Chapter 26

Innocence was once again shocked at the Byron's party on Saturday night. She thought she had seen everything but she was repeatedly surprised by new turns of events.

Richard arrived at the party shortly after it started. Following behind him, on his leash, a completely naked Chrissy blushed her way into the room. Chrissy had never been seen naked by her parents or by their friends who were gathered for an evening of deviant fun.

If Innocence was shocked that Richard would expose Chrissy in this way, she was absolutely dumbfounded by what happened next. Trudy met Richard and gave him a kiss on both cheeks. Then she stepped in front of Chrissy and lifted both of her daughter's breasts in her palms.

"You make such a lovely slave girl," said Trudy as the breasts were bounced and squeezed.

Chrissy was mortified. Her parents had only seen her in dominant roles in the past. And until she made the deal with Richard, she had never even played at being submissive. Now she was exposed and vulnerable and was being intimately fondled by her own mother. She had no idea how to respond so she remained silent.

Trudy turned to Richard again as she continued to hold Chrissy's precious orbs and palpate them. "I honestly had no idea. Maybe we will have to make some adjustments at home when you return her to us."

Chrissy groaned at her mother's comment. She glanced down and saw, to her horror, her mother's fingers gliding over the swells of her breasts. She also saw how stiff her nipples were, much to her chagrin.

Frank joined his wife and admired the newest addition to the party. "She is lovely, isn't she? I knew we had a beautiful daughter. I had no idea that we also had a beautiful slave girl."

He reached out and traced a finger around one nipple and then the other. Then he used both hands to capture the nipples and roll them back and forth. Chrissy groaned again and closed her eyes to shut out the humiliating scene.

Frank maintained his grip on the stiff little nubbins and pulled upward, exposing the lower swells of his daughter's luscious breasts. "She's as well built as Cency. How much would you think we would get for her at the next auction?"

Chrissy opened her eyes wide in surprise at her father's question. She saw Frank and Trudy smiling back at her hungrily.

"I would think she would go for a bundle," replied Trudy. "Innocence sold for fifteen thousand that one time. I'm sure this girl would fetch something similar."

"I agree," added Richard. "And if you need a testimonial, I'd be happy to provide one. She's a real delight in bed or wherever you want to fuck her."

"Really?" replied Frank. "Hmmm. That's interesting; very interesting."

Chrissy felt her blood run cold at her father's words. She could tell by the tone in his voice that he was thinking about using her sexually. She had to find a way to stop this insanity that she had gotten herself into.

"Perhaps we could have a demonstration later," offered Trudy. "It would help us in thinking about a price to place on her."

"Excellent idea," blurted Frank. "We'll test her out later."

"In the meantime," added Trudy, "I think we should change our entertainment for the evening. I didn't realize that we would have two slave girls."

"What did you have in mind?" asked Frank, curiously.

"Just wait," said Trudy. "I'll show you. I think you'll like it."

Trudy grabbed one of the other wives to assist her. Over the next ten minutes, they worked on Innocence, securing her face up on a long narrow table in the center of the room. When they were finished, her ankles were bound together with her knees spread, leaving her sex exposed and vulnerable. Her arms were stretched over her head and fastened to one of the ends of the table. She was only able to move her head when they were done.

"We're ready for the second girl," Trudy said when she returned to the little gathering. Frank was still playing with his daughters breasts and was gliding his fingers and thumbs from the base of each breast to the nipple as if he was milking her. Reluctantly, he removed his hands and watched wistfully as Trudy led Chrissy away.

Chrissy was lifted onto the table and was kneeling on all fours above Cency's bound and stretched arms. Her face was directly above Cency's as Trudy leaned down to give the two girls their instructions. "I want a good show, girls. If I think you aren't giving it your all, there will be punishment."

"Mom!" protested Chrissy in a loud whisper. "You can't be serious!"

Chrissy was instantly rewarded for this complaint with a spank to her butt. The loud crack got everyone's attention and all of the guests gathered at the table, circling it.

"This is my latest art creation," announced Trudy. "I call it Sapphos Bound." The guests applauded as they saw the two naked lovelies on the table.

"Begin, girls," instructed Trudy.

Both girls looked at each other in disbelief. It was Innocence who reacted first. "We better do what she says. It's going to happen one way or another." Then she lifted her head and kissed Chrissy on the lips.

Chrissy closed her eyes at the humiliation of the situation. She intended to own Innocence. She never had any aspirations to be Cency's slave sister. But she felt Cency's lips against hers and eventually felt the other girl's tongue probing between her lips.

The kiss lasted several minutes and seemed to please the gathered crowd. Guests commented on how erotic the scene was and complimented Trudy on her artistic talent.

"You'll have to move down," whispered Innocence when she finally broke off the kiss. "I can't budge."

"I don't know if I can do this," whimpered Chrissy in a whispered response.

Innocence lifted her head up and kissed Chrissy again. "You can do it," she whispered. "I know you can."

Reluctantly, Chrissy crawled forward. She intended to move her lips directly to Cency's sex so she could bring her to orgasm and end the ordeal quickly. But she was stopped short as Innocence lifted her head and captured one of her nipples with her teeth. Chrissy groaned at the interruption and found her face directly above Cency's breast. Against her better judgment, she lowered her head and sucked one of the prone girl's nipples into her mouth.

Innocence felt her nipple being encircled by Chrissy's lips and once again wondered how she had gotten into this situation. She was bound and displayed and was expected to have sex with her childhood nemesis. But she also knew that it would be better to put on a good performance. She had no idea what kind of punishment Trudy had in mind and she had no desire to find out. She pulsed Chrissy's nipple in and out of her mouth, feeling it stiffen tightly, before moving her lips to repeat her actions on the other dangling breast.

"Just a taste," she heard one of the wives say. And then she nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt a tongue exploring between her widespread legs.

"This one's like a little cow," one of the males said. Innocence looked up and watched the man's fingers wrap around the base of Chrissy's breast and then glide down to the nipple as if milking the firm mound.

"But a beautiful little cow," said another woman. Innocence felt feminine fingers capture her free breast and mimic the motions of the male. "They are both so beautiful."

The tongues kept flickering over her clit and nipple while the fingers kept milking her other breast. She felt a lubricated finger circling her asshole and gasped into Chrissy's breast as the finger pushed its way into her bottom. She heard Chrissy gasp and assumed her bottom was being similarly violated.

Hands roamed over her vulnerable flesh, squeezing and caressing her everywhere. Chrissy started to move again and soon the younger woman's sex was directly above her face. She saw four feminine fingers stroking in and out of Chrissy's sex and a male finger was pumping in and out of her ass. Innocence lifted her head and started flickering her tongue over her slave sister's clit, knowing that was what Trudy expected for this performance.

"Prime slave meat you have there, Richard," she heard Frank say as she felt two fingers insinuating themselves into her sex.

"Yeah," she heard her husband reply. "Both of them are, really. I'd take either one of them. And together, they make a great pair."

Cency's eyes opened wide in surprise at that comment. He'd take either one? What was that supposed to mean? A third finger slid into her sex and Chrissy's tongue kept flickering over her clit. She kept flickering her own tongue over Chrissy's and watched as the woman with her fingers in Chrissy's sex tucked her thumb alongside the digits. She heard Chrissy groan as the woman worked her fingers and thumb in and out of the sex above her face, going deeper with each thrust until the entire hand slid into the other captive girl.

Innocence grunted as she felt the same thing happening to her. Inch by inch, the hand moved deeper into her body, stretching her sex painfully until she felt it pop completely within her. Still, she kept her tongue moving over the exposed clit as she saw the wrist before her eyes turning this way and that.

"Someone should be filming this," commented one of the wives. "This is so hot!"

"We'll pair them again," she heard Trudy reply. "Maybe we'll capture that one on film."

Innocence gasped at the conversation. They wouldn't dare take pictures. Would they?

Hands claimed each of the four breasts and squeezed them, occasionally pinching or tugging on the ripe nipples. Fingers stretched wide open in the pussies and probed the dark recesses of each of the girls. The two slaves continued to lap at each other's clits as the hosts and guests availed themselves of the two vulnerable bodies.

Innocence was the first to show signs of an impending orgasm. Her belly quivered and she started moaning as she felt her orgasm approaching. It was Chrissy who climaxed first, though. Her body tensed and she moaned loudly, wrapping her lips around Cency's clit. The vibrations of the moans and the suckling on her clit quickly pushed Innocence over the edge and both girls trembled as wave after wave of orgasm rushed through them.

"Bravo!" exclaimed one of the husbands.

"Great show!" said the woman with her hand embedded in Chrissy's womb. Innocence watched as the woman slowly extracted her hand, seeing it coated with the juices of her slave sister. Then she gasped as she saw who the finger in Chrissy's ass belonged to. Frank was the one toying with her bottom.

The girls were helped off of the table and stood side by side on wobbly legs. Richard reattached his leash to Chrissy's collar and Trudy leashed Innocence.

"Do you plan to share your girl tonight, Richard?" asked Frank. Richard turned and saw Frank openly ogling Chrissy who was blushing and still breathing hard from her recent orgasm.

"You know me, Frank," Richard replied. "I'm always willing to share my girls. Why? Do you want to try her out?"

Frank grinned. "I'm debating. It's an attractive thought."
