Chapter 3

"Professor," she started on day in his office. "I'm truly confused. You said that I have a slave heart. But I don't know what to do about it. I don't even know if it's a good thing."

Richard smiled at his beautiful assistant. "It's a very good thing, Cency. At least it is if you explore it with someone you trust. And once you find that person, you don't have to do anything about it. You simply surrender yourself to your slave heart."

"Oh," she said, nodding as if she understood, which she most certainly did not.

"You will find someone," he added. "And then you can learn more about yourself as you explore your feelings."

"Oh," she repeated.

"Cency, we are moving back into the practical demonstrations in class tomorrow. You will be my model again." He paused, waiting to see her response. He expected to see her tense and maybe even blush. But instead, she just nodded.

"Yes, Professor. What are we getting into next?"

"Modern day applications of the techniques of the Inquisition," he replied. "Some of their tools and innovations are utilized even today, although in a much tamer form. I want to demonstrate some of them using you as the subject."

"Yes, Professor," she nodded. "What should I wear?"

"Nothing," he said.

She blinked at his response. "Do you mean nothing in particular?"

"No," he laughed. "I mean nothing. You will be nude for the next class."

Innocence gasped at his words. The blush that he had expected earlier finally arrived and her face turned crimson. "Oh, are you sure you need that? I'm not sure I can do that. Oh, my!"

"It's the only way, Cency," he said. "And I know you can do it. You told me once that you have posed nude for some of the art classes. Besides, it will be another way to explore your slave heart."

"My slave heart," she whispered.

"I should warn you," Richard addressed the class the next day. "There will be nudity associated with this lesson. If you think that you will be offended, you may leave now. Class notes will be posted on the website later this afternoon as well as an audio recording of the lecture." Not a single student moved toward the door.

"Very well," he said. "Let us begin. But I must caution you to show respect and to not make our subject uncomfortable. Otherwise, I will invite the offending parties to leave the classroom."

He turned toward the door in the front of the classroom and opened it. He disappeared momentarily into the office where Innocence was waiting. He smiled appreciatively as he saw her naked for the first time. She was remarkable and the vision of her almost took his breath away.

"Good girl," he said to try to reassure her. "You are beautiful. Come, let's begin."

He took her by the elbow and led her forward. She had leather cuffs around each of her wrists and ankles and she had locked her wrists together behind her back as he had instructed her to.

There was a collective and audible inhaling of breaths as he led her into the classroom. Her long hair, which was usually in a ponytail, was free and had been combed out until it was lustrous. It flowed down her back and her chest, partially concealing her full breasts. She wished she could have let it flow over her face too so that she had a place to hide. But her face was uncovered and it glowed bright red from her blushing.

"I'm sure you remember the clamps of the Inquisition," he told the class after he positioned Innocence next to his podium. She had hoped to be placed somewhere less prominent but she found herself front and center in the classroom. And whenever she glanced up, she saw that every eye in the class was directed at her and some of the students had very hungry looks on their faces.

He held up two small items. "These are an example of modern day versions of the cruel implements that I showed you last week."

Innocence glanced to the side to see what he had in his hands and breathed a sigh of relief. They looked like rubber tipped tweezers and did not look menacing at all. They weren't nearly as threatening as the things she saw in the previous classes.

Richard stepped away from the lectern and turned Innocence slightly so that she was at a forty five degree angle to the class. Everyone would be able to see the professor's demonstration. He positioned himself so he would not block anyone's view and then he continued.

"It's usually good to stiffen the submissive's nipples before applying the clamps. As I'm sure you can see, Cency's are already quite hard already but I will demonstrate the technique anyway.

Innocence glanced down at her chest and groaned as she confirmed that her nipples were already like stiff pebbles on her breasts. Her blush deepened.

Richard lifted her left breast in his hand, holding it in his palm lovingly. Then with his other hand, he gripped the nipple and rolled it back and forth. He flicked it with a finger a couple of times and then gripped it again, stroking it and stretching it. Cency closed her eyes and moaned as the actions sent unwanted thrills through her body.

When he was satisfied with the results, Richard held the first clamp to the nipple and placed one rubber tip on each side of it. Then he slid the metal ring around the two prongs upward, which tightened the grip on the captured bud. Innocence gasped as she felt the clamp tightening and flattening her sensitive little nubbin.

"I am only going to slide this tightening ring halfway," announced Richard. "It will secure it in place without causing too much pain." Then he repeated the actions with the other nipple and, before long, Innocence was sporting two clamps on her overly sensitive nipples.

"These can be used for decoration or for punishment, depending on how much they are tightened. They can also be used for leading a submissive around. Nipple clamps can be used on males also." Innocence glanced up and saw several of the male students blushing.

Eventually, Richard removed the clamps, much to Cency's relief. But then he surprised her by holding up two more objects.

"These are another example of how an innovation from the Inquisition has evolved into a recreational implement of today. Let me demonstrate these for you."

"May one of us try to apply them, Professor?" a voice from the class called out. Innocence cringed.

"Of course," replied Richard. "Would you like to put them on her, Becky?"

"Yes please," said the same voice as earlier. Innocence looked up and saw Becky getting up from her seat and approaching the front of the class. Richard gave her the new clamps, with a warning not to make them too tight.

Becky stood where Richard had stood earlier and leaned close to whisper to Innocence. "You're beautiful."

"Thank you," Innocence whispered back as her blush returned.

"May I demonstrate another way of getting the nipples stiff, Professor?" Becky asked Richard. "At least it always works with me."

"Sure," Richard responded. "There are actually a lot of ways to do it. Show the class a second approach."

Becky was much taller than Innocence and stood nearly six feet tall with long red hair that she currently had tied in a ponytail. Innocence watched in horror as the tall student bent at the waist and saw the red mane going lower and lower. Her eyes flew open wide as she looked down and saw Becky's lips parting and then saw her nipple disappearing into the student's mouth. She groaned as she felt her nipple being pulsed in and out several times before teeth started gnawing lightly on her tender bud.

Becky pulled her head back and stretched the teaching assistant's breast away from her chest. Eventually, the nipple slipped free with an audible pop and Becky quickly fastened the clamp to it. She turned the screw on it until Innocence yelped from the pain.

Becky's mouth moved to the second breast and Innocence once again felt unwanted thrills rushing through her body. She felt her pussy clench with arousal from the attention she was receiving and couldn't believe that she could become aroused from the intimate touch of another woman. She had never done that before and had never even considered doing it.

Again, Becky pulled back and elongated the breast until the nipple popped free. As Becky was tightening the second clamp, Innocence yelped and then immediately let out a long low groan as her body tensed. Becky understood what was happening and wrapped her arms around Innocence, holding her as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over the teaching assistant.

"You will recall the rack from the days of the Inquisition," the professor started the lecture again. Innocence was still being supported by Becky who was openly groping the delectable feminine curves of the blonde beauty. Innocence barely heard the lecture resuming as she slumped against the student.

"No modifications have been made to this instrument in the hundreds of years since it was first introduced. But today, it is not used to the extremes that were trademarks of the Inquisitors. May I have two volunteers to help our teaching assistant onto the rack?"

Instantly, two of the male students stood and stepped forward. One stood on each side of Innocence and grasped her upper arms, relieving Becky of her charge, much to her chagrin. They led Innocence to the wooden device and then one grasped her under the armpits while the other gripped her ankles. They lifted her and gently placed her onto the bench-like piece of furniture.

Richard moved to the rack and unlocked Cency's wrists before moving around the device and securing her wrists and ankles to the chains. "Now, may I have another volunteer to operate the machine?"

Immediately, Becky raised her hand as did everyone else in the class.

"Becky, I think we should let someone else get some experience too," said Richard. "Paul, why don't you operate the crank? The rest of you should gather around so you can see better."

There was a flurry of activity in the classroom as all of the students moved to the rack. They jostled for position to get the best view and then settled down as Paul started to turn the crank.

At first, the cranking just took the slack out of the chains and nothing much happened. After the slack was removed, however, Cency's arms and legs tightened as they were stretched. Paul kept cranking and Innocence began to feel the strain on her limbs. The student continued to turn the wheel and soon Innocence was moaning.

"That's enough for now, Paul," said Richard. "Note how our subject is totally immobilized. In a sense, this is just another form of bondage. But this also has a certain aesthetic appeal."

Richard ran his palm along one of Cency's outstretched arms. "Note how stretched she is and how her musculature is clearly visible."

Then he ran his hand up her leg, pausing as he got to the top of her thigh. "This is one of my favorite forms of bondage. The Inquisitors were brilliant in their deviance. Their invention still survives today and has the potential to bring great pleasure and entertainment to lifestyle enthusiasts."

He ran his fingers between her thighs and stroked them along her labia, finding them already well lubricated with her arousal. Innocence gasped as she felt herself being touched so intimately.

"This bondage also allows for coupling," he told the class. Then he held up his wet fingers for the class to see. "And as you can see, Innocence has responded nicely. She is quite ready for intercourse."

Innocence groaned as she heard the professor's words and then felt her face turn crimson as she saw his glistening fingers. She prayed for the class to end soon but she knew that she still had a long ordeal ahead of her.

"But there will be no coupling as part of this class," Richard continued. This was meant with groans and moaning from many of the males and several of the females.

"Becky," Richard continued, "would you be so kind as to remove your clamps? Then we'll get on with the demonstration."

"Sure, Professor," said Becky. She leaned down and quickly unfastened the clamp on Cency's left breast. Then, much to Cency's surprise and chagrin, Becky sucked the abused little nubbin into her mouth and pulsed it in and out, sending more unwanted thrills through Cency's body. Becky moved to the other side of the rack and repeated her actions but suckled longer on the right nipple. Innocence closed her eyes in shame as she felt her climax approaching and then groaned as it erupted within her. This can't be happening to me, she thought.

"Ooooo!" squealed Becky with delight as she saw the beautiful teaching assistant's body tense and then tremble in orgasm. "I'm good at that!"

Richard chuckled. "Yes, you seem to be very good at that. Now, we have one more demonstration and then we'll talk about your homework assignment. Do you remember the spiked wheel?"

Heads nodded around the room in confirmation. Innocence's eyes flew open wide at the question. Even through her orgasmic haze, she had heard the words of the professor and was aghast. She too remembered the spiked wheel and wanted no part of it. It was designed to perforate the flesh and cause the victims to die a slow and painful death as their blood oozed out of their tortured bodies.

"Well, meet the modern version," he said as he held up a small device. It looked like a tiny metal pinwheel with a handle. Innocence breathed a small sigh of relief when she saw it. It still looked like it could be painful but it was not nearly as menacing as what the Inquisitors had used.

Richard held the device to Cency's arm and pushed it, letting the pinwheel with its spikes roll across her flesh. She felt the little pin pricks against her skin and felt gooseflesh forming down her arm.

He moved it to her right breast and let the wheel roll around the base of the generous mound. "It has the ability to be cruel but is usually just used to sensitize the flesh. What do you feel, Cency?"

"I feel it, Professor," said Innocence as she watched the little spikes move across her flesh, as she tried to be as scientific and precise in her response as she could be. "It definitely feels sharp. But it kind of tickles too."

Richard nodded. "And it can be used anywhere on the body." To illustrate his point, he shifted the device to the bound girl's sex. He let the pinwheel roll up and down each labia and then rolled it repeatedly across Cency's clit. Innocence shuddered again and then groaned as another orgasm shook her body.

She was left panting on the rack as the students returned to their seats. She felt so embarrassed. Not only was she naked in front of her fellow students but she had climaxed three times. And two of her orgasms had come at the hands of another female! She was mortified.

"Your assignment is to find five more modern day versions of the instruments of the Inquisition. Provide a full description of each. Illustrations are allowed. And be sure that you know what you are talking about because you may be asked to demonstrate one in a future class.
