Abi, Dakini, Nawal, and Rudra lay fanned out in the gravel at the cenote’s edge, listening for any pursuit. Their guns covered a 180-degree radius, with the cenote behind them forming the remainder of the circle.

‘Did you see what happened to Oni?’

‘No. He just disappeared. I think he went in the opposite direction to us.’

‘That figures.’

They all laughed. Their faces were streaked with dust and sweat, and Rudra had Berith’s blood all over him.

‘I’m going to take a look around the corner of the cenote. See if there’s any way out. Come running if I whistle.’

Abi got to his feet and began a hunched zigzag run towards the far corner of the cenote. There was a burst of machine gun fire, and he threw himself down flat. Then he wriggled back into cover.

‘Thought so. They’ve got us surrounded. They can’t bring their guns to bear on our backs, thanks to the cliff face, so they’ll have to come at us from the front.’

‘Is there any way out down there?’

Abi crawled to the edge of the cenote and looked down. ‘No. No caves. No walkway. Nothing. It just goes straight down like a chimney. But at least we won’t go thirsty. I hope to heck they don’t bring in mortars. I wouldn’t put anything past these guys.’

‘How many do you think there are?’

‘Too many.’

There was an explosion from over by the warehouse. The corrugated iron roof flashed briefly in its slow-motion trajectory over the trees, and then flipped over onto its side and vanished.

‘What the heck was that?’

‘Five million dollars’ worth of crystal meth going up in smoke. Not to mention half a million dollars’ worth of narco-bling. If they were angry before, think what they’re feeling now.’

Rudra began to laugh. ‘Are you telling me they succeeded in blowing up their own factory? What was that you said about mortars?’

Abi shook his head. ‘It wasn’t mortars. We left Sabir and Calque inside, didn’t we?’

‘Yeah, but they’d never have freed themselves in time. They’ll have gone up with the building.’

‘Are you sure?’

Rudra thought about it a little. ‘No. You’re right. I didn’t tie that bastard Sabir’s legs up, did I? Didn’t think I needed to. What a fool. I should have hamstrung him while I had the chance. I thought we had all the time in the world.’

‘All water under the bridge now.’

‘What do you think is going to happen to us, Abi?’ It was Dakini.

‘We’re going to die. That’s what’s going to happen to us. How, is up to us.’ Abi turned over onto his back and eased his cell phone out of his pocket – then he began to crawl. ‘If you see anybody, shoot. I’m going to see if I can raise the dead. Then I’m going to talk to Alastor and Athame. Then I’m going to talk to Madame, our mother. Any of you girls needs a powder break, this may be the moment to take it.’
