Chapter 4

The group consisted of about twenty young men and women of Abbey's age. The house they inhabited was a sprawling old farmhouse that had been remarkably fixed up. There were hobby shops in some of the rooms with the boys and girls industriously making various articles to be sold, Abbey was told, on the streets of Sacramento or San Francisco to pay for the cult. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until Brother Geronimus appeared.

"Oh, there he is!" Betty gasped excitedly, pointing out a tall dark figure coming toward them from a near-by corridor.

"He's so… big!”

Brother Geronimus was indeed big-nearly six-feet-three with a black, imposing beard. Abbey drew against her cousin, feeling somewhat frightened when the man came up to them and bowed his head.

"Sisters. Sister Betty, this is someone new.”

He smiled, his black eyes glittering with something other than holy light, Abbey thought. But then again, that might be her natural skepticism on the rise once more. She tried settling herself, ignoring the wash of warmth she felt on her flesh when Brother Geronimus stared so intently at her! She couldn't help how his white teeth gleamed like ivory. And how his thick black neatly trimmed beard moved when he walked.

Abbey's eyes flashed over his body while he talked to Betty. Even with that loose-fitting brown monk's robe the girl could see his body was thick and powerful. He was young, maybe twenty-five or six, still a bit older than the boys who had popped her cherry.

Her pussy spasmed as she thought about it. No, that's not right, not here, she told herself as she tore her eyes off the big man and stared around at the others. They all worked furiously, rarely looking up at the two girls. How curious Abbey thought as she moved her eyes back to Brother Geronimus to find him staring at her.

"Is something wrong, Sister? Have you been shown around?”

"Yes… I mean no. My cousin… Betty showed me some of the things. But she hasn't been here long and… and… ”

The big man stared beneficently at her, barely smiling at her confusion. "I have some time. Betty, why don't you go into the crafts room there and help some of the others with their projects? We have to make some money for our little group. Brother Septillian will be here soon with some new converts," he said, a twinkle in his eye.

Abbey caught that little sparkle and wondered what on earth was it doing in a holy man's vision.

"Here, this way.”

He was behind her, explaining one thing and another about the crafts shops, then about the way everyone helped one another. There were live-ins, runaways, all sorts of young people who came here to live. Abbey was only half-listening to him, feeling something else other than religious fervor coming from the big handsome man behind her. The tips of her tits were so hard and itchy, scratching deliciously at her bra cups and her pussy swelled open again.

"And over here… ”

Brother Geronimus stopped, smiling broadly down at the girl. They were outside now some thirty feet away from the main building. He was guiding her out to what was a tool shed and behind her Abbey could hear the busy sounds of the group.

She was still unsure of this man and his cult. Who was he? Betty had given her some details-they had religious group meeting every Thursday where they discussed various parts of the Bible and how it applies to modern-day life. Brother Geronimus had also mentioned something about self-help groups. Perhaps there was something about rape clinic help here, Abbey thought.

"You seem troubled, Sister.”

Abbey lowered her head, feeling those hot tears about to spring out again. Should she tell him? The girl stopped, turning from the religious cult leader for the moment. Then she felt his powerful fingers gripping her arms, slowly turning her back around to face him.

"You can tell me. I see the pain in your eyes.”

For one terrible moment. Abbey found herself wondering about the size of his cock. Al had been tall but Brother Geronimus was much taller and certainly more thickly built. She shook her head, again trying to rid herself of those terrible thoughts.

"You can tell me, Sister. I've heard many stories." His voice was calm, soothing, comforting. It seemed to lure the truth from her.

"I… I was raped today. Two men… boys… raped me, I told my cousin Betty and she… she suggested I come here," Abbey said haltingly, covering her face with one hand and feeling the tears beginning to flow.

"I see," he said.

Abbey was embarrassingly aware that she was reliving the pleasurable part of her rape, that part she had hidden from her cousin. But perhaps this was the time to tell someone about it. A holy man. Why not? But surely if he was dedicated to God and to saving people, he wouldn't be shocked. This surely wouldn't be any more than he'd already listened to.

"There's more," Abbey went on. "I… I found myself liking it, Father. I mean, I really did. At first it hurt. But then something happened to me and I… ”

"You were taking part in your own degradation, am I right?”

"Oh, yes!”

"I'm not shocked, Sister. We're all weak… some of us more than others, some of us are weak in different ways.”

His voice seemed to change, almost to express a kind of happiness. Abbey brightened. Here at least was one person who hadn't expressed horror at the truth. She wanted to hug him, but she knew that was improper. Instead she continued walking toward the tool shed.

"I want you to see this. Not many at the group have inspected this. We observe strict rules here… obedience is one of them. Your cousin does this well and I feel you will too.”

Abbey looked at him a little perplexed. What was he talking about? They had reached the door of the shed and a faint light glimmered through one. of the frosted glass windows.

"Please, Sister, step inside. What you've told me makes me feel you have to get closer to the Spirit… yours as well as God's.”

"But… ”

He opened the door completely, pushing her gently into the low-ceilinged building.

Expecting to see an altar and other religious articles hanging about, she was rather surprised to see nothing of the sort. The room was nearly bare, the walls padded with acoustical tile and several pulley devices hanging from the wooden ceiling. Then as her eyes adjusted to the dimness, she saw there were articles hanging on the wall. But there were no Madonnas, statues of the Holy Family, or crucifixes. Buggy whips, cat-o'-nine tails, rods, pieces of rope and chain and other Victorian style horse articles hung down from the wooden stakes driven into the white tiles.

Abbey looked at Brother Geronimus as a knot of tension formed between her tummy and cunt when he slammed the door shut behind them. There was that look in his eye, that glint of mischief she had caught earlier. Heat was starting to concentrate in the furry mound between her thighs while goose-bumps prickled her flesh. There was something terribly wrong in here!

"You've failed, Sister, fallen from grace," he said, starting to unbutton his robe. "You must see the Light, and we here are bound and determined to make you see it.”

His voice had taken on a hard edge now. Abbey shook her head from right to left. Oh no, oh dear God in heaven, no! This was just like before.

"You don't understand. I… I enjoyed what happened… a little bit, but – “

Abbey couldn't finish the sentence. Brother Geronimus had taken off his robe and was standing there before her wearing nothing but a tight-fitting jockstrap! There couldn't have been two ounces of fat on his well-formed, thick-muscled body. It was glistening there in the dim light, glistening as if he had oiled it. But Abbey instinctively knew it was sweat, the perspiration of a man aroused by her body. She backed away, looking around, her eyes darting about for some escape route. But there was none.

"And I have things here that will make you see your wrong ways, Sister.”

"No, oh no! Oh, please, this is some kind of joke isn't it?" Abbey said, half-laughing hysterically as Brother Geronimus rubbed his cock through the ribbed pouch of his jock.

"There's no joke here, Sister. No joking allowed in this room of God's repentance.”


Again Abbey's eyes shot about the room, landing on the various whips. Only then did she see a round keg of something and several spigots about the wood. Abbey drew back, one hand over her mouth as she stared at the hypocrite before her, then at the keg.

"You'll have time to think on your sins before we come to that."

"No, no!”

Abbey tried rushing past the big man. She'd tell Betty about this and get her and run away. But Brother Geronimus was quick, catching her by the wrist and wheeling her around. He had gripped her by the shoulders, his big hands seeming about to crush her shoulders.

"Scream all you want, Sister. These walls are built for it.”

"No, oh no, liar! Oh God, you liar! You… oh God!”

Brother Geronimus dropped Abbey, slapping her face so hard that the blow knocked her to the ground. Laughing, he twisted his fingers in her hair and drew her close up against his right leg.

"We'll start now by you taking off your clothes. You probably guessed that would happen by now, didn't you? A little slut like you's always more comfortable without her clothes on.”

His voice was hard, mocking, as Abbey sniffed and removed her clothing. As she stepped from her panties, she had an idea this would be far more of an ordeal than the rape she'd undergone earlier that day.

“Fine. Now your hands… behind your back. Come on, Sister. Behind your back!”

Trembling under his staring black eyes, the teen did as she was told. Brother Geronimus moved past her, eyeing her full, high-riding tits but not yet touching her. He searched the shelves behind her and Abbey cringed, hearing the clanking of metal objects striking one another. In a moment she felt something very cold and hard tightening around both wrists. Brother Geronimus tightened the cuffs until they nearly cut off the circulation from her fingers.

“Now, just to keep you quiet to keep from annoying me…”

Brother Geronimus took a red rubber ball with two chains coming from either side and brought it up to her lips.

“Open wide, Sister. Open wide. We don’t want your cries upsetting me.”


Abbey shook her head violently from side to side, staring defiantly at the big man. Brother Geronimus sighed, then reached up and pressed his fingers hard on either side of her jaw. The pain was excruciating! It felt as if all her teeth were being torn from her flesh! With a shriek of agony and defeat Abbey opened her mouth, feeling the big stud jamming that horrid red rubber ball between her lips. He quickly fastened the small chains around the back of her head and Abbey swallowed hard, feeling the spittle damming up behind the instrusion.

"Now, we've got to make certain you understand what true repentance is, the kind that comes from real pain, Sister. Do you understand that?”

Abbey shook her head again, rubbing her fingers together against the small of her back. That ball, the restraints on her wrists, everything was giving her the feeling of total helplessness. Brother Geronimus only smiled.

"You will.”

He moved behind the girl, pushing her forward until Abbey found herself directly under one of the overhead pulley devices.

“Now, your training begins, Sister. Perhaps I'll invite your cousin in later on to help. I'm sure she'll be rather surprised.”

Brother Geronimus kicked a stool near-by under the device, standing up on it and pulling down a long length of half-inch silver chain, The rattling set the girl’s teeth on edge. She felt him fumbling around with the cuffs behind her, obviously attaching the links, to her bonds, checking to make sure the linkage was secure.

“Now, we, start.”

He had moved to one side of her, gripping another part of the chain and pulling hard. Automatically the girls arms began rising up, pulling out and up from behind her. In a moment Abbey found the pain in her shoulders becoming more and more concentrated as the chain rattled over the pulleys, pulling her wrists together.

Abbey thought something in her shoulders had popped. Again and again she screamed, her cries muffled by that awful rubber ball. She bent at the waist desperately trying to ease the pain in her shoulders. But Brother Geronimus kept pulling the chain, jerking her wrists up until they rose over her head. Surely, Abbey thought, her arms would snap off from the pressure.

"Oh, that's good, Sister. You're showing some promise there,”

Abbey screamed again, her teeth biting hard into the rubber.ball. Her feet swung free from the floor, her body Jangling two inches from the old wood. The pain was horrible, blotting out all thought from her mind except the pulsing agony shooting through both shoulders and arms. More than once she thought she could hear her bones snapping under the weight of her swinging body.


Brother Geronimus attached the chain to a small iron hook driven into the wall behind him. He stood there behind the hapless teen, his lips curling into a hellish grin. Walking around to the girl, Brother Geronimus raised one hand, rubbing the flat of his palm against her right nipple. Abbey groaned, thinking she heard something snap in her left arm.

"Nice, nice, nipple.”

He drew his forefinger and thumb down, pinching the nub until she squealed. The movement resulting from the painful squeeze made Abbey kick and jerk, the bouncing moves tearing at her shoulders and arms. She squealed, unable to find comfort anywhere.


"You're a quick study, Sister. Let's see if you can take more.”

Brother Geronimus turned, moving to the far wall and studying the various devices hanging there. Shaking the loose brown hair from her eyes Abbey stared tearfully at the grotesque figure. He reached for a whip, then drew his arm back and she could see the riding crop. Brother Geronimus turned, rubbing the handle up against his jock-sheathed cock while walking back to Abbey.

"Has anyone ever hit you… I mean, really struck you, Sister? Do you know the meaning of the pain? I mean, the beautiful meaning of it?”

Abbey could have shouted in his face that she did. Instead she only lowered her eyes, hoping somehow she would pass out before he began his horrid experiment with her.

"No, I don't think so. You'll learn the meaning of it tonight.”

Brother Geronimus walked around to her front, hefting one of her heavy-hanging tits. Abbey shivered, the cold touch of the leather sending thrills of delight through her tits and into her cunt. Abbey twisted her head around, ashamed to show the stud the lust she felt.

"Oh, a nice body, a good tight body," he said, his voice growing thick.

Abbey watched as he cocked his arm back like a muscular trigger. God help her, he was going to whip her senseless as she hung bound and gagged! Abbey bit into the rubber ball to help dull the pain as the crop whistled through the air.
