Any hopes Edouard had that Mikhail would give up on Knox for the night were quickly extinguished. They went to the hotel bar, took a corner table, ordered a round of firewater and discussed ways of getting Knox to open his door, despite his now being clearly on alert. 'Let's just blast his door with your shotgun,' grinned Zaal.

Edouard looked appalled at him. 'Keep your voice down,' he begged.

'Why? You really think someone here speaks Georgian?'

'You never know.'

'Why don't we start a fire?' joked Boris. 'That'll get them down.'

'Actually,' said Mikhail thoughtfully. 'That's not such a bad idea.'

'Are you crazy!' hissed Edouard. 'There must be hundreds of people staying here.'

'We don't actually have to start a fire,' said Mikhail, with exaggerated patience. 'We only need to set off the alarm. All the guests will come down and gather outside, including our two friends. We'll just grab them when they appear.'

'It won't be easy,' observed Boris. 'Lots of other people around.'

'So let's go up to their floor first,' suggested Zaal. 'We'll set the alarm off and wait for them to open their door.'

'What if we're seen?' asked Edouard.

'What if we're seen,' mimicked Zaal, earning himself a laugh.

'I only-'

'We're doing it,' said Mikhail, knocking back his drink. 'Unless you've got a better idea, of course.'

Edouard hung his head. 'No.'

'Then shut up.' He got to his feet; the others too. Only Edouard stayed seated. 'You too,' said Mikhail.

'I'm really not cut out for-'

'I said, you too.'

He rose reluctantly, followed them to the lifts. He couldn't think why Mikhail would want him along, other than it gave him pleasure to make people do the things they hated. But that was reason enough. The lattice gate closed on him like a gaol-term. The lift shuddered and began to ascend. The idea that Knox and Bonnard had anything to do with Petitier's death was patently ridiculous; only not to Mikhail. He took it for granted that everyone was as innately vicious and covetous as himself. They reached the sixth floor. The gate opened. With a sinking heart, Edouard made to follow the others out. It was only at the last moment that he noticed the amended conference itinerary taped to the mirror. He didn't have time to think things through, he simply grabbed it and thrust it at Mikhail. 'Look!' he said. 'Knox is giving a talk in the morning.'


'So he'll be the third person associated with this damned conference to come to harm. The girl will make four. The police will go crazy.' He jabbed a finger at the CCTV cameras. 'And look at all those, for Christ's sake. We'll be caught in no time. Besides, Knox won't have the fleece here, will he? Remember what that policeman said? He and Pascal took it to the airport in a bag. I'll bet you anything they hid it out there. And he certainly won't go for it until after his talk, not while he's still a suspect.'

'What if it is his talk?' asked Mikhail. 'What if he unveils my fleece at this conference? What then?'

'He'd have to be mad,' replied Edouard. 'How else could he have got it, other than by murdering Petitier?'

There was silence for a few moments, as they considered this. 'He's got a point, boss,' said Boris grudgingly.

'And that's not even the main thing,' said Edouard, pressing his advantage. 'The main thing is that we know exactly where he's going to be tomorrow. We can wait for him to finish and then pick him up and do whatever we like with him. And no one will even know that he's gone.'

Mikhail frowned as he thought it through. Then his expression cleared. 'Yes,' he said, as though it had been his idea. 'We'll wait till after his talk. We know exactly where he's going to be, after all.'

'Yes, boss,' nodded Zaal. 'Good thinking.'

They turned together for the lift. A bead of sweat trickled down Edouard's flank. Catastrophe averted, for tonight at least. But what the hell was he going to do tomorrow?
