Chapter Eighty-six

The morning was clear and cold, finally October in earnest, and Rose walked toward the school, holding Melly’s hand. John snoozed happily, cocooned in his Snugli, and Melly was bundled up, her red puffy coat making her backpack fit too tightly.

Rose tugged at her backpack strap, on the fly. “We have to adjust these when you get home.”

“It’s the coat, Mom. It’s too heavy.”

“It’s cold today.”

“Not that cold.”

Rose smiled, delighted to be talking about normal things again. Meanwhile, mothers were turning their way, smiling and waving as they approached the entrance ramp. The news had been full of stories about her, the Homestead CFO had been indicted, and its board had announced that it was going to rebuild the plant and compensate any victims of its crimes. And the company had already reached a voluntary settlement with Eileen, in connection with Bill’s murder.

“Way to go!” one mom called out, and a dad in a suit flashed her a thumbs-up. Another mom shouted, “Hi, Rose. Hi, Melly!”

“Hiya!” Rose called back, and Melly looked up, squinting against the bright sky.

“Who’s that, Mom?”

“I have no idea.”

Melly giggled, bewildered. “Mom, what’s going on?”

“It’s what I told you.” Rose and Leo had tried to explain what had happened, but it wasn’t something any eight-year-old should know in detail. “I helped catch some bad guys, and everybody’s happy.”

“It’s so different.” Melly looked around, in wonderment. Heads were turning everywhere, as they approached the ramp. “It’s like a birthday party.”

Mr. Rodriguez emerged from the front door and headed down the ramp and strode toward them with a big grin, buttoning his jacket. “Rose! Melly!”

“Hi, Mr. Rodriguez.” Rose met him on the sidewalk. “Good to see you.”

“Rose, I can’t thank you enough. We’re all so grateful to you. You risked your-” Mr. Rodriguez stopped, catching himself in front of Melly. “Well, we’re grateful, leave it at that.”

“Thanks, and I have to tell you that Leo and I never had any intention of filing any lawsuit.”

“I know. I got a phone call this morning, from Oliver Charriere.” Mr. Rodriguez looked down at Melly and touched her shoulder. “And I heard you volunteered to take Amanda her homework.”

“Yes.” Melly nodded.

“Thanks for helping out. That’s the way all of our students should act, at Reesburgh. That’s what community is all about.” Mr. Rodriguez looked up at Rose. “Would you like to stop by the office? I know the staff wants to thank you in person.”

Rose smiled, surprised. “I’d love to, thanks.”

“Great. Mind if I escort Melly inside?”

“Not at all.”

“Melly, come with me.” Mr. Rodriguez smiled, taking Melly’s hand. “Let’s go to class together. I think there’s someone you might want to see.”

“Who?” Melly asked, as they went up the walkway.

The front door opened, and standing in the threshold was Kristen Canton, dressed and ready for work.

“Melly!” Kristen called out, and they ran into each other’s arms.

Rose hung back, tears filming her eyes, finally letting go.

And setting free.
