Chapter 5


It was as if a hundred thousand hot coals had been dumped onto her belly. Abbey screamed through the rubber ball gag, her knees jerking up and nearly touching the rounded bottoms of her tits. Hot tears welled in her eyes as a long red mark appeared on her tummy.

"That's right, Sister. Now you're starting to learn the meaning of this kind of pain,” Brother Geronimus said, trailing the tip of the crop round the edges of her tits.

Abbey whimpered helplessly through her nose, her forehead wrinkled in terror while a pulse leaped at her throat. She felt so exposed, so… so naked in front of this maniac!


Another blow, this one just above her right knee. Abbey heard the dry smacking sound of the black leather against her flesh. Then came the rushing sensation of pain tearing at her flesh. She snapped her head to one side, biting down hard on the rubber ball as the tears rushed down her cheeks. She sucked in lungfuls of air, wondering when this sick Brother Geronimus would let her go. Surely Betty would be wondering where she was.


Without cocking his arm, the big man lashed one end of the riding crop back-handed across her belly again, criss-crossing the original welt. Abbey's body jerked upward, bobbing up and down on the rattling chain like a puppet. Her shoulders popped again, her arms twisting up yet higher while the cuffs badly chafed both wrists. Her long brown hair swept over her face again and again, strands of it clinging to her dampened cheeks and forehead. Another sharp, snapping blow landed between her thighs, bruising her flesh. Abbey squealed, her legs kicking out.

"I'm sure you're not a virgin, Sister. Few are your age nowadays. Think of this as your payment to God for having violated one of his holiest vows.”

"Oh! Ohhh! Ohhhh!”

Abbey shook her head back and forth, her hair splashing over her throat and face. No, she wasn't paying for anything. She had fallen victim to this maniac, but she wasn't repenting for anything. She had been raped, forced to fuck Al and Paul.


Brother Geronimus slashed the crop across her right cheek, the leather nearly splitting her skin. Bright lights popped in front of her eyes while an odd buzzing sound cut through her head. Abbey choked on a stifled scream, the spittle gathering up once again behind the ball.

Another blow struck on her face, this one on her chin! Abbey snapped her head back, that move nearly breaking her shoulders and arms. How she wanted to swear at him, to tell him what a liar he was! While he was flaunting his religious robes, he became sexually aroused by hurting girls!

Peering down, Abbey easily made out the sharp outline of a hard-on pressing against the ribbed pouch of his jockstrap. Another dry smack, this one across the ass, made Abbey let out another squeal, her asscheeks cinching tightly together while her legs kicked forward. Behind and above her that awful chain rattled, tugging and yanking at her wrists and shoulders.

"No doubt," Brother Geronimus continued, "you'd like to come down from there and rejoin your cousin Betty. In time you will. But for now you're mine.”

The words sent a shudder of terror and revulsion down her spine. Brother Geronimus jerked his hand up again when he moved back in front of the girl, the crop slicing across her right nipple. The pain was excruciating and Abbey screamed through the rubber gag, jerking her head to one side.

The pain went on and on, like a raw cut touched to salt water. She ground her teeth against the ball once more, hating Brother Geronimus bitterly. She screwed her face into another mask of twisted pain, slowly regaining control of her mind. When he came near, Abbey jerked one leg out, her toes nearly catching the man squarely in the balls.

Brother Geronimus moved to one side, easily avoiding the blow. He smiled at her. "Good. I like someone who resists. It makes my job all the more pleasant.”

He slashed the end of the crop across Abbey's face, then brought it down hard against her belly once more. The teen writhed in agony from the pain of the cutting blows. Brother Geronimus licked his lips, watching the girl as she swung like a hung piece of meat from the low ceiling.

"I'm going to find out if you're virgin or not. Of course, I could tear the gag from your mouth and ask you. But you would probably lie, not to mention scream down the walls. This is far easier and more accurate.”

Abbey heard the crop drop to the floor and she sagged in her bonds, the chain still pulling dreadfully at her injured shoulders. The slashing blows across her belly and face had knocked the fight from her and she only groaned now when she felt the man's fingers teasing through her cuntal bush, plowing on up to her pussy.

“Mmmmmm, interesting. You're warm down there. Perhaps my teaching's having some effect.”

Her muscles spasmed involuntarily at his caress, sucking at the probing, wriggling finger. It was almost like having Al back, his fingers ripping through her cherry before he'd fucked her! Abbey closed her eyes, her tightening thighs rubbing against one another.

"No, I was right. Someone's gotten to you before I have. Well, no surprise.”

The rubbing, teasing caresses ended quickly. He moved his hand down, pulling at her cunt-hairs, twisting some of them out with his fist. Abbey brought her knees up protectively, screaming through that awful gag, coughing on the spit that was going down the wrong pipe.

"That's it, Abbey, that's it! You're learning fast about pain.”

Abbey could have laughed. Just a few feet away his cult groupies were working on handicrafts. Did any of them know of this building and what went on in it?

Again Brother Geronimus picked up the riding crop, slashing it across her belly, then moving around to her ass. He paused for a moment, turing the crop around and shoving the blunt end up against her sweaty ass crack. Abbey’s face became a mask of intense concentration as she felt the leather spreading her ass, worming its way into her tight ass crack. And then it slipped down a bit, touching the wrinkled gray/pink flesh of her asshole. Abbey squawked, her eyes bugging out.


For a moment the girl forgot about the horrible chains tearing at her arras and shoulders. She forgot about the dreadful slashing blows of the crop across her face, her tits, her belly and thighs. Now all that mattered was that hot, pressing sensation of the crop trying to squeeze its way into her, asshole.


Brother Geronimus moved more closely to the screaming girl, both hands now on the rod as he twisted it slowly around and around. Abbey's legs jerked forward, her body bouncing frantically up and down the rattling chain above her. She begged him with muffled, strangled words to stop but of course Brother Geronimus didn't listen.


His words lost their shape as he screwed the tip of the crop into her asshole. A wild kind of spicy heat shot out from her violated asshole, richocheting into her cunt and making her clit pop out hot and hard.

How she hated herself for letting her cunt be so hot and tight right now. Brother Geronimus was abusing her horribly, and yet her pussy was warming. In and out, in and out the animal fucked her ass with that riding crop, laughing at her distress, telling her it was God's will that she suffer like this. When he hit the handle with one hand, jamming the crop like a spike into her guts, Abbey felt the room back out around her.

The agony in her shoulders, the tearing pain in her arms, and now this… this thing being fucked in the asshole! Her legs kicked out again, her tits slapping against one another. Her head hung down, rolling from side to side as she felt herself losing consciousness. It was at that point Brother Geronimus pulled the crop out of her-asshole with a sucking pop.

Her tits heaved with the deep, gusting breaths she took. Gradually, reluctantly, Abbey felt herself returning to consciousness. She had nearly blacked out and what a blessing that would have been. But now she was fully aware, staring back at the dreadful Brother Geronimus. He smiled grimly at her, seeming about to speak. But then he changed his mind, slashing a double X across her lower belly with the small crop.

Abbey grunted, drawing her legs up protectively, feeling the strain grow terribly in her shoulders.

"You've had enough of this, I think. Now we go to other means of control.”

She felt the chain above her rattle, shaking her body gently as slowly she was lowered to the floor. When her feet flattened against the wood, Abbey let out a groan of thanks. Gradually the pain and tension in her shoulders and upper arms stopped and she could feel the warmth returning to her fingers. It was over-at least this phase of it was.

"Here, over here. I think it's about time you learn how I mix pleasure of the flesh with the pleasures of the Cross.”

Abbey stumbled forward, her belly and legs still aching from the terrible beating she'd endured. They were moving to a tall, three-legged, stool in front of that wooden barrel she'd spotted earlier. To one side was a rough-hewn cross with what looked like leather restraints hanging loose from the horizontal top board. Brother Geronimus stopped Abbey in front of the cross, only then unfastening her handcuffs.

"Raise your arms, Sister. Raise them up to the cross.”

His voice was almost mystic as she rubbed her chafed wrists together. Sniffing, moving her tongue around behind the gagging ball, Abbey did as she was told. He backed against the rough wood, stretching one arm up to the right end of the cross and flattening it against the support. Abbey felt the one leather thong tightened around her arm, just below the cuff.

"Now the other.”

Abbey did as she was told, soon held tightly in a crucifixion position. Her elbows bent slightly down while her arms stretched put to the ends of the cross. At least her feet were, on the floor.

"There, just like our Savior. And maybe like Him you'll find truth in the end.”

What was he talking about? Brother Geronimus didn't bother to elaborate. Dragging the three-legged stool over to her, he instructed the girl to sit on it.

Oh God, there was something sticking straight out from the center of the seat! It was a cock, or something that looked like one! It had to be at least eleven inches long and at its base little spikes stood out. She'd surely kill herself taking on something like that! Abbey folded one leg over the other, pleading up at Brother Geronimus. But she could see she would find no mercy there.

"Sit, Sister. Sit and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh mixed with the more spiritual ones,” he said, glancing up at her extended arms.

He bumped the stool against her right leg. Abbey straightened her legs as he jammed the stool under her. Somehow she managed to keep her young pussy away from the dildo, bracing her legs on either side of the rungs while straining every inch of her body above that awful-looking thing.

“Very good. Resisting temptation. But I have something else, something else that’ll make you change your mind about sitting down, Sister.”

Brother Geronimus moved to the barrel, rolling it forward with some effort. Abbey could tell there was something in it, the gentle sloshing sounds told her that.

From the shelf he took a rubber hose, screwing it to one of the spigots sticking from the wooden sides. Attached to the other end was another spigot and this Brother Geronimus rubbed carefully with his finger turning it on. A spray of liquid shot out, wetting down Abbey's right leg. Beer! A keg of cheap beer here in the building!

"We keep a keg or two around for the brothers and sisters when it gets warm. There's nothing wrong in having a sip or two. Monks and even nuns used a weak beer in the Medieval Ages to quench their thirst," Brother Geronimus explained, moving around to her ass.

He was rubbing the spigot against her thighs, grinning all the while. And then suddenly he moved quickly, sticking the steel spigot into her asshole with one quick movement.


At the same time her reached up and unfastened the rubber ball gag, tearing it from her mouth. Abbey smacked her dry lips, then screamed with all her soul.

"Aiiieeeeeee! Oh, oh, take it out! Please, dear God in heaven, take it out!

It felt so good to shout, to scream as loudly as she could. She felt her ass muscles cinching together around that horrid intrusion, trying to squeeze it out as if it were a huge lump of shit. But that horrible thing stayed inside, spreading her guts open.

"Your ordeal isn't over yet. Sister. You must sit down.”

"No, no, no!”

Abbey shook her head. Oh, this was worse than the chains, worse than being strung up from the ceiling! She heard Brother Geronimus positioning the stool under her ass. Panicking, the girl jerked her ass up as high as she could tensing her arm muscles against the cross behind her and arching her spine to keep her cunt from that killing dildo below.

Abbey had tried desperately not to be impaled on that monstrous cock. The nails at the base of it would cut her pussy to shreds if that dildo didn't split her in two. She felt Brother Geronimus put his big hands on her shoulders, pushing her down onto that awful dildo.


Abbey closed her eyes, jerking her head from left to right. She could feel it now, feel the blunt, cold tip of the plastic dildo touching her pussy lips. They flinched, trembling. Abbey’s muscles tightened, cramped as she felt it spreading her cunt lips apart, touching the hot, sensitive area between her inner and outer cunt labes, then tunneling on down her pussy. Abbey thought her spine would snap from the tension.


Abbey felt wave after wave of unspeakable humiliation flowing through her. She was being fucked again, but this time by an inanimate object-this. Dildo! She felt her cunt tightening around that thing, sucking at it as if it were a real prick and she started to cry, Brother Geronimus moved in front of her, slowly pulling down his jockstrap. Through eyes blurred with tears Abbey saw his bristling black cockhairs and the fat root of his prick. His cock was much bigger than Al's prick!

"Now you'll take care of me. You'll suck my cock, Sister, suck it good and dry until I cum in your mouth. If you've never done something like that before, I'll teach you.”

He pushed the jockstrap all the way down, revealing a ten-inch killer cock with a fat, purple head! Brother Geronimus tossed it to one side, scratching his fat, leathery balls.

Abbey flinched, licking her dry lips and pulling her arms against the straps that wouldn't give way. But, in spite of everything, Abbey felt her cuntflesh throbbing against that invading dildo, growing warm and moist. How could she look at herself in the mirror knowing she'd given herself up not only to Al, but to this disgusting man and his kinky ways?
