Chapter 8

Wednesday was much like Monday had been. Richard left early in the morning for the office and Kaitlin claimed her new property once she woke up. Throughout the day, Innocence was constantly bound and again was frequently attached to something. And once again, she lost track of the number of orgasms she received.

She was only punished once that day. Until now, Innocence had been on the receiving end of all of the orgasms. In the early afternoon, Kaitlin declared that it was time for the slave to "start earning her keep."

Kaitlin secured Innocence in a keeling position with her wrists bound to her ankles. Then the young mistress disrobed. Innocence was horrified when she realized what was going to be expected of her. She protested and complained. She had never done anything like this before and had no desire to start now. Four stripes of the cane across her breasts and belly convinced her that licking another girl was not so bad after all.

She felt humiliated as she scooped her tongue through Kaitlin's slick petals. Her owner was already very aroused and Innocence got a good taste of another woman for the first time. It turned out to be not as bad as she feared. But she was still humiliated at being forced to do something so degrading.

Several times, she glanced upward as she licked and tongued Kaitlin's pussy. One time, Kaitlin was looking back down and watching her. Innocence quickly averted her eyes in embarrassment at someone watching her do something so decadent.

The other times, Kaitlin's eyes were closed and she had a dreamy look on her face. Innocence was flickering her tongue over her mistress' clit and she watched Kaitlin's response. Her belly would tighten and then quiver for a moment. Her breasts jiggled slightly with each quiver, animating them and sending the nipples jumping and leaping throughout the air.

Kaitlin was remarkably beautiful. Innocence considered herself to be a devout heterosexual but even she admired Katy's body. The breasts were firm and full and were even larger than her own. Innocence guessed them to be D cup in size. The nipples were long and very stiff at the moment and almost seemed to be slicing through the air each time the breasts moved. The stiff nubbins were surrounded by small areolae that were no larger than a quarter.

Her waist was very narrow and her body was toned. She did not have an ounce of excess weight and the weight that she did have was perfectly distributed on her tall frame. And her face was beautiful. She knew from past experience that Kaitlin could run the full gamut of expressions from angel to vamp just by changing her smile. Right now, she looked angelic.

"Ooooo, that's good, pet," cooed Kaitlin as Cency's tongue continued to flutter. Kaitlin reached out with one hand and stroked the slave girl's hair as if to comfort her and give her approval.

"Mmmm," she added a little later. "You can't convince me that you've never done this before. You're just too good at this."

Innocence continued to flicker her tongue over the sensitive little nubbin, occasionally pausing to scoop between the petals or stab into her owner's sex. She honestly had no experience doing this with another woman but she knew the kinds of things that she liked. She just focused on doing the things that she would want done to her.

Her life had certainly changed quickly in the past couple of days. Or had it changed all that quickly? She thought back to the past year of her life. She had been introduced to submission almost a year earlier when she was the model for Richard's class. Since that time, her submission had been gradually escalated by Richard as the relationship grew and developed.

At some point, that she could not identify, she had crossed the bridge from being a submissive to being a slave. She remembered the day when Richard had told her that she no longer needed a safe word.. Maybe that was when the transition was made.

Regardless of when it happened, she now knew that she was his slave. And she knew that, as a slave, she had no rights. The thought was repugnant to her on one level. After all, she was a college graduate with a promising future ahead of her. She planned to get her doctorate and become a professor, just like her husband. She was due to start her doctoral studies in just a couple of weeks.

But while it was repugnant to her on one level, it was very rewarding on another level. She took comfort in others taking responsibility. It was very satisfying when someone else had control. Plus, her body certainly found it very much to its liking. She was constantly aroused these days. Even now, when she was being forced to do something that she viewed as deviant, her sex was positively flowing.

Kaitlin's belly was quivering again and Innocence could see that her eyes were closed tightly. Both of Kaitlin's hands were on the slave's head now, holding her in place as the owner moved closer to a climax. The breasts were even more animated as the bounced and swayed as if they could move on their own. Katy was moaning now and tightened her grip on Cency's head.

The moaning intensified until there was a final groan. Kaitlin's body tensed and then shuddered. Still, Innocence kept fluttering her tongue over the sensitive little clit. Kaitlin groaned again and then pushed Innocence back, away from her sex. Innocence continued to look up, studying her mistress' body and her reactions. Kaitlin held tightly onto her slave's head, using her girl for support as she recovered.

"Mmmmm, you're good!" sighed Kaitlin when she finally opened her eyes. She looked down at her girl and smiled. "I could get used to that kind of treatment."

Innocence remained silent. She did not want to encourage a discussion about the decadent act that she had just participated in. But inwardly, she felt pride that she was able to provide such pleasure and she liked the praise that her new owner had given her.

After she recovered, Kaitlin spent several hours instructing Innocence. The slave girl was taught how to walk and stand and kneel. There were multiple poses she had to learn but she was able to master them all. She was taught when she could look at someone and when she couldn't. She was taught how to serve and clear. It was all very frustrating for her. She had no idea when all of this silly stuff would be useful. She knew that Richard certainly didn't need for her to behave this way.

"What is all of this for?" she finally asked. This was met with an immediate slap to her cheek.

"Sorry," she said quickly. "What is all of this for, Mistress?"

"It's stuff that you need to know for the party on Friday, girl," replied Kaitlin. "I want the others to appreciate you."

Innocence furrowed her brow in confusion. "The party? What kind of party is it, Mistress?"

"It's just a bunch of my friends getting together," said Kaitlin. "It's kind of a costume party."

"Oh," said Innocence. That didn't sound so bad. "What will we be going as, Mistress?"

"A mistress and slave, of course," Kaitlin responded. "You'll love it. And my friends will love you too."

Innocence gasped. "I'm going as a slave? In public?"

"Don't worry. It's a private party."

"Richard!" blurted Innocence once her husband got home. "I mean, Master. Do you know about this party on Friday?"

"I know a little bit about it. It should be fun for you and Katy."

Kaitlin had bound Innocence bent face up over the back of a padded bar with her legs spread widely. Richard unzipped his pants and easily slid his cock into his wife's waiting sex.

"How can it be fun?" gasped Innocence as the cock filled her. "She wants to take me as a slave!"

Richard reached out and grasped the two breasts that were swaying on her chest and squeezed them as he pumped in and out of the bound girl. "Yes, I know. She and her friends got into this slavery thing early. It took me a lot longer to find my way into the scene."

"But the costume she has for me is indecent!" complained Innocence. "I can't be seen in that. I'll be practically naked."

He released one breast and reached out to pat her cheek. "Relax, pet. I have displayed you totally naked before. And that was before I even owned you."

Innocence groaned. She couldn't believe that her husband would even consider letting her be seen almost naked. But then she remembered the day in class almost a year earlier when he had displayed her totally naked to a room full of students.

"But have you seen the outfit?"

"Yes, I have seen it," he said, plunging particularly deep and causing Innocence to groan. "I haven't seen it on anybody but Katy showed it to me a few months ago. She was going as somebody's slave girl that night. But she was too modest to model it for her father. Maybe you could model it for me tonight."

Innocence shook her head in disbelief. She couldn't believe that she was expected to wear the scant outfit. She couldn't believe that Richard would allow her to. And she couldn't believe that Kaitlin had attended a party as a slave girl.
