Chapter 8

"Wh… what was that?”

Betty hugged up close to Abbey, throwing one hand around her cousin and trembling with fear.

"I don't know. Rats?”

Rats! She wouldn't have been surprised at anything Brother Geronimus would have done to them. It had been nearly two days since they'd first been held against their wills. The letters had been sent off but the girls had not left the complex.

"I'm so sore… from the other day, Abbey. Oh, he hurt me so!”

"I know… ”

Nothing had happened since that awful night with Brother Geronimus but they had been left hanging for nearly an hour before he let them down. Betty complained about how her shoulder ached and how she thought her knee had been broken during the savage beating. Of course, Brother Geronimus had been careful not to do that. Freeing the two girls, he marched them naked through the compound and around the house. Several other members of the cult saw them, and Abbey thought at first with some hope they would respond with some help. But instead they only smiled, going back into the house to continue their shop work. They're all in this together, Abbey realized. Never, never would she and Betty get out of this without some outside help. But where would that help come from?

"Oh, if only we could get loose," Betty moaned.

Abbey agreed, sinking into a reverie about open fields with farmhands working in the sun. It would be like pictures she'd seen at the art museum. Nothing but peace, peace and quiet. But then a shrill scream of terror cut through the clammy air of the cellar into which the two girls had been pitched.

"What is it?" Abbey asked breathlessly.

The shriek had come from her cousin. Betty was practically crawling on top of her, her tits nestled comfortably up against Abbey's chin.

"Something touched me! Oh God! Something thick and furry touched me!”

The girl was hysterical. Abbey shook her, feeling her own senses reeling. They were shut up in the basement of the old house. They could barely see. The only thing she knew was that there was a small commode and the stench was awful!

"Oh please, look around to make sure there aren't any… rats around, Abbey. You're stronger than I am. Please, please.”

"All right. I promise."

Abbey felt the blood rushing through her veins, her hair standing up on the back of her neck. The thought of running into a large rat held no thought of joy for her.

Abbey felt her flesh crawling with revulsion as she touched the snail-slimy floor of the basement. Narrowing her eyes, the girl searched the basement for any signs of movement. There was nothing. Still Betty encouraged her to move around a little more to be sure. Reluctantly the girl did her cousin's bidding, again thinking of those horrid rats, the stories of how they'd attacked babies in their cribs and eaten them before the horrified mothers could beat them away. Is that what Geronimus had in mind for them?

"Uhhhhh… ”

Abbey crawled around a little more, feeling with her hands. The basement was large, nearly as large as the house above it. Her muscles were starting to tighten and cramp from the long hours she and her cousin had spent caged in this damp, dark place. The floor was rough in spots, tearing her knees. "Find anything?”

"No, nothing. I think it was your imagination. I don't remember hearing anything that… ”

Abbey stopped, her heart beating quickly. She thought she'd heard the skittering of a small animal somewhere in front of her. There was something there!

"Is something wrong?" Betty quailed.

"No, no, I got a cramp in my knee."

Abbey rose from her knees, keeping one hand on the wall as she moved back to her cousin Betty. She drew her torn skirt and blouse closer to her body, the garments Brother Geronimus had given back to both her and her cousin after they had signed their letters.

"Nothing to worry about," Abbey said, casting a worried look at Betty.

Oh, how hungry she was! Only now did she realize how empty her stomach was. A plate of some kind of flat-tasting cereal had been handed to them each morning and evening- hardly enough to fill their young bellies.

Suddenly Abbey heard sounds, footsteps descending from behind the wall. She tensed, grabbing her cousin's arms with her fingers.

"They're coming for us," Betty whispered, her body trembling.

"Oh God!”

The door opened. Abbey shielded her eyes from the glare of the electric light behind Brother Geronimus. Someone else was behind him. Betty squeezed her arm in terror as one man advanced.

"I'm sorry to keep you here," he said, frowning around at the walls. "The accommodations aren't very good. But I find it's humbling and quieting to put a new convert here at the start. The dark and quiet have calming effects, don't you agree?”

"Ohhh… ”

Abbey had thought of so many things to say, so many ways to get back at him. Now all she could do was crouch like a frightened kitten beneath him, panting with terror and rage, wondering what he was going to do now.

"I want to introduce you to Brother Septillian. He runs the area with me, Sisters. I think you'll find him most interesting.”

A tall man also in a brown robe moved up behind Brother Geronimus, his hands pressed prayerfully together. Hypocrites! Abbey thought once more, wondering who they were trying to fool with their ridiculous act.

"I've got the room ready once more, Brother.”

"Fine, Septillian. We'll take the girls with us now.”

Abbey and Betty were forced up from the relative security of the basement. As horrible as being held prisoner here was, at least no one was hurting them, taunting them, beating them. Now with two of the brothers around them, Abbey could only guess at what would happen.

"Ohhh, Abbey, I'm afraid," Betty whispered as they reached the first floor and walked outside.

It was twilight and the air was crisp. Ahead of them Abbey could see light coming from the two windows of frosted glass in the large building before them. The memory of all that had happened to both her and her cousin returned in one crashing wave. More would happen, she was certain.

"Inside, Sisters.”

They stepped in, stopping in the doorway with a gasp of surprise. The others were there, all the members of the cult in their robes. Make-shift bleachers had been set up to one side of the building. The members of this cult looked up, staring with curiosity at Betty and Abbey.

"You too will be allowed to wear the robes… after you've proven yourselves," tall, blond Brother Septillian said. "I'll take this one first.”

He grabbed Abbey, pulling her toward the opposite side of the building. She blushed furiously, one leg tripping over the other as she tugged back against the big man. Septillian was incredibly handsome, a blond beach god. He could have been a lifeguard or something with his muscular good-looks. But instead he was helping run this sadist's camp.

"We'll start with this."

Brother Septillian gestured at a sturdy wood-framed instrument facing the cult members. Abbey wrinkled her forehead, in curiosity. It was rectangular, one frame within another, the outer one steadied by three long boards acting as "feet" for the contraption.

The inner frame, Abbey guessed, could be rotated around like a dressing mirror. The footboard was elevated several inches from the floor and she noted, tied to the sides of the inner frame's boards were small brown leather thongs.

"What are you doing?" she wondered out loud, blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Sister Abbey and her cousin Sister Betty wish to join us," Brother Septillian announced.

There were murmurs of approval from the crowd. Abbey cringed.

"They must first pass the tests, of course.”

Another murmur of assent. Abbey turned around, staring at the tear-stained face of her horrified cousin. Brother Septillian ripped her clothes from her with several powerful moves, ruining her skirt and blouse. Abbey turned away from the crowd in modesty but Septillian wheeled her about, exposing her cunt and tits.

“On the frame.”

Abbey took her place, turning around and seeing Betty’s lips trembling while tears spilled down her cheeks. The sobbing blonde moaned louder as Septillian raised Abbey’s hands, tying the thong tightly around her wrists. Her ankles were then affixed to the footboard with similar things. Septillian moved back, stretching one hand forward and tilting the frame so her head swung forward, moving lower than her ass.

The blood rushed to her face, her heart pounding faster and faster. The wood was cool against her body and she moved from side to side, a little surprised to find that her body was responding once more to this kind of bondage. That itchy kind of tingle was pinching her clit once more while a warm, moist sensation began radiating all over her.

Septillian turned the frame completely around until Abbey’s head was on the opposite side, her ass pressing against the back wooden supports of the machine. She shifted her weight slightly, feeling the splintery sensation of the wood against her asscheeks. Tiny splinters scratched her flesh and the resulting sensation was so sensual her asshole tightened and her cunt began to pulse.

"Now, we'll have to see just how hot Sister Abbey can get. From what Brother Geronimus told me, arousing her is quite easy.”

It was true, she could hardly wait. Abbey knew that having something hard and driving in her cunt was the only thing that could ease her distress and satisfy her lust and frustration. She tightened her crotch, grinding her thighs against her clit, masturbating without touching herself.

"She's ready, brothers and sisters. But first, Sister, the preliminaries."

Abbey raised her head, peering over her jutting tits at the big man. He had gathered together a weird assortment of different objects. They all looked something like earrings, except the earscrews seemed much to large. He moved around to her cunt, tugging her thighs wide apart. One of the brothers rose from the benches and moved up to the machine, holding Abbey’s pussy stretched open obligingly while Brother Septillian continued to work.

Abbey groaned, feeling her right cuntlip being pulled away from the center of her cunt. Septillian screwed the object tighter and tighter, twisting the little knob of the clamp until Abbey cried out in agony, her spine curving outward while her knees and arms shivered.

“Now for the other.”

Abbey ground her teeth in pain. The pulling sensation was nearly unbearable! She held her breath, hearing the others in the room panting. In the background there were the steady whimpers of her cousin, Betty.

"It's a miracle," Brother. Septillian said, turning and looking, over one shoulder at his helper. “They start out moaning and crying out for us to stop. But at the end the want more.”

"Never! I'll never cry out for more," Abbey spat out.

Brother Septillian only smiled-indulgently, shaking his head slowly from side to side. He reached down, pulling her left cuntlip to the side, making sure the flat metal plate of the clamp pinched her sensitive outer pussylabes. The girl screamed, jerking her hands as much as she could against the leather thongs. The device shivered with her violent motions, her ass jiggling and prancing up against the wooden rear cross bars. Again and again the young brunette teen cried out, the chords sticking out from her neck while her hair whipped against her face and throat.

“There, she’s completely open."

Abbey sobbed with renewed humiliation. She knew the others could see well into her pussy. The young boy who had risen from the benches and helped Brother Septillian was now rubbing his fingers over the sensitive cuntmeat between her inner and outer cuntlabes. She could feel his jagged fingernails scraping over her pussymeat, making the muscles shiver to quiver. Brother Septillian was pretending not to notice as he grabbed yet another clamp from the pile at the foot of the machine.

“Now for your nipples.”

The young boy stuck two fingers into Abbey's juice cunthole, drawing them up with a soft sucking sound and then twisting them around. Abbey found herself trying to close her thighs to him but of course it was impossible. The thongs around her ankles prevented her from moving much and the clamps kept her cuntlips spread wide. It was a public display, one that both excited, and confirmed in faith those surrounding the two brothers.


Brother Septillian began attaching heavy rings to her nipples, screwing them so tight Abbey wrinkled her flushed face in pain. She let out a sharp cry as the ring on her right nipple threatened to pinch the nipple off.


Abbey took in deep, gusting breaths once more, holding them to diminish the pain throbbing in her head and body. Clenching her teeth, the girl thought once more about having to survive, to best these savages at their own game.

"Now, we start to see if you're worthy," Septillian began, giving the girl a sarcastic leer, "worthy of joining us.”

'You… you… you hypocrite!" Abbey shouted again, wishing she could unleash the torrent of words she felt building up inside her.

"Your tune will change, I'm sure of it.”

Abbey shivered as a chill of horror raced through her body. She lay there, stretched, her body distorted, pain cramping her muscles. Brother Septillian undressed, sliding the coarse brown robe from his body and revealing himself to be as well-built and hung as his friend. Again the girl heard the crowd murmuring in approval. They were stirring about, perhaps drawing closer, wanting to see all of what was about to happen.

Septillian took the riding crop in one hand, raising it above her the same way Brother Geronimus had threatened Betty. Abbey closed her teeth, again taking in a deep breath and holding it as she waited for the touch of that vicious thing.


Abbey screamed, writhing insanely as the expected pain tore through her body. He brought the thongs down hard, letting several of them strike against her clit. She jerked her head up, looking through tear-stained eyes at her cunt. Long red med marks stained her inner thighs and the pulling of the screws at her cunt intensified the hot pain even more. Brother Septillian continued beating her, striking her nipples, her thighs, then bringing the leather thongs back down between her legs and making sure the crop bit into her clit.


Her fingers tightened around the leather thongs, the nails biting into her palms while her spine curved outward. Abbey felt the crop flicking again and again between her thighs.

Septillian dropped the crop, bending down and turning the device around until Abbey's head was at the door. Her long brown hair fanned out against the dirty wood while the weight of her body pulled hard against the chafing ankle thongs. The big blond stud picked his crop back up, bringing it around to her asshole then driving it in.

"Oh no, no, don't do it! Oh God in heaven, don't touch me with that thing there!" Abbey sobbed hysterically.

"I've other plans for your ass, sister," Septillian said, twisting the cool leather up against her asshole, then pulling it out.

He reached around, curling his fingers around the top of the swinging rack and jerking Abbey back to an upright position. The move was so fast her body swung put, held barely in cheek-by the straining leather bonds. The room spun as Abbey wondered what new horrors would be visited upon her and her cousin.
