Chapter 9

Thankfully, it was warm on Friday. Innocence had a cape tied around her neck as Kaitlin drove the two of them to the party. But she knew she would eventually lose the cape and would have very little to protect her from a chill. But it was a warm August night so that was the least of her worries.

They arrived at the party and, as expected, Kaitlin removed the cape and stuffed it into the car. Then she led her slave girl up the front steps and into the house. Innocence trembled throughout the entire walk.

Innocence was blushing furiously as she was led into the group of teenagers who were already gathered there. It was the most embarrassing moment of her life. And it was the most bizarre scene she had ever witnessed.

About half the group was clearly masters and mistresses and they were clearly identified as such by the costumes they wore. Black leather and latex seemed to be the materials of choice. Cat suits, corsets, chaps and vests covered the bodies of the dominants. At least most of them were mostly covered. One of the dominant females had her breasts exposed through cutouts in her cat suit. Another had her ass exposed. Several of the male dominants were shirtless, but she didn't really count that.

The submissives wore a wide range of dress or undress. One girl looked like a harem slave with sheer pantaloons and a tiny embroidered vest that did very little to cover her abundant chest. A male wore nothing but a g-string. Yet another male wore nothing but a cage that fenced in his cock and balls. And many of the submissives were completely naked but for a collar. All of the submissives wore collars, she noted. All but her. She wondered what the significance of that was.

And then there was her outfit. She might as well have been naked for all that it did to expose her. Her outfit consisted of a set of leather straps that circled her body and bound her arms. Her breasts were trapped at the base and compressed with straps, causing them to bulge slightly, while other straps simply ran across her flesh. A leather band at her waist was attached to two more straps that ran between her legs but left her pussy exposed. A final strap or set of straps circled her wrists and then wound up her arms, pulling them together so that her elbows touched. She felt her shoulders aching from the strain of having her elbows pulled together.

What parents in their right minds would allow their children to participate in such deviant behavior? She thought that it was totally irresponsible to let their kids get involved in something that was so blatantly sexual. Did they even know what was going on? Did Richard know?

"What color for your new girl?" Innocence heard one of the boys ask Kaitlin.

"Red would be fitting, I think," replied Kaitlin.

"Excellent choice," said the male. "I look forward to sampling her charms myself later then." Then the boy stood in front of Innocence and buckled a collar snugly around her neck.

"I hope you enjoy her," said Kaitlin. "She's very special to me."

"Katy," whispered Innocence loudly after the boy left. "What's going on? What does a red collar mean? And what did he mean about sampling my charms?"

"That's your first violation of the evening, pet," said Kaitlin. "If you keep that up, I'll give you a black collar."

Innocence cast her eyes down at the chastening. "Sorry, Mistress."

"A white collar means that the slave may not be used in any way," explained Kaitlin. "They are merely here for decorative purposes. A black collar means that people can punish that slave and use the slave sexually. And a red collar means that the slave is available for use sexually but cannot be punished. You are going to be well fucked tonight, pet."

"Katy!" Innocence hissed. "I mean Mistress! You can't do that! I'm your stepmother!"

Kaitlin patted Cency's bare ass. "You're so cute. I just love you to death. You say the cutest things. Yes, it's true that you're my stepmother. But as of this week, you're also my slave. And I will use my slave however I want."

"Mistress, please," begged Innocence. "Please don't do this to me."

They were interrupted when another male stepped up to them. "I was really hoping that you were going to be a slave again tonight."

"Ha," chuckled Kaitlin. "You didn't get to fuck me enough last time, Bobby?"

Bobby reached up and gripped the edges of Kaitlin's vest. She was dressed in black leather with leather slacks that hugged her skin and thigh high boots with spike heels. On top, she wore a leather vest and opera length black leather gloves.

The boy pulled back the two sides of the vest, exposing Kaitlin's generous mounds. "How could I ever fuck this body enough?"

He released one side of the vest but held onto the other side, keeping it open. Then he reached in with his other hand and stroked the soft orb that stood proudly from her chest. "Magnificent. I might own these permanently someday if you're not careful."

Kaitlin reached up and grasped the boy's wrist, dragging it away from her chest. "Ha!" she snorted. "In your dreams. And no touching the merchandise tonight. I'm a mistress at this party."

"Only for tonight," he retorted. "I'll have you in chains again soon enough."

"You're the one who will be in chains next," she replied. "And I think I'll feature you at the glory hole when you are."

"You know I don't swing that way," he said.

"You'll swing whichever way I decide when I own you," she responded. "If I decide that you'll service the boys, then you'll do just that."

Innocence just shook her head in disbelief as she listened. It was unbelievable to her. They played at this slavery thing and seemed to take turns owning one another. How could they possibly have gotten into this decadent behavior? How could a bunch of eighteen year olds get so deviant?

"We'll see," he said. "Who's your new pet?"

"This is Innocence," said Kaitlin, pulling Cency forward. "I captured her this week. And I'm displaying her for the first time tonight."

"She's a beauty," the boy observed. "So she's permanent, huh? Where did you capture her?"

"Yes, she's permanent," confirmed Kaitlin. "I own her. Well, my dad and I own her. And I captured her in my home."

"Wow, your dad's into this lifestyle too? That's awesome! What was she doing in your home?"

"Sleeping," said Kaitlin.

"Wow!" Bobby repeated. "You captured a house guest?"

Kaitlin laughed. "No, she wasn't a house guest. She's my stepmom."

"Wow! You and your dad are so kinky!"

Innocence blushed as she listened to the exchange and then had to stifle a groan when she heard Kaitlin announce that she was Katy's stepmother. She was hoping to keep that a secret so that it would be easier to end this insanity at some point. It would be much harder to unwind all of this if a lot of people knew.

Bobby turned toward Innocence and trailed a finger down the center of her chest, between her breasts, and then let it continue to travel downward over her belly. Innocence felt gooseflesh forming in the wake of the roaming finger.

"Your dad sure has good taste," commented Bobby. "She really is a beauty. Mind if I take her for a spin?"

"She's a red collar," replied Katy. "But I want to watch."

"Sure thing," agreed Bobby. Then he unhooked the leash from his belt and attached it to Cency's collar. "Let's go find an open room."

Innocence groaned as she was led away by the pair of dominants. She was taken upstairs where they started looking for an open room. The first few that they checked were occupied. In the first one, a red collar girl was being fucked by two boys as they sandwiched her between them. The second contained a naked black collar boy who was being whipped by a dominant girl. In the third one, they saw a red collar boy being sodomized by another male.

"That will be you someday soon," chided Kaitlin.

"Only in your dreams," scoffed Bobby.

They finally found an unoccupied room and led Innocence into it. "Do you want her arm binder off?" asked Kaitlin.

"No, leave it on her," replied Bobby. "I like what it does to her chest."

Innocence glanced down and groaned as she saw how prominently her breasts were displayed with her shoulders pulled back so tightly. They were even more prominent because of the way the leather constricted them at the base. It was as if they were there for the taking.

Bobby quickly peeled off his clothes. Kaitlin remained clothed as she positioned Innocence. She placed the slave girl at the edge of the bed with her bottom perched on the edge. Then she crouched down and pushed the slave's feet apart.

"She's all set," announced Kaitlin. "But you'll need to wear this." She held up a condom which drew a groan from the boy.

"Awww!" complained Bobby. "I'm clean. And you know I prefer riding bareback."

"I don't care what you prefer," said Kaitlin as she opened the wrapper. "She belongs to me and you'll follow my rules if you want to use her. Besides, I want to make sure I don't have any new brothers or sisters right away."

"Jeeessshhhh!!!" grumbled Bobby. "Okay, give me that thing."

"I'll put it on you," Kaitlin declared. "Now get over here."

"Jeeessshhhh!!!" Bobby repeated. "Yes Ma'am!!!" he said sarcastically. He stepped closer and Kaitlin got down on one knee. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of the cock which was already fully erect. Then she parted her lips and leaned forward further, letting her lips glide along the length of the shaft.

"Be careful with that thing," cautioned Bobby. "It might explode on you."

Kaitlin pulled back and laughed. "That would be too bad for you. Then you couldn't enjoy my girl."

"Ha!" chortled Bobby. "Not a problem. I could get it back up again in a heartbeat for that girl."

Again, Innocence was incredulous. This group seemed to have no morals whatsoever. Nothing was out of bounds for them. They switched roles freely and treated each other like slaves. It was akin to a freeform sexual orgy. She could never fit in with a group like this.

Kaitlin placed the condom at the tip of the throbbing cock and slowly rolled it down the shaft. "There you go, big boy. Now you're ready for a swim."

"I hate raincoats," grumbled the male.

Kaitlin reached around him and spanked his bare ass once, eliciting a yelp from him. "Stop complaining. It's time for fun." She led him by his cock until he was standing between Cency's parted thighs.

"Please, Mistress," begged Innocence. "Please have mercy."

Kaitlin ignored the pleadings and continued to pull Bobby forward until the tip of his cock touched the slave's slick petals. Innocence glanced down in disbelief as she watched Kaitlin holding the cock as it slid into her, slowly disappearing into her love channel.

"Ahhhh!" moaned Bobby as he felt the wet warmth engulfing his cock. "So tight."

Kaitlin finally released the cock and positioned herself behind the boy. Then she reached between his legs and grasped his balls, squeezing them lightly.

"Oh god!" he uttered. "I won't last long if you keep that up."

Kaitlin laughed. "I just love the control I have over you." Then she gave his ass another swat.

Bobby started a steady motion, pumping in and out of the new slave girl's body. Again, Innocence was incredulous as she watched him bend his head down to capture one of her nipples with his lips. She blushed furiously as his tongue and teeth worked on the sensitive bud, sending unwanted thrills through her body.

Kaitlin maintained her grip on the pair of balls but moved closer to Innocence. She leaned down and sucked the other nipple into her mouth, pulsing it in and out and letting her teeth rake along the tender little nubbin.

Innocence groaned again as the sensations began to overwhelm her. Two hungry mouths feasted on her ample mounds as a thick cock plunged into her over and over again. Her body was an erotic swirl of lust as more and more thrills rushed through her. She cried out as she climaxed.

"Wow, she's a hot one!" observed Bobby who was still pistoning in the girl's sex.

The pumping lasted for about fifteen minutes and Innocence experienced a second orgasm at the hands of the two dominants. Eventually, Bobby climaxed and the ordeal was over. He softened and slid out of her and Kaitlin removed the condom.

"That's two infractions, pet," announced Kaitlin. "One more and you'll wear a black collar."

Innocence blinked. "What did I do, Mistress?"

"You came without permission."

Innocence groaned again. That was a rule that she did not even know. "But it wasn't my fault, Mistress!"
