"WHAT HAPPENED at the hospital?" Rina asked.

Colin shrugged. He leaned back into the cushioned sofa and glanced up at the ceiling, his pain obvious. "Watching Corinne at Joe's bedside made me…uncomfortable."

"Why?" She needed details if she was going to help him through this. That he'd come to her now showed how much faith he placed in them. She didn't want to let him down.

"All this time I've been blaming her for working her wiles on Joe and destroying the family we used to have."

"And now?" Rina asked, leading but wanting him to confide on his own.

"I accepted something I probably knew all along but wasn't ready to face."

Rina squeezed his hand tighter. "Which is?"

"Corinne's not the outsider, I am."

She had a family she'd never feel left out of. Colin didn't, and his words hit Rina hard, helping her to understand him even more. Still, maybe his vision was distorted, coming from the perspective of the little boy who'd lost his parents and then felt as if he'd had no one.

"I know that's your perception and I've never met Joe, but my heart tells me he wouldn't agree. The man took you into his home. He adopted you. That says something about his feelings for you. Did you talk to him today?"

"I didn't want to be in a place I didn't belong, so I took off."

"So what brought you back here now?"

He rolled his head to the side, meeting her gaze. "You're the only one I trust enough to let in." He pointed to his chest. "Here." He tapped the area over his heart.

A lump rose to her throat as he reached out and touched her cheek.

"Am I forgiven?"

"There never was anything to forgive."

He released a long breath and she felt as if she'd given him a gift.

Still, she sensed he wasn't finished, that he had more to reveal. "What else did you realize today?" she asked.

"Are you a mind reader?" he asked, laughing.

"No, but I guess I am coming to know you."

Gratitude flickered in his gaze. "Joe raised me as his son. From plain old discipline to learning journalism at his knee, he didn't treat me any differently than if he'd had a kid of his own."

"That says so much about his character. He's obviously a good man."

"I know. That's what makes this so hard to reconcile. When Joe got sick, who did he give power of attorney? Who did he trust with his biggest, most beloved asset? With the asset he taught me to love and respect? Not his son, but his wife of two years."

She heard the betrayal in Colin's voice. She felt his pain in her heart. Her words wouldn't offer any explanation or ease his hurt, but she instinctively knew exactly what he needed. Something she could provide.

Turning toward him, she held out her arms, waiting as he came forward, his lips sealing hard and fast against hers.

Rina's lips devoured Colin's with abandon, not holding back. His blood heated and blazed, desire threatening to rampage out of control.

"Let's take this into the bedroom," he suggested, breaking the kiss.

He had no doubt she'd agree. Her body spoke for her, telling him she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But more importantly, she'd listened and understood, offering the comfort he needed without him having to ask.

"Sounds like a good plan," she said, her brown eyes glittering bright with desire.

Rising from the couch, he picked her up and swept her into his arms. "You should know I didn't come back here expecting this."

She laughed and shook her head before running a finger down his cheek. "Liar."

Caught, he merely grinned. "Okay, let's say I needed you and leave it at that."

"That's more like the silver-tongued devil you usually are."

He laughed. Her acceptance filled an emptiness inside him. He could have said that gnawing hole had begun with Joe's illness, but the empty pit had been eating away at him for a long time. Since his parents' deaths.

And that emptiness had led to the need to fill the void. He'd fallen back on travel, and the old desire was beckoning again. But he hadn't been able to outrun the void in the past and he knew it wouldn't accomplish anything now. He was fighting it this time, but it was difficult.

The woman in his arms made it easier. He made his way to the bedroom with her nuzzling at his neck, her breath warm against his skin. Without warning, she began to tug at his earlobe with her teeth. The sensation was hot and erotic, shooting desire straight to his groin. She'd not only chased away the pain but she'd filled that void.

The realization struck him hard, but before he could deal with what that meant, he'd reached the bed and more urgent needs called to him.

He lowered her to the comforter and came down on top of her in the nick of time, spreading her thighs and settling his hard, aching erection between her legs. Though he was fully dressed, he realized she wasn't.

Her robe parted easily, and instead of thin silk, he discovered bare flesh, moist heat and damp folds waiting for his touch, his taste, his aching member. He curled his fingers around the down comforter surrounding them and prayed for restraint.

"Don't you think you're overdressed?" she asked.

To hell with it. Restraint was overrated. He rose and began stripping out of his clothes, mindless of where they fell, but not unaware of Rina. She watched him undress. Her bright gaze followed his movements, the need dilating her eyes an arousing sight. As was her pose. She lay on the bed, robe parted, exposing a hint of white skin and cleavage above the belted knot, and those enticingly damp curls below.

He eased himself beside her, fully naked and completely aroused. Flesh against flesh, he thought he'd died and gone to heaven, except for the hard ache he'd yet to satisfy.

"I have a surprise." Her light laughter only served to inflame his need even more.

"I like surprises."

"Then close your eyes."

He lay back and complied, his body charged, his mind barely able to focus. In the darkness, he heard her open a drawer and rummage through it. "No peeking," she warned him.

He covered his eyes with one arm for good measure.

"Ready?" she asked in a husky voice.

"That's a loaded question, Rina." And then he nearly flew off the bed as he felt the first silken touch of-"What is that?"

"What's it feel like?"

"A soft tingling," he said through gritted teeth as a featherlight sensation teased his skin and worked its way up his thighs. "A feather?"


The fluttering torment continued as she caressed his lower abdomen, flirting with him, circling close to where his erection pulsed thick and ready.

"Guess again."

The sensation came once more, this time teasing the head of his penis, causing his hips to jerk upward. He nearly came then. Unable and unwilling to play anymore, he opened his eyes.

Rina straddled his thighs, a long ponytail in her hand, a warm, inviting smile on her flushed face. "I remember how much you liked the long hair, so I thought I'd satisfy that ultimate male fantasy."

"What male fantasy?"

"Wrapping long hair around your body. Don't tell me it's not something you've dreamed about." She studied him through too-innocent eyes for a woman so bewitching.

"If I admit to the obvious, do you think we can do something about this?" He glanced at his unrestrained erection.

"I think that can be arranged." With a wicked grin, she tossed the hair extension aside and covered his thighs with splayed hands, inching upward until her fingertips touched his coarse hair.

He let out a groan. This woman would be the death of him.

"But first I need you to tell me what you want." She swallowed hard and hesitated, the uncertainty more endearing than her earlier boldness had been.

He'd once asked her to tell him the same thing, and he was grateful she'd cared enough to ask. "I want you to take me in your mouth." He needed her to give to him in that ultimate, intimate way. Needed to know she was as far gone as he. "Hold me in your hand, take me in your mouth and make me come."

He held his breath and waited as she stretched out beside him, her legs near his head, her mouth hovering above his sex. "A first," he thought he heard her say, and then he heard nothing because she'd done as he'd asked.

Heat enveloped him, cushioning him in liquid warmth. At the first lap of her tongue, he nearly came off the bed. And then she bathed him with damp sweeps of her tongue, alternating with erotic grazing of teeth against his shaft.

"Sweet heaven," he muttered with an uncontrollable groan. He was lost in the most incredible whirlpool of sensation, but not so far gone he couldn't think of her, and when he opened his eyes, her bare skin beckoned to him.

It took some maneuvering and some damn fine concentration on his part not to climax first, but he managed to part her robe and find the vee of her legs. He grasped her thighs and found her slick, damp folds with his tongue, drawing her into his mouth the same way she was taking him.

"Colin?" The shock in her voice sounded at the same time the swirling arousing sensations rocking his body tapered off. Damn. "Relax, sweetheart. I want you with me when I come."

The things Rina did to him, body, heart and soul defied description. He inhaled her essence and his body trembled as he began working her again with his tongue.

A whimper escaped, bubbling up from the back of her throat, and her hips began a subtle movement, begging for more. Holding on to her thighs, he met her silent demand as she did the same for him, slickening his hard shaft with dampness and gliding her hands up and down, mimicking the thrust of lovemaking, of his body pumping into her tight, moist heat.

Within seconds, a shaking, shuddering climax hit him, harder than any he could remember, sending him into a breath-stealing moment of release and complete surrender. From the cry that escaped her lips, he knew he'd taken her along for the ride. And that notion pleased him far more than his own physical release.

Later, after a shower that involved more than washing up, they shared popcorn in bed while a mellow radio station played in the background. A dim light set the room aglow, Rina snuggled beside him, and Colin felt a contentment that had always eluded him.

"I've been thinking," she said.

"I know. I can hear those old gears grinding."

She laughed. "I'm serious. You were talking earlier about how hurt you were that Joe didn't leave the running of the paper to you in case of an emergency."

The topic sobered him, reminding him of how and why he'd ended up back on Rina's doorstep tonight. Watching Corinne sit by Joe's bedside, her gaze damp, his hand in hers, he'd felt like an outsider in a family he thought had been his. He wasn't a child and he understood how juvenile his thoughts seemed, so he'd tried to focus on the reasons behind his feelings.

It came back to the bond he'd always shared with Joe. The bond the older man had broken. The newspaper. "What about it?" he asked Rina.

"Well, I take it even before today's relapse, Joe hasn't been up to a business conversation, so you don't know why he did what he did."

"That about sums it up."

"Until you can talk with him, you won't feel much better. But you can try talking to Corinne and not fighting with her," she suggested. "I did notice you aren't exactly your charming self when she's around."

Despite the serious subject, he laughed. "That's true." He picked up a piece of popcorn. "Open," he said. Rina opened her mouth and he popped a piece inside. "But I have tried and she's set on doing things her way. And I went there today, intending to hash things out, but…" He shook his head. "It wasn't the time."

She chewed and swallowed. "Well, you're the one with experience," she said, taking his side without knowing what his side was or what it would mean for her future. "As soon as Joe's better, I'm sure he'll hear you out."

"The doctor's indicated a return to work wasn't coming anytime soon," he said.

"But he'll be able to take back the reins or at least oversee more. At the very least, you'll be able to talk to him again." She leaned over and placed a salty kiss on his lips. "You'll feel better once you get things off your chest. Be true to yourself, Colin. I already told you, my marriage taught me that's the one thing that counts in life."

"You told me a little. I want to know more."

She eyed him steadily. "I realize now that though I did love Robert…" She trailed off.

And he hated the jealousy gnawing at his gut. Hating the thought of Rina with any other man.

"Although I loved him, it was a steady, dependable kind of love." She drew a calming breath. "Not anything like…" She shook her head, interrupting herself. "Never mind."

Colin's stomach clenched, but he refused to push her. Probably because he was afraid she'd compare her safe marriage to their more combustible, less reliable, short-term affair. And he wasn't in any position to reassure her.

* * *

RINA DECIDED to throw a last-minute party on Christmas Day. Instead of having Colin uncomfortable and surrounded only by her family, she wanted to bring his friends and relatives to him.

Luckily, Logan and Catherine agreed to move their holiday celebration to Rina's, and Catherine even offered to bring the food, for which Rina was eternally grateful. Catherine then talked her sister, Kayla, and her husband, Kane, into joining them. Frankie had also agreed, since her family was out of state, and she hadn't made any plans. And Emma had jumped with glee, accepting any excuse to spend Christmas with Logan and away from her son. She'd even asked if she could bring Stan.

Progress came in many forms, Rina thought wryly as her company all mingled in the family room. Rina's only concern was whether Norton would behave. She glanced down at the offending male who stared up at her with soulful eyes.

He didn't like having his home invaded by so many people who ignored him or refused to pass him food. "You will be good, won't you, boy?"

"If you insist on wearing that dress, I can't promise a thing."

Rina turned. Colin stood in the doorway, staring at her hungrily from across the expanse of the small kitchen. "For a minute there, I thought Norton was answering me."

He laughed, stepping toward her. "You look incredible."

Heat flooded her cheeks but she was glad he'd noticed. "You're not so bad yourself."

"Now, there's a compliment," he said wryly. "Are you really worried about Norton? I can walk him if you are."

She shrugged. "I'm just being cautious. He's not too happy with so many people invading his space. Except for you. He adores you. And so do I." She brushed a kiss on his clean-shaven cheek, inhaling his seductive, purely masculine scent. Delicious, she thought.

She couldn't get enough of him. No matter how dangerous the thought, she had no choice but to accept what he gave and put the notion of him moving on out of her mind. It would happen soon enough, especially if things with Joe didn't go well.

Forcing herself to think about the party and the guests, instead of making love with Colin, wasn't easy. "You can walk him in about an hour. Right now he's just sulking."

Colin cocked his head to the side, taking in the morose dog. "How can you tell?"

"Because he's not jumping and begging for attention. He wants these people to come to him. He went through a period like this after his stint as a hero dog. He saved Brianne from a drug dealer who wanted revenge on my brother. He got so spoiled afterward it took awhile until he started acting like a dog again."

Colin raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I didn't think he had a vicious bone in his wrinkled body."

She laughed. "He doesn't. He didn't even have to bare his teeth. All he had to do was pee on the guy's leg. The bad guy lost his focus, giving Jake a chance to step in."

Colin grinned. "Way to use your bodily functions, man."

Norton thumped his tail in reply.

"Hey, I thought I was the hero who rescued Brianne." Jake entered the kitchen.

"Only after Norton provided the opportunity, and don't you forget it. You owe him."

"I paid in advance by watching him that entire summer," he muttered.

"I'm sure it wasn't that much of a hardship." She folded her arms over her chest. "And I didn't realize you were standing there."

He folded his arms over his chest, too, a gesture very much like Rina's, Colin thought.

"I'm just observing," Jake said, his gaze on Colin.

Observing him, Colin realized. Rina hadn't said anything, but it was obvious his decision not to return yesterday had impacted not just Rina, but her brother. Jake's attitude had been decidedly chillier than yesterday. Colin respected that.

"So what can I get you guys? Colin?" she asked first, obviously attempting to change the subject.

"Do you have any bottled water? Emma's getting tipsy and Logan wants to dilute her wine."

Rina furrowed her eyebrows. "Emma doesn't drink. She's up to something, so you'd better keep an eye on her. Better yet, keep an eye on poor Stan. The man has his hands full." She turned to her brother. "And you? Isn't your wife waiting inside?"

"As a matter of fact, she wants to know if you have any celery."

Rina crinkled her nose. "Cat's hot appetizers are so good. Why would Brianne want celery?"

Jake rolled his eyes skyward. "As if I have a clue what women think."

"Hmm. That might be a good subject for my next series of articles. How to get inside a woman's head." She grinned. "I like that."

"Works for me," Jake muttered.

Colin swallowed hard and remained silent.

"Brianne also wants peanut butter," Jake said. "And some raisins if you have them. Oh, and she'd like a large glass of milk."

Colin grimaced. "That's what I call disgusting."

"It's what I'd call a craving," Rina said, her eyes opening wide.

"What?" Jake walked over to Rina, obviously picking up on her choice of words. "What are you talking about?"

"Brianne's got odd cravings. Could there be any special reason for them?" Rina wiggled her eyebrows knowingly while Jake, the macho cop, suddenly looked green.

"To hell with the celery," he said, and bolted for the other room to talk to his wife.

Rina laughed. "Mission accomplished. Jake's out of here and we can squeeze in a minute alone."

"You went to all this trouble, arranged this party, all for me. Do you know how lucky I am to have you?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She smelled like Rina, an arousing floral scent that seeped into his bones. He smelled it in his sleep.

"Mmm. As long as you know how lucky you are, that's all that counts." She linked her hands around his neck and pulled him into a hot, tongue-tangling kiss.

But before things could get any deeper, a ringing cell phone interrupted them. With a groan, Colin reached for the phone clasped to his belt while Rina stepped back, resigned.


"Merry Christmas, Colin." He recognized Corinne's voice.

His heart clenched in fear. "Same to you. Is Joe okay?" he asked, knowing she wouldn't call without good reason.

"Actually, he's doing well today. Holiday spirits and all that. He'd like to see you."

Fear turned to anticipation. "I'd planned on coming to the hospital after dinner."

"Could you make it before then? Actually, can you make it now? Joe's strength is up and it's a good time for the two of you to talk."

"Go," Rina whispered, obviously having overheard. "I understand."

He didn't want to leave, if only because he didn't want to walk out on her again. But he needed to see Joe and he couldn't let the opportunity slip by. "Tell him I'll be there," he said to Corinne.


Colin hung up and slipped the phone into his pocket, shooting Rina a regret-filled look. "I wish-"

"Shh." She put a finger to his lips. "It's Christmas. You should be with Joe. I'd go with you but I have a houseful of people."

He placed his hand beneath her chin, tilting her face up toward him. "You thought about going with me. That means a lot."

He bent to kiss her and, as usual, the kiss flared out of control. She teased him with her tongue, tracing the seam of his lips and darting inside before she pulled away.

"Just wanted to give you a taste. Come back tonight and I'll give you even more." A wicked gleam flickered in her gaze, making him laugh. He'd already grown hard with wanting her.

Getting through the day, his desire unrelieved, would be hell. Dealing with Joe and the subject of family, the paper and Corinne would be even worse.

"Hey you two, quit necking and get inside for a toast." Emma said, banging on the wall by the kitchen, making her presence known. "It's rude to make out when you have company waiting. I, on the other hand, do not have company. So would you mind pointing out the least trafficked area so I can get my dear Stan alone?"

Colin rolled his eyes.

Rina laughed. "Probably the bathroom, since this is a small place. Sorry, Emma, but today won't be the most romantic day you'll ever spend."

She wagged her wrinkled finger at Rina. "That's where you're wrong. It's the person you are with, not your surroundings that matters. Now get inside. Your brother wants to make a toast."

And then he'd head over to the hospital, Colin thought, uncertain of whether to dread or look forward to the meeting. As they stepped inside, Jake tapped a knife against a glass and the talking dwindled. "I'd just like to say a few words. First, I don't know most of you, but thanks for taking care of my sister since she's moved here."

Colin squeezed Rina's hand tight.

"Second, I want to toast her determination to make a new life and her success in going after what she's always wanted. My sister is now a newspaper columnist and happier than I've ever seen her. Here's to health and happiness, Ri."

Rina blushed, an adorable shade of pink. But with every one of Jake's words, Colin's gut twisted tighter. Because he knew he was heading over to the hospital to finally discuss the paper's financial situation and future with Joe. A future that might not include Rina.

She wanted to continue her column and live life on her own terms the way her ex-husband had never allowed her to do. Could Colin destroy her dreams just so he could achieve his own goals? January 1 was around the corner, and even if Colin managed an extension, it would only delay the inevitable. Unless he came up with another solution or performed magic. Neither seemed likely.

"And lastly," Jake said, bringing Colin back to the other man's toast, "I want to let all of you in on the fact that my beautiful wife and I are officially expecting a baby, something I just discovered myself. So cheers, everyone, and Merry Christmas." He raised his glass and everyone toasted, clicking glasses and murmuring good wishes.

Colin glanced at Rina's wide smile. "You don't seem surprised by this news. You weren't fishing when you sent your brother out of the room earlier?"

She shrugged, looking like the proverbial cat who ate the canary. "I had a very strong hunch. I'm just glad to be right. I'm going to be an aunt!" Her voice rose in excitement as she glanced back at her brother and Brianne.

"You like kids, huh?" Now, where the hell had that come from?

"Is this a trick question?" She met his gaze, a wry smile on her lips. "I say no, you think I'm a witch? I say yes, you run for cover before I can con you into having one? It is every single man's worst fear realized, right?"

He brushed his knuckles over her cheek. "Until he meets the right woman." And then before things could get too serious, he said, "I have to get going."

She nodded. "I know talking to Joe won't be easy, but you need to do what I said. You need to be true to yourself."

His heart constricted at her serious words and earnest gaze. She cared so much and gave even more. But she had no idea just what her advice would cost her.
