Excerpts from reviews of Fannie Flagg’s


Welcome to the World, Baby Girl! has bestseller written all over it.”

—Clarion-Ledger [Jackson, MS]

“But that secret from [Dena’s] past keeps haunting her, and Flagg knows what another southern author of some note knew: The past is never dead, it’s not even past yet.… The unraveling of that mystery is the engine that drives the book, and we’re shuttled back and forth in time, meeting a truckload of characters along the way.”

—Denver Post

“This is a comic novel to welcome home with open arms.”

—Christian Science Monitor

“Why is it the people in Fannie Flagg’s world are so much more interesting than the rest of us? How is it that Flagg … can paint such a complex and compelling picture using just plain folks?”

—The Hartford Courant

“Quirky and fun.”

—Feminist Bookstore News

“Flagg’s story resonates when she describes 1948 life in rural Elmwood Springs.… The reader can’t help smiling when Dena Nordstrom’s cousin and Elmwood Springs resident Norma worries aloud whether her old chenille bedcover is fine enough for visiting city folk, or when Neighbor Dorothy, who broadcasts a daily half-hour WDOT radio show from her Elmwood Springs living room, invites listeners from across the Midwest to stop by her house for a cookie and a chat.”

—Rocky Mountain News

“Talk about a fun read.”

—Detroit Free Press

“In Welcome to the World, Baby Girl! … the message is small yet universal: People are basically good, and life is pretty funny.”

—Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Mostly cheery, sometimes sobering, remarkably timely … satisfying. No doubt Neighbor Dorothy, an optimist if there ever was one, would be pleased to no end. We were.”

—The Orlando Sentinel
