Chapter 3

"Man, she looks good and natural with cock in her mouth!" Paul said, slapping Abbey lightly across the face.

"Yeah, cock up her cunt ain't bad either. Man, this little bitch was born to fuck. You know that, baby? You were born to have cockmeat in you.”


The words bit Abbey's pride as the two men violated her young body. The increasing breeze picked up leaves and tossed them in her face, blowing back her hair. Some of the boys jacking off around them began complaining about the cold. But Abbey felt none of that. She felt only those hands crawling up along the flatness of her belly, making her wriggle from side to side and gasp onto the mouth-fucking cock.

Al stopped hammering his crotch against her pussy, leaning forward and rolling her tits into his hands again. His fingers massaged her nipples, squeezing her big tits, then rolling them together. Abbey had always been proud of her tits, knowing full well how the boys in her school admired them. But now Al and his friends had dirtied everything about her body.

He moved his fingers solidly against the rubbery tips, letting her know he was getting a special thrill from touching her. Then he slipped his hands down to her hips, tugging her firmly up, yanking her ass all the tighter against his crotch. In spite of the cold Al was sweating heavily, his perspiration dropping onto her back.


“Oh man, man, gonna shoot!" Paul threw his head back, his eyes cinched shut.

Abbey groaned, tasting the flow of pre-cum oozing from his piss-slit. She closed her eyes, tightening her throat as his prickhead slammed into the back of her throat.

Paul's hands tightened around her skull and Al stopped fucking her from the back for a second, bracing his hands against her ass while he watched his buddy. Paul arched his spine, giving his groin a few short, jerky hunches before his balls rose up tight in their sacs and began pumping. The young farmboy jerked forward, his hands rubbing hard against Abbey's skull as long, rope-like squirts of jizz flooded into her mouth.

The girl felt the flat-tasting spunk spattering against the back of her throat, then slicking down the insides of her cheeks. She tried pulling away but Paul's grip was far too great. He moved his groin up and down, rubbing his cockhairs into her nostrils while sending out more hot streamers of the lava-like jizz into her mouth.

"Oh yea, baby, suck it up… ohhhh fuckin' Jesus Christ, she's movin' her tongue… like she really digs it… ohhh man!”

A mixture of jizz and spit frothed around the stretched corners of her lips. Abbey could feel the filthy juice dribbling down her chin. Paul was finished. He stumbled forward, caught himself, then drew back, slowly pulling his softening prick from her mouth.

Abbey twisted her head around, spitting out what remained of his jizz from her mouth. But AI was still squeezing his cockmeat into her. And what was terrible, what was so incomprehensible to Abbey was that it began to feel good. In fact, it felt better then anything she'd ever known in her life!

"Ohhhh yeahhh… man, that mouth-fuck you gave her must've made the bitch super-hot. Look at the way she's movin' that ass!”

Abbey couldn't help herself. She felt Al grabbing at her crazily, his hands still flat against the underside of her hips. He made her stroke up and down with each move of his fucking cock.

"Christ, that's the way, Abbey baby. That's the way to move your body. Come on, move that ass. Move it! Move it! Make me cum, you fuckin' slut! Thatta girl, keep on movin' that ass like that!”

Abbey felt the constantly moving cock chug back and forth inside her aroused fuck chute. Her thighs were spreading farther and farther apart. Al pulled back, slapping her hard across the asscheeks and telling her to move her ass back up so his cock wouldn't slip out.

"Man, she wants it bad-fast and hard! I ain't fucked someone this hot for a long time-maybe never!" Al cried.

Abbey felt Al pounding his prick in faster and faster and she knew he was ready to explode. Now she found herself praying that he would be able to keep himself together just long enough for her to reach her own climax. Her mother had told the girl about women needing satisfaction too, but she'd failed to tell her daughter any more about that. Now Abbey was starting to get the idea just what her mother had meant.

"Huhhhrr! Huhhhrrr! Huhhhrrr!”

In her mind it seemed to Abbey as if the two cocks were one massive prick. She pushed back, jerking her ass up and down, nearly knocking Al flat on his ass as pre-orgasmic spasms shot through her cunt. She had felt things like this while playing with herself in bed but nothing in the world had prepared the young teen for this powerful sensation. She jerked her thighs back and forth. Oh she was going to cum. Oh yes, she was going to climax, and Al was about to cum with her!

Al squeezed her ass harder now, kneading and tugging at her asscheeks. Then, wild with excitement, he moved one hand around and jabbed his forefinger into her asshole. The girl let out a yelping cry, feeling the resulting spicy hot sensation rocket right to her clit. She wanted more-more feeling, more degradation. The girl tossed her head from left to right, her long brown hair sweeping over her face. Her body shuddered with lascivious need while her ass ground up against him.

"Ahhhh… fuck it, man, gonna… gonna do it! Can't stop it, man, gonna… ahhhhhhfuck!”

He was cumming! Abbey knew it! She felt the shivering of his body against hers, heard the choked cries of the man behind her. Her elbows bent out, then collapsed. He kept his cock buried to the hilt in her, holding tightly onto her thighs while his balls pumped out squirts of his hot cum.

"Ahhhhh… eaghghghghhh!”

There was a moment of brilliance, a second of delightful hesitation when she felt her clit sputtering, about to explode. That moment passed and she began bucking and yelping like a mad woman. She threw her body from left to right, her tits swinging and slapping wetly against one another as wave after orgasmic wave washed over her.


She shouted before collapsing, the hot/chilly flashes of climactic heat scorching the walls of her cunt and her clit. Again and again the girl felt her pussy snap tight onto that shooting pussy. She thought Al's cum was being squirted out to extinguish the fire burning in her pussy. Again and again he shot his spunk into her cunthole!

"Uhhhhhhh!" he groaned, draping himself heavily over her, his hands smoothing slowly up and down her ribs.

The girl let out a moan of defeat, collapsing to the ground. "Ohhhhh God!”

They had done it! They had raped her, humiliated her, and now they were leaving her on the ground like a cast-off piece of tissue paper.

"Come on, man, I wanna get into that little bitch," one of the other boys said.

Al looked down at Abbey pushing his fingers through her rich hair. "Naw. She's had enough for a while. Gotta let the little girl rest. We'll be back. And then you'll get a chance to plug one hot cunt.”

"Right. Yeah, she'll be around for a while. And then maybe we can get a crack at the cousin," Paul agreed, hitching up his Levi's and tucking his shirt back in.

Someone threw the girl her clothes, her blouse and skirt draping over her head. Only then did Abbey realize just how chilly it was getting. The boys scrambled away, cat-calling at her once more before disappearing from the woods. Leaves blew up against her naked sides, sticking to where perspiration still remained.

Everyone would be wondering where on earth she was if she didn't get moving soon. Pushing herself up, Abbey felt herself fighting through that wonderful golden glow washing over her body, that warmth that comes after a powerful orgasm. She moaned, shaking the hair from her eyes and listlessly pulling on her clothes. Thank goodness the boys hadn't ripped too much.

The girl hid her face in her hands, imagining the joy Al would have in relating just how much she'd enjoyed her rape. Rape? Hell, he'd tell everyone she'd practically lured the whole pack of them in the woods like some teenaged American siren! The thought of her mother hearing about this drove Abbey into despair.

"Can't… can't deal with it."

Stretching out one hand, the young girl steadied herself against a near-by pine, staring blankly down at the mess of crushed leaves and scraped dirt, the only indication that something violent had happened here. She shuddered, curling her arms and rubbing her fingers briskly along her goose-pimpled flesh. Tucking her torn blouse into her skirt, Abbey picked her way carefully through the darkening woods back onto the roadway.

Shaking her head as if she could knock the memory of her double rape, Abbey took in deep breaths of air, walking toward her aunt's house. She would shower, wash away the horrid cum she could still feel in her pussy. There was still that taste in her mouth too. Three times she stopped by the side of the road to spit into the bushes.

The boys had said they were going to find her again-and perhaps fuck her cousin as well! No, she would return to L.A. before letting Al and Paul and their buddies touch her or Betty.

The house! How peaceful it looked, nestled at the bottom of the hill. Already she could see several lights illuminating the downstairs windows. Quickening her pace. Abbey rushed down the hill, slowing down when she passed the opened gate. She was about to enter the house when her cousin Betty rounded the corner of the porch.

"Oh! You startled me. Mom said you were going for some milk or something but I guess… guess you didn't get it.”

Betty's voice dropped, her eyes examining the dirt stains on Abbey's blouse and the tear the girl had taken such pains to hide.

"I dropped it on the road,” Abbey began, her mind searching frantically for some excuse for her appearance. She saw the concern on her cousin's face and she had to work not to break into wild sobs right then and there. "A car nearly ran me over! He must've been drunk or something. I dropped the bag on the road somewhere. I guess I blacked out or something when I rolled away.”

Betty cocked her head to one side, wrinkling her forehead and trying to make up her mind whether or not this explanation was satisfactory.

"Oh, please don't tell your mom or dad. They'll get all upset, and I don't want that to happen. I'll go upstairs and wash now, okay?”


Betty followed her cousin with her eyes, leaning against a porch support. Abbey could feel her sympathetic looks and fought not to cry. She rushed upstairs to her room, closing the door and tearing off those awful clothes. Showering several times, the girl rubbed the soap around her swollen cunt, making sure she cleaned every last drop of Al’s jizz from her pussy. But still she could feel his cock rod tunneling through her cunt, making her feel so good!

Again the girl pushed those thoughts from her mind. She would make up some excuse and leave the country as soon as she could. Dressing, Abbey was about to go downstairs when she encountered Betty in the hall. The girl was standing there, her golden hair fanned out around her narrow shoulders. She had her arms crossed, her blue eyes narrowed piercingly.

"Something happened on that road, didn't it, Abbey? I know. Something… ”

Abbey looked open-mouthed at her cousin. She couldn't have guessed she was going to confront her with the truth.

"No, I… ”

"Your clothes. The tears. Those boys, oh my God, the way they were looking at us the other day and what they said. They didn't… " Betty put both hands up to her lips, her eyes rounding in horror.

"No, no! You don't know what you're saying," Abbey whispered.

"I know. Something tells me, I don't know what, but they raped you, didn't they?”

Abbey could have told any number of lies. But suddenly having her cousin Betty confront her with this truth brought the pent-up tears of rage and hurt from her soul. She shook her head but still the tears came. Covering her face, Abbey felt her knees shaking, then giving away. She collapsed to the floor, rocking back and forth.

"Oh, oh, oh!”

The hurt cut through her like a knife now. The shame and horror and sheer terror of being stripped and fucked so brutally while everyone laughed came back to her in force. In a second she felt Betty's comforting arms around her.

"My God, my God," Betty cried over and over, hugging her sobbing cousin to her tits.

In a torrent of half-formed words Abbey told her cousin just what had happened, omitting, of course, her own pleasure. When she was through, she pulled her head up and stared tearfully at her cousin.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so mixed up," Abbey said truthfully.

Betty held her for a few moments longer, biting her lower lip as if hiding a secret.

"I'll tell you some place you can go. But you can't tell my mom. Okay?”

Abbey nodded.

"I found someone, Abbey, someone who helped me when I was feeling down," Betty began, her eyes starting to glow unnaturally.

Abbey cocked her head to one side, staring wonderingly at her cousin.

"It's a group I belong to. I just joined, a few weeks ago. But it's run with one thing in mind… loyalty to yourself, and loyalty to God and Jesus," Betty whispered.

"Oh no!”

Her cousin. Her own cousin a Jesus freak! It was almost laughable, especially under the circumstances. There she was, on the floor, sobbing out her heart and her cousin was going on and on about having joined a God cult!

"I don't think that's for me, Betty. I really think I need more professional care and… ”

"Oh no! They're very good. It's not like all those freaky stories you hear about in the papers. I think you'll find it's a lot of fun and it'll help. No one tells on anyone else, okay? Come on, we're having a meeting tonight. I told mom I'm going into town to meet some of the girls for a cheerleading party. She'd freak if she knew what I was really up to.”

Abbey thought she had to be losing her mind when she agreed. She was so confused! Still, she remembered reading about how some of those groups had men and women trained to treat various psychological problems. Perhaps she could talk to a professional and get some advice.

Dinner went quickly, Betty talking excitedly about the games coming up in several weeks once school resumed. Abbey could hardly speak, amazed by the way her cousin was pulling the wool over her aunt's and uncle's eyes. When seven o'clock rolled around the two girls slipped from the house and Betty drove them off.

"Where is this place?”

"Oh, just on the other side of town. I don't think many people know we're there. Brother Geronimus and Brother Septillian came from another group in Sacramento and found some of us here just waiting for someone like them. Oh, wait until you see them and hear them, Abbey. It'll change your life!”
