COLIN STRETCHED OUT beside Rina, every inch of his lean, hard male body coming into delicious contact with her skin. His fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled her close. After their encounter on the couch they'd moved to his bed, where she'd slept more deeply than she'd ever remembered. Making love to him had been a mind-altering experience, one she was all too ready to repeat this morning.

But not yet. "Tell me about Julie." Logan had planted the seeds of her curiosity surrounding Colin's past and Rina wanted to explore them. To know more about this enigmatic man who made her come apart so easily.

He groaned. "Hell of a way to start the day," he muttered.

Okay, so it wasn't the best question first thing the morning after, but she'd spent the night in his arms. He'd spent it inside her body. She figured that allowed her some leeway.

"She's my ex-wife." He rolled over and propped up on one arm.

The sheet pulled low on his chest and the urge to press her breasts against him and drop this whole conversation was strong. Unfortunately, her curiosity was stronger. "And?"

He met her gaze. "She's in the past."

"A painful past?" She probed deeper.

He shrugged. "It only hurts if you care. I'm over it."

"I should hope so, considering where we are."

He exhaled hard, and she knew he was going through that frustrating process of male withdrawal. "So why do I have the feeling that knowing Julie's in the past isn't enough?"

"Because I'm a woman and I like to push."

"Even if I'd rather make love than talk?" A wry, sexy smile tipped his lips.

Good, she thought. He wasn't angry, just attempting to maintain his masculine dignity with stoic silence. She rewarded his patience with her questions with a long, lingering kiss. One that quickly threatened to explode in another lovemaking session, considering they were both still nude. And she wasn't ready to give up on emotional intimacy for more sex, as much as her body craved him.

She broke the kiss, licking at her damp lips. A disheveled Colin was as devastating to her senses as a well-put-together one. And if the man was going to have this kind of effect on her, she needed to understand all about him.

"Did you love her?" Rina asked.

Colin rolled back and lay a hand over his eyes, resigning himself to talking before any other desires were satisfied. Truth be told, he wanted to confide in Rina, which surprised him, since he wasn't a sharing kind of guy.

"Not the way I should have. Then again, the feeling was mutual." Sensing Rina's gaze on him, he stared up at the ceiling, wanting a clear head when he answered her. "I was a news anchor on a local station in Boston when Julie and I met. We had some things in common and I thought she was a refreshing change from the women who wanted the macho personality they saw on TV."

"You, macho?" Rina laughed.

"After last night, are you seriously doubting my masculinity?" He pushed her onto her back, straddling her hips.

She sucked in a shallow breath. "Definitely not."

"So do you want to hear about my disastrous marriage or would you rather repeat some of those erotic positions we tried last night?" He asked, his erection poised at her moist, ready flesh.

She sighed, obviously torn, her wide brown eyes filled with curiosity and desire. He didn't blame her for either. He wanted equal insight into her past and planned to get it after he satisfied his need for her this morning. He doubted he'd ever have his fill of her completely, something he'd have to deal with soon.

"I want you to talk. I want to know all about you. Then I want to make love."

"Okay," he said, resigned. "Julie and I got married. I was working at the network, restless with the job and life, but that wasn't anything new or different for me." He'd always been restless, ready to move on. So why wasn't he compelled to bolt now, when things in his personal life were at their most complicated? He knew the reason lay in his arms, waiting for more answers. "I think Julie sensed my restlessness. Not that it's an excuse for cheating, but I think she wasn't any happier than I was."

"She cheated on you?" Rina asked.

Realizing he hadn't been clear, Colin laughed. Amazing that she hadn't jumped to the conclusion that he'd been the one to stray, which said volumes about her faith in him. Unwarranted faith under the present circumstances, but it pleased him anyway. "Yeah, she did. Obviously she wasn't getting what she needed out of the relationship."

"Or she didn't know the meaning of truth, honesty and fidelity," Rina said in disgust.

Ouch, he thought, taking the direct hit. "I think Julie just wanted me to be satisfied at home and, sensing I wasn't, she went looking elsewhere."

"I never realized we had anything so fundamental in common. My husband wanted me to be more satisfied at home than I was."

"He didn't cheat on you, did he?" Colin wouldn't want Rina to suffer the humiliation.

She shook her head. "I think what he wanted was almost worse. He wanted to change me."

"Foolish man."

Her eyes shimmered with moisture and happiness. "That's what I like about you, Colin. You accept me for who I am and respect what I want to do in life." She shook her head. "For as long as we last, I'll know you're not a man who has some wrong vision of who I am or some alternative idea of what I should be doing. You want me."

Yes, he did. For as long as she'd have him and, he feared, beyond. Colin nudged her legs aside with his and while she watched, he entered slowly. "I want you." He thrust deep and she took all of him, arching her hips while her body contracted around him, milking him with her tight, wet heat.

She shuddered and sucked in a breath. "I want a man to know me and accept me."

He withdrew, feeling her swollen and wet surrounding him. "I want to know all of you. Every last thing about you."

She bent her knees, forcing him to thrust deeper in order to maintain body contact. "I want to know you the same way."

"Then what are we waiting for?" he asked, and proceeded to know her. Accept her. And she did the same, taking him, accepting every last bit he had to offer.

* * *

RINA TURNED ON the shower in Colin's bathroom. She inhaled the scent of shaving cream and aftershave. Colin's aftershave. Just the delicious smell was enough to arouse her sensitive body all over again.

As much as she'd like to head back into the bedroom to repeat the experience, she knew she had to shower and let Colin drive her home. She'd called Frankie and left word for her to walk Norton, but she couldn't be certain her friend had gotten the message. And Norton, the pampered pooch, wasn't used to being alone overnight any more than Rina was used to spending her nights in a man's bed.

Any more than she was used to bonding with a man emotionally, and for that reason, her escape home came at the perfect time. She needed space and time to think.

And an hour later, Colin drove her home. He pulled up to the Cape house and she noticed an unfamiliar black car parked in the driveway. "Maybe Frankie's got company."

"Frankie, your company?" he asked wryly, reminding her of last Saturday night's phone call.

Rina grinned. "Frankie, my female friend who lives downstairs." She'd told him about Frankie over a quick breakfast of cold cereal in his kitchen, where she'd admitted to baiting him last weekend.

"Wouldn't be unusual for people to have family over during the holidays. By the way, that reminds me of something I've been meaning to bring up. And would have if you weren't so sexy and distracting. Christmas Eve is tomorrow night." He turned off the ignition at the same time he turned on the charm, treating her to the endearing grin she'd come to know so well. "Did you have any plans?"

Jake and Brianne were coming up from New York tomorrow when her sister-in-law got off from work, and she wanted Colin to meet them. She refused to think about what that meant. Neither did she want Colin to be alone while Joe lay in a hospital bed.

But she wanted to hear his thoughts before she sprang her suggestion on him. "What did you have in mind?"

He twirled her hair around his finger. "I noticed there's no Christmas tree in your apartment."

Now that he mentioned it, she'd noticed the same about his condo. "I didn't want to put one up alone." Jake would probably kill her when he arrived and discovered she'd neglected their favorite family tradition, but she hadn't wanted to go tree shopping solo.

"Tsk, tsk," he said jokingly. "Don't you think Norton deserves a festive holiday?"

"Norton!" She had to get inside and let him out. Reaching for the handle, she jumped out of the car and ran up the back stairs.

Once outside her apartment, she paused. A pair of women's slippers sat by the welcome mat in the hall. A pair of wet women's slippers with gold embroidery that could only belong to one person. Rina crinkled her nose, recognizing that Norton had done his business yet again, this time on Emma's shoes. Though what Emma would be doing here, she hadn't any idea.

"Oh, no. Emma? Emma, is that you?"

Colin's footsteps sounded behind her as he followed her inside. "Emma's here?"

Rina pointed to the damp slippers. "No self-respecting prowler would wear these or leave them as evidence. Frankie must have let her in." She ran a hand through her still-damp hair. Colin, macho guy that he was, didn't have a blow-dryer. "I wonder what she wants."

He groaned. "Does it matter? We get to be interrogated by the matchmaker the morning after. That's fun I wouldn't mind missing."

"Chicken." She grinned, grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, surprised when Norton didn't come bounding toward her. "Emma?" she called once more.

"I'm in the kitchen."

Rina stepped into the room and found Emma, the sleeves of her silk blouse rolled up to her elbows as she rinsed what looked like a pair of panty hose in the sink.

Norton had obviously ruined them, as well as her shoes. Rina winced. "Hi, Emma."

"Hello, dear. Your friend Francesca let me in. Lovely girl. Bad date last night and I'm coming up with a list of possible men to help her out." Emma shut off the faucet and wrung out the damp hose.

"I see you met Norton?" Rina asked carefully.

"Oh yes." Emma smiled.

"And you aren't angry?"

She shook her head. "What can you expect when the poor thing's been left alone all night. You should be happy I don't report you to the ASPCA." Her wink made a mockery of her words.

Rina rolled her eyes. Norton was perfectly capable of holding himself for the time she'd been gone. He had an extraordinary bladder. "What happened?"

"He got so excited when I rang your bell. It was about the same time Francesca had come upstairs to walk him, and while she was looking for the leash, he…uh…well, suffice it to say he didn't quite make it this time." She lifted her shoulder in the delicate shrug Rina had come to know well. "Anyway, Frankie took him for a walk and she said she'd keep him downstairs for a while. Just in case he had any ideas about repeating himself."

Rina shook her head. "I'll pay for your shoes and panty hose." Knowing Emma's expensive taste, replacing them would probably set her back a fair penny. But somebody had to pay Norton's debts.

"Never mind that." Emma lay her stockings over one of Rina's kitchen chairs as if she lived there and walked into the living room, expecting them to follow.

Of course, they did.

"You two have some explaining to do," she said as she turned around and seated herself in the club chair in the corner, holding court in Rina's house.

Colin walked by and knelt down beside Emma. As he passed, Rina inhaled his masculine scent and her body heated up all over again. The timing was all wrong, of course. As much as Rina enjoyed Emma's company, the older woman seemed to have taken up residence, hadn't told Rina what she wanted and didn't seem inclined to leave anytime soon.

After lifting Emma's hand in his, Colin placed a kiss on her hand. "You know I adore you."

Was it Rina's imagination or did Emma actually blush?

"Of course you do, you charmer, you. It still doesn't mean you don't have some explaining to do, keeping Rina out all night."

"How do you know we didn't just go for breakfast?" Rina asked.

"Because you're dressed like a hot number in wrinkled clothing, which leads me to believe you've been out all night. You can't pull the wool over my eyes. I'm too old and I've been around. Now, young man, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Colin laughed. "Only that I adore you."

Rina walked closer to the chair. "Not that you aren't welcome anytime, but what are you doing here now?"

"That's a good question." Colin rose to his feet and thrust his hands into his back pockets waiting for an answer.


Rina threw her hands in the air in pure frustration. "Of course!" she said on an exasperated breath.

"I came to snoop."

That took Rina off guard. "What?" Last time Emma nosed around, she'd found Stan's card. This time Rina had nothing to hide.

"I came to have tea, make small talk, excuse myself to go to the ladies' room and see what evidence you'd left around. Then I realized that you're my dear friend and such behavior is inexcusable. Not that you've been looking out for my feelings, but I certainly look out for yours."

Rina's head was swimming. "I don't know what you're talking about." Turning to Colin, she asked, "What is she talking about?"

He merely shrugged, one eyebrow raised as he, too, waited for an explanation.

"Did you know she's two-timing you, Colin?"

"What!" Rina and Colin both asked at the same time.

Emma nodded. "She's giving me competition for my dear Stan."

Rina blinked. "You said the man's a lecher. Now he's your dear Stan? Come on, Emma. What gives?"

"First he sends you flowers." She sniffed, pulling a handkerchief out of the cuff of her sleeve. "Then he asks you out."

"He did no such thing," Rina said, outraged.

Colin coughed, lifting his hand to cover his obvious laughter. The traitor. Rina would deal with him later, but first there was the matter of an outlandish eighty-year-old storyteller to deal with. "Prove it, Emma."

"Stan showed me a copy of the letter he penned asking you out. Flowery language and written in his own hand."

Rina rubbed her temples. "He's playing you. He never sent any letter. But he wants you jealous and you are. You're interested in the man. Just admit it and go out with him, for heaven's sake." She shot an imploring glance at Colin.

"Emma?" Colin prodded.

Old, wise eyes met Rina's. "I'm afraid."

"Logan won't allow the Judge to put you in an old-age home, Emma."

Colin spoke the words Rina had tried to convince Emma of already. But hearing him say it, Rina believed. She trusted Colin's instincts. His judgment. And that meant her feelings for this man went deeper than she'd ever imagined.

She shivered, forcing herself to focus on Emma. "Isn't that the same thing I told you the other day?"

The older woman nodded.

"Life is short," Rina said, speaking from experience. "Please trust me on this and live every day to its fullest. If Stan wants to be your companion, then get to know him. Trust your own instincts."

"I know you're right. I just wish it was easy."

Rina didn't miss the irony in Emma's life. She had no problem trusting her instincts when giving advice to others, but when it came to herself, she doubted her judgment. For the first time, Emma looked fragile, a word Rina had never associated with her before. She wanted to strangle the Judge herself, but she'd settle for comforting her friend.

As if reading her mind, Colin walked over and pulled Emma into a silent hug. Over Emma's shoulder, he met Rina's gaze. Sizzling heat and understanding passed between them.

Emma rose and cleared her throat. "Well, I plan to give Stan a piece of my mind for deceiving me," she said, back to her old feisty self.

Rina smiled. "I bet you will."

"And I'll be keeping an eye on you, young lady. No more two-timing this wonderful man." With a chuckle, she embraced Rina. "You are a good girl, Rina. I wish I had a daughter like you. And a son like you, Colin."

"You just take care of yourself. More importantly, be good to yourself, okay?" Rina said.

"Am I ever anything but good?" A naughty twinkle settled in Emma's blue eyes. At least she'd brushed off her bout of insecurity. "Now, I believe my driver's waiting in the car."

Rina raised an eyebrow. "I didn't recognize the car. Come to think of it, I didn't see anyone sitting in it, either."

"I borrowed the Judge's favorite sedan. Heaven forbid he thinks he has the upper hand." She sniffed. "As for my driver, he probably went to take a leak-'er, do his business." She shot Rina a wink and laughed.

Rina chuckled, helping Emma on with her coat and providing her with a pair of flat shoes to wear out to the car. "We'll settle Norton's mess later, okay?"

"Nonsense. It's over and done with. Just give him a kiss for me. I love that boy." And then she was gone.

Exhausted, Rina leaned against the wall and glanced at Colin. Somehow she found the energy to laugh. "Alone at last."

He grinned. "We certainly are. So, can we get back to discussing Christmas Eve?" Because Colin didn't want to put off asking her to spend the holiday with him one more minute.

She bit down on her lower lip. "I think I'd asked you what you had in mind."

"You, me, a small tree we buy today and decorate, and then we make love by the fire all weekend long." His body burned at the thought, and from the inferno in her gaze, she obviously felt the same way.

"It all sounds so great," she said in a husky voice that aroused every male instinct he possessed. "We can do all that for the rest of today and tonight. As for tomorrow, we could have that fire if you don't mind sharing with family."


"Mine. With all the excitement over my series, then my desire to seduce you-"

"You wanted to seduce me?" he asked, obviously joking, obviously pleased as his lips hovered over hers.

His scent, his heat all worked to get her all stirred up again. "Stop and let me finish. I was so distracted, I forgot that Brianne and Jake are coming tomorrow."

Disappointment hit him hard. He'd counted on Rina's brother being out of state, on his and Rina's similar lack of family to push them together for the holiday. So much for the intimate night he'd planned. "I wouldn't want to intrude on a family holiday."

A wounded look crossed her face. "Who said you'd be intruding? I just invited you. I would have asked you to stay anyway, had I remembered they were coming. You just kept me too distracted to think clearly." She stepped toward him, a come-hither look in her eyes, a sizzling, sexy smile on her lips. "It wouldn't be a holiday for me without you."

She trailed her fingertips up his chest, letting them linger on the collar of his sweater. She knew how to get to him in word and deed. Heat pervaded his body and a throbbing erection took up residence in his jeans. And when she stepped closer, letting her chest brush against him, the swell of her breasts gave him every indication her invitation was sincere. Family or no family, he supposed he could deal with it.

For Rina, he could probably cope with anything.

"How about you go down, get Norton, do whatever you need to around here and then we go tree shopping?"

"Does that mean you'll be here when Jake and Brianne arrive?"

"As long as you keep Norton away from my shoes, I'll do anything you ask."

"Anything?" she asked with a grin.

"You're naughty, Rina."

"And you love it."

He nodded. He sure as hell did. And the notion caused his chest to constrict.

"Give me half an hour to get Norton and change and then I'm all yours," Rina said. After brushing a kiss over his lips, one that was brief but electric, she bolted for Frankie's.

Cheeks flushed and glowing, she lit up something inside him. Colin never wanted to lose the feeling, but he warned himself not to get too used to it. Life was all about change. His parents' deaths, Joe and Nell taking him in, his brief marriage, followed by Nell's death, Colin's divorce and then Joe's marriage to Corinne. Nothing ever stayed the same.

Fate always threatened to take away what he loved most. But in this case, Colin himself had the means to tear him and Rina apart. But he hoped to build a solid foundation before then, something that could withstand the repercussions when they came.
