E-mail from Dr. Joseph Elias, psychiatrist
at the Queen Victoria Hospital, Hong Kong
M. R.
From: Sarah Pyang (spyang@victorhos.com)
Sent: 15 August 1999 14:19
To: mranelagh@jetscape.com
Sent as from: Dr. Elias
Such are the wonders of modern technology! My secretary tells me she received your e-mail yesterday (Saturday) and you wish me to reply by return. Well, I'm happy to do so but I wonder if answers given in haste are wise.
You pepper me with questions. Who is more to blame: the architect of a crime or the one who carries it out? Should a whole police force be smeared because of one bad apple? Can justice be selective? Can the damage done by a mother to her child be mended? Can rapists be cured? Can children be evil? Is any crime excusable? Should the sins of a father be visited on his family? Should the sins of a mother?
In a poor attempt at wisdom might I suggest that, if you are honestly seeking justice for your friend, then you arrogate too much authority merely by thinking such things? These are not your decisions to make, my dear. Justice is impartial. Only revenge is prejudiced.
But isn't prejudice what you've been fighting all these years?
All best wishes,