AROUND FOUR that afternoon, Colin lugged a pathetic-looking tree up Rina's stairs. "This thing looks like it's seen better days."

Rina unlocked the door and held it open so he could drag their tree inside. "We're lucky they had any left the day before Christmas Eve. Personally, I don't care what it looks like. It's ours and that's all that counts."

Norton barked when they entered, and he danced around, jumping on Colin with his front paws. "Go walk him before I become his next victim, will you?"

Rina laughed. "I expect that tree set up and ready to be decorated when I return."

"Slave driver." He winked and waved her away.

A few hours later, he stepped back to admire their handiwork. The small tree twinkled with all the spark, spunk and spirit that Rina had brought into his life. Red, green and gold ornaments decorated the branches, along with silver tinsel and a shiny star on top. The result was commercial in color but warm and comforting in the aura it exuded. A fire crackled in the small fireplace where Norton lay basking in the heat before deciding to snooze on the couch instead.

A feeling of accomplishment filled Colin, along with the strange sensation of belonging. Here. With Rina and her dog in this small Cape apartment. "Amazing," he said, unsure if he was referring to the tree or the feelings she inspired.

"I know. Even with remnants left in the stores, this tree looks just perfect." Her soft, grateful gaze met his and yearning flared to life between them.

He'd held off touching her all day, knowing the tree would never get put up or decorated if he even so much as stroked or kissed her soft skin. But the work was finished and now the fun could begin. "We can't make love by the fire on Christmas Eve, but there's no reason why we can't do it tonight."

She let out a husky purr of agreement and came into his arms. "But I thought we'd make New Year's resolutions first."

He blinked, surprised. "I'm not big on those." Mostly because they entailed promises, something he'd never been great at keeping. To distract her, he slipped his hands beneath her heavy wool sweater so his hands spanned her waist, traveling upward and coming to rest on the outside of her breasts. The full mounds filled his palms, warm feminine flesh awaiting his touch.

"Force yourself. For me, okay? It's an old family tradition, and I thought you and I could do it together this year."

Even if they wouldn't be together next year to reassess and reevaluate? Colin wondered silently. "You go first," he said instead.

"Okay." She scrunched her nose and she got lost, deep in thought. "I will continue to be true to myself."

"In what way?" he asked, intrigued.

"You know how some people undergo psychotherapy? Well, I don't have to. My column's been one huge lesson in self-awareness. And it's taught me a bigger lesson about you." She wrapped her hands around him, trapping his hands against her bare skin. "So I'll continue to write my column and only let people and things that are good for me into my life."

"That's a tall order."

"I can handle it." She grinned and brushed a kiss over his lips. "Your turn."

He swallowed hard. "I'll be true to…" He wanted to say you, but bit his tongue, knowing that kind of promise was impossible to keep. And any commitment he made to Rina, he intended to follow through upon.

"Come on, Colin. Don't take the easy way and just repeat what I said. Make a New Year's resolution," she urged.

"I resolve to take care of things in my life the most responsible way I can." Vague, but he hoped she wouldn't question him.

Because it was a holiday weekend, no one had returned his business calls, but he intended to start by having another talk with the accountants and seeing exactly what shape the paper was in now. His last figures had been from too far back. Then he needed to talk to Joe. Together, maybe they could come up with a plan that wouldn't hurt the people they both cared for, he thought, looking into Rina's wide-eyed gaze. But in the meantime, he couldn't deny that he'd been progressing with his plan, and he silently cursed Corinne for letting things slide so far that Colin had to put the pieces back together.

"See? That wasn't so difficult, was it?" she asked.

He forced a grin. "Of course not."

"And now we can pick up where we left off." Without warning, she reached down and pulled her sweater over her head until she stood before him in a pink lace bra, her pale skin lit by the flickering firelight.

He leaned forward, intending to kiss her, but she stopped him by pushing down on his shoulders, bringing him to his knees. She followed, eyeing him expectantly. The time for kissing had passed and he dipped his head. Starting at her navel, his tongue traced a pattern on her flat stomach and silken skin. He unhooked her bra and tossed it aside so he could encircle first one nipple with his mouth, then the next, tugging on the distended tip until her hips tilted forward and a strangled moan reverberated from her throat.

"Get undressed." Rina's demand sounded hoarse to her own ears.

She didn't care. She'd never felt such driving, overpowering need to be a part of another human being. To be one with Colin. Her hands shook as she reached for the button on his jeans, impatience overtaking her.

"Relax. We have all night."

Someone ought to tell that to her overheated body. He covered her hand, moving it away so he could take care of things himself. Quicker, she figured, than if she'd fumbled around.

Instead, she worked on her own clothes, meeting him naked on the floor. He pulled her on top of his warm, strong body, allowing her to feel his erection hot and ready against her stomach. She reached between them, needing to feel him, and a drop of his moisture touched her hand. A wash of desire and sensation swept through her, a heavy dampness filling the space between her legs.

Unable to wait, she straddled him, holding his hard length in one hand and placing the head of his penis between her thighs. His gaze never left hers, hot and intense as she lowered herself, taking him in, inch by inch, feeling him swell and harden inside her. And just when she thought she couldn't take any more, she released the muscles in her legs and he filled her completely.

He reached out, grabbing her hands in his, intertwining their fingers. They couldn't be in a more intimate position. She sat up on his thighs, his penis embedded deep inside her, her entire upper body exposed for his view. When she glanced down, their joining was an erotic vision of two people becoming one. At the sight, her muscles contracted around him and his hips jerked upward, pressing on just the right place to increase the friction and orgasm-inducing sensation.

"Ride me, honey." Colin spoke through gritted teeth.

He shook from the effort of holding back, and Rina gave him what he asked for. Rising up, she felt every hard ridge ease out of her body before she came back down hard, bringing herself closer to the brink. He picked up on her rhythm. Bucking in and out, up and down, she lost herself in hot, sweaty, carnal lovemaking.

Without warning, the physical sensations swamping her mixed with raw emotion and Rina swallowed over a sob, one that came loud and ripped from inside her. God, she was close. He slipped his fingers between them, clasping on to the one sensitive place she possessed and not letting go, rolling his fingertips while they moved, bringing on an intense, explosive orgasm that seemed to go on and on and on.

* * *

AT RINA'S INSISTENCE, she and Colin spent Sunday morning with the rest of the crowds doing last-minute holiday shopping. They separated in the mall long enough for him to buy her a present before meeting up again later. Now, gifts under the tree, they were relaxing at her place, when the doorbell rang.

She dropped the pad and paper. "They're here." She sprang from the chair where she'd been taking notes for her column, and ran for the door.

Their solitude had officially ended and Colin groaned. After making love in front of the fire, they'd showered, gone out for a quick burger, picked up a change of clothes for him and returned to her place for the night. And what a night it had been. The woman had energy, stamina and a completely giving nature, going so far as to insist Norton be allowed to join them when it came time for sleep. She didn't want the pooch to face another night alone.

Now the damn dog was his best friend. While Colin lay on the couch watching football, Norton sprawled on top of him, his face on Colin's stomach, his black tongue hanging out.

"What kind of dog doesn't jump when the doorbell rings?" he asked aloud.

"The dumbest kind," a male voice said from behind him.

Colin tried to rise but Norton wasn't budging.

"That's okay. If he's attached to you, he'll stay the hell away from me. I'm Jake. Rina's brother." The other man extended his hand and Colin shook it.

"Colin Lyons."

"Good to meet you. Rina's told me all about you."

That shocked him. He'd never thought about whether Rina discussed him with her family. If he had, he wouldn't have believed he was important enough for her to mention. It looked as though he'd have been wrong.

Jake studied Colin, as if taking his measure. "Good game?" he asked, settling in on the couch, comfortable and at home.

Colin glanced at the television. "Not bad. How was your trip?"

Jake laughed. "Long, with too many pit stops."

In person, Colin could see the resemblance between the dark-haired cop and his sister.

A pretty auburn-haired woman came up around Jake, joining them, reminding Colin their private time had come to an end, at least for the weekend. But time with her family meant that he would be learning more about her, as he discovered over the next few hours. Her sister-in-law liked to talk, filling him in on Rina's life back in New York and how proud she and Jake were of her new job and column. She'd even mentioned how the glow in Rina's cheeks was more pronounced now, with her new life under way, prompting an elbow in her arm from Rina.

Overall, Colin was overwhelmed by Rina's brother and sister-in-law. Her family's presence reminded him he hadn't visited Joe in the last day or so, and guilt compounded any fun he might have had. "Listen, since you have company, I'm going to head on over to the hospital to see Joe."

"His…father," Rina said by way of explanation.

"Hospital at Christmas? I'm sorry," Brianne said.


Brianne smiled. "Do you plan to come back? I was hoping we'd have more time getting to know you this weekend."

"Colin?" Rina turned pleading eyes his way.

Knowing he couldn't deny her a thing, even if it involved more family time, he nodded. "How about I go for a quick visit and come back after? That'll give you all some time alone."

While he visited Joe in a hospital bed and Corinne in Dior's finest. He groaned, wishing not for the first time since Joe's remarriage, that Nell was still alive and he had the family he'd grown up with. Instead of some awkward situation where Colin felt like a third wheel.

"Can you make it back by dinner?" Rina asked.

"You should try," Jake said. "Otherwise you're leaving me alone with these two women and one wuss of a dog." He grinned, making his joke obvious before Rina could smack him.

"I'll see what I can do."

"That would be great. I really want the three of us to celebrate. Jake, did you get the faxes of my columns?" Rina asked, shamelessly seeking praise.

Something Jake obviously realized because he laughed and pulled her into a brotherly embrace. "You know I'm proud of you, Ri."

So was Colin. Pride and admiration filled him, feelings at odds with promises already made. During halftime, he'd checked his answering machine to discover a call from Ron Gold. The lender had wanted to know what progress Colin had made with Corinne, and he'd asked how soon the paper would begin its turnaround. Damn.

It was time he cornered Corinne again.

"I'll walk Colin out and be back in a few minutes." Rina followed him, stepping outside and shutting the door behind them. "I know you need to see Joe, but I hope you don't feel like we're pushing you out."

He cradled her cheek in his palm. "Of course not. It's just that being around your family reminded me I need to be more attentive to mine."

"You'll come back?" she asked.

She stepped closer, her body heat obvious despite the cold, attracting him, beckoning to him, offering him warmth that went beyond skin deep. "I'll come back," he promised.

Differences aside, he meant to keep his word.

* * *

COLIN PACED the hallway. He couldn't bring himself to go back into Joe's room and watch Corinne fawn over his father, waving her perfumed hand around and issuing orders to Colin to get more water and help her take care of Joe. He didn't need Corinne telling him what to do for the man he'd known most of his life.

He paused in the doorway of Joe's room, realizing the couple was having a hushed conversation. Joe was weak and hadn't done more than open his eyes. As a result of the stroke, he had slurred speech and Colin hadn't pressed him. But there he was with Corinne, her head bent, and soft whispers passing between them.

As he'd come to believe by watching Corinne over the last week, there was more to this relationship than he'd originally believed. Hell, there'd have to be more to Joe and Corinne's marriage than sex or convenience or even money, for Joe to give her power of attorney and control of the paper. Instead of giving that control to his son.

Logan had been right all along. The adoption papers called Colin Joe's son, but more and more, Colin was coming to feel shut out. Belonging nowhere and to no one. A tight knot constricted his chest, making breathing difficult. He wished he could blame the antiseptic hospital smells, but something else was at work and Colin didn't like it worth a damn.

He also didn't like the waiting. Unfortunately, the time of year and the circumstances with Joe left him without a choice. There'd be no talking to Corinne now.

Colin slipped back into the hall, nearly colliding with a nurse and her lunch cart on the way out. "Sorry," he muttered.

Making his way to the elevators, he only wanted to get the hell out of here.

Away from the family he didn't really have, the place he didn't belong. He needed to be with Rina. She made him feel accepted, whole in a way he'd never been. But the last thing he wanted to deal with was another family situation where he was the outsider.

He promised her he'd come back, but he wasn't ready now. In fact, he was one step away from jumping on a plane and saying to hell with them all. His love for Joe wouldn't allow it, of course, not until things with the paper were settled. But the stronger pull came not from his father figure, but from Rina, or more accurately, the feelings she inspired in him. Feelings that were growing beyond anything he'd anticipated or knew how to deal with.

* * *

SINCE BRIANNE AND JAKE insisted they wanted to spend the night in a hotel and not put her out, Rina had the evening to herself. Of course, she wouldn't be alone if Colin had shown up, as he'd promised. But she was coming to realize Colin didn't keep promises. He didn't know how, she thought sadly.

In her heart, she knew he hadn't meant to hurt her, not when he'd left her at Emma's party and not tonight. Ironically, writing about what men wanted was helping her sort out her relationship with Colin. Once she'd gotten past sex appeal, attraction and attitude, she had to ask herself what kept people together. And what immediately came to mind was understanding, something Colin needed.

Anger would only drive him away. Rina suspected losing his parents had left him unable to deal with his feelings, and so when things got out of control, he withdrew. As he had when his parents died, and as he had when his marriage went bad. Even Rina had seen him run more than once. Being around her family hadn't been easy for him. She'd seen his clenched jaw and occasional restless pacing. Until he faced his past and his feelings, understanding was the only thing she could offer him now.

Unable to help herself or Colin, she decided to share her insight with her readers and sat down in front of the computer. With the upcoming new year, Rina hoped that more relationships would be strengthened than lost. That was the point of her column, after all. Too bad she, personally, couldn't count on that optimistic outcome.

By the time she typed the last sentence and glanced up, over two hours had passed. She saved her document, then printed. Cathartic, as well as productive, this week's column, entitled "Of One Mind: Getting Inside Your Man's Head," was ready for the presses.

She'd gone way beyond the first article that detailed superficial things like hair and makeup. Once a woman landed a man, those frills still counted, but the heart and soul had something at stake, too.

She stood and stretched her cramped muscles, feeling proud of a job well done. Except for Colin's absence, life was very good right now and would be even better once she soaked in a nice warm, strawberry-scented bath. She pulled her hair on top of her head, changed into a robe, ran the water and was just about to climb into the tub, when the doorbell rang. Norton jumped up from the bathroom floor and ran for the front door.

Rina followed, assuming Frankie had come by to tell her about the date she'd accepted with a coworker. One thing Rina could say for her friend, she didn't have a problem getting an initial date. Apparently, Rina's bath would have to wait.

Commiserating about men couldn't. But when she opened the door, instead of Frankie, she found a surprise visitor leaning against the door frame. "Colin!"

"Hi," he said, then wedged his foot in the doorway.

Obviously he assumed she'd slam the door in his face. He couldn't be more wrong.

She inhaled his masculine scent and memories of having him inside her body ricocheted through her. "Come on in." She figured that was a start.

After shutting the door behind him, she turned to meet his gaze.

"Don't hate me, Rina. I couldn't handle that." He laid a hand on her shoulder and his fingertips brushed the sensitive skin on her neck.

She shivered, his touch more sensual than apologetic. "I didn't expect to see you again tonight. Or any other time this weekend, to be honest."

Because her family would still be around, Rina had counted Colin out. The fact that he was here now gave her a ridiculous amount of hope for a woman who'd just admitted to herself that she accepted this man for the wanderer he was.

Exhaustion strained his expression and her heart went out to him. He ran a hand through his hair. "When I left the hospital, at first I needed to be alone. To get away from everyone and everything."

His fingers tangled in the stray strands of her hair, causing her pulse to hammer wildly and her mouth to grow dry.

He led her inside and together they sat on the couch. Rina curled her legs beneath her.

"I wasn't ready to deal with another family situation."

He'd confirmed her hunch. One part of her liked knowing she understood him so well, another part was disappointed that he'd fallen back into old patterns.

"Especially another one where I was an outsider." He held out his hand and waited.

He obviously wanted her understanding. She'd already promised herself she'd provide it, and now she knew why. She loved him. Flaws and all, she loved this man who found himself unable to handle emotion or commitment.

Seconds passed, in which the roar in her ears and the silent echo of the words was the only sound she heard. She loved him. Because of Colin, she'd come to understand her past and her marriage, and she knew not only what she wanted, but what she deserved out of life. Colin would never demand self-sacrifice.

He'd never ask her to give up the career she loved or the life she'd created. He might leave in the end, but he'd given her something precious to keep in her heart. He'd given her his understanding. In return, because she loved and accepted him, she'd reciprocate by letting him go.

She placed her palm inside his. The sizzling sexual tension sprang to life once more. Only this time she knew more than desire crackled between them. Because the heart she thought she'd protected belonged to him.
