Chapter 21

Cency's lips glided up and down on the cock as she knelt in the bedroom of her latest owners. Dave Carver was leaning against the bed as he looked down at the beautiful naked slavegirl at his feet. His wife, Melanie, was kneeling beside Innocence and watching the cock disappear over and over again as she held one of the slave's breasts in her hands.

"Mmmm," he sighed. "This was a good idea."

"Yes, dear," agreed Melanie. "But remember, just a taste before we wrap our present."

Innocence knew she should be getting used to this. She should know that she was going to be used in some embarrassing or demeaning way. But she was always surprised. It always caught her off guard.

She didn't think that she would be sold this night. In fact, she was sure of it since they would start interviewing candidates for the research subjects on Monday. The last time she was sold, she was gone for a week and a half. At least she didn't get fucked on the stage this time. Well, actually, she was fucked but not by a male. The female auctioneer had demonstrated Cency's responsiveness with a dildo and struck her chest with a flogger as she was nearing orgasm. The blow had pushed her over the edge.

Kaitlin was demonstrated the same way although she did not seem to be embarrassed at all. Maybe that was because of her little play group where they took turns and switched from dominant to submissive. Innocence had been shocked that Kaitlin wanted to be sold and she was even more shocked that Richard had agreed.

Dave did not last long and he rewarded Innocence's efforts with a mouthful of sperm. Then Dave and Melanie led their new girl down the hall to a second bedroom.

""You are going to be a birthday present for our son," explained Melanie. "He turns eighteen tomorrow and we're pretty sure he's still a virgin. You are going to help him get over that problem."

Innocence gasped at the news. She was going to corrupt a young boy? "Mistress, are you sure you want to do this? Maybe he wants to be a virgin."

"Ha!" snorted Dave. "No boy wants to be a virgin. He probably just lacks the nerve because he's never done it before. We'll fix that tonight when he gets home and then he can practice all day tomorrow."

Innocence groaned. This too was going to be embarrassing, she saw. The couple placed Innocence in the center of the bed and then stretched her limbs to the four corners, binding her in a spread eagle position. Melanie left the room for a moment and then returned carrying a few items.

A ribbon was tied around each of the girl's nipples and Melanie formed two decorative bows. She used a tube of lipstick to write ‘Happy Birthday, Jake' across Cency's belly. Then she dabbed a towel over Cency's sex which was quite wet, much to her surprise and chagrin. Then she used the lipstick to color the girl's clit a bright red.

"Might as well give him a hint where the hot button is," explained Melanie. Then they left Innocence alone to wait for her initiate.

About thirty minutes later, the boy walked into his room. "Yikes!!!" he exclaimed as he stopped dead in his tracks. Then he disappeared out the door and she could hear him talking down the hall.

"Mom!!! There's a naked girl in my room!!!"

"I know, dear. She's for you," she heard Melanie explain.

"But what do I do with her?"

"Anything you want, dear," answered Melanie.

"But I would suggest that anything includes fucking her, son," Dave added.

"Jeeez, Dad," complained Jake. Innocence couldn't see him but she assumed he was blushing.

"No, really, sweetie," said Melanie. "She's yours and we expected you to use her sexually. We bought her for you."

Jake gasped. "You bought her?"

"Yes, Jake," replied Dave. "We bought her for you. Well, we bought her for a day. So I guess we rented her."

"What? Is she a hooker or something?" asked Jake incredulously.

"No, dear," assured Melanie. "She's someone's slavegirl. She was auctioned off tonight at a party we attended. And your father and I bought her for you."

"Yes. Happy birthday, son," added Dave. "Oh, and by the way, she has a very talented mouth. Be sure to use that too."

"Jeeez, Dad," Jake said again. "That's more than I needed to know."

Innocence heard footsteps and quickly saw Melanie leading Jake by the hand back into his room. She led him closer until they were standing beside the bed where Innocence was bound. Innocence could see that the son was blushing furiously.

"Isn't she beautiful?" asked Melanie.

"Yes," said Jake in a small voice. "I guess so." His eyes would start to roam over Cency's body and then he would avert them, being too embarrassed to overtly stare at the naked beauty.

"There's no guessing about this one," said Melanie. "She's gorgeous. She's perfect in every way. And she's all yours until tomorrow night. Do you know how to use her?"

"Of course I do," he replied indignantly. But his blush deepened. "Sort of… No, not really." His eyes started to tear up as he admitted his lack of experience.

Innocence watched as Melanie hugged her son. "It's okay, sweetie. We didn't think you had done it. That's why we bought Innocence."

"Innocence? That's her name?"

"Yes, that's her real name. And she's just so perfect. Let me give you a guided tour. Or would you be more comfortable if your father showed you around the girl?"

"No, Mom," he said. "I think I'd rather have you do it."

For the next five minutes, Melanie showed her son around a naked female body and described how many of the parts could be used for pleasure. She stroked her finger in and out of Cency's mouth, illustrating how a blowjob worked. She untied the ribbons and toyed with the sensitive nipples, sending unwanted thrills through the captive as the little buds stiffened.

"Feel how firm these are," she said as she squeezed the left breast. Tentatively, Jake reached out and squeezed the right breast, causing Innocence to blush anew.

"Yeah, I guess they're firm."

"Oh, trust me," she said. "These are very firm. These are prime quality. Let me give you a comparison."

Cency's eyes grew wide in surprise as she saw Melanie pull her top off and then reach behind her back to unhook her bra. Jake gasped. "Mom!!!"

"Oh, don't be such a prude," she said. "I'm just giving you a lesson." She reached out and grasped Jake's wrist, bringing his hand to one of her breasts. Innocence watched as the boy's fingers squeezed into the fleshy orb. Innocence saw that Melanie's breasts were also very full and firm with hardly a hint of sagging despite her age, which Cency guessed to be about forty.

"It feels pretty firm too, Mom," Jake said.

Melanie leaned forward and kissed Jake on the cheek. "You're so sweet. But this girl's breasts are much firmer." Then she resumed the guided tour without bothering to put her clothes back on. Jake had a hard time deciding which breasts to watch as the lesson continued.

Innocence groaned as Melanie snuck a finger into her sex and then pulled it out to show Jake how shiny it was. This was like a pornographic version of sex education.

"See how wet she is?" asked Melanie. "That's a good sign. It means that she's aroused."

"Why would she be aroused?"

"Because she likes it. Most slavegirls are always aroused." She ran her finger around Cency's little asshole which was not easily accessible because of the way she was tied. And then she finished by toying with the girl's clit which she had painted with her lipstick earlier.

"Now it's your turn to try out the girl," Melanie said, once she had finished the class. "Take off your clothes. We'll start with straight fucking."

"Mom!!!" he blurted. "I can't take off my clothes with you here."

"I don't see why not," said Melanie. "I took off my clothes with you here." Then she unzipped her skirt and slid it and her panties off, leaving her only wearing her heels.

"There," she said with her hands on her hips. "Now we'll all be naked. Now off with those clothes."

"But Mom!"

"Now, buster!" she commanded.

Once again, he was blushing furiously but he obeyed his mother. Quickly he was naked and he used his hand to shield his cock, which was quite erect at the moment, from the view of the two women. Innocence noted that it was quite a bit larger than his father's.

"Oooo!" squealed Melanie. "You have a nice one." She reached out and pried his hand away before gripping the huge shaft with one of her own hands.


"Oh stop being such a ninny. Now get up on the bed and kneel between her legs."

Again, he complied and then Melanie positioned him correctly, continuing to hold onto his cock and guide it to the girl's awaiting sex. Innocence looked up and saw the panicky look on Jake's face. She could only guess at how embarrassed he was to have a witness to his first time with a girl; let alone having his mother handle him so intimately.

Innocence felt the cock rubbing at her petals and then stretching them open as the shaft was pushed into her. It had a very impressive girth and she could feel every inch of movement as it started to fill her.

"That's it, Jake," Melanie said in encouragement. "Now take it all the way in."

"Good," Melanie continued. "Now start moving it slowly out but not quite all the way." Innocence felt the shaft start to withdraw as Jake followed his mother's instructions.

"Now back in," said the mother as she continued to coach her son. "How does she feel?"

"Good," he said. "She's warm and tight. But I don't get it. What's the big deal with this?"

"Oh, you'll get it soon enough," replied Melanie. "Just keep moving in and out and let me know when you start to get it." She knelt beside the bed and rested her chin on one of her arms as she watched the thick pole of her son plunge into the girl. After a few more strokes, he spoke again.

"Oh, I think I'm starting to get it. It's getting tingly."

Melanie smiled and reached out with her other arm. She placed a fingertip on Jake's slick and shiny shaft, feeling it move past her finger on its way into and out of Cency's swampy sex. Then she moved her hand and captured his balls, cradling them in her palm. They were warm and larger than she expected. She knew they would be full of his sperm and those little swimmers would soon be deposited in the girl's womb in search of an egg to mate with.

"Slow down there, slugger," she told her son as she saw his pace speeding up. "You don't want to shoot too soon."

Jake groaned. It was hard enough that he had his cock buried in a real live girl for the first time. But his mother's touches and the fact that she was totally naked with him were not helping.

"Stop completely for a bit," Melanie said. "Just rest yourself inside of her. I want to show you something."

Jake groaned again. This was becoming torment. But he did stop and waited for whatever demonstration his mother had in mind.

She moved her hand and placed a finger on Cency's clit, causing the humiliated and impaled slave girl to tense. "Now look down here and watch what I do. But whatever you do, don't move in her. You don't want to end this too soon."

Melanie started slowly caressing the painted little nubbin and Innocence started moaning immediately. Jake lifted up his torso and looked down between the two bodies as his mother rubbed the little red button. Innocence was already aroused so it took less than a minute for her to tense and cry out in climax. Jake pulled out completely as soon as he heard the cry.

"What happened?"

Melanie smiled at her naïve son's reaction. "She just had an orgasm. You know what that is, don't you?"

Jake blushed again at his mother's question. "Yes, Mom. I know what an orgasm is. I'm not stupid."

"Good," said Melanie. She crawled up onto the bed and knelt at Cency's shoulder, resting her bottom on her heels. "Now, I want you to kiss her breasts. Girls like that."

Jake glanced to the side and blushed again as he saw his naked mother kneeling on the bed with her sex blatantly exposed to him now. But he lowered his head and kissed the upper swells of Cency's breasts as his mother had instructed him.

"Kiss her nipples too," she said. "And suck on them. You can even use your teeth. Girls like that too."

He kissed the puffy, succulent nipples and then sucked them into his mouth, hearing Innocence moan beneath him. He wanted to start moving his cock again but didn't know if he was allowed to yet.

"Did you hear her?" asked Melanie. "She liked it. All girls like to have their breasts kissed."

Jake lifted his head. "Yes I heard her moan. I guess that means she likes it." Then he turned his head and lifted it, kissing each of Melanie's breasts.

"Oh my," she gasped.

"You didn't like it?" he asked. "I thought you said all girls like it."

"I…. um…. er….. um…" she stumbled. This was not what she had in mind. But she didn't know how to break the news that he shouldn't do that to his mother. "Yes, that was very nice."

Jake took that response as encouragement and he leaned toward her again. This time, he sucked Melanie's left nipple into his mouth and pulsed it a few times. She sucked in her breath and stifled a moan as her son sent thrills through her body.

He moved his lips to the right nipple and sucked it in. This time, he used his teeth to capture the little bud and raked his teeth along its length. Innocence was shocked by the incestuous display in front of her.

"You can start moving again, Jake," said Melanie, hoping to focus her son's attention on the slave girl they had purchased for him. His hips did start to move and his cock once again started pistoning in Cency's sex. But his teeth remained clamped onto his mother's nipple and he fluttered his tongue over its tip.

Melanie looked down in disbelief as she saw her breast disappearing into her son's mouth. It had been there before but that had been seventeen years ago. She never intended to have him suckling on it again.

Innocence continued to watch the lewd scene before her. She had no choice in the matter. She was bound to the bed. Then, to her surprise, she watched Jake reach between his mother's thighs as he supported himself with one arm and kept stroking his cock into her.

Without releasing the captive nipple, Jake stroked his finger along his mother's labia, finding them every bit as wet as Cency's. Melanie jumped with surprise as her son got bolder. She reached for his wrist to pull his hand away but stopped before gripping it. She realized that he was only doing what she had taught him. She kept saying that girls liked these things. It dawned on her that he was just trying to please her in his own naïve way.

The finger slipped between Melanie's petals and she sucked in her breath as thrills surged through her. She needed to draw a line somewhere. But then the finger withdrew and started stroking her sensitive clit, causing her to lose focus as more thrills rushed through her body.

She didn't even notice when Jake pulled out of Innocence. He released her nipple and reached up, gripping his mother's shoulders, rearranging her, and pushing her back on the bed. She found herself lying with Cency's bound arm under her back and the slavegirl's bound leg beneath her own. Jake had climbed on top of her.

"This isn't comfortable, Jake," Melanie said. "Release Innocence and let her move." Why did she said that? She should have said that she was not comfortable and that Jake should stop.

Jake quickly worked at the bindings and Innocence rolled to the side of the bed to give the mother and son room to couple. She could not believe what was going on here. Why didn't the mother stop the boy? It was clear to Innocence that Melanie did not intend things to go this way and that she was uncomfortable with the situation. But she was doing nothing to stop it.

Jake positioned his mother in the middle of the bed and knelt between her legs. Melanie turned her head to Innocence and spoke. "Go service my husband, girl."

Innocence left the room as quickly as she could, happy to escape the debauchery, and padded naked down the hall to the master bedroom that she had been in earlier. Moments later, she reappeared at Jake's bedroom door. "He's sleeping, Mistress."

Jake did not slow down. Once Innocence left the room, he rubbed the tip of his cock between the slick petals in front of him and then steadily drove his cock into the beautiful woman lying on the bed. Melanie moaned as her sex stretched around the thick shaft and filled her completely. She had slept with many men in the past. She and Dave sometimes even brought slave boys to share their bed. But she had never been penetrated by a cock as large as her son's. It seemed to be entering her forever and she had never felt so filled.

Cency's eyes flew open wide when she returned to the room. She knew that sex was inevitable between the mother and son at this point but it was still a shock to see Jake's huge cock embedded in Melanie.

Melanie was a ball of lust at this point. The dam had burst. The previous taboo had been shattered. For the moment, all that she wanted was to be filled with Jake's long, thick cock.

"Come over here and make yourself useful, girl," she managed to utter. "Suck on my nipple."

Jake was suckling on his mother's left nipple so Innocence moved to the side of the bed to suck on the right one. She bent over and drew the little bud between her lips and started to suckle it, letting her tongue flutter over the tip.

Melanie saw Cency's breasts dangling beneath her chest and swaying with her gentle movements. She reached out and grasped one of the fleshy orbs, squeezing it and then gripping the nipple to stretch it downward.

"Play with me, girl," instructed Melanie huskily. "Help me to cum."

Melanie didn't actually think that she would need any help. Jake's cock and the two mouths feeding on her breasts were already moving her toward an orgasm. But the girl's ministrations would help her get there more quickly.

Innocence reached between the two bodies and found her mistress' clit. She glanced there once she started strumming the little nubbin and gasped as she got a clear view of Jake's club pulling out of Melanie and glistening with the mother's juices. She watched, mesmerized by the scene, as the huge bludgeon buried itself only to reemerge over and over again.

She saw Melanie's belly start to quiver and listened to the combined moaning of the mother and son. She continued to pulse Melanie's nipple between her lips and to stroke the very slick clitoris.

Jake and Melanie let out long low groans at virtually the same instant. Innocence watched as both bodies tensed together. She saw Melanie lift her legs and curl them, digging her heels into Jake's butt to pull him close and drive the cock deep into her body.

Jake continued to feed ravenously at Melanie's breast while Innocence did the same to the other one. Cency's hand was caught between the two bodies as she continued to stroke her mistress' clit. Melanie erupted into a second orgasm and then a third before she finally went limp.

Eventually, Jake softened and his cock slid from his mother's womb. He rolled to the side while continuing to feast on Melanie's firm breast. The sensations were overwhelming to Melanie as the two mouths continued to send thrills through her body but she was too weak to push the two attackers away.

Then, Melanie gasped and opened her eyes wide. She realized that she was totally unprotected. Dave had gotten a vasectomy years ago so she no longer needed birth control. Now the little swimmers that were supposed to be searching out the slave girl's egg were madly wiggling inside of her body, searching for her own egg. She groaned as she realized what she had done.
