‘They’ve come to a place called Kabah, Madame. It’s an insignificant site, well off the beaten track. This morning we watched them as they made a tour of the site. They seemed to pay particular attention to the Temple of the Masks.’
‘Were they alone? Or did they meet somebody?’
‘They were alone. Apart from a local guide who ran up and bothered them, and whom they subsequently employed.’
‘Have you talked to him?’
Abi hesitated, aware that danger loomed. ‘No. I didn’t think it necessary. It was obvious the man was employed by the site. He was lying there sleeping before Sabir and his little gang arrived.’
‘Maybe he was waiting for them?’
‘Madame, no. I really think not.’
‘Speak to him anyway. Do you understand me, Abiger?’
‘Yes, Madame.’
‘Where have our trio gone?’
‘To a motel. Twenty kilometres down the road. But I have something else to tell you, Madame. Something of key interest, I believe.’
‘And what is that, Abiger?’
Abi cleared his throat. He didn’t know quite how the Countess was going to take this next piece of information. Still. He knew he had to give it up, or else one of the girls – Athame, maybe, who had always been close to Lamia – would simply get in there ahead of him and queer his pitch.
‘All the way down, the three of them have been sharing a room. Through fear, probably, of us breaking in on them’
‘Get to the point, Abiger.’
‘Now Calque, the policeman, has taken a room on his own.’
‘And Lamia?’
‘She is with the American.’