Commodity Price Range
Kiss Free-$5
Lock of hair $10-$201
Hand job $15-$25
Blowjob $15-$25
Modeling for porno photographs $15-$25
Flatback $40-$502
Golden shower $40-$100
Ass fuck $60-$75
Double date $80-$100
Lesbian sex $100-$200
S & M: whipping the trick, etc. $100-$300 or more
S & M: being whipped by the $200-$500 or more
S & M: piercing, stabbing the $300-$500 or more
trick, etc.
S & M: being pierced, stabbed by ?
the trick
1 More generous portions provided if wig hair.
2 To put this in perspective, consider the following: a massage parlor prostitute usually charges $30 for the massage,
plus $70 to $100 or more as a "tip" for flatbacking. A call girl charges $50 for the outcall (which goes to the
agency), plus at least $100 for the flatback. Higher priced call girls can command considerably more.