Note from Ann Butts, which was pushed through the
Ranelaghs' letterbox at number 5 Graham Road the day
before she died. It was addressed to the "Pretty Lady."
30 Graham Road
November 13, 1978
Dear Pretty Lady (I'm afraid I don't know your name),
I am sorry for calling you honky. I get troubled sometimes and say things I shouldn't. People think it means I'm not a nice person, but the doctor would tell you I can't help myself. I only have cats for friends because they know I don't mean to be rude.
I have tried to talk to you but my tongue gets twisted when I'm nervous. If you come to my house I will let you in, but please forgive me in advance if I call you honky again. It will just mean I'm troubled. (I'm troubled quite a lot at the moment.) I would like a friend very much.
Yours hopefully,