Letter from Libby Williams-formerly
of 21 Graham Road-dated 1982
Octobers, 1982
Dear M,
Thought the enclosed might interest you. 1 went up to see some old friends in Richmond and happened upon the Rich. & Twick by chance. Skullduggery abounds, it seems, and there won't be much love lost between cloth and stethoscope following the Rev's libelous remarks! I remember him from Annie's funeral-a fat little bloke with sweaty palms-but don't think I ever came across the doctor. Jock and I had a man with a huge mustache.
All goes well here. I'm into my final year and after numerous attempts-a girl has to do what a girl has to do if she isn't to make the same mistake again!-I have finally met a winner. Sweet guy by the name of Jim Garth. Watch this space, as they say!