Teri hung there silently for what seemed like hours, her body quiet. Laurie would have thought the woman had died if it weren't for a quiver that occasionally rippled through her slight frame. Where they had came up with that dreadful outfit Laurie had no idea. It was a vision from hell, she thought with a shiver, thinking she could feel the sulfuric flames lapping at her asshole. She sighed, feeling resigned to her fate. Even her modest thoughts were tinged with the perversion Jack and the captain had visited on both her and the lieutenant. Teri's head was completely covered by a leather hood, a closed zipper pressing against her mouth. There were times when she heard muffled sounds from the young lieutenant, the times when she saw Lieutenant Harrington's body quivering from either fear or exhaustion. But they were far and few between. Jack had strung her up quickly after having fitted the hood over her head, tightening the thing around her throat so even her cheekbones showed pressing hard against the black leather. Two small holes over her nose prevented the woman from suffocating under the hood.

Her legs had been drawn up until the tops of her thighs pressed against her tits. Just below the backs of her knees Jack had fitted a two-inch black leather-strap, wrapping it round her legs and locking it against her lower back so her body was bent completely in two. The captain next slipped two long pieces of quarter-inch line around her ankles, wrapping them around in figure-eight fashion, until they were snugged tightly and made her ankles, wrapping them around in figure eight fashion until they were snugged tightly and made Teri groan in pain. Smiling, he threaded the end through two overhead eye hooks, drawing the lines taut until the screaming woman swung up from the floor and bobbed obscenely in the air, hog tied and bent in two.

She swung her arms wildly about, striking the captain once and nearly mashing Jack's balls a second time. Striking her, Jack grabbed both wrists and held them pressed against the waist-leg belt while the captain fetched a long piece of line and bound her wrists to the leather belt about her waist. There Teri hung, dangling from her feet, her body doubled over while she screamed through the suffocating hood. It soon became apparent to the woman that her yelling would only cut short the oxygen coming through the tiny slits in the leather. Gradually she quieted, her body hanging there silent, quiet, moving only now and then whenever the cramping tautness of her position became unbearable.

The men quickly tired of the game. For a moment Laurie feared they would turn on her. She squirmed in her bonds, feeling as if she would piss or shit on herself from the anticipation of more to come. She saw Jack move toward a small cabinet to the right, pulling open the battered gray metal door and rummaging about until he pulled out a small black leather cat-o-nine-tails.

Teri's ass hung there invitingly, her cuntal hairs curling back against her sensitive perineum while her asshole winked open and shut every now and then according to her nervousness. He reached out, stroking the backs of his fingers against her pussy. Immediately the woman shuddered, her upper arm muscles bulging while her legs quivered at the feathery touch. Laurie shuddered, remembering the fire, remembering the feathery touch of the flame before it turned into a biting, burning thing that could bleach the mind of all thought.

Jack turned the crop around, pushing the handle into Teri's cunthole. Laurie squirmed, almost feeling the cold leather shoving into her own taut pussy as inch by inch the thing disappeared into Teri's cunt. The woman was grunting through her tight-fitting hood, beads of perspiration breaking out on the tops of her tits while her cramping muscles bulged against her sweaty flesh. Teri's body shuddered an the ropes as Jack fucked the thing into her cunt, twisting it around like a screw, tugging it out and making her cuntlips pucker before shoving it back in even farther. When he had half the handle buried in her cunt, he yanked the whole thing out, making Teri let out a screaming cry.

Laurie shivered again, feeling her cunt warming at the sight. Why was she feeling this excited? Why was she almost envying the helpless woman hanging there by a rope?

Ten jerked on her restraints as Jack smacked her naked white ass with the leather thongs. Laurie jumped, biting her lower lip as she watched the black leather smack hard against Teri's ass. He warmed to the action, his eyes growing more brilliant while his prick pressed hard up against his trousers. The captain watched, feeling his cock through his pants as one blow after another smacked against Teri's ass.

Jack changed the rhythm of his blows, making sure the knotted tips of the crop chewed into her cunt or asshole on every third stroke. Teri snapped her head more wildly, her choked cries becoming shrill each time the leather ate into her pussy. Laurie turned away, sickened by the wet smacking thud of the riding crop each time it smacked into her pussy. Teri's head hung back, her flesh having turned scarlet long ago. Now ugly purple welts were rising from her skin, disfiguring her ass and her lovely thighs while Jack kept on beating her. Laurie feared that Teri was going to have her flesh flayed from her.

"Man, I've been wanting to beat the shit outta that cunt for a long time," Jack finally said, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of one hand.

He rested for a moment, watching as Teri's shoulders shuddered from the pain and fear. He pushed the crop up against her asshole, shoving in as hard as he could. At once they all heard the woman screaming, her thighs ridging once more. Her legs were shivering as if someone had touched her with an electric wire again while her hair splashed across her whip-striped lower back.

"Good up the ass, eh, baby? I think you'd take it anywhere if I kept playing with you long enough. But I haven't got all damned day with you. I don't warms bore myself," Jack said with a growl.

They were going to put Teri to rest for some time. Laurie could sense it as she sensed the growing muskiness in the room created by the excitement radiating from the men. Teri sensed it too, struggling as best she could while moaning in her hood. Her muscles knotted up painfully while her legs fluttered in their restraints. Jack was back at the cabinet, pulling out a small clear plastic bottle of alcohol and flipping off the cap as he brought it up to the woman's cunt. The captain watched him silently, his face wrinkled with curiosity as the big man poured the cold, smelly liquid all over Teri's cunt. The woman jerked, her body spasming at the icy touch. Laurie watched in breathless wonder, watching as the alcohol soaked down the woman's brown, curly cunthairs.

"This'll keep her pussy good and hot for a while," Jack said with a sneer, setting the bottle down gently, then fishing out a pack of matches and striking one. He held the flame up to Teri's nose.

The woman shrieked, twisting helplessly as the flame flickered toward her nostrils. Laurie watched, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she watched Jack drop the match into the lieutenant's cuntal thicket. Teri's crotch burst into flame. Hysterical shrieks of agony ripped from her throat. The cords in her chest and arm stood out in bold relief. She twisted and writhed against the restraints, her wrists bleeding from the wild, hysterical effort. She pissed, some of the urine hissing through the flames and putting out a portion of the bright orange fire.

The stench of burning hair and skin made Laurie gag, the teen turning her head for a moment and fighting down the bile rising sourly in her throat. And yet Teri screams didn't affect her nearly as much as she felt they should. She felt, rather, a strange kind of elation grabbing her and her cunt started to swell and sweat in erotic excitement. Jack picked up a dry rag and smothered the small fire.

"Why did you do that?" the captain asked, irritation in his voice. "I was enjoying the show."

"I'm not going to burn my hand during the next trick."

It was a thin wire, almost too thin to see. Laurie squinted her eyes, moving them from the wire to Teri, then back to the wire again. The woman was sobbing in her hood, her head having fallen back, her long brown hair sweeping over her upper back. She was defeated, hanging there limply like a rag, sucking in air through the small silts in the hood while her cunt smoldered from the alcoholic flame. Smoke curled to the low overhead and hung there.

Jack bent the gold wire, rubbing it over the backs of Teri's thighs. She barely felt it at first, still sobbing over the wild burning of her cunt. But Laurie knew what was going to happen. She could see it in Jack's eyes, in the captain's hateful expression. She felt her cunt swelling even more, juice seeping from her hole as Jack parted the darkened cuntlips and brought his eyes even with the woman's burned pussy.

Teri now knew something was up. Though she could see nothing she squirmed and twisted, trying to avoid the big man's move. Uncontrolled frenzied screams leaked through the tight-fitting hood as she begged the men to leave her alone.

But there was nothing she could do or say to keep them from doing as they chose. With, the tip of the slender wire Jack located her small urethra. He shoved the wire into the lieutenant's pisshole, pushing it in and up while Teri let out a series of husky, gurgling shouts. Laurie had never seen anything like it. With all those restraints with all that rope and leather binding her, Teri managed to bounce up to the ceiling, her legs straining hard against the black leather belt while her body jerked up and hit the overhead. She was shrieking her lungs out, the leather mask sucking in against her mouth while more screams shrilled from her torn throat. They were the cries of a mortally wounded animal, Laurie thought, watching as Jack still maintained a steady grip and fed more steely inches of the wire up into the woman's pisshole. Laurie looked at the captain. His eyes glittered with lust. He waved a dismissing hand at Jack, striding over to Laurie and slapping her hard across the face before pulling out his rockhard prick and feeding it into her mouth. Teri's shrieks were musk to his ears, the big man grunting and moaning while he punished the girl by pounding his cock into her stretched-open mouth. Laurie knew what to do. She wriggled her tongue madly under his cockhead, swallowing her spit and his jizz as quickly as she could while Teri howled in agony behind her. In a moment she felt his crushing hands beating her skull in a wild rhythm, spurts of his cum splashing down her throat just as Teri's howls reached a pinnacle. She coughed and gagged, feeling the cum bubbling over her lips – and dribbling down her chin while Teri's cries seemed to fade away.
