Thursday 11 December
Shaking with fear, Jamie Ball pulled his Golf over onto the hard shoulder of the motorway, halted, and dialled Logan’s number again. The phone rang, six times, and then he heard her voicemail message.
‘Hi, this is Logan Somerville. I can’t take your call right—’
He ended the call and immediately redialled. Answer, darling Logan, answer, please answer, please answer! Again it rang six times and her message started up. A lorry thundered past, inches from his little car, shaking it and spattering it with spray. He closed his eyes, thinking, feeling close to tears. He could call the caretaker, Mark. Or their next-door neighbour who had a key to their flat.
But he had heard her scream.
Something had happened.
His car shook again as another juggernaut thundered by, far too close.
He ended the call and immediately dialled 999.