Chapter Eighty-four

“Hit the sack, kid!” Rose tucked Melly into bed, feeling like herself again, having showered and changed into clean clothes. It was twilight, her favorite time at the cabin, when the day was over and they’d go to bed early, in harmony with the rhythms of nature rather than TV or homework.

“It’s cold tonight.” Melly tugged up the comforter, next to Princess Google, already asleep. “Isn’t Ebony so cute, Mom?”

“Very cute.” Rose sat down on the edge of the single bed. The room was bare-bones, containing only a small bookshelf and bureau. A metal reading lamp was clamped to the headboard, and Rose turned it off, leaving them in the dim light from the window.

“Do you really like him?”

“Ebony? Of course. I think he’s adorable and furry. You looked great up there.”

“Harry rides brooms, and I ride horses.” Melly smiled, and Rose gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Do you like riding horses?”

“I love it. It’s so fun, and Ebony is soft, really soft.”

“I remember.” Rose had petted the horse before they’d left, and he’d looked insanely tall, up close. “You know, I was wondering if you want to take riding lessons. Mo says there’s barns around us, at home. Want to give it a try?”

“What do you think?”

Rose fell silent a moment, and through the screen came the scent of horse manure, but that could have been her imagination. She knew if she said the word, it would put a kibosh on this whole crazy venture. Every mother had moments like this, when she could sway things toward what she wanted, and not what her child wanted. Instead, she said, “I think it’s a great idea, Mel. You’re really good at it, and it’s fun and really special.”

“But I don’t know any kids who ride. Nobody in my class does.”

“Kids do it everywhere, like those girls at the barn. You’d have a great time.”

“What if the kids make fun of me, at school?”

“If they do, you can deal with it. If they tease you, try not to let it bother you.” Rose thought of what Mo had said. “Keep your head up and go forward. Tell yourself, trot on. So what do you say? Wanna give it a try?”

“Think I can do it?”

“I know you can, honey,” Rose answered, without hesitation. She heard Leo’s footsteps on the staircase, and turned. “Hey, honey. You up here for another good-night kiss?”

“Leo!” Melly called out. “I’m going to take riding lessons!”

“That’s great!” Leo entered holding John, then leaned close to Rose’s ear. “Phone for you, babe. It’s Eileen, about Amanda.”
