Chapter Seventy-four

“Eileen, let me in, quick!” Rose whispered, trying the van door, which was locked. She showed her face, plastering her hands to the window. “It’s me, Rose!”

Eileen turned in shock, her eyes wild with fear. She scrambled away from the window, toward the passenger seat.

“Let me in! It’s okay, it’s me, Rose.”

Eileen’s expression relaxed, then she leaned over and unlocked the door. “What are you doing here? You’re a redhead now?”

“Shh, they’ll hear us.” Rose jumped into the driver’s seat and closed the door behind her. “They’ll come running. Is that what you want? Shhh.”

“What do you want? What’s the matter with you?”

“Eileen, we have to get out of here and go to the FBI-”

“Are you crazy?” Eileen’s face was an anguished mask in the light from the streetlamps. “Didn’t you do enough to my family? You’re haunting me?”

“Eileen, it must have been awful to hear, about Bill, but-”

“Don’t say his first name, like you know him. You didn’t know him. You don’t know me. Leave me alone.”

“I’m on your side.”

“No, you’re not. You left Amanda in that fire.”

“No, I didn’t, but this isn’t the time or the place to talk about that. You can hate me all you want, but let’s leave now and convict these guys. One is Senator Martin!”

“This is none of your business. This is my business. Why are you in it at all?”

“I was looking into the cause of the fire and it led to Homestead, that’s all. I’m sorry if you think I meddled, but this isn’t the way to do-”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Eileen interrupted, her eyes wild. “This is my husband we’re talking about. You still have yours!”

“Eileen, listen. They could be watching us right now. I saw you get pulled over on the turnpike. What if they did it to stop you?”

“How do you know I got pulled over? Are you following me? Are you a stalker?”

“They’ll kill you, Eileen. They don’t want to go to prison and they’ll have to, if the truth comes out.” Rose gestured at the conference center. “Look at the entrance. They have security guards. What are you going to do? They won’t let you in-”

“I know those guys. I’ve had them over for barbeques. They can’t do a thing to me, not in front of the whole company.” Eileen turned away, yanked on the door handle, and started to get out of the van, but Rose grabbed her arm.

“Please, don’t go-”

“Get off!”

The last thing Rose saw was a manicured fist.

Heading for her face.
