Then what?

I titled this book How to Get Rich because whenever I meet people that’s usually the first thing they want to know. From reading these pages, I hope you’ve gained a sense of what it takes, how to live your life in the way most likely to result in a vast fortune. Unless you win the lottery or have a bonanza at one of my casinos, you’re not going to get rich purely through luck. You’ll have to work for it, and I’ve tried to show you how.

My ideal goals are success with significance. That’s worth more than the money. Being paid is nice. In most cases, it is absolutely necessary, and a good scorecard for success, but it certainly isn’t the only one. I didn’t do The Apprentice for the money, even though it has been very profitable.

It feels great to be in a position to make a difference, and that’s what I mean when I say success with significance.

I hope you become rich. And I hope you use your talent to make some kind of positive change in your immediate world.

Whatever your job is, that’s your assignment.

Begin now.

You’re hired.
