine points, the countess said, “Why did you keep me waiting, Molly?” and without waiting for an answer, continued: “Hold yourself in readiness for my call; then come and bring the whip. I shall lash you between your legs. In the meantime, bring a bottle of my choicest wine and two glasses."

I had been watching the maid and I couldn't help but note the expression on her face as she listened to her mistress’ scolding. The color mounted to her cheeks, she bit her lower lip, a brightness came into her large eyes, and I was sure the faintest trace of a smile crossed her pretty face. When she bent her knee and turned and walked from the room, my eyes followed her, and I could easily understand what Nina meant when she said the countess’ maids were the prettiest in Europe; her bottom-cheeks were beautiful, and I should know, for the girl was stark naked behind.

I was on the verge of asking questions regarding this girl when the countess interrupted. “You were asking about a lover, were you not?” and when I nodded, she went on. “I have none; in fact I have never had one, if you were referring to a man lover."

"How, then, do you get your pleasure-if that's a fair question?"

I watched her now; I wanted to note the reaction to this.

She shrugged her shapely shoulders. “Sounds funny to you, no doubt, but I have no desire for a man. I am quite content with my maids; besides, they understand me."

I saw I would have to change my tactics. I hadn't, so far, gained the slightest bit of information. I would have to do something unusual to gain the facts I wanted. I said, “I surely cherish your wine; it is dreadfully warm,” and I fanned myself with my handkerchief.

"Oh, my dear,” she said, “I'm sorry. I quite forgot myself; I was so comfortable I quite forgot my guest. You will stay for dinner, won't you?"

"I haven't made any other arrangements,” I said, “and will be delighted to stay; I rather like your arrangements here.” This had the desired result, for she promptly said, “Then why not make yourself comfortable by slipping off your clothes? You are not bashful?"

"Hardly,” I answered, smiling. “Too many persons have seen me naked for me to be modest now.” Then I added, “You forget, my dear, I have a lover."

The countess remained in her position on the lounging chair as I started to undress. “I shall have one of my maids assist you,” she said, touching the convenient button again.

I laughed. “I'm almost afraid to trust myself with such a pretty girl,” I said, giving a slight little wiggle with my hips, and before she could find an answer to this, the maid appeared. This one, however, was one I hadn't seen as yet.

"Assist Madam with her slippers and stockings,” said the Countess. Up to that point, I had removed only my upper garments, and I was surprised to see how quickly this pretty girl went about the task assigned her. Quickly kneeling, she slipped both hands beneath my dress and up along my leg to my knee. Remembering, then, that she had failed to remove the slipper, she quickly did so, and once again her hands slid up along my leg. Watching the countess, I made it appear as though I was having difficulty with my skirts, and was delighted to note that instead of watching her maid, she was watching the uncovering of my charms.

Glancing down, I happened to catch the maid's eye, and I noted the deep color in her cheeks; she was deliberately taking her time about removing the garters. Catching the hint, I said: “Be careful not to stretch the elastic, my dear.” Again turning my attention to the Countess, I said, “Are you in the habit of whipping your maids simply because they happen to be delayed in answering your summons?” As I said this, I felt the unmistakable sensation of soft fingers stealing up my thigh-far, far too high to have anything to do with the garter!

"That's why I asked you to call today,” the countess said, moving with that languor common to one under the influence of another's presence under certain circumstances. “This is punishment day."

"Indeed,” I said, making believe I was surprised at this choice bit of information. “Then I am in luck. I have never witnessed anything like that."

Hidden beneath my skirts as they were, the maid's hands were taking advantage of the golden opportunity, for while one hand toyed with the elastic of the second garter, the other slid along and quite came to rest among the curls that lay hidden there. Holding my waist momentarily between the countess and me, I looked down only to find the naughty maid staring up into my eyes, and if ever a signal passed between two persons, one passed between us; I am sure the pretty girl read my thoughts.

Naturally, I wondered at this. Why, I wondered, would this girl deliberately flirt this way with me? Was I to learn something further about the inner-doings of this mysterious house?

The stockings having been removed by this time, I pushed the skirts and drawers down over my hips, letting them fall about my bare feet. There was an unmistakable flush on the countess’ cheeks, one I hadn't noted before, and she seemed to be centering her attention on my hairy grotto. Very well, I thought. If you enjoy looking at it, my dear, I shall have the pleasure of feeding it to your clever mouth before I leave here today!

But I was never more mistaken in my life, my friend, as you shall see. That the countess was eager to get at the punishment business was manifest a moment later when she said, “If you are really interested in what is about to happen, my dear, come along to my punishment room,” and she rose languidly and motioned toward a curtained doorway. Grabbing up the bottle and glasses, I said, “I will enjoy it far more if I am fortified with this,” waving the bottle on high and following her to the doorway.

Turning to the maid again, she said, “Have Molly come to me in ten minutes-I shall punish her first."

Here was a most unusual event in my young life. I had already done many strange things; I was no stranger to the ways of the flesh with both men and women, but this was the first time I had ever stripped stark naked and followed an equally naked woman into a darkened room for the purpose of watching her give her pet maid a severe whipping. But because I had promised to discover all the mysteries possible within this house, I was determined to go through with it regardless of what happened.

What was my surprise, then, to find myself in a cute little bowerlike place, where the only article of furniture-besides a large bearskin rug on the floor-was a broad, low couch upon which the countess threw herself in a position which quite conveyed to me her intention.

"Why do you whip these pretty girls?” I asked, dropping down beside her and slipping one arm about her nude waist. Carelessly I dropped the other hand upon her smooth, warm thigh.

She had removed the silly headdress and was partly lying and partly sitting, her thighs quite well apart. Looking into my eyes, she said, “A few moments ago you asked me a question regarding a lover, and I told you I had none.” While saying this, she deliberately raised her leg and placed it across both of mine, and once again I could hardly mistake her meaning. However, I did not take advantage of this apparent offer right away, but contented myself with patting and toying with the warm flesh of her well-turned thigh. I nodded my answer and she went on: “That was quite true; I have no use for men. Nor is it possible for me to enjoy the embraces of a woman until I have first been aroused by watching another suffer under the lash."

Again I nodded. “I can partly understand that,” I said.

"There are, however, exceptions to that rule. Seeing your beautiful body, and knowing something of your past, it would require but precious little attention to arouse me fully. You know what I mean, do you not?” she said, giving me a dreadfully naughty look and moving her belly in little rotating motions.

I understood fully enough, but I did not propose to be caught in any of her traps. I said, “Doesn't it arouse you to have so many pretty, nude girls about the place?"

"At times. They are very skillful and delight in pleasing me, but one tires of that after awhile. Your presence, however, has aroused me to no little extent.” And gazing at me from beneath her long lashes, she added, “You do not misunderstand me, do you darling?” at the same time moving her belly again.

I laughed. “How could one be mistaken?” I said, sliding my hand up along her thigh and bringing my fingers to rest upon the soft lips of her cunny.

"I thought you would understand. Now if you will but go down upon your knees and do my aching cunt justice, I shall be able to furnish you with a very pretty little show."

There was not the slightest doubt about her meaning now, and though I found her very desirable, I had not the slightest intention of allowing myself to become a victim of her wiles. It also occurred to me that she was a bit brazen about it. One does not approach it in such a manner, and her actions conveyed the impression that I was being led into some sort of a trap from which I might find difficulty in extracting myself. So, sparring for time as it were, I said, “I'm sorry, dear, but you seemed to have forgotten about me. You see I, too, have to be aroused; so why not wait until after you have punished one of the girls-I will feel more like it then."

"But you don't understand,” she said. “You see, it's this way: If I were to go about it without first being relieved, I would be sure to soften and fail in my duty. The whipping, I mean, would be a failure; it wouldn't bring about the desired results."

I was thinking fast now. Here I was in this strange woman's home, naked, in the most compromising position and being literally invited to “go down” on her without the slightest indication that she would reciprocate. How, I wondered, was I going to get out of this fix?

True, I wasn't the slightest bit afraid of her; I was too famous to think for a moment that anyone would dare lay a hand on me. I just did not want to be caught in any traps. Blackmail was far too prevalent at that time for me not to know the pitfalls one can so easily walk into. No, indeed! If I were to do this woman's bidding, then she must return the favors bestowed upon her.

I have always tried to live a Christian life (that may seem strange coming from me, but it's true) though I had long since given up the idea that prayers could be of any possible assistance to me, but that afternoon an unspoken prayer was answered. I had been taxing my brain for a way out of the present difficulty when the curtains parted, admitting a girl. It was the same beautiful creature who had removed my stockings, and like myself, she was completely naked.

"Molly is ready, madam,” she said in a low voice.

"You have prepared the whip?” asked the countess, relieving me of her leg and sitting up.

The girl nodded. “Everything is ready, madam."

"Very well,” she said, by way of dismissal. Turning to me, the countess said, “Would you like to be in the room when I inflict the punishment, or would you rather remain here and watch through the curtains? I am sure the latter would be the best; Molly would be sure to respond with far greater freedom if she thought she didn't have an audience."

I was thinking fast. “I believe I would much rather remain here-if the punishment room is close by."

"The next room,” she said, indicating the heavy curtains at the far side. She rose and walked toward them in what I thought was an abrupt manner. Turning just before passing between the drapes, she said, “I shall have the couch drawn close to the curtains, that you might recline while watching."

Then, as though they had been waiting for that very signal, two girls entered the room and, without a word, moved the couch, with me still upon it, close to the curtains. One of these girls was the one who had announced Molly's readiness, and you may rest assured signals again passed between us before she and her companion left the room.

Leaning forward and carefully parting the curtains, I gazed into the next room. It was a strange place, if ever I saw one. All about were strange pieces of furniture, if one may call devices such as these furniture. There were pulleys, strange-looking benches and chairs, all equipped with straps.

There was an affair not unlike one seen in workshops-what is known as a “horse” on which mechanics saw boards, though instead of the flat top, it was almost knife sharp. I was to learn afterward that this unusual piece of furniture was known as the “Berkley Horse,” a very wicked and cruel affair, to say the least. However, that strange thing had little or nothing to do with what I was about to witness.

The countess, when I gazed through the curtains, was pulling on a glove. This, I was to learn later, was for the purpose of protecting her palm against the ravages of the whip handle, a wooden affair of the type commonly used in northern Russia.

This adjusted to her satisfaction, she picked up the long-lashed “knout” and flicked it wickedly through the air. A shudder passed through me! “Could it be possible,” I thought, “that she intended to use this wicked instrument on a girl?"

My speculations were cut short, however, by the appearance of the girl Molly, who had served us the wine.

And here I was to witness what I believe was the strangest affair I had ever heard of. And then, as though the devil himself was looking out for me and reading my mind for my slightest wish, the girl-the one who had removed my slippers and stockings-glided noiselessly into the room.

When first I saw her enter the room, she was wearing the sorry excuse for an apron I had first seen her in, but she quickly removed it was stark naked.

"You shouldn't have come here,” I said in a low tone, pulling her down beside me. “Your mistress might not understand; she might take it upon herself to punish you, too."

The girl smiled and cuddled her smooth, warm body close, and whispered into my ear, “There is no danger of that, since it isn't my day to be punished.” I thought her rather composed.

"Not your day?” I asked, surprised at this strange remark.

She nodded her head then explained: “We have certain days to be whipped; mine comes again next week."

"Then you have already been whipped for some offense?"

She smiled faintly. “There was no offense,” she whispered.

"Why, then, does she whip you girls?” I asked, pressing amorously against her. “Your body should be reserved for kisses."

She pointed toward the curtain, then said, “If you will but watch, you shall see why."

Again I applied my eye to the crack between the curtains.

The countess was sitting on a divan, her right leg across her left one. The girl who was to be whipped was standing in the center of the room. Suddenly, the countess rose and walked directly in front of the girl; she was swishing the lash through the air.

"You were dreadful today! Why did you keep my guest and me waiting! Were you trying to anger me?"

"No, madam,” came the faint answer.

"Is that all you can say, ‘No, madam!’ and without waiting for the answer, she went on: “Then there is another matter. Why did you enter Yvonne's room last night, when you know I have forbidden you girls to entertain each other!"

The girl dropped her face. “I'm very sorry, madam, I forgot. It shall not happen again."

"That is not good enough, and for your forgetfulness I shall give you an unusually severe whipping! Now kiss my feet!"

Without a word the girl dropped to her knees and, clasping both her mistress’ feet in her hands, rained kisses all over them, raising them one at a time and quite caressing both the instep and pinkish sole.

Afterwards, the countess said, “Now kiss the whip."

Obediently, the girl did this, clasping it in both hands and kissing the lashes as well as the wood handle.

Obviously, the countess seemed to have forgotten all about me, for after making the girl stand and submit to having her hands fastened to two straps which were then drawn up far above her head, she said: “You are very pretty, Molly, and it's a shame to stripe your lovely body, but it shall be! I am dreadfully hot today, so I am afraid I shall strike hard! But don't worry, my dear, you shall have your reward-afterward!"

The lash fell across the tender flesh, making the girl lunge forward.

Drawing the nude girl closer, I whispered, “Why does she whip that girl? She has done nothing to warrant such a beating!"

The girl, snuggling close in my embrace, nibbled with her pearly teeth at the lobe of my ear, then she whispered, “I wish it were me she was whipping! I love it so!"

"You love to be whipped?” I asked, hardly believing my own ears.

"Yes! It's the only way in which we are allowed to enjoy ourselves!"

"Tell me,” I whispered, “Doesn't your mistress ever allow you girls to relieve each other's suffering-in bed, I mean?"

"We are allowed only the pleasure from the whip-she whips us until we come from the heavenly torture!"

"Then?” I asked, caressing the flesh of her belly and thighs.

"Then we have to caress her-with our lips and tongue-until she has had her pleasure!” The girl seemed greatly moved now; there was little doubting the sincerity of her statements.

I took another look between the curtains before venturing to ask my next question. The girl was still struggling beneath the lash, her back and thighs showing red marks-I knew that there must be an end to this strange affair before many more moments passed or else she would surely kill the girl. I said, “Do you enjoy giving pleasure to her that way?"

"I love it!” came the ready answer.

"Would you like to do it to me-now?” I asked.

Instead of answering, the girl slid quietly to the floor between my knees! I couldn't be mistaken now! I raised my foot and put it upon the divan. Instantly her hands came to my crotch! Carefully she smoothed the hairs back, and holding the slit quite open, applied her half-opened mouth to it! Wild with desire for it, I strained closer to her face! Her tongue came across the clitoris, toyed with it for a moment, then, like a javelin, darted into the depths like only one trained in the art can do!

Now I turned my attention to the occupants of the next room.

Strangely enough, I no longer thought the countess cruel. Indeed, I thought it quite fitting that she should whip the girl! It's strange, isn't it, how quickly one can change from a tender, mild person to a cruel, wanton one. That was me. For the first time in my life, I gloried in the suffering of another! I thought the countess quite beautiful in her radiant nakedness! I thought the victim beautiful, too!

That the whole affair was nothing short of a ritual never entered my mind until much later. The victim, her fists clenched, every muscle of her splendid body drawn taut, was staring at the ceiling. Her legs were well apart. Her loins were moving in spasmodic little jerks; now they rotated, the cheeks of her well-formed bottom opening and closing!

Then, when it occurred to both that the proper moment had arrived, the girl cried, “Now! Now! Oh! My God-I'm coming!” and at the same instant the countess directed the blows upward between the well-parted legs, bringing the tips of the lashes well into the exposed cunny of the other in a series of well-aimed blows!

Nor was that the end of the performance. At the same instant that the girl went off, the countess stiffened, grasped her breasts and squeezed them, uttering a low moan then she went off too! It was too much for my torn nerves! I felt my crisis arriving! Clutching the head of the girl between my legs and pressing it tightly to me, I allowed the floodgate to open, bedewing the javelin-like tongue with what I supposed was the most abundant spend I had ever let down, the shock of which almost caused me to faint!

Indeed, it was some moments before I was able to again direct my attention to the other room, and here I found the picture changed. The girl had been released and was kneeling before the countess, who sat-or partly lay-on the divan. Her thighs were well parted, one of which hung over the other's neck while Molly toyed with and kissed the wide open, glistening box of her mistress!

More calm now, I drew the girl up beside me. “Tell me,” I said, “does the countess do the same as she is having done?"

"No,” she said, shaking her head. “She never does! And she would kill me if she knew that I had done it to you! She even refuses us the pleasure among ourselves!"

"Have no fear that she will ever find out from me,” I said, kissing her gently. “But I want to know more about this woman,” I continued. “I want to know why she is never active in her pleasures. Can't you arrange to visit me very soon? She allows you to go out, does she not?"

"Yes,” answered the other, “but she watches every step we take! I'm afraid!"

Again I looked through the curtains. The picture was the same, except that the countess was now reclining, quite as though she had forgotten she had an audience. Motioning the other ahead of me, for I had seen enough, I followed to where I had left my clothes.

"Tell me,” I said, for we could talk more freely here, “why don't you leave this dreadful place? What is there to keep you here?"

There was a wild look in her eyes. “I don't know,” she answered, glancing with her ever-widening eyes toward the second set of curtains. “I don't know!"

"Has this woman something which she holds over your head? Something she might use against you, that would hold you here against your will?"

"Oh, yes! No! Oh-I don't know! I don't know! I'm frightened!"

It was the strangest reaction I had ever seen in my life. The girl was either insane or lived in dreadful fear, there was no doubt about that. But how, I thought, was I to get to the bottom of the secret? How was I to find out the mystery of this den?

I gave it up. “Bring me the bottle from the other room,” I said.

A moment later, with this in my hand, I drank deeply. I wondered why I didn't dress and flee this strange house. But I didn't. Why I didn't, I do not know, though no great damage resulted by staying.

"Well,” said a voice off to one side, “how did you enjoy the little performance I staged for you? You are an actress, so you should be able to judge."

It was the countess, still naked, and just as pretty as ever. “It was splendid,” I said, trying my best to smile, and making, I guess, a rotten job of it. “I enjoyed it as I have never enjoyed anything in my life.” Trying to be flippant, I added, “Won't you have a drink? Personally, I always insist upon wine after an attack like the one you just enjoyed."

The countess threw herself down upon another divan. “I am disappointed,” she said, “I didn't enjoy it in the least."

"Indeed!” I said, lifting my brows, “You seemed to, if I am any judge. What was the cause of your disappointment?"

"It was your fault,” came the startling answer.

"My fault?"

"Yes,” she said. “I had planned on having you as my victim. A pretty woman always excites me."

"I am sorry,” I said, “but I could never stand to be punished like that. However, I am dreadfully sorry."

"Oh, I didn't mean about the whipping,” she said.

"No?” I said, toying with the half-emptied glass.

"No. I was looking forward to having you suck me."

The brazenness of the woman startled me. I said, “What prompted you, my dear, to think that I would do anything like that?"

She partly rose from the divan, looked at me with wide eyes, then said, “Can it be possible that I have been misinformed?"

I smiled. “I have no idea what you have been informed of, but of this I am sure: I am no garbage bucket for anyone-not even a so-called countess!"

She stared at me for long moments, then said, “I'm sorry, my dear; I did not understand. I hope you will forgive me."

An instant after I had rebuked her, I was sorry, but the words slipped from me. I softened, however, and said, “It is quite all right, my dear-it is I who should be sorry."

I began drawing on my stockings. “You are going?” she said. “I had hoped you would stay for dinner. I shall be dreadfully disappointed if you do not stay."

I gazed at her; I knew I had her bested. “Are you in the habit of allowing your guests to suffer while you enjoy yourself? I, too, am but human, you know.” I continued dressing.

She rose and came to my side. “What did you mean by that?"

"I mean,” I said, “that watching two pretty women, as I have had the pleasure of doing, has greatly aroused me, so I shall have to return to my own apartment for a like relief. You offer what appears to be delightfully tasty, but I, too, have something to offer, though you have seen fit to ignore it. Tell me,” I went on, giving her a splendid opportunity to get her fill of my secret charms, “is mine so repulsive as to cause you to decline it? Especially after having expected me to take yours? I am correct in that you intended me to do so?"

For a long moment she stared at me, then said, “Am I given to understand that you would partake providing I would return the compliment?"

"You will have to draw your own conclusions about that part of it,” I said. “What your presumptions are matters little to me. The fact remains, however, that I, as I have already said, am human. I am dreadfully sorry, but I must have relief; watching your delightful game has aroused me dreadfully; nothing short of a cock measuring two hundred and fifty meters would come anywhere near satisfying me."

The countess seemed greatly put out that I would not stay. But I was persistent. Turning at the door, I said, “You must come to see me. And in as much as you delight in having a pretty girl, I shall take great pleasure in furnishing one or two for you."

So you see, my friend, I did not gain much by this visit. True, I had had the pleasure of having a very talented girl perform for me, but I had set the countess as my game and, like her, I was disappointed.

Anna and Nina, who were almost daily visitors at my apartment, were waiting for me when I returned. They were anxious to hear the results of my visit.

"The huntress goes forth to conquer and returns empty-handed!” cried Nina, springing up to embrace me, smiling the while.

"Not entirely,” I said, passing into my room that I might get out of my clothes. “I'll admit my trip wasn't entirely a success, but it wasn't without a certain amount of pleasure; the countess has some very pretty maids,” I said, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"But I'll bet a pretty penny you didn't capture the countess,” she insisted. “If you did, you are the first."

"Nina, dear,” I said as I settled myself to enjoy a rest before going to the theater, “there is something about that house that is next to terrifying, and I would give much to penetrate its secret.” Both girls listened in rapt attention as I related everything that had transpired in the countess’ home. I described with minute detail everything as I remembered it. I told how she had almost openly solicited me; how I had had the pleasure of beating her in her scheme. And I told them of the brief conversation between the girl and myself.

When I ended my recital, Anna said, “All right, my dear. You wanted to take the matter into your own hands and you have failed. Now we'll tell you the truth of the matter. No, don't look so startled; you would never have been satisfied until you made that call, and now that you have been there yourself-and gotten nowhere-we'll tell you what we know about her."

"Tell me this first,” I said. “Why do those girls remain there for the sole purpose of being whipped? What power does she hold over them, and why are they deprived of the pleasure afforded most young women who crave the flesh?"

"One question at a time, dearie,” suggested Nina. “Let us take them in the order asked. To begin with, this woman, as you undoubtedly know, is Russian. She is of a class who delight in lording it all over those beneath her. She was reared, undoubtedly, in an atmosphere of mock splendor; lived and breathed wealth and power. The girls do not remain with her through their own initiative; they are held there quite against their will. Why? Listen carefully and I shall tell you. Our friend, the countess, has a brother. Like her, he is a low beast-I have met him and know, as has my pretty sister. At the moment, he is chief jailer at a prison in Budapest. He rules like a czar; the people of Budapest look upon him as something akin to the unnatural, and that is exactly what he is: an unnatural beast.

"Now, then, the beautiful girls our friend the countess maintains in her spacious home are provided by this wealthy brother. He keeps her provided with pretty and talented young women. The girls have all been arrested at some time or other on trumped-up charges and are held there against their will. With his unholy power, this is easily done. Believe it or not, that prison is the worst den of iniquity in all Europe. Men of great wealth-and women, too-frequent the place for the sole purpose of holding orgies of the most awful sort. During these orgies-and that's all they are-the most fiendish and brutal practices are inflicted upon the inmates. Men and women, mostly young women, are stripped stark naked, fastened to, or on, strange instruments of torture and brutalized to the point where it is not at all uncommon for the victims to die. The more beautiful of these are shipped to the countess and are held in her house under pain of death. Now, as far as the girls liking the idea of administering to the sensual desires of the countess-to say nothing of liking the lash-it is because they are instructed by the noble brother. They are deprived of the pleasure derived from men and women. It is true that they are not allowed to frequent each other's rooms. They are told that if they disobey a single rule laid down for them, they will be returned to Budapest to finish their days in prison.

"We know for a fact that has already happened on several occasions. Those girls would put up with anything the countess suggests rather than be returned to prison. As far as their appearing to like being whipped, they do not; it's simply that they know they must do it, and so they concentrate their thoughts on lascivious things and actually bring themselves to the spending point for the sole purpose of entertaining their mistress. Does that explain it, my dear?"

"Partly,” I answered. It was, without doubt, the strangest story I had ever heard. “Tell me this,” I continued. “Why does she have the girls wear such strange outfits? Why is her home decorated with the most obscene pictures all devoted to whipping, and why, above everything else, does she wear such an asinine headdress and go about otherwise naked?"

Nina laughed. “For a young woman you have a happy faculty of asking questions. If the girls were allowed clothing, they might try to escape; naked they wouldn't get far. Her home is decorated with whipping pictures for the simple reason that there is little else on her mind; the strange headdress you refer to is a direct symbol of her insanity."

"You mean,” I ventured, “that the woman is insane?” I began to realize how silly I had been in laying myself open to an attack from her.

"Crazy, yes,” answered Nina, “but crazy on one thing; otherwise she is quite sane."

"Why didn't you tell me of this?” I asked.

"Why try telling you anything? You would have gone anyway."

I saw the truth of this and did not press her further.

"There is one thing, however, that isn't at all plain,” I said. “How can one get pleasure-sexual pleasure-in watching another suffer?"

Both girls looked at me for a moment before Anna said, “Think back for a moment, my dear. Weren't you highly excited at witnessing the show?"

I wondered at that. I wasn't at all sure whether it was the sight of their nakedness or the whipping. “I don't know,” I said in answer to the direct question. “I am somewhat in doubt about it."

"Enough to want to put it to the test?” asked Nina, gazing at me from beneath her lowered lids.

"What do you mean by that?” I asked, mystified as to her meaning.

"I mean,” she said, “do you care enough about it to want to put it to the test? If you do, it can be arranged."


"By making up a little party and visiting the prison in question. I know the very person who would be delighted at the chance of going with us-say a party of four?"

Something snapped within my brain! The thought intrigued me!

Why not? I thought. If there is a chance to visit this den and discover if I, too, have an inborn desire (unknown to myself) to witness another's suffering, then why not take advantage of it?

"How can it be arranged?” I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Easily,” answered Anna. “We can arrange it for one week from this Saturday. That Sunday the theater is closed for Saint's Day. We could leave right after Saturday night's performance and have plenty of time to enter into the spirit of the thing; then you could return either late Sunday night or early Monday. In any event, it would give you plenty of opportunity to rest for your next show."

I gave it considerable thought for a few moments, then said, “Are you sure there will be no danger in this wild scheme?"

"None whatever. We have both been there and suffered little or no damage to our delicate persons."

"And this other person-a woman, I presume? Who is she?"

"Her name is Bernice; she is one of the most beautiful and prominent women in Pest, and maintains one of, if not the best-known whorehouses in all of Europe."

"Great God!” I cried, “Is there anyone you don't know? But never mind-go ahead with your plans; I'm crazy to see the place!"
