Abi knew they were near the cenote. But how near, he couldn’t tell. Dakini was a yard or two behind him. Also flat on the ground. Twenty yards away he could see Nawal and Rudra. He’d lost sight of Oni maybe two minutes before. He was probably dead too. The guy was so huge he’d have made an obvious target for the snipers.

‘We’re going to have to make a stand of it. If we keep the cenote behind us, it means they can’t get around and backshoot us. They’ll have to come in from the front. You all still got your weapons?’

The others nodded.

‘Okay. Let’s run for it.’

He stood up and took Dakini’s hand again. She’d never been a particular favourite of his, but now he felt a sudden protective urge towards her. It must be hard to be so damned ugly that people crossed the street to avoid meeting your eye.

They ran as fast as they could. For some reason the shooting had fallen away behind them. Then, as Abi ran, it redoubled in violence, but not, oddly enough, in their direction. Was Oni making a break for it? Were Vau and Alastor still alive?

Abi didn’t care. He needed the cenote. When they got there they could plan their next move.

He glanced back over his shoulder. Nawal and Rudra were making ground. So he’d have four guns.

Not a lot. But it would have to be enough.
