Pal you look very emancipated, said Code Six, meaning emaciated, and Jimmy said yes I am emancipated from my fatty flesh and Code Six shouted stop talking like a fucking fag! now get off your Gloria kick and eat right and Jimmy said look who's talking and Code Six said so I don't practice what I preach but that's no reason for you to cave in like me Jimmy boy you been the smart one you save your SSI checks so you always got a hotel room to stay in now don't end up like me stinking and puking in the alley I feel bad I ever encouraged you in this Gloria business because look what it's doing to you and Jimmy said Code Six we go back a long way but if you want to keep me as a friend don't try to break me up with Gloria ever again do you hear what I'm saying? and Code Sue said that's how it is huh and Jimmy said yes and Code Six said hell James you know I didn't mean nothing.
Home again
Hello, Pearl, Jimmy said.
Pearl raised her upper lip and put lipstick on it. I've had it with you, she said. You never make any effort with me. Don't think I'm gonna give you any more breaks around here. Just pay your fucking rent.