As on a warm and genial day,

Upon my bedroom couch I lay,

My thoughts, for I was dreaming half,

Were broken by a silvery laugh,

Which fell upon my startled ear,

Loud, distinct, and very near;

I rose, and followed up the sound,

When very soon a hole I found,

To which I clapp'd my prying eye,

To see if there I aught could spy,

And was rewarded by a sight Which thrilled and filled me with delight;

And which, if you'll peruse me through,

Dear reader, I'll relate to you.

A youth and maid were in the room,

And both in youth and beauty's bloom;

She seemed in age but just fifteen,

Whilst he three summers more had seen;

And by the way they kissed and squeezed

Seemed with each other highly pleased;

And that maid, my wayward muse,

Could scarce a fitter subject choose.

Their dress was very scant, for she

Was simply robed in a chemise,

Whilst the fair youth did also lack

All but one garment on his back;

But when his free hand wandered o'er

The charms which 'neath her dress she wore,

He got quite warm, and bade her lift

Up to her slender waist her shift;

Which soon she did, and there displayed

The finest limbs that ever maid

To lover's kindling eye presented,

But he, alas! was not contented.

And then he bade her throw aside

The garb which did her beauty hide,

And she, responsive to the call,

Soon let the inodorous garment fail,

And stood like fairest statue she

That mortal eyes did ever see;

Who now with unveiled nakedness,

Stood forth in radiant loveliness.

There was the pure and snowy skin,

Revealing currents warm within;

The graceful peak where beauty sits,

The swelling globes, the panting teats,

The fair abdomen, and the loins,

Where each fair thigh its fellow joins.

He saw all these, but fixed his eyes

Most on the spot where, 'twixt the thighs,

The rosy entrance to her heart

Lay like a rosebud rent apart;

For it, unlike to older girls,

Was yet unhid by clustering curls -

Save such a down as one might find

Upon a peach's luscious rind;

But still its coral lips displayed,

Undimmed by such a clustering shade;

A tempting thing! yet which to name,

Your Julia fair says, "Oh, for shame!"

But to my tale; the youth we left

Still gazing on the rosy cleft.

He placed his garment on a chair,

And stood as naked as the fair;

Then with one arm around her twined,

He felt each part, before, behind,

And let his roving fingers glide

O'er her plump breast and smooth backside.

Nor was she idle, for her hand

Held something that she scarcely spann'd;

And as it rose she took the part

Which oft had nearly touched her heart;

But ere her grasp she did resign,

She placed it in Love's panting shrine,

In which, her feebleness unbent,

The uncapp'd pilgrim nobly went -

Though at the rosy gate he lingers,

Detain'd by her encircling fingers;

Then, by a motion known to wives,

Deep in the orifice he dives;

And as the luscious goal he nears,

With one quick movement disappears.

She hugs the owner, kisses, squeezes,

Her actions telling how it pleases;

Till with one convulsive throe,

She feels her lover's lava flow;

And on her back supinely laid,

This to her panting lover said -

"Oh, love, I'm gone, spent, tired, done,

And never had a better one!

Not even when you first did steal

Your hand beneath my shift to feel.

Then I felt yours, and, to my surprise,

Encountered a thing of such a size,

That I was frightened at its look

Ere it in my hand I took;

And when at last upon this bed

You gently took my maidenhead,

With all its length beneath my belt,

No more of girlish fears I felt."

And thus they did their friendship seal,

In such a way as I do tell

Just then I heard a voice below,

And ne'er did voice displease me so;

Twas my cousin who thus called to me,

"Harry dear, come down to tea!"

I left the crevice with a frown,

And sulkily to my tea went down.
