Chapter 11

"The little bitch nearly crippled you. You're not going to let her get away with that, are you?”

Brother Geronimus taunted Doug, who still rubbing his sore ass. They were all back in the building now and Abbey could see the writing on the wall. She backed up against her cousin Betty, the two girls hugging one another in fear. The man who had come to save them was going to turn on them!

"She beat the snot out of you! Then she tried to fuck your ass with that bat. I wouldn't let someone like that go.”

Brother Septillian stood, his cock half rigid as he stared down the two young teens.

"Like hell I'm gonna let 'em go. Your aunt paid me good money to de-program you two but it wasn't good enough to put up with that shit.”

Doug started for Abbey. The girl screamed, letting go of Betty, and pushing her to the floor as she wheeled around and headed for the door.

"No, oh God, I'm sorry, so sorry… ”

She stumbled forward, pushing the hair from her eyes. She managed to step aside from Brother Geronimus's clutching hands, nearly falling, then catching herself and making it to the door. She pulled it open, rushing into the open and nearly tumbling headlong down the stairs. Her hair streamed behind her as she heard the other rushing after her. Betty was screaming.

"We'll fuck 'er to death!" Abbey heard Brother Septillian laugh.

Abbey rushed through the dark, hearing them gaining on her. She had reached the outskirts of the encampment and her feet became entangled in the roots of bushes and she pitched head-first into the tall field grass. Doug was on top of her in a moment, yanking her hard by the arm and wheeling her about to face him. She heard him snarl and saw the anger and hatred in his eyes.

"I'll fuck you all right, bitch! That's what this cult's about anyway, isn't it? Fucking and everything that goes along with it!" Doug hissed, nodding back at Septillian and Geronimus, who were making their way toward them." I've made some good money pulling kids outta this hole and I thought I'd make some more. But man, it looks like you taught me I can get something more than money out of this perverted religion!”

His fingers gripped her hard, nearly crushing her injured wrists. Abbey could already feel the flames of Doug's private hell scorching her flesh nearly as intensely as that burning disc had burned her earlier. Abbey cried out as he threw her back into the bushes with a powerful shove. Geronimus came up with an empty beer bottle.

"Here. Let's see just what kind of sex machine she is," Doug said, grabbing the bottle and holding it by the bottom.

"What? Oh please, oh no, don't… oh God!”

Geronimus and Septillian held her down by the shoulders, keeping her ass flat against the dirt while Betty cringed between them, horrified. Both men laughed as Doug gripped the bottle more tightly and moved around between Abby's spread thighs. The girl cried out, jerking her ass up, then snapping it back down to the ground as he shoved the long, cold bottle neck into her cunt.

"Yeah, that's it, take it, take it like you take a cock!”

Doug's eyes were glittering as hellishly as the other men's. Abbey realized that she had converted him, changed him overnight into one of their followers. She cried out again, throwing her head back and staring at the myriad of sparkling stars overhead as Doug cork-screwed the bottle deeper into her. He pushed it into her cunt deeper and deeper until the girl couldn't take any more. He laughed at her, pressing it down hard, threatening to break it inside her cunt. The thought of having all those shreds of glass in her pussy sent Abbey into fits of terror and she screamed at the top of her voice.

"Aghhhhh… oh God no, no they're going to kill me!”

"Now fuck it… fuck it good. I want a show, or I will break this mother-fuckin' bottle in you," Doug threatened.

Sobbing, Abbey moved her hips slowly at first. She twisted them around and around experimentally, still afraid the wrong move would shatter the glass inside her pussy and kill her. Then her movements became faster, more purposeful as she felt the coldness of the glass warming in her cunt.

She thought about Al, about the two brothers, about those murmuring cultists in front of her while she was being roped and raped and branded on that hateful rack. The excitement roused her, making the blood in her veins rush. That did it! Abbey could feel the juices flowing in her cunt and her clit bristled, alive with lust.

"Ugh… uh… uh… ”

Abbey jerked her hips, pulling her ass up from the ground and rocking it from side to side. She slid her feet back a little, giving her body more support. Flattening her soles against the uneven ground, the young teen began pumping her thighs up and down, fucking the bottle as if it were a cock. Geronimus moved around and fell on her, pawing at her tits. Then he stood up and shoved his cock into her mouth. The smell of his crotch and the feel of his prick rubbing against her mouth excited her even more.

Her cuntal muscles sucked the bottle in deeper. Now the teen lay quietly only her pussy muscles moving. The bottle bobbed up and down, much to the amusement of her tormentors.

Finally her clit swelled to the bursting and exploded with lust. The force of her spasming puss muscles shot the bottle clear out of her cunthole as the young teen sucked hard, jerking her knees together and rubbing her thighs against one another.

"Man, she's a mindless whore!" Brother Geronimus said, watching as Abbey drew her lips lightly over his throbbing prickrod.

They were right, Abbey told herself. She was a fucking machine. Let them fuck her to death. Right now she didn't care if she lived or died. Abbey collapsed on the ground, certain none of the men would be satisfied until she and her cousin were dead in the grass. She could hear Betty gagging and sobbing as Septillian fucked Betty's mouth, his knees grasping the screaming girl's head and making it impossible for her to draw back.

"Ohhhhh, this one's still reluctant. But she's got one hell of a hot mouth," Septillian said.

"Drag her out of here," Geronimus said, nodding at Abbey and then at Doug.

"I'll drag this bitch into hell," Doug said, reaching around and tightening his fingers around her wrists.

He pulled Abbey around, tugging her out of the tall grass and onto the dirt. Abbey struggled, kicking out, trying to raise her body from the sharp, pinching gravel. But Doug pulled her faster than she could handle and her body twisted and bounced along the uneven ground, dirt wedging up into her ass and pussy.

"Call out the others. I want to show them this young girl and her cousin.”

Geronimus nodded toward Septillian, who pulled his cock from Betty's mouth and walked naked toward the building and rang the general alarm. Almost immediately a crowd rushed from the various buildings in the site. Some were in robes, others were naked or nearly so, obviously having been engaged in the cult's main activity before Septillian's call.

"You've been taught respect," Geronimus said to Abbey in a loud voice, hands on his hips.

The others murmured in assent, staring at the cringing brunette. Abbey felt herself in other world as she crouched naked in front of everyone. Looking up, she saw Geronimus staring blankly at her. Fright caught her again and she wiggled away from him, the dirt drifting up into her cunt. Geronimus advanced, his feet raising small puffs of dirt.

"Come here, Sister. Come here and humble yourself for the last time.”

"Oh no!" She stood her ground, looking up at the three men who circled around her.

"Piss on her! Show her the ultimate degradation. She's been fucked, roped and branded. Bring the other over here as well.”

Betty was pulled kicking and screaming to the center of the circle and dropped onto Abbey's lap.

"Now we'll show you what we really think of you, bitch.”

Abbey and Betty stared helplessly at the three men, holding onto one another again as Geronimus and Septillian bent their knees. Doug was first, holding his fat eight-inch prick in one hand while spreading his legs widely apart.

His stinging yellow stream of piss caught Abbey by surprise, going directly into her opened mouth. The girl gagged, holding her stomach tightly and twisting around. She put one up hand to her face, feeling the piss splattering against her fingertips and washing over her face and throat.

Betty was next, Septillian's piss washing over her belly, then down into her cunt. The girl tried covering her pussy but when Geronimus began pissing on her face, the girl became confused. Coughing, she tried to keep her face free of the awful piss while still protecting her cunt.

The group laughed, listening to the piss washing over the two women.

Abbey nearly gagged three times, smelling the awful stink of the piss rising around her. She was soon covered with the hot, oily urine, the piss forming little pools in her crotch and her belly button. The men emptied their bladders quickly, stepping back and looking with satisfaction at the two deeply degraded young girls.

"Clean them off. Then you can do with them as you will," Geronimus said to Doug. "But if you leave I've got a feeling all of you will be back here soon.”

"Never!" Betty cried, holding her pee-stained hands in front of her and sobbing with renewed humiliation.

The hosing water quickly cleaned her and her cousin of the piss. Then Doug grabbed Betty, wheeling her around and slamming her hard against the dirt. In a moment he was on top of her, biting and pinching the squealing girl while fucking his cockrod into Betty without mercy.

Other members of the cult caught hold of Abbey and dragged her screaming and kicking into the bushes. They had their way with her, roping her to the trunk of an ash tree and tying her wrists together in a double figure eight knot. One threatened to fuck her in the ass while the other talked about setting her cunt on fire. The burn mark on her thigh still throbbed horribly, making Abbey cry as she rubbed her pussy against the smooth bark of the tree.

"Fuck her mindless!" the cult members chanted.

When they finished beating her, they fucked her, one after the other, then fucked her again, it was nearly morning when Betty and Abbey finally joined one another again in the large torture room. Abbey stumbled in, weeds and grass in her hair, her knees about to give way. Betty was stretched on that awful upright rack, cum streaks drying on her thighs. Doug was standing there too, already dressed.

"You'll rest for a while, then clean up. Some of the young girls here have stitched up your clothes. You won't say anything to your aunt or your mother," Doug ordered, pointing a threatening finger to the girls. "No one will believe you-especially about me. Besides, it's your word against mine, and you were the ones fucked up enough anyway to join this place. Besides, I've got a feeling you'll be back here-just like I know I will.”

Septillian and Geronimus smiled, now also dressed.

"We've always welcomed converts in to our way of life," Geronimus said, a smirk on his face.

"I'll bet you never thought religion could be so much fun," Septillian said, clapping a friendly hand on Doug's shoulder.

The men laughed, turning from the two girls and putting away their way from the instruments of torture for now.

No, I never thought it could be that much fun either, Abbey thought, wondering when she would return to the retreat for yet another prayer session.
